(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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the motion to be moved and discussed. Upon conclusion of the discussionand after a reasonable opportunity has been given to the office bearerconcerned to show cause against his proposed removal, the motion shall beput to vote.(5) The Chairman of the meeting shall not speak on the merits of themotion nor shall he be entitled to vote thereon.(6) The Chairman of the meeting shall declare the result of the voting.The motion shall be deemed to have been carried when it has been passed bya majority of two-thirds of the members of Gram Sabhas present and voting.(7) The proceeding of the meeting shall be recorded by the Secretaryand he shall send a copy of the same together with a copy of the motion andthe result of the voting to the Block Development Officer, District PanchayatOfficer and to the Deputy Commissioner concerned.(8) Where the motion has been carried, the office bearer concernedshall stand removed from his office with immediate effect and the BlockDevelopment Officer shall cause a notice to this effect to be affixed at theoffice of the Gram Panchayat and serve a copy of the same to the removedPradhan 1 [or Up-Pradhan, as the case may be.]2[ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]128. No-confidence motion against Chairman and Vice-Chairmanof Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad(section 129(2).- A notice ofintention to move a resolution requiring the Chairman or Vice-Chairman orboth of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad as the case may be, to vacateoffices shall be given in Form-32. Such notice shall be signed by not lessthan majority of its total elected members having right to vote of thePanchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be, and shall be addressedto:-(a)(b)(c)The Chairman, if the resolution is to be moved against the Vice-Chairman;the Vice-Chairman, if the resolution is to be moved against theChairman; andthe District Panchayat Officer, if the resolution is to be movedagainst both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of a471 . The words “or Up-Pradhan, as the case may be.” were deleted vide Not. No. PCH-HA(3) 2/2000-II, dated 8.1.2008, published in R.H.P. Extra., dated 9. 1.2008,p.11452-11454 and again ins. vide Not. No. PCH-HA(1) 1/2008, dated 5.2.2009,published in R.H.P. Extra., dated 6.2.2009, p.7541-7545.2 . Rule 127-A Ins. vide Not. No. PCH-HA(3) 2/2000-II, dated 8.1.2008, published inR.H.P. Extra., dated 9. 1.2008, p.11452-11454 and deleted vide Not. No. PCH-HA(1) 1/2008, dated 5.2..2009, published in R.H.P. Extra., dated 6.2.2009, p.7541-7545.

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