VET Products for the 21st Century - National Skills Standards Council

VET Products for the 21st Century - National Skills Standards Council

VET Products for the 21st Century - National Skills Standards Council


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human capital and COAG has established <strong>the</strong>literacy and numeracy levels of working age peoplein national and international surveys as anindicative per<strong>for</strong>mance measure. Rapidly changinglabour market demands (including <strong>the</strong> impact ofstructural change in <strong>the</strong> economy and <strong>the</strong> economiccycle) mean that workers will need to be able toadapt to new roles related to <strong>the</strong>ir currentoccupations and rapidly acquire new skills andknowledge to change jobs.Each year, <strong>the</strong> publicly funded <strong>VET</strong> systemprovides programs to over 1.6 million students, <strong>the</strong>vast majority of whom are engaged in <strong>VET</strong> toachieve vocational and labour market outcomes. Itengages with thousands of enterprises to deliver<strong>the</strong>se outcomes. Those 1.6 million <strong>VET</strong> learnersare comprised of a diverse range of groups. Thediversity is likely to grow if participation levels riseconsistent with <strong>the</strong> COAG outcomes.The <strong>VET</strong> system is <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e a key mechanism <strong>for</strong>delivering <strong>the</strong> nation’s productivity, work<strong>for</strong>ceparticipation and social inclusion objectives.If <strong>the</strong> <strong>VET</strong> sector is to meet national participationand productivity targets and ensure that it maintainsits strong reputation of making a difference to <strong>the</strong>lives of those who struggle to learn or work, <strong>the</strong>ntraining products and services must be sufficientlyflexible to cater <strong>for</strong> learners whose life experiences,capacities, motivations, resources and need <strong>for</strong>particular educational and o<strong>the</strong>r supports areincredibly diverse, complex and in some cases,expensive.1 . 4 P r o j e c t o u t c o m e sThe outcomes of this project signal unanimoussupport <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> key pillars of Australia’s <strong>VET</strong>system: one single national system, with industrydeterminedoutcomes relevant to work, reflected innationally portable qualifications. The desire topreserve and protect <strong>the</strong>se aspects, and in somecases extend <strong>the</strong>m is very evident.Many feel that change is happening, and realimprovements are being made. Fur<strong>the</strong>r change,<strong>the</strong>y believe, is still needed, while preserving gainsmade to date.1 . 5 P r o p o s e d P o l i c yF r a m e w o r kBased on <strong>the</strong> outcomes of <strong>the</strong> nationalconsultations, <strong>the</strong> Joint Steering Committeeproposes <strong>the</strong> following policy framework to improve<strong>the</strong> flexibility and responsiveness of <strong>the</strong> <strong>VET</strong>system.It should be noted that all of <strong>the</strong> associatedrecommendations have resourcing implications.<strong>VET</strong> PRODUCTS FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY - 4

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