Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...


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LIST OF ACRONYMSBIS - Bureau of Indian StandardBOD - Bio-chemical Oxygen DemandCCF - Chief Conservator of ForestCOD - Chemical Oxygen DemandCoI - Corridor of <strong>Impact</strong>CF - Conservator of ForestCII - Confederation of Indian IndustriesCPCB - Central Pollution Control BoardDFO - Divisional Forest OfficerDO - Dissolved OxygenDoE - Department of EnvironmentEA - <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>EIA - <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>EIS - <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>State</strong>mentEMAP - <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Action PlanEMC - <strong>Environmental</strong> Management CellEMS - <strong>Environmental</strong> Management SystemEMU - <strong>Environmental</strong> Management UnitGoI - Government of IndiaLHS - Left Hand SideMoEF - Ministry of Environment and ForestsMOST - Ministry of Surface TransportMORTH - Ministry of Road Transport & HighwaysNGO - Non-Governmental OrganizationNH - National HighwayNOC - No Objection CertificatePCCF - Principal Conservator of ForestPIA - Project Influence AreaPIU - Project Implementation UnitPROW - Proposed Right of WayPWD - Public Works DepartmentRHS - Right Hand SideRO - Range OfficerROW - Right of WaySDoE - <strong>State</strong> Department of EnvironmentSH - <strong>State</strong> HighwaySPCB - <strong>State</strong> Pollution Control BoardSPM - Suspended Particulate MatterTOR - Terms of ReferenceVC - Village CouncilVCP - Village Council PresidentA-1

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