Literacy Trends in Pakistan - UNESCO Islamabad

Literacy Trends in Pakistan - UNESCO Islamabad Literacy Trends in Pakistan - UNESCO Islamabad
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16. LITERACY AND NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR EFA (2001-2015)Consequent upon the World Conference on Education For All (Jomtien, Thailand 1990) and as a follow up of Dakar Framework of Action 2000,Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan, had developed a National Plan of Action for EFA (2001-2015). Thrust areas of NPA for EFA includeprimary education, adult literacy, and early childhood education. The NPA for EFA has been focused to achieve the following main objectives:1. To reach the disadvantaged population groups in rural and urban areas with emphasis on out of school girls, and illiterate women.2. To promote community participation and ownership of basic education programs at grassroots level.3. To improve the relevance and quality of basic education through enhancing learning achievements of the children, youth and adults.The NPA (2001-2015) derives its roots from Article 37-B of “Constitution of Pakistan” which states that State shall “remove illiteracy andprovide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period”. In addition to the Constitution of Pakistan, the NPA forEFA derives its directions from major policy documents of Pakistan, like National Education Policy 1998-2010, Education Sector Reforms(ESR), and Education Sector Development Program under Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011) etc.The NPA for EFA (2001-2015) aims to:i. Increase literacy rate upto 86 %.ii. Impart literacy skill to 81 million illiterate adults.iii. A total of 525,000 literacy courses or classes/cycles will be organized during 2001-2015.iv. About 90,000 Non Formal Basic Education schools and 110,000 Vocational/Trade Centres will be opened.v. An estimated amount of Rs.180.0 Billion will be needed for the component of Adult Literacy.The National Plan of Action for EFA (2001-2015) was finalized and launched on 3 rd April 2003, by the Ministry of Education. The actualimplementation of NPA will however be linked with the provision of substantial resources needed for this purpose. It is estimated that anadditional amount of Rs.430 billion will be needed to achieve EFA targets. The NPA envisages to mobilize Rs.178 billion from nationalresources, and there exist a finance gap of Rs.253 billion. Now the question arises that who will fill this gap ? In case the Government ofPakistan can not succeed in mobilizing additional resources, this NPA will merely remain a planning document, and will not transform intoreality.36

17. UNITED NATIONS LITERACY DECADE – A NEW GLOBAL THRUSTUnited Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD, 2003-2012) was launched jointly by UN Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan, and Director GeneralUNESCO, Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, in February 2003. The UN General Assembly at its 56 th session proclaimed the United Nations LiteracyDecade for the period towards 2003-2012.Literacy is Crucial“literacy is crucial to the acquisition, by every child, youth and adult, of essential life skills that enable them to address the challenges they canface in life and represents an essential step in basic education, which is an indispensable means for effective participation in the societies andeconomies of the twenty first century…… literacy for all is at heart of basic education for all and creating literate environments and societies isessential for achieving the goals of eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, curbing population growth, achieving gender equality andensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy”.(Un General Assembly Resolution – 56 th Session)The United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012) aims to extend the use of literacy to those who do not currently have access to it. Over 861million adults are in that position, and over 113 million children are not in school and therefore not gaining access to literacy either. The Decadewill focus on the needs of adults with the goal that people everywhere should be able to use literacy to communicate within their owncommunity, in the wider society and beyond. Literacy efforts have so far failed to reach the poorest and most marginalised groups of people –the Decade will particularly address such populations, under the banner of Literacy for all: voice for all, learning for all.The outcome of the Decade will be locally sustainable literate environments. These environments will give people opportunities to express theirideas and views, engage in effective learning, participate in the written communication which characterises democratic societies, and exchangeknowledge with others. This will include increasingly the use of electronic media and information technologies, both as a means of selfexpressionand for accessing and assessing the vast stores of knowledge available today.Literacy is a plural concept, with diverse literacies shaped by their use in particular contexts. The Decade will work to promote literacies acrossthe full range of purposes, contexts, languages, and modes of acquisition which communities of learners identify for themselves.37

16. LITERACY AND NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR EFA (2001-2015)Consequent upon the World Conference on Education For All (Jomtien, Thailand 1990) and as a follow up of Dakar Framework of Action 2000,M<strong>in</strong>istry of Education, Govt. of <strong>Pakistan</strong>, had developed a National Plan of Action for EFA (2001-2015). Thrust areas of NPA for EFA <strong>in</strong>cludeprimary education, adult literacy, and early childhood education. The NPA for EFA has been focused to achieve the follow<strong>in</strong>g ma<strong>in</strong> objectives:1. To reach the disadvantaged population groups <strong>in</strong> rural and urban areas with emphasis on out of school girls, and illiterate women.2. To promote community participation and ownership of basic education programs at grassroots level.3. To improve the relevance and quality of basic education through enhanc<strong>in</strong>g learn<strong>in</strong>g achievements of the children, youth and adults.The NPA (2001-2015) derives its roots from Article 37-B of “Constitution of <strong>Pakistan</strong>” which states that State shall “remove illiteracy andprovide free and compulsory secondary education with<strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>imum possible period”. In addition to the Constitution of <strong>Pakistan</strong>, the NPA forEFA derives its directions from major policy documents of <strong>Pakistan</strong>, like National Education Policy 1998-2010, Education Sector Reforms(ESR), and Education Sector Development Program under Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011) etc.The NPA for EFA (2001-2015) aims to:i. Increase literacy rate upto 86 %.ii. Impart literacy skill to 81 million illiterate adults.iii. A total of 525,000 literacy courses or classes/cycles will be organized dur<strong>in</strong>g 2001-2015.iv. About 90,000 Non Formal Basic Education schools and 110,000 Vocational/Trade Centres will be opened.v. An estimated amount of Rs.180.0 Billion will be needed for the component of Adult <strong>Literacy</strong>.The National Plan of Action for EFA (2001-2015) was f<strong>in</strong>alized and launched on 3 rd April 2003, by the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Education. The actualimplementation of NPA will however be l<strong>in</strong>ked with the provision of substantial resources needed for this purpose. It is estimated that anadditional amount of Rs.430 billion will be needed to achieve EFA targets. The NPA envisages to mobilize Rs.178 billion from nationalresources, and there exist a f<strong>in</strong>ance gap of Rs.253 billion. Now the question arises that who will fill this gap ? In case the Government of<strong>Pakistan</strong> can not succeed <strong>in</strong> mobiliz<strong>in</strong>g additional resources, this NPA will merely rema<strong>in</strong> a plann<strong>in</strong>g document, and will not transform <strong>in</strong>toreality.36

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