(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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FORM - 27(See rules 86 and 89)REGISTER OF RECOVERY OF FINES OF GRAM PANCHAYATSr. No. No. of case. Descriptionof the case.Particulars ofthe parties.Date ofdecision1. 2. 3. 4. 5.79Amount offine.Name of the partyon which fineimposedAmount of finerecovered by GramPanchayat.Date of receipt.6. 7. 8. 9.Date of presentationof application to theCourt of SDJM.Amountrecoveredby SDJMDate ofrecovery bySDJM.Balanceof fine.Remarks10 11. 12. 13. 14.Sr. No.________FORM - 28(See rule 83 and 89)REGISTER OF DIET MONEY OF GRAM PANCHAYATNumber ofcasealongwithparticulars ofthe partiesAmountdepositedDate ofdeposit.By whomdeposited.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Amountpaid

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