2012-13 - Stscodisha.gov.in

2012-13 - Stscodisha.gov.in

2012-13 - Stscodisha.gov.in


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Annual Report <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong>1.6. FUNCTIONS & DUTIES OFDIFFERENT WINGS OF THEDEPARTMENTThere are four w<strong>in</strong>gs of the department; suchas Scheduled Tribes Welfare, Scheduled CastesWelfare, M<strong>in</strong>orities Welfare and OtherBackward Classes Welfare and each of thesew<strong>in</strong>gs has specific functions and duties. The Listof Subjects allotted <strong>in</strong> favour of each one of theseis as follows:1.6.1. SCHEDULED TRIBES & SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTBranch1. Scheduled TribesWelfareSubjectsUnion Subjects1. Welfare of ex-Crim<strong>in</strong>al Tribes2. Inclusion and Exclusion <strong>in</strong> the Scheduled list for the Tribes3. Prevention of Atrocities so far as they relate to the Scheduled TribesState Subjects1. Welfare of Scheduled Tribes- Execution of Special Schemes andCo-ord<strong>in</strong>ation of the works undertaken by other Departments ofthe Government <strong>in</strong> this direction.2. Submission of Annual Reports to the President regard<strong>in</strong>gAdm<strong>in</strong>istration of Scheduled Areas.3. All matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to Tribes Advisory Council.4. Application of Laws to the Scheduled Areas.5. Regulations for peace and good Governance <strong>in</strong> Scheduled Areas.6. Problem of Shift<strong>in</strong>g Cultivation7. Organization and control of SCs and STs Research and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gInstitute.8. Central Grants under Articles 275 (1) of the Constitution of India.9. Sub-Plan for tribal regions and matters related there to.10. Matter relat<strong>in</strong>g to the Orissa Reservation of Vacancies <strong>in</strong> Posts andServices (for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Act, 1975and rules framed there under.11. Matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to Tribal Development Co-operative CorporationLimited.12. Education of Scheduled Tribes.<strong>13</strong>. Matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to Academy of Tribal Language and Culture.14. Rehabilitation and Resettlement of tribals.15. All Plan, Non-Plan, Central and Centrally Sponsored Schemesconcern<strong>in</strong>g tribals.5

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