(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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are communicated to the opposite party and once a suit has been instituted,no sum should be tendered, terms of adjustment offered or reference toarbitration suggested without taking legal advice from the Asstt. Distt.Attorney/District Attorney/Legal Expert.113. Report and legal advice on a notice of suit or suits.-. (1) Onthe receipt of a notice of suit, the Secretary of the Gram Panchayat orExecutive Officer of the Panchayat Samiti or Secretary of the Zila Parishad,as the case may be, shall proceed to collect, with least possible delay, allinformation regarding the facts of the case. Thereafter, he shall, as soon aspossible, submit a detailed report to the Pradhan of the Gram Panchayat orChairman of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be,alongwith the following documents together with the exact list of the samefor further necessary action:-(a) the notice of the suit, the summons and a copy of the plaint ;(b)(c)(d)(e)an annotated copy of the plaint stating against each paragraphwhether each statement of the fact made therein is correct ornot, and if not, in what respect it is not so ;copies of documents and lists of documents, if any, filed withthe plaint;copies of all other documents procurable , which are believed tobear on the case, either for the plaintiff or the defendanttogether with as accurate a description as may be, of otherdocuments, if any, which are believed to be relevant, but ofwhich the contents cannot be precisely ascertained exceptthrough the court; andAll the correspondence and written proceedings connected withthe subject of the suit.(2) The report should be clear and detailed stating:-(a)(b)(c)the circumstances which led to suit mentioning precisely whenand where, each occurred, the course which is proposed to beadopted, namely whether to admit, compromise or defend thesuit, and the reasons for the same, and the steps, if any, whichhad already been taken to adjust the matter out of court ;whether the documents referred to in clauses(c) and (d) of thepreceding sub-rule are registered or not; andthe date fixed by the Court for the first hearing.114. Copy of the Judgement to be procured.- Immediately on thetermination of any suit, a copy of each of the Judgement and decree or otheroral order of the court shall be procured without delay by the Secretary of theGram Panchayat or the Executive Officer of the Panchayat Samiti orSecretary of the Zila Parishad, as the case may be.42

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