(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department

(General) Rules, 1997-English - Panchyati Raj Department


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and replies, if any, made and report of administration of precedingfinancial year. At both meetings the Gram Sabha shall consider a six monthlyreport of the business submitted by the Gram Panchayat. In both themeetings of Gram Sabha item wise income and expenditure incurred by theGram Panchayat during past six months shall be placed before the GramSabha. Income and expenditure statement of the on-going developmentworks being executed by Gram Sabha shall also be placed in the meeting onForm 34 for consideration and approval.(4) Gram Sabha shall finalise the selection of beneficiaries in theorder of priority under various programmes of the Government as per theprocedure prescribed in this behalf by the Director or the Government.19. Report of Vigilance Committee.- (1) After the general electionof the Panchayat, the Gram Sabha in its first general meeting shall form byconsensus one vigilance committee comprising of one member from eachconstituency of Gram Panchayat. Gram Sabha shall form not more than twovigilance committees, if there is no consensus amongst the members of GramSabha regarding formation of a single vigilance committee. The vigilancecommittee(s) so formed by the Gram Sabha shall place its reports,concerning any office bearer of the Panchayat, besides other matters relatingto the schemes and other activities of the Panchayat, before the Gram Sabhain its general meeting and a copy of said report shall be sent to the BlockDevelopment Officer for such action as it may deem fit.(2) The term of the vigilance committees shall be two and a halfyears. After the expiry of the term of the vigilance committee formed undersub-rule(1), the Gram Sabha shall thereafter in its first general meeting againform one or two vigilance committees for the remaining term of the GramPanchayat.(3) After examining the report sent by the Vigilance Committee, theBlock Development Officer shall initiate such immediate action as mayrequire and shall inform the vigilance committee in this regard.(4) In case the Vigilance Committee is not satisfied with the actiontaken by the Block Development Officer, or the Block Development Officerdoes not take/initiate action within 30 days from the receipt of the report, asthe case may be, the Vigilance Committee may report the matter to the S.D.O.(C), Deputy Commissioner and thereafter to Director for necessaryimmediate action.(5) The Vigilance Committee shall have right to inspect thedocuments, works and records and record statements of persons to ascertainthe truth. Vigilance Committee(s) shall also have right to take the certifiedcopies of any document from the Panchayat free of cost.(6) The members of the Vigilance Committee(s) shall by consensuselect a Chairman of the Vigilance Committee amongst themselves.12

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