(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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Panchayat Samiti and to the Deputy Commissioner in case ofboth the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Zila Parishad.129. Meeting to be convened within 15 days.- On receipt of noticeunder rule 128, the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, the District Panchayat Officeror the Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be, to whom the notice hasbeen addressed, shall convene a meeting within a period of fifteen days fromthe date of receipt of the notice.130. Failure to convene meeting.- If on receipt of the notice theChairman fails to call a meeting within the period specified in rule 129, all orany of the members of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the casemay be, who had given notice of the intention to move a resolution underrule 128 may forward to the District Panchayat Officer or DeputyCommissioner, as the case may be, a copy of the notice together with a copyof motion requesting him to convene a meeting of the Panchayat Samiti orZila Parishad, and the District Panchayat Officer or the DeputyCommissioner, as the case may be, shall, within 15 days of the receipt ofsuch request, convene a meeting of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, asthe case may be, for the consideration of the motion at such date and time asmay be appointed by him.131. Notice of meeting.- The Chairman or Vice-Chairman or theDistrict Panchayat Officer or the Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be,shall issue not less than seven days before the appointed date of meeting, anotice of such meeting and of the date and time appointed therefor, to everyelected member of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad (including theChairman and the Vice-Chairman). The notice shall be in Form-33 and shallbe served on the members of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as thecase may be, in the manner given below:-(a) by giving or tendering such notice to the elected members ;(b)(c)(d)(e)by leaving such notice at his last known place of residence orbusiness or by giving or tendering the same to some adultmember or servant of his family, if any member is not found;if any member does not reside in the Panchayat Samiti area orZila Parishad area and his address elsewhere is known to theChairman or Vice-Chairman or the District Panchayat Officeror the Deputy Commissioner, by sending the same to him byregistered post ;if service is not practicable through any of the means specifiedin clause (a), (b) and (c), by affixing the same at someconspicuous part of the member’s place of residence orbusiness;the copy of the notice of meeting shall be sent to the DeputyCommissioner or Sub-Divisional Officer(Civil) for makingarrangement to maintain law and order.48

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