Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...


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Description of the EnvironmentS. No.Rivers /Water bodiesLocation ofstretchHighway-44,Jaintia HillsDistrict.ActivitiesPark, cultivation, washing,pumping water foragriculture<strong>Environmental</strong>problemsgrowth of wetlandplant andmacrophyticVegetation,excessive use ofwater for cultivation,loss of water level inthe lake, waterquality is affectedfrom surfacerunoffs.6. River Myntduupstream7. River MyntduMiddle stream8. River MyntdudownstreamJowai, westcentral part ofJaintia HillsDistrict on NH-44.Jowai,surrounded byJaintia Hills,upstream ofRoad bridgeJaintia Hills.DistrictSyntuksiar,Jowai JaintiaHills District,lalong onNationalHighway-448km fromJowai.9. River Umngot Dawki atJaintia HillsDistrict. On theIndo-Banglaborder at theend of theGuwahati -Shillong - DawkiRoad.Source: Central Pollution Control BoardInterstate highway.Historical importance ofJaintia Hills, Vastreserves of coal andLimestones, Pine forestryagricultural fields andfish ponds adjacent towater body. Direct use ofriver water throughpumping in cultivatedlands, washing, fishingand boating.Hilly terrain, vibrant flowof water, forest cover,stone crushing, quarrying,hill sand recovery.Paddy fields, tourist spotat Kiang Nanbahmonument, fishing,bathing and washingactivities, solid wastedumping, opendefaecation.Tourist activities. RiverLinks Jaintia Hills Districtwith East Khasi HillsDistrict through an ancientmotorable bridge joiningNH-40. Cultivation,fishing, bathing, watersports, transport throughboats.Water qualityaffected by surfacerunoffs, silting inwater body,habitat destructiondue to humanactivities.Habitat destructiondue to silting inwater body andpoor substratum.Surface runofffrom cultivatedpaddy fields; affectwater quality, siltingin water body,habitat destruction.Sandy substratum,habitat destruction,surface run offsfrom hilly terrain atboth the bank ofriver.<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>3 - 10

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