(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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of family.] It shall be the duty of the Panchayat Inspector to verify theseentries after satisfying himself about the reasons recorded by the PanchayatSecretary. He shall also put his initials on the goshwara prepared byPanchayat Secretary on Form 19-A(3) The register shall be revised and brought upto-date under subrule(2)by 31 st January of each year and public notice will be issued to theeffect that -(a) the register has been revised and brought upto-date under subrule(2) ;(b)the register, as revised, is available for public inspection for aperiod of fifteen days(excepting the public holidays) between10 AM to 5 PM in the office of the Gram Panchayat ;(c) if any person has to make any objection with regard to anyentry or any omission in the register, he may make the objectionto that effect to the Secretary of the Gram Panchayat within thesaid period of fifteen days. The notice shall be pasted in theoffice of the Gram Panchayat and other conspicuous places in aGram Sabha area.(4) The revised entries made in the register under sub-rule(2) and theobjections received under sub-rule(3), shall be taken into consideration anddisposed off and verified by the Panchayat Inspector after having given anopportunity of being heard to the person(s) concerned.(5) The Secretary of the Gram Panchayat shall undertake registrationof births and deaths in accordance with the provisions of the Registration ofBirths and Death Act, 1969 and rules made thereunder.1[(6) The officer or employee of the Gram Panchayat, appointedas Registrar of Marriages, shall undertake registration of marriages inaccordance with the provisions of the Himachal Pradesh Registration ofMarriages Act, 1996 and the Himachal Pradesh Registration of Marriages<strong>Rules</strong>, 2004.]22. Oath of office and first meeting of the Gram Panchayat.- (1)The oath of allegiance or affirmation to the newly elected Pradhans and Up-Pradhans of the Gram Panchayats shall be administered by the Sub-Divisional Officer(Civil) or any authority superior to him at any place in theState as decided by the State Government from time to time. The form ofoath, as per Schedule V of the Act, shall be provided to the Pradhans and Up-Pradhans present in the meeting and the oath shall be administered to them.The Pradhans and Up-Pradhans, who have taken the oath, shall sign the formof oath or put their thumb impression marks, which shall be handed over tothe office /official of the Block for office record. The remaining Pradhans141 . Sub-rule (6) subs. vide Not. No. PCH-HA(3) 2/2000-II, dated 8.1.2008, publishedin R.H.P. Extra., dated 9.1.2008, p.11452-11454.

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