(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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area shall be the Prescribed Authority to accord approval to the model planfor the village, prepared by the Gram Panchayat and approved earlier by theGram Sabha. He may take technical assistance from the Assistant Engineer(Development) or Junior Engineer (Development).39. Procedure for introducing prohibition.- (1) If a GramPanchayat wants to introduce prohibition in its area, it shall pass a resolutionto that effect by vote of at least two-third majority of members as requiredunder section-18 and send a copy of the same to the Commissioner, Exciseand Taxation under intimation to the Deputy Commissioner.(2) The Excise and Taxation Commissioner shall submit the case tothe Government for orders.(3) Approval of the Government shall be conveyed by theCommissioner, Excise and Taxation to the Panchayat concerned and to theDirector , Panchayati <strong>Raj</strong>.40. Power to manage fairs and markets. Except for State level andDistrict level fairs organised by the Government, the Gram Panchayat mayorganise, manage and regulate fairs and markets within the Sabha area inaccordance with the resolution passed by the Gram Panchayat concernedsubject to the condition that the expenditure on organising, managing orregulating of such fairs or markets does not exceed 75% of the total incomereceived from different sources by organising the melas/market.41. Prescribed authority under section 21.- The senior mostofficer of the Irrigation and Public Health <strong>Department</strong> in the District shall bethe Prescribed Authority for the purposes of the proviso to section 21.42. Co-option of members for Standing Committees.- (1) Afterthe constitution of Standing Committees, each Standing Committee shallconvene its meetings to be headed by its Chairman, to co-opt one membereach from amongst the office bearers of the Farmer’s Club, Mahila Mandals,Yuvak Mandals1 [concerned department] and other similar bodies,recognised by the Government, if any, located in the sabha area, for suchStanding Committee.(2) In the meeting of each Standing Committee convened for cooptionof members no proposal for co-option shall be accepted unless it isseconded by another member. In the event of more than one proposals for cooptionare obtained, the result of co-option shall be decided by show ofhands. In case equality prevails, the Chairman of the Standing Committeeshall exercise his casting vote, which will be considered as an additional votein favour of a person to whom it is cast.201 . Ins. vide Not. No. PCH-HA(3) 1/94(Loose) 23231-440, dated 6.12.2003, publishedin R.H.P. Extra., dated 15.12.2003, p. 2680-2681.

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