Download - Vox Catalog '04V2

Download - Vox Catalog '04V2 Download - Vox Catalog '04V2


fghjk;sd asd asd dfghjkdfghjk asasd20CONTINENTALPHANTOM XIII: V2211962Teaming with Italian guitar maker EKO fora higher quality instrument, VOX introducesthe PHANTOM GUITAR withclassic trapezoid body shape. Phantomused by Dave Clark Five and the Hollies.Beatles record “Love Me Do” using atleast one fawn AC15 Twin and are seenonstage using fawn-colored amps.VOX introduces Continental I organ, latermarketed as the VOX CONTINENTAL.1963Beatles take delivery of new “black” VOXAC30s, the beginning of a long and successfulassociation with the company.Besides John Lennon, George Harrisonand Paul McCartney of the Beatles, earlyadopters of the AC30 included Eric Clapton,Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Ray Davies andDave Davies of The Kinks, who immortalizedthe amp on “You Really Got Me.”First hand-built model of TEARDROP-SHAPED GUITAR used by Stones’guitarist Brian Jones. Semi-acoustic“Victor” and “Verithin” electric guitars,styled after a Hofner and a GibsonES-335 also introduced.df; sdasdTEARDROP-SHAPED GUITARdfg;VOX introduces the small cabinet AC50 thatthe Beatles use for their first U.S. visit.To obtain additional financing, Jenningssells substantial part of VOX to theRoyston Group.1964The Beatles take delivery of AC100 ampswith Super DeLuxe cabinets and first usethem on the “Baby’s In Black” recordingsession.Company introduces innovative GuitarOrgan, which combines oscillators fromVOX Continental so organ sounds can becombined with guitar sounds.AC100MANDOVOX guitar line grows with 6-string lead,4-string bass versions and 12-string versionsof Phantom and Teardrop guitarsalong with the “MANDO” short-scale12-string mandolin-style guitar.VOX develops VOX ECHO DELUXEand VOX Radio Microphone and the firsttransistor amplifier, the T60.VOX Continental organ sound tops thecharts with Animals’ “House of the RisingSun,” Manfred Mann’s “Doo Wah Diddy”and Zombies’ “She’s Not There.”VOX catalog includes new slant headAC30 Super Twin amps.VOX makes deal with Thomas OrganCompany to import VOX into the U.S.VOX ECHO DELUXE1965“Super Beatle” amplifier featuring built-intuning tones and a Hammond Reverbeffect introduced.Thomas supplements British-made VOXamps with transistor models from their labs.All U.S. VOX amps become transistor based.JMI employs almost 200 people.Fire at Erith factory destroys guitars,organs, and amplifiers, reportedly includingamps Beatles used on U.S. tour.1966New UL amps feature a standby switchand a ground switch “for UnitedStates’” use.Electric dulcimer, the “bijou” is made forBrian Jones of the Rolling Stones.New line of UK solid-state amplifiers firstintroduced at the British MusicIndustries’ Trade Fair in London.dfghj;VOX WAH-WAH PEDALRediffusion Television screens “ThisWeek,” a documentary about the historyof the guitar shot partly at JMI.1967New UK solid-state amplifiers include the“Conqueror,” “Defiant” and “Supreme”guitar amps with then unique features likedistortion, tremolo and VOX reverb.New Bass transistor amps include the“Dynamic,” “Foundation” and “SuperFoundation.”Designed to emulate the sound of a mutedtrumpet, the VOX WAH-WAH PEDALis introduced and becomes one of thecompany’s most unique and popularproducts.Average weekly production of VOXamplifiers is 250.Queen’s Award to Industry for 1967presented to JMI for outstanding exportachievements.Royston Group has control of VOX in U.K.Jennings leaves the company.1968BILL WYMAN MODEL BASSintroduced.dfg;Tom Jennings starts new company,Jennings Electronic Industries andreceives award of £20,000 in wrongfuldismissal suit.1969Royston Industries goes into liquidationand VOX acquired by Corinthian Bank.Company now called VOX Sound Ltd.Woodstock Music and Art Fair.At Abbey Road, John Lennon attends hislast recording session with the Beatles.BILL WYMAN MODEL BASS1970VOX Sound Ltd. sold to consortium comprisingStolec Electronics and the SchroderBank. Facilities moved to Hastings whereorgans and AC30s are made.AC30 tube rectifier replaced by solid-statedevice and now includes reverb. For now,there are no more VOX “valve” amps.Jackson Five have four #1 hits, spawning“bubblegum soul” music.21

PA200jjVOX teams up with BRIAN MAY, whoBRIAN MAYh r1972CBS Arbiter, UK importer of Fender, buysVOX. Tom Jennings is brought in as a consultantand production is moved to DallasArbiter factory where yet another versionof AC30 is made.df dg; dg;combines stacks of AC30s with a uniqueplaying style to bring the brand to the forefrontonce again.Arbiter reissues VOX Continental I andContinental 300 organs. New version ofthe AC50 amp released.Battery powered mini AC30 with 2.5-Wattoutput introduced. Later combined with ACpower option, it is known as the “ESCORT.”ESCORT1973Besides Brian May, other guitarists withVOX include Rory Gallagher and PaulWeller of the Jam.njk hbcnpr fh1977Hip-hop DJ Grandwizard Theodoreinvents scratching.pQueen releases first album.George Lucas “American Graffiti” filmignites teen genre of soundtrack-drivennostalgia films.1975VOX debuts Escort 30, a 30-Watt transistoramp styled like the original AC30. TheAC30SS, the solid-state version of theAC30, produces acceptable sound for themoney.AC30SS1978Despite new models like the AC120 ampand new Wah-Wah and tone bender pedals,CBS Arbiter decides to sell VOX Sound Ltd.Company founder Tom Jennings dies of aheart attack while sitting in his E-TypeJaguar in the driveway of his home.First test tube baby.1979Rose Morris, formerly distributor forMarshall amplifiers, purchases VOX SoundLtd., which becomes VOX Ltd., from CBSArbiter and also the rights to VOX fromThomas Organ Company.Pink Floyd releases The Wall.Sugarhill Gang’s “Rappers Delight”considered first successful Rap single.V1257n jk 5 v g6gi i51980VOX launches VOX V125, a modifiedAC120 with a head driving two open back 2x 12" speaker cabinets. Later, the V125 Bass,V15 tube combo, transistor Escort 50 Leadand Escort 50 Bass make their debut.John Lennon assassinated by Mark DavidChapman.1981First launch of space shuttle Columbia.MTV goes on the air.1982Company once again produces guitars,introducing “Custom” and “Standard”models, high-quality instruments made inthe Far East.Michael Jackson's “Thriller” sells 20 millionalbums to become largest sellingrecord ever.Ozzy Osbourne bites the head off a livebat thrown at him at a January 20 performance.VENUE CONCERT 1001984Using off site design and manufacturing, VOX“VENUE” starts production with 100-Wattcombo amps for guitar, bass and keyboards.GT100 acoustic guitar amp with highfrequencyhorn introduced along withVenue PA120 and PA200 PA systems.Venue amps used by Style Council andthe Smiths.Apple introduces Macintosh personalcomputer.Van Halen’s “Jump” first heavy metal songto top Billboard pop charts.1985AC30 is reissued with PCB and reducedgain design to overcome problems of tubequality inconsistency and hum.bKorean-built “White Shadow” range replaces“Custom” and “Standard” models.LIVE AID concerts in London andPhiladelphia broadcast worldwide.jknRock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame opens inCleveland, Ohio.1986Venue line expands with Dual 100 featuringtwin switchable channels. Tube Concert 501,CONCERT 100 HEAD AND NEW 4X 12 CABINETS introduced, all with VOXcosmetics.Worst Nuclear disaster ever in Chernobyl,Russia.America celebrates Dr. Martin Luther KingDay for the first time.Bon Jovi releases Slippery When Wet,which eventually becomes one of thebiggest selling albums ever.1988Precision Electronics manufactures newQ-SERIES TRANSISTOR AMPS andVOX AC30.CDs outsell vinyl records for the first time.Iran-Iraq war ends.nn1989Rose Morris acquires section of PrecisionElectronics plant and manufactures VOXamplifiers under the company name VOXAmplification, Ltd.Fall of Berlin Wall.Q-SERIESAC120AC302223

fghjk;sd asd asd dfghjkdfghjk asasd20CONTINENTALPHANTOM XIII: V2211962Teaming with Italian guitar maker EKO fora higher quality instrument, VOX introducesthe PHANTOM GUITAR withclassic trapezoid body shape. Phantomused by Dave Clark Five and the Hollies.Beatles record “Love Me Do” using atleast one fawn AC15 Twin and are seenonstage using fawn-colored amps.VOX introduces Continental I organ, latermarketed as the VOX CONTINENTAL.1963Beatles take delivery of new “black” VOXAC30s, the beginning of a long and successfulassociation with the company.Besides John Lennon, George Harrisonand Paul McCartney of the Beatles, earlyadopters of the AC30 included Eric Clapton,Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Ray Davies andDave Davies of The Kinks, who immortalizedthe amp on “You Really Got Me.”First hand-built model of TEARDROP-SHAPED GUITAR used by Stones’guitarist Brian Jones. Semi-acoustic“Victor” and “Verithin” electric guitars,styled after a Hofner and a GibsonES-335 also introduced.df; sdasdTEARDROP-SHAPED GUITARdfg;VOX introduces the small cabinet AC50 thatthe Beatles use for their first U.S. visit.To obtain additional financing, Jenningssells substantial part of VOX to theRoyston Group.1964The Beatles take delivery of AC100 ampswith Super DeLuxe cabinets and first usethem on the “Baby’s In Black” recordingsession.Company introduces innovative GuitarOrgan, which combines oscillators fromVOX Continental so organ sounds can becombined with guitar sounds.AC100MANDOVOX guitar line grows with 6-string lead,4-string bass versions and 12-string versionsof Phantom and Teardrop guitarsalong with the “MANDO” short-scale12-string mandolin-style guitar.VOX develops VOX ECHO DELUXEand VOX Radio Microphone and the firsttransistor amplifier, the T60.VOX Continental organ sound tops thecharts with Animals’ “House of the RisingSun,” Manfred Mann’s “Doo Wah Diddy”and Zombies’ “She’s Not There.”VOX catalog includes new slant headAC30 Super Twin amps.VOX makes deal with Thomas OrganCompany to import VOX into the U.S.VOX ECHO DELUXE1965“Super Beatle” amplifier featuring built-intuning tones and a Hammond Reverbeffect introduced.Thomas supplements British-made VOXamps with transistor models from their labs.All U.S. VOX amps become transistor based.JMI employs almost 200 people.Fire at Erith factory destroys guitars,organs, and amplifiers, reportedly includingamps Beatles used on U.S. tour.1966New UL amps feature a standby switchand a ground switch “for UnitedStates’” use.Electric dulcimer, the “bijou” is made forBrian Jones of the Rolling Stones.New line of UK solid-state amplifiers firstintroduced at the British MusicIndustries’ Trade Fair in London.dfghj;VOX WAH-WAH PEDALRediffusion Television screens “ThisWeek,” a documentary about the historyof the guitar shot partly at JMI.1967New UK solid-state amplifiers include the“Conqueror,” “Defiant” and “Supreme”guitar amps with then unique features likedistortion, tremolo and VOX reverb.New Bass transistor amps include the“Dynamic,” “Foundation” and “SuperFoundation.”Designed to emulate the sound of a mutedtrumpet, the VOX WAH-WAH PEDALis introduced and becomes one of thecompany’s most unique and popularproducts.Average weekly production of VOXamplifiers is 250.Queen’s Award to Industry for 1967presented to JMI for outstanding exportachievements.Royston Group has control of VOX in U.K.Jennings leaves the company.1968BILL WYMAN MODEL BASSintroduced.dfg;Tom Jennings starts new company,Jennings Electronic Industries andreceives award of £20,000 in wrongfuldismissal suit.1969Royston Industries goes into liquidationand VOX acquired by Corinthian Bank.Company now called VOX Sound Ltd.Woodstock Music and Art Fair.At Abbey Road, John Lennon attends hislast recording session with the Beatles.BILL WYMAN MODEL BASS1970VOX Sound Ltd. sold to consortium comprisingStolec Electronics and the SchroderBank. Facilities moved to Hastings whereorgans and AC30s are made.AC30 tube rectifier replaced by solid-statedevice and now includes reverb. For now,there are no more VOX “valve” amps.Jackson Five have four #1 hits, spawning“bubblegum soul” music.21

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