(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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COUNTERFOIL OF RECEIPTGram Panchayat-------------------------No.---------------------- Dated----------Received from Sh.-----------------------a sum of Rupees------------------------on account of---------------------------Rs. ----------------Pradhan/Secretary(in figures) Gram PanchayatFORM NO. 3(See rule 34)FORM OF RECEIPT_______FORM - 4(See rule 34)RECEIPT.Gram Panchayat--------------No.--------------- Dated _______Received from Shri --------------a sum of Rupees -------------LIBRARY STOCK REGISTERon account of------------------62Rs.---------------- Pradhan/Secretary(in figures) Gram PanchayatGram Panchayat ----------- Development Block--------------- Distt.------------Sr. No.Date of receipt orpurchase of thebookName of thebook and itsscript.Number ofvolumes1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Name ofAuthor.Name of publishers Price per copy of the book Remarks.6. 7. 8.________

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