(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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(i) Daily allowance : Rs. 15 to 25.(ii) Travelling allowance by road. Actual Bus fare.(iii) Travelling allowance journey by rail Actual second classrailway fare.(iv)If the servant or officer of the Government/Semi-Governmentorganisation or a local body is summoned as a witness, hisdaily and travelling allowance shall be governed by the rulesof the Government or the local body, as the case may be.83. Register of diet money and issue of receipt.- Whenever dietmoney is deposited, the Gram Panchayat shall give a receipt to the persondepositing it and shall forthwith enter in the register of diet money in FormNo.28 the name of the depositor and the amount deposited. On payment ofthe diet money to a witness or its repayment to the depositor, the Pradhan orthe Up-Pradhan or the Panch in whose presence the amount is paid shall signthe register of diet money.84. Power of investigation under section 60(2).- The GramPanchayat or any Panch duly authorised by the bench in this behalf may, forascertaining fact(s) conducive to the proper disposal of a case or reference,enter upon any land or building at any time between sun-rise and sun-setafter giving atleast twenty-four hours notice to the occupier, or when there isno occupier the notice shall be sent to the owner of such land or in hisabsence to his representative ; if the land or building is in the occupation of awoman, who according to the custom of the country does not appear in thepublic, due notice may be given to her to withdraw from such land orbuilding as the case may be.85. Application for execution of decree under section 71 of theAct.- (1) The decree holder or a person in whose favour an order has beenpassed, may, after the passing of the decree or order, put an application forexecution on payment of the same fee as is provided for the institution of theoriginal suit, case or proceeding before the Gram Panchayat, which passedthe decree or order, and the same shall be included in the costs.(2) The Gram Panchayat after recording the facts in the prescribedregister in Form-26 shall issue a notice to the opposite party to pay thedecretal amount or comply with the order within thirty days, or such furthertime not exceeding three months as it may deem fit to allow, after the noticeis served. If the amount is not paid, or order not complied with, within theperiod specified, the decree or order shall be sent to the concerned Sub-Judge, for execution as provided in Sub-section (2) of section 71.(3) In case the defendant’s property is situated outside the jurisdictionof the Gram Panchayat passing such decree or order, it may transfer thedecree or order, for execution to the Gram Panchayat in whose jurisdictionthe property of the defendant is situated. The application for executionalongwith an attested copy of the decree or order shall be forwarded to the30

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