Top Glove Corporation - the DBS Vickers Securities Equities Research

Top Glove Corporation - the DBS Vickers Securities Equities Research Top Glove Corporation - the DBS Vickers Securities Equities Research
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Company Focus<strong>Top</strong> <strong>Glove</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong>HighlightHigher selling prices offsets increases in latex cost. Latexprices have risen 24% since 1 Sep09 (<strong>the</strong> start of <strong>Top</strong><strong>Glove</strong>’s 2010 financial year). In <strong>the</strong> Sep-Nov09 quarter,latex prices jumped 19% q-o-q. We estimate every 1%increase in latex cost reduces FY10F net earnings by 3%,while every 1% appreciation of <strong>the</strong> RM against <strong>the</strong> USDreduces FY10F earnings by 4.3%. But <strong>the</strong> fluctuations inlatex prices and forex rates were mitigated by revisions toselling prices. We understand that <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Glove</strong> revised its ASPin Oct and Nov 09 following <strong>the</strong> increase in latex prices anda stronger Ringgit. Looking at <strong>the</strong> EBITDA margin trend in<strong>the</strong> previous quarters, <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Glove</strong>’s cost pass-throughmechanism seems to be effective. FY10F EBITDA marginshould be close to <strong>the</strong> 18.7% achieved in FY09A.Latex Price TrendLatex price (sen/kg)800700600500400300200100Jan-05Mar-05May-05Jul-05Sep-05Nov-05Jan-06Mar-06May-06Jul-06Sep-06Nov-06Jan-07Mar-07May-07Jul-07Sep-07Nov-07Jan-08Mar-08May-08Jul-08Sep-08Nov-08Jan-09Mar-09May-09Jul-09Sep-09Nov-09Source: Bloomberg, <strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Vickers</strong>Latex PriceQuarterly average: Latex price vs EBITDA marginsen/kg %Currency Trend: USD vs RMRM3.803.603.403.203.00Jan-08Mar-08May-08Jul-08Sep-08Source: Bloomberg, <strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Vickers</strong>Nov-08Jan-09USDMYR CurncyMar-09May-09Quarterly average: USD/RM vs EBITDA marginJul-09Sep-09Nov-09RM %3.90253.803.70203.60153.503.40103.3053.203.10-1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q072Q073Q074Q071Q082Q083Q084Q081Q092Q093Q094Q091Q10USD/MYREBITDA marginSource: Bloomberg, <strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Vickers</strong>, CompanyMediflex turned around. Mediflex, which was loss makingin FY09, is in a stronger position in FY10 following <strong>the</strong>conversion of some of its clean room gloves productionlines to manufacture medical gloves. Capacity utilizationincreased to 80% as a result.7006002520Valuation500400300200100-1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q072Q073Q074Q071Q082Q083Q084Q081Q092Q09Average latex price EBITDA marginSource: Bloomberg, <strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Vickers</strong>, Company3Q094Q091Q1015105-Our target multiple is based on 15x CY10 EPS. This is belowits high of between 20-25x registered in FY06 -07 that waslifted by expectations of high net profit growth (FY04-07net profit CAGR of 38%). But this subsequently fell (FY08growth was 6%). We believe 15x PE is fair given ourexpectation of more modest growth rate in <strong>the</strong> next threeyears (13% CAGR over FY09-12F).Page 2

Company Focus<strong>Top</strong> <strong>Glove</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong><strong>DBS</strong>V recommendations are based an Absolute Total Return* Rating system, defined as follows:STRONG BUY (>20% total return over <strong>the</strong> next 3 months, with identifiable share price catalysts within this time frame)BUY (>15% total return over <strong>the</strong> next 12 months for small caps, >10% for large caps)HOLD (-10% to +15% total return over <strong>the</strong> next 12 months for small caps, -10% to +10% for large caps)FULLY VALUED (negative total return i.e. > -10% over <strong>the</strong> next 12 months)SELL (negative total return of > -20% over <strong>the</strong> next 3 months, with identifiable catalysts within this time frame)Share price appreciation + dividends<strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Vickers</strong> <strong>Research</strong> is available on <strong>the</strong> following electronic platforms: <strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Vickers</strong> (; Thomson(; Factset (; Reuters (; Capital IQ ( and Bloomberg(<strong>DBS</strong>R GO). 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