(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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(2) Proceedings of the last meeting shall be read out in thesubsequent meeting, confirmed and signed by the person presiding over themeeting.(3) Confirmation of accounts of constructions and developmentalworks shall be an essential agenda item in every Panchayat meeting. Thedetails of the income and expenditure of the preceding month in respect ofeach item shall be placed in the meeting for consideration and approval in theprescribed proforma. Other items of the agenda will be taken up fordiscussion after the approval of the preceding months income andexpenditure statement.28. Presiding over the meetings of the Gram Panchayats.- ThePradhan or in his absence, the Up-Pradhan and in the absence of both anymember chosen by the members present, shall preside over the meetings ofthe Gram Panchayat.29. Order of Business.- The order of business to be transacted atevery general or special meeting shall be decided by the person presidingover the meeting.30. Resolution.- Any member of a Gram Panchayat who desires tobring forward any resolution at any meeting of the Gram Panchayat shallgive notice of his intention to do so in writing, at least two days before themeeting to the Pradhan or in his absence the Up-Pradhan or the Secretary.31. Resolution or propositions before Gram Panchayat.- (1) ThePradhan may disallow the moving or discussion of any resolution orproposition which he considers to be beyond the purview of the GramPanchayat and in doing so, he shall record his reasons in writing in theregister of proceedings.(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1) all resolutions orpropositions, shall be discussed and passed by a majority of votes. In case ofequality of votes, the Pradhan or the person presiding over shall have acasting vote.32. Special powers of the Pradhan.- A Pradhan shall have power todo any work in case of emergency, arising out of natural calamities or anyother exigency without obtaining the sanction of the Panchayat, if for anyreason to be recorded, it is not possible for him to convene the meeting of theGram Panchayat. He shall, however, place the matter before the next meetingof the Gram Panchayat for approval. In case the Panchayat refuses to accordthe approval, the Pradhan may, if he so deems fit, submit the matter to thePanchayat Samiti whose decision shall be final.33. Delegation of powers .- (1) The Pradhan, may, with the approvalof the Gram Panchayat, delegate any of his powers to the Up-Pradhan subjectto such conditions as the Gram Panchayat may think fit to impose.(2) Whenever the Pradhan is unable to perform his functions due toillness or otherwise or remains out of Gram Sabha area continuously for16

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