2012-13 - Stscodisha.gov.in

2012-13 - Stscodisha.gov.in

2012-13 - Stscodisha.gov.in


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Annual Report <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong>64. Nagarchi65. Namasudra66. Paidi67. Pa<strong>in</strong>da68. Pamidi69. Pan, Pano, Buna Pana, Desua Pana70. Panchama71. Panika72. Panka73. Pantanti74. Pap75. Pasi76. Patial, Patikar, Patratanti, Patua77. Rajna78. Relli79. Sabakhia80. Samasi81. Sanei82. Sapari83. Sauntia, Santia84. Sidhria85. S<strong>in</strong>dhuria86. Siyal, Khajuria87. Tamadia88. Tamudia89. Tanla90. Deleted2.3 S.E.B.C PROFILENo disaggregated data is available for theSocially and Educationally Backward Classes(SEBC) of Orissa. In fact, Census has notenumerated this section of population as aseparate category for which disaggregated datais not available. But it can be said for sure thatthere is a sizable chunk of SEBC population <strong>in</strong>the State of Orissa. There are 209 communitieswho have been enlisted as SEBC <strong>in</strong> State list ofOrissa so far, whereas 200 communities havebeen specified <strong>in</strong> the list of Other BackwardClasses (OBC) prepared by Government of Indiafor Orissa.2.4 MINORITY POPULATIONAs per 2001 census, m<strong>in</strong>orities account for 5.64%of Orissa’s population which <strong>in</strong>clude Christians(2.44 %), Muslims (2.07 %), Sikhs (0.05 %), Ja<strong>in</strong>s(0.02 %), Buddhists (0.03 %) and others (0.05%).The literacy rate among the m<strong>in</strong>oritycommunities <strong>in</strong> Orissa is as follows:M<strong>in</strong>ority Community Literacy RateMuslims 71.30 %Sikhs 90.50 %Budhists 70.98 %Christians 54.91 %Ja<strong>in</strong>s 93.25 %Others 42.36 %91. Turi92. Ujia93. Valamiki, Valmiki94. Mangali (<strong>in</strong> Koraput & Kalahandidistricts)95. Mirgan (<strong>in</strong> Navrangpur district)11

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