Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...


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Executive SummarySectionChainage (km)FromToTotal(km )Rock Types% wiseDistributionI 64 73 9.0 Gneissic Rock with Schist 8.4II 73 88 15III 88 123 35Sand Stone with quartziteand shale (without coalseam)Sand Stone and Shale (withcoal seam)IV 123 139 16 Lime stone with shale 15V 139 171 32Thinly bedded shale withsand stone and clay stone1432.730The major structural features seen in the area are Dauki fault (km 140) and Boraghatfaults (km 131). Dauki fault separates sand stone and clay stone of Brail group with rocksof Jaintia group near Sonapur. The Boraghat fault separates the rocks of Brail formationwith sand stone of Sylhat formation. The structural features used for hazard zonationmapping includes, beddings, joints and foliation.Land slide hazard zone mappingMapping has been done based on Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factor (LHEF) RatingScheme to assess the risk of landslide. It is based on major inherent causative factors ofslope instability, lithology, structure, slope morphometry, relative relief, land with soilcover and ground water conditions. 28 such locations have been identified along theproject road.Surface water resources and qualityTwo major rivers viz. Lubhaa River, Baleshwar river and seasonal streams viz. Muksa,Motaiya, Narpu, Tamung, Umjrung, Tongsheng, Umprushung, Apha are crossed by theproject road. Monitoring has been done at four locations viz. Muksa in Ladrymbai, streamin Mumdihatti, Lubha river and Baleshawar river. Biochemical oxygen demand for allsamples are >3mg/l (Water quality Criteria Below C as per CPCB standards). In terms oftotal coliform its less than 500 and falls in Water quality criteria B. E-coli is absent in allsamples. The water quality is fair in all the locations and mainly because they are flowingwater bodies.Ground water resources and qualityDepth to ground water table is 2.49 to 3.99 mbgl in pre- monsoon and 1.5 to 1.7 m bgl inpost monsoon. Stage of ground water development is only 0.16% which leaves a greaterscope for ground water development and hence no requirement of provisions for groundwater recharge. There are 8 hand pumps, 16 water taps and 1 tank in the project corridorwithin 5 to 9 m of center line. The water samples are deficient in iron (

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