Hong Kong International Airport Advertising ... - JCDecaux Group

Hong Kong International Airport Advertising ... - JCDecaux Group

Hong Kong International Airport Advertising ... - JCDecaux Group


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<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong><strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong><strong>Advertising</strong>PICTURE HEREMedia Sales Kit 201318 March 2013

Content1. <strong>JCDecaux</strong> <strong>Group</strong>2. About <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong>3. Media Offer 20134. Upcoming Media Development 20135. Appendix6. ContactsMedia Offer 20132

<strong>JCDecaux</strong> <strong>Group</strong>No. 1 Worldwide in Outdoor <strong>Advertising</strong>STREETFURNITUREAIRPORTADVERTISINGTRANSPORTADVERTISINGBILLBOARDADVERTISINGSELF-SERVICEBICYCLESNº1worldwideNº1worldwideNº1worldwideNº1in EuropeNº1worldwideMedia Offer 2013 3

<strong>JCDecaux</strong> Transport <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong><strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>’s No. 1 Out-of-Home Media of the YearVoted for the 3 rd consecutive year from 2010 to 2012MTRHONG KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTAIRPORT EXPRESSVoted by client advertisers and agency professionals. Theannual OOH Media Ranking Survey is an online surveyconducted by Lighthouse Research for Marketing Magazine.Media Offer 20134

<strong>JCDecaux</strong> <strong>Airport</strong> – expert of theinternational airport arena175 AIRPORTSOPERATING in18 COUNTRIES• 7 of the top 10worldwide hubs*PARISLONDONNEW YORK• 30% of the worldwideairport traffic,close to 1.5 billionpassengers per yearMACAUBEIJINGSource: *World’s Busiest <strong>Airport</strong>s 2011 , <strong>Airport</strong> Council <strong>International</strong>Media Offer 2013 5

HKIA is the world’s 3 rd busiestinternational airport• Asia Pacific’s busiest international airport• One of the world’s 10 busiest passengerairports• Main hub in Asia and major gateway toChina• Within 5 flying hours to half the world’spopulation• “World’s Best <strong>Airport</strong>“ awardee for over 50times*• Over 100 airlines flying to about 170destinations<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong> (HKIA)12London Heathrow (LHR)5Paris (CDG)Word’s Top 5 Busiest <strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong>Amsterdam (AMS)4Dubai (DBX)3<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> (HKG)Source: World’s Busiest <strong>Airport</strong>s 2011, <strong>Airport</strong> Council <strong>International</strong>*Pls see Appendix 1 for details of HKIA awardsMedia Offer 2013 6

HKIA Passenger TrafficConsistent record-breakingpassenger traffic year-on-year56.5 MILLIONpassengerthroughput in 2012,+4.7% growth53.9 m56.5 m28.6 mImpressive +98% growth since opening in 1998Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Jan 2013Media Offer 2013 7

HKIA Passenger ProfileFrequent flyers form a high value,influential and cosmopolitanaudience for both brands and airportAffluentInfluentialCaptiveTheir average income is 3 times higherthan of the local population*Over 55% of air passengers arePMEB (Professionals, Managers,Executives and Businessmen)Passengers spend more than 4 hours inaverage at HKIASource: HKIA Retail Tracking Survey conducted by Cimigo Limited, <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Apr 2012* The monthly domestic household income in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> is HK$20,500 - Thematic Report Household Income Distribution in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Census and Statistics Dept, June 20128Media Offer 2013

Elite group of audience – top executiveswith high spending power• Monthly Household Income of HK$61,000*• 83% are Tertiary Educated or above• Mean Age: 34 years oldo 33% are 36–55 years oldo 37% are 26-35 years oldHKIA Passenger ProfileBalance mix of Asian and internationalpassengers50%Asia & restof the world24% Americas, Europe,Africa & Middle East26% MainlandChinaSource: HKIA Retail Tracking Survey conducted by Cimigo Limited, <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Apr 2012* The monthly domestic household income in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> is HK$20,500 - Thematic Report Household Income Distribution in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Census and Statistics Dept, June 20129Media Offer 2013

General Perceptions of the <strong>Airport</strong>A place ofdiscoveryA pleasant placeLively and excitingA place to shop82% of passengersconsider the airport aspart of their trip – thediscovery andenjoyment start as soonas they get to the airport.76% of passengers feelgood when they are atthe airport – to them it’sa pleasant place“It feels like I’m there –going off to a new placeand I’m happy”(Female passenger, HK)“I purchase luxurybrands, I just feel likehaving them in theairports.”(Female passenger, HK)Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Stories <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, a <strong>JCDecaux</strong> commissioned Survey, conducted by Opinion Way – October 2011Media Offer 201310

<strong>Airport</strong> Shopping – A world apartLIKELIHOOD TO PURCHASEwhile at the airport76%tends to makeIMPULSEPURCHASES89%thinks airports aregood place forBRAND TRIAL &SAMPLING74%says AIRPORTSHOPPING is partof their travelexperience“If it suddenly strikes my fancy, I’llbuy it!” (Female, Leisure Traveler, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>)Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Stories <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, a <strong>JCDecaux</strong> commissioned Survey, conducted by Opinion Way – October 2011Media Offer 2013 11

<strong>Airport</strong> – A place to engageTop 5 activities enjoyed at HKIASit down and relaxShopExplore exhibitsPlay electronic games, listen to musicWork“I purchase luxury brands, I just feellike having them in the airports.”Female passenger at HKIASource: <strong>Airport</strong> Stories <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, a <strong>JCDecaux</strong> commissioned Survey, conducted by Opinion Way – October 2011Media Offer 201312

Benefits of <strong>Airport</strong> <strong>Advertising</strong>“<strong>Airport</strong>s are the symbolic gateway toa city, a country.”Passengers believe that airportadvertising gives brand …Sir Norman Foster, Architect and Designer of HKIA90% offrequent flyers considerairport advertising toENHANCE BRANDPERCEPTION• enhanced international status• prestige and modernity• cosmopolitan dimension• powerful imageSource: <strong>Airport</strong> Stories <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, a <strong>JCDecaux</strong> commissioned Survey, conducted by Opinion Way – October 2011Media Offer 2013 13

Frequently flyers are positively predisposed towardsbrands during the airport experienceBenefits of <strong>Advertising</strong> at HKIA85%of travelers LOOK atthe advertising atHKIA98%of passengers thinkadvertisements atHKIA are VERYVISIBLE80%of airports usertshave time to READthe advertisingmessagesSource: <strong>Airport</strong> Stories <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, a <strong>JCDecaux</strong> commissioned Survey, conducted by Opinion Way – October 2011Media Offer 2013 14

2013 Media OfferHKIA offers your brands total media solutionsReach 100%of theairportaudience inone hit withpremiumlocations &outstandingformats.Surround100% of theaudiencewith static ordigitalnetworks toachieverepetitionand recall.Communicatewith yourdesired target:right audience,right time,right location.Differentiateyour brandwith digitaland cuttingedgetechnology.Interact withyouraudiencethroughpractical andengagingsolutions.Innovatethrough newforms andways ofadvertisingwhateveryour mediacategory is.Compelconsumersto action atpoint-ofsaletoincreasefootfall.Associateyour brandto agenuineairportservice.IMPACTDOMINATETARGETDIGITALTOUCHINNOVATEPROMOTESPONSORMedia Offer 201315

ImpactPICTURE HERE• Stand out in a cluttered environment with our range of impactful media solutions• Gain a competitive advantage with extensive area coverage and airport architecturalintegration• Display your brand message in a highly visible and well-traveled areaIMPACTMedia Offer 2013 16

Departures Check-in Hall LightboxTop-of-mind awareness among travelers in a high traffic location, with strong visual impact(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 7, CHECK-IN HALL, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 17

<strong>International</strong> Clock LightboxHigh impact and visibility, located in the center of Departure Check-in Hall,catching the attention of all departing passengers and well-wishers(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 7, CHECK-IN AREA, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 18

Check-in Ceiling BannersHigh impact and visibility, catching the attention of departing passengers and well-wishers(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 7, CHECK-IN AREA, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Arrivals Pre-immigration BillboardCreates an overwhelming impact and enhances ads attractiveness,capturing 100% of arriving passengers(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, PRE-IMMIGRATION AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 20

Arrivals Pre-immigration LightboxesMake your brand stand out in a captive environment with impactful media solutions(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, PRE-IMMIGRATION AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 21

Exterior Billboard (Landscape)Prime and prestigious format well-suited for brand building,targeting a diversified audience of business travelers, tourists, and commuting passengers(MAIN ACCESS ROAD TO THE TERMINAL BUILDINGS)Media Offer 2013

Exterior Billboard (Portrait)Prime and prestigious format well-suited for brand building,targeting a diversified audience of business travelers, tourists, and commuting passengers(MAIN ACCESS ROAD TO THE TERMINAL BUILDINGS)Media Offer 2013 23

DominatePICTURE HERE• Maximize impact and spread your message to a vast airport audience• Maximize your reach and brand exposure with our dominant media offerings andsurround 100% of your audience to achieve repetition and recallDOMINATEMedia Offer 2013 24

New Arrivals Frequency NetworkGive brand optimum exposure with high frequency reach at the flow of traffic;targeting all arriving passengers(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, ARRIVALS CONCOURSE, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

New Departures Frequency NetworkHigh visual impact and top-of-mind awareness among travelers,with extensive coverage that gives strong impression to target audience(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DEPARTURES CONCOURSES, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Arrivals Zone DominationCreate overwhelming effect, achieving maximum recall through repetition,and effectively surrounds and targets arriving passengers(TERMIN AL 1, ARRIVALS CONCOURSES LEVEL 5, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Arrivals Buffer Hall LightboxesGive brand optimum exposure – stand amongst the flow of traffic;targeting all arriving passengers(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, ARRIVALS BUFFER HALL, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Baggage Reclaim NetworkBest for brand exposure, precisely capture the attention of waiting passengerswith long dwelling time, targeting all arriving passengers(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, BAGGAGE RECLAIM HALL, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Arrivals Zone DominationLED TV – time sharing4 spots x 10 sec/hrHigh visibility creating maximum attention with moving content, and succession of formats ensureshighest impact and awareness for arriving passengers, greeters and meeters(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, ARRIVALS GREETING HALL, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Arrivals Destination Zone DominationConsecutive impact in rows of 3 at each side at the flow of arrivals traffic,ensuring maximum awareness through repetition(TERMINAL 1, ARRIVALS LEVEL 5, ARRIVALS GREETING HALL, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 31

Promote• Incite buyer impulse with our range of PROMOTE media offerings.• Deliver point-of-sale recall for effective communication in direct proximityto passengers at the airport.PROMOTEMedia Offer 2013 32

New Duty Free Pillar LigthboxesEasily attract passengers attention from all directions at point-of-sale location,effectively inducing audience to shop(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, EAST HALL DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Duty Free Column LightboxEye-catching and located strategically near the duty free shops(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, EAST HALL DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 34

Duty Free Column LightboxEye-catching and located strategically near duty free shops(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, EAST HALL DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 35

Secondary Icon and Lightbox on Glass BalustradeFulfill various marketing strategies to effectively enhance brand image and awareness(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 36

Secondary Icon and Duty Free Column LightboxesFulfill various marketing strategies to effectively enhance brand image and awareness(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 37

DigitalPICTURE HERE• We offer digital solutions with added flexibility with creative impact.• Propel your brand to the forefront of consumers with eye catching and dynamicsolutions.DIGITALMedia Offer 2013 38

DigitalDIGITAL are highly effectivein delivering the advertisingmessage68%says moving contentmakes digitalSTAND OUT• Visually appealing• Eye-catching• ModernSource: <strong>Airport</strong> Stories <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, a <strong>JCDecaux</strong> commissioned Survey, conducted by Opinion Way – October 2011Media Offer 2013 39

Digital Duty Free NetworkRich moving content attracting maximum attention,located at the point-of-purchase, entices passengers to shop(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, EAST HALL, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 40

Digital Boarding Gate NetworkHigh reach and frequency area, targets departing passengers for maximum awareness(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DEPARTURES CONCOURSES, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 41

Digital Business NetworkStrategically located near the airport lounges,targets wealthy passengers with high consumption power(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 7 & 6, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 42

West Hall LightboxesCreate strong impact and top-of-mind awareness amongst departing passengers(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DUTY FREE WEST HALL, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 43

Touch• Stimulate your audience and achieve a competitive advantage through our dynamicmedia offering.• Associate your brand with a clever passenger service to provide immediate productbenefit and achieve brand association.TOUCHMedia Offer 2013

InterActiveAdseTouchPlay VideoAllowing greater engagement between customers and brand(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

InterActiveAdseTouchPlay VideoAllowing greater engagement between customers and brand(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DUTY FREE AREA, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 46

InnovatePICTURE HERE• Provide advertisers with differentiation through new and innovative ways ofadvertising.• Enhance brand recall and efficiency to a cluttered market place.INNOVATEMedia Offer 2013

InterActiveAdswith U-tie Mobile appLancôme campaign poster with U tie mobile app(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 7, IMMIGRATION HALL, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 48

InterActiveAdswith QR CodeJP Morgan campaign poster with QR Code mobile app(TERMINAL 2, DEPARTURES LEVEL 5, CHECK-IN HALL & RETAIL AREA, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013 49

Sponsorship – Power PoleAssociates brand to a genuine airport service, while preciselycapturing attention of waiting passengers in a receptive mindset(TERMINAL 1, DEPARTURES LEVEL 6, DEPARTURES CONCOURSES, RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

Exhibition Display SiteEffective platform for direct interaction between advertisers and passengers(TERMINAL 1, LEVEL 7, DEPARTURES CHECK-IN HALL, NON-RESTRICTED AREA)Media Offer 2013

TrolleysExtensive coverage, immediate brand recall and awarenessMedia Offer 2013

Upcoming Media Development 2013

Digital Panel at Arrivals Baggage Reclaim Area(x 12 units)Mock up picture for reference onlyPlay VideoTarget Launch Date: Mar 2013Media Benefit:Capturing audience with motion and dominating the arrival baggage reclaim area.Screen size: 103” LCD x 12 panels Media Offer 201354

Glass Balustrade Lightboxat Arrivals Pre-Immigration Hall L5 (x4 units)Mock up picture for reference onlyNew Glass Balustrade Lightbox #1New Glass Balustrade Lightbox #2After RevampBefore After RevampTarget Launch Date: June 2013Media Benefit:Spectacular lightboxes, towering over and dominating the arrivals pre-immigration areaTentative size:10275mmW x 3110mmH (subject to final AA approval and technical feasibility)Media Offer 2013 55

Appendix1. Awards of HKIA2. Future Developments at HKIA3. Premium Retail Profile and Map of Shops4. HKIA’s Passenger Dwell Time5. HKIA Selective AdvertisersMedia Offer 201356

Appendix 1 - Awards of HKIANamed “The World’s Best <strong>Airport</strong>” over 50 times• World’s Best <strong>Airport</strong> – UK aviation research institution Skytrax for 8 times since 2001• World’s Best <strong>Airport</strong>– Among facilities serving over 40 million passengers annuallyby <strong>Airport</strong>s Council <strong>International</strong> in the <strong>Airport</strong> Service QualityAwards, for 5 th year in a row from 2007 to 2011.• Best <strong>Airport</strong> – Travel Trade publisher TTG, 2002, 2004-2011• Best <strong>Airport</strong> – Condé Nast Traveler, 2007 & 2011• Best <strong>Airport</strong> – SmartTravelAsia.com, 2006, 2007, 2011• Best <strong>Airport</strong> in China – Travel Publication Business Traveler China, 2006 – 2008, 2010• Most Efficient – Air Transport Research Society, 2007-2011Asia-Pacific <strong>Airport</strong>• Air Cargo Excellence – Air Cargo World Magazine, 2007-2011*Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, updated in January 2013Media Offer 2013 57

Appendix 2 – Future Developments at HKIAMidfield Developmentby 2015Located west of T1 between the twoexisting runways and will be able tohandle 10 million passengers annuallyand meet growth demand up to around2020.• The building of a five-level, passengerconcourse• 20 parking stands, of which 19 are airbridge served;• Extension of the automated peoplemover (APM) connecting the Midfieldwith T1 and other passenger facilities;• Construction of a cross-field taxiway.*Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> website - October 2012Media Offer 2013 58

Appendix 2 – Future Developments at HKIAThree Runway Systemby 2023• Traffic volumes at HKIA have beengrowing steadily, and in order tomeet future air traffic growth, theairport must enhance its capacity.• Under a three-runway system,HKIA will be able to accommodate620,000 flight movements per year,meeting demand projections up toand possibly beyond 2030. By 2030,the forecast passenger throughputwill reach 97 million.*Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, website - October 2012http://www.hkairport2030.com/tc/development/threeRunway_thirdRunway.htmlMedia Offer 2013 59

Appendix 2 – Future Developments at HKIAWest Apron Developmentby 2014The West Apron is located at thewestern end of the airport islandadjacent to the Midfield.Involves the construction of:•16 parking stands;• A cross-runway vehicular tunnellinking the West Apron to thecargo area;• Other related supportingfacilities.*Source: <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> website - October 2012Media Offer 2013 60

Appendix 3 - Premium Retail ProfileA place for great shopping – over 280 retails shops,40 of which are top tier luxury brandsMedia Offer 2013 61

Appendix 3 - Map of Premium Retail ShopsT1 – Departures East Hall Level 6 (Restricted Area)Media Offer 2013

Average dwell time of more than 4hrs*Appendix 4 – HKIA’s Passenger Dwell Time• An inescapable exposure time in a captiveenvironment with no interference and 100 %dedicated to travel• Extensive dwell time in a receptive mindset forpassengers that generates advertising impactTransit/Transfer passengersDeparting passengersArriving visitors5.5 hours4.5 hours3.3 hoursSource: HKIA Retail Tracking Survey conducted by Cimigo Limited, <strong>Airport</strong> Authority <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Apr 20122011Media Offer 2013 63

Our Loyal AdvertisersMedia Offer 2013

Our Loyal AdvertisersMedia Offer 2013

ContactsContact us for more details:<strong>JCDecaux</strong> Transport – <strong>Airport</strong> <strong>Advertising</strong> Sales TeamTel : (852) 2111 0111 / (852) 2862 7234Fax: (852) 2110 1407Email: airport@jcdecaux.com.hkWebsite: www.jcdecaux-transport.com.hk/hkairport.htmlFind us:<strong>JCDecaux</strong> Transport HKMedia Offer 201366

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