(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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Panchayat Sahayak, in the case of Gram Panchayat, and the Secretary, in thecase of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad , as the case may be, shall see thatthe work of checking and weeding of files and other record is done regularly .The broad principle to be followed in weeding and destruction of record isthat no papers which are important or are likely to become important in future,however indirectly, as sources of information on any aspect of history,whether cultural, social, economic etc., or which may in future prove to bebiographical or antiquarian interest, shall be destroyed. No record of thePanchayat , which is related to or involved in any legal proceedings, shall bedestroyed until the case has attained finality .(2) The retention period for retention of each type of record ofPanchayat shall be such as is specified by the Director from time to time. Theperiod specified for weeding out the record shall invariably be taken to runfrom the date of final order on the file.(3) The Panchayat Secretary or Panchayat Sahayak, in the case ofGram Panchayati, and the Secretary, in the case of Panchayat Samiti and ZilaParishad, as the case may be, subject to the provisions of sub rule (1), shallsort out the records, files, registers etc., after tallying the same with theretention period specified by the Director and prepare the list of the recordproposed to be weeded out in the Elimination or weeding out Register inForm-35. The entries in columns 1 to 12 of the register shall be made as soonas the record concerned is sorted out. For the sake of convenience the recordsproposed to be weeded out shall be kept in the order in which they have beenentered in the Elimination or Weeding out Register.(4) The list of the record, on Elimination or weeding out Register,proposed to be weeded out shall be placed before the Record WeedingCommittee which shall have the following composition, namely:-(i) in the case of the Gram Panchayat, it shall comprise of,-(a) Panchayat Inspector or Panchayat Sub-Inspector;(b) Pradhan of Gram Panchayat;(c) Panchayat Secretary or Panchayat Sahayak;(ii) in the case of Panchayat Samiti, it shall comprise of,-(a) Chairman, Panchayat Samiti;(b) Block Development Officer;(c) Panchayat Inspector or Sub-Inspector; and(iii) in the case of Zila Parishad, it shall comprise of,-(a) Chairman, Zila Parishad(b) Executive Officer , Zila Parishad;(c) District Panchayat Officer.58

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