(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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(2) The Chairman may direct any member, who in his opinion isguilty of breach of order, to withdraw immediately from the meeting and themember so ordered shall withdraw forthwith from the house.108. Implementation of resolution of the Zila Parishad.- (1) It shallbe the duty of the Chief Executive Officer, assisted by the staff workingunder him, to faithfully implement and follow up the resolutions of the ZilaParishad.(2) The responsibility, for executing the various schemes and works inaccordance with the resolutions of the Zila Parishad and the instructions ofthe various departments in relation to such works and schemes, shall be ofthe Chief Executive Officer and the officers of the concerned departments (towhom the said works or schemes are concerned.109. Duty of Zila Parishad to watch developmental schemes.- Itshall be the duty of the Zila Parishad as a whole in general, and the Chairmanof the Zila Parishad in particular, to keep a watch over the progress of thevarious developmental schemes and works being executed by or through theZila Parishad. In case of any slackness in the progress or any irregularity ormis-utilisation of Zila Parishad funds in any manner, he shall bring thematter to the notice of the Director, the Deputy Commissioner concerned andthe Head of the <strong>Department</strong>s concerned. The concerned Head of the<strong>Department</strong> shall also give a direction to their officers to take necessaryremedial action. The maintenance of accounts and other matters relating toZila Parishad funds shall also be the responsibility of the District PanchayatOfficer.110. Functions of standing committees under section-96.- The ZilaParishad shall in its second meeting after its constitution and thereafter in itsevery first meeting in the subsequent financial year constitute StandingCommittee under section 95 which shall hold its meetings at least twice in afinancial year. The Committee shall submit its report to the Chairman of theZila Parishad within seven days from the date of holding such meeting whoin turn shall place the recommendations of the respective StandingCommittees for the consideration of the Zila Parishad in the subsequentmeeting.CHAPTER - VIIMISCELLANEOUS111. Suit on behalf of Panchayats (section 119).- (1) No suit shallbe brought on behalf of the Panchayat except as a last resort, when othermeans of obtaining relief have failed.Explanation:- “Suit” means a suit by or against or affecting Panchayator an officer of Panchayat in his official capacity, or which is brought ordefended by such officer at the expense of Panchayat and includes an appeal,an application for revision, review or execution of decree and any civil or39

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