(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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maximum portion of the work is to be done. The Committee shall submitits report of the activities before the concerned Gram Panchayats and each ofthe Gram Panchayat shall place it before the concerned Gram Sabha in itsgeneral meeting. Chairman of the joint committee shall be the Pradhan orUp-Pradhan of that Panchayat in which maximum portion of such joint workis located:Provided that in case the work to be executed is in equal proportionin both Panchayats the accounts shall be maintained in that Gram Panchayatwhich has larger population and the Chairman of the Joint Committee in suchcircumstances shall be the Pradhan of the Panchayat with larger population.44.Prescribed authority for the purpose of sub-section (2) ofsection 25.- The Chairman of the Panchayat Samiti, in whose jurisdiction theGram Sabhas are located shall be the Prescribed Authority for the purposesof sub-section(2) of section 25. If the Gram Sabhas are located within thejurisdiction of different Panchayat Samitis then a committee consisting of theconcerned Chairman of Panchayat Samiti shall be the prescribed Authorityfor this purpose. If any difference of opinion arises between the Chairmen,the matter shall be referred to the Chairman of Zila Parishad whose decisionshall be final.45. Maintenance and improvement of Schools, Hospitals anddispensaries.- (1) The Gram Panchayat shall render such assistance formaintenance and improvement of Primary schools, Health Sub-Centres andDispensaries in its jurisdiction as it considers necessary subject to availabilityof the Panchayat funds. Gram Panchayat may also raise money by donationfrom the public and may seek grants from the concerned departments for thispurpose.(2) For the efficient running of the Primary Schools, Health Sub-Centres, Dispensaries and Anganwari, the Pradhan or the Up-Pradhan or anyother member, authorised by the Gram Panchayat as the case may be, shallinspect the Primary Schools, Health Sub-centres, all kinds of Dispensaries,Anganwari and other village level institutions located in the Sabha areas toensure punctuality in attendance and availability of services.(3) The Pradhan or Up-Pradhan or any member authorised by theGram Panchayat as the case may be, shall report the irregularities anddeficiencies which come to his notice during such inspections to the higherofficer of the concerned department, who after receiving such report shalltake necessary action within 45 days expeditiously and apprise the respectiveGram Panchayat of the action taken on such report.46. Establishment of Schools, Hospitals and Dispensaries forgroup of Gram Panchayats.- If a group of neighbouring Gram Sabhascombine to establish and maintain a school, a dispensary or hospital, a jointcommittee composed of three members elected by each Gram Panchayatfrom amongst its members shall manage and control such institutions and the22

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