Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Meghalaya State ...


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Description of the EnvironmentClimateThe project corridor lies in subtropicalZone. The climate in the Jaintia hills has itsown peculiarities and different from theother part of region. The average altituderange of the region varies from 1350m to1425m. The average Wet and cold winters,with relatively dry and moderately hotsummer are the main features of theregion.The central upland experiences very coldnight during the winter where thetemperature goes down to 1.7 0 c. Thetemperature never rises above 26 0 c in anypart of the year. The areas in the south ofJaintia Hills district fall under highestrainfall zone (more than 500 cm).The climate of the area is subtropicalmonsoon. The average rainfall is 3500mand mean maximum and minimum, temperatures are 24 0 C and 15 0 Crespectively. Three-fourth of the total rain falls between May and October.(Fig. 3.9)The average minimum annual rainfall is 251cm, maximum annual is 367 cm atJowai, and this station does not experience any rain shadow effect. With morethan 70 percent of the rainfall taking place in the monsoon season spread overJune to September.RainfallFig. 3.9: Climatic Condition Map ofJaintiahills districtThe average monthly rainfall is given in Fig. 3.10, and does not experience anyrain shadow effect. With more than 70 percent of the rainfall taking place in themonsoon season spread over June to September.TemperatureFig. 3.10: Mean monthly rainfall of project area<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>3 - 6

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