Very Sharp Platinum Tips by Electrochemical Etching

Very Sharp Platinum Tips by Electrochemical Etching

Very Sharp Platinum Tips by Electrochemical Etching


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<strong>Very</strong> sharp platinum tips Martin Kupper 08309652 State of the art2.1 <strong>Electrochemical</strong> etchingThe electrochemical etching of very sharp tips is an established procedure for scanningtunneling microscopy [5]. It is possible to make tips out of different metals, butbasically the process is the same every time. A wire is dipped in an electrolyte, anda voltage is applied between the wire and a counter electrode [11]. The voltage - andwhether it is AC or DC - depends on the metal and electrolyte used and has to bedetermined <strong>by</strong> experiment. Then the oxide layer, whitch appears during the etching,has to be removed <strong>by</strong> another electrochemical step. This is usually done with a small,negative DC voltage, where the tip is the ground. It is possible to do a further stepbetween the etching and the oxide removal, called micropolishing. This is actually asecond etching with an other electrolyte or an acid, and usually a lower voltage. Thisation of cobalt and nickel 2565reduces the diameter of the head of the tip again and produces a smooth surface [2].3560 I. H. Musselman and P. E. Russell: <strong>Platinum</strong>liridium tips(a) A nickel tip etched with a (b) A Pt/Ir tip etched with CaCl 2 /H 2 O/HCl.KCl solution. [6][12]FIG. 4. SEM images of Ni tips a lower tip; b upper tip; Magnifications:FIG. 5. SEM images of the same Ptllr tip shown in Fig. 3 after micropolishing.a Radius 11000, of curvature b < SOO 300, A. Cone b half angle 800, of 8". b 3000.a 200, a 2000,Figure 2.1: Different kinds of tips.The current I flowingtips, however,duringPt peaksthewereetchingnot observedprocesssuggesting thatis shown inthe surface C layer was in excess of the escape depth ofthe PtFig. 2.Auger electron.The relative thicknesses of the surface contamination layerscan for the becut identified versus the etched inPt/Ir thetips electrochemical were determined etch-Two regimes<strong>by</strong> monitoring the intensity of the C Auger signal as a functionof sputtering time (3 keY, 25 mA emission current,ing of Me: Point 1→2 and Point 2→3. This behavior is dueto a decreased 4 charge X 10 - 5 Pa Ar). carriers For the cut concentration, tip, the C signal reached backgroundafter 45 s of sputtering, whereas the sputtering timeas a consequenceof the precipitation varied from 30 s to 3 of min the for the Me three etched complexes. Pt/lr tips. Thislarge variation in C thickness among the etched tips wasWhen the electrochemical reflected in their STM imaging etching unpredictability. starts Out Point of 20 1, hydratedchemicaletched species4Pt/Ir tips,formsapproximatelyaround20% (thosethepresumablywire, spreadingwith minimal surface C) successfully imaged sputter-deposflame.Unfortunatelyat least 30 min per tiflame temperature, iC without altering thzation. The extent oprecautions were takthe etching setup. Calevel observed for thminated from the etcreadily dissolves in wvapor pressure than<strong>by</strong> boiling and subsethe tips and to prepaing step, the contactthe thin film of etchabox under a N2 atmAuger survey speCO 2was removed frfavorably with that awerc observed for allA special method for etching tips on the is tip reverse surface etching composition. [3]. Carbon Here the was wire observed is not in all dipped offor the cut and etchein the etch solution from above, the but survey instead spectra.Anode: Mes +4Cl − from For underneath.the cut→ MeCl 2 tip, Pt peaks This4 +2e − were is carried also observeddefining the upper thickness of the carbon . contamin­outof the Pt Auger electAr + ion beam to spwith a layer of high-density electrically insulating liquid under the electrolyte. Theation layer to be between 20 and 50 A. For two of the etchedwhereas a range of 2wire is in this liquid and protudes a little in the electrolyte. This way the tips get anextremely slim shape (see Fig.2.2) [4]. However, because of the setup, doing this kindc. Image acquisitiof etching is a lot more complex then the etching from above.Two sets of nine Petching procedure wwere tested <strong>by</strong> imagspikes or streaks weusing tips from eithacquired using 80%pearance with rounhigh ranging from 1unusual features obsremaining 20% of thdesirable tip shape rface chemistry.

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