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Figure 5.4 Under-nutrition for children from NT urban, rural and remote areas, 2004 (3) .As figure 5.4 indicates, Indigenous children in remote communities experience high levels ofunderweight (14.5 per cent), stunting (11.3 per cent) and wasting (9 per cent) (3) . This howeverrepresents only 49 per cent of the urban non-Indigenous five year olds, 30 percent of the urbanIndigenous five year olds, and 79 per cent of resident remote five year olds in 76 communities.Figure 5.5 Percentage of children who are „wasted‟ by age group for all NT (37)Between 2001 and 2005, overall rates of stunting, wasting and anaemia have not changedgreatly. This suggests that there will be little effect on chronic disease attributable to this item.Chapter 5: Key Result Areas – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 82

It is also important to note that knowledge of the role of childhood nutrition in the developmentof chronic disease has changed since the PCDS was introduced. It is now apparent, that thegroup who is most at risk of chronic disease are not those children who are born small, but thosewho are born with low birth weight and who then develop obesity in childhood. This indicatesepidemiologically that if low birth weights continue to be a major problem in some sectors of theNT population, an improvement in child weights may be associated with an increase in the ratesof chronic disease in adulthood rather than a decrease.5.2.4 Decreasing childhood infections through better environmentalhealth conditions (KRA)The Indigenous Community Housing Survey (ICHS) assesses remote Indigenous housingmaintenance requirements to promote conditions conducive to improved resident health (92) . TheICHS was instituted by the Indigenous Housing Authority of the NT (IHANT) in 1998 andredeveloped during 2004 after an evaluation. As a result, data from 2004 can be used to provideappropriate baseline data. A bi-annual survey is now conducted throughout the Territory. TheICHS establishes a standardised method of assessing maintenance requirements for each housesurveyed. Surveyors look for damaged or missing items and perform a number of simple tests toassess functionality. The National Indigenous Housing Guide emphasises the need for functioninghealth hardware in order to enable householders to perform the nine Healthy Living Practices.The first 4 practices involve people having the facilities to:‣ wash themselves‣ wash their clothes and bedding‣ remove waste safely‣ store, prepare, and cook foodResults of the 2007 Indigenous Community Housing Survey reveal poor environmental healthconditions especially in discrete remote communities, where there continues to be a lack of basichousing maintenance, overcrowding, unsafe water supply, lack of rubbish disposal and thehighest national sewerage overflow rate (6) .Chapter 5: Key Result Areas – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 83

Figure 5.4 Under-nutrition for children from <strong>NT</strong> urban, rural and remote areas, 2004 (3) .As figure 5.4 indicates, Indigenous children in remote communities experience high levels ofunderweight (14.5 per cent), stunting (11.3 per cent) and wasting (9 per cent) (3) . This howeverrepresents only 49 per cent of the urban non-Indigenous five year olds, 30 percent of the urbanIndigenous five year olds, and 79 per cent of resident remote five year olds in 76 communities.Figure 5.5 Percentage of children who are „wasted‟ by age group for all <strong>NT</strong> (37)Between 2001 and 2005, overall rates of stunting, wasting and anaemia have not changedgreatly. This suggests that there will be little effect on chronic disease attributable to this item.Chapter 5: Key Result Areas – <strong>Evaluation</strong> of the <strong>NT</strong> Preventable Chronic Disease <strong>Strategy</strong> 2007 82

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