IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Overview - Lotus

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Overview - Lotus

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Overview - Lotus


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Using Ajax and related techniquesTaskBuilderI want to have just one part of a pagerefresh when the user does an action.There are two primary ways you can dothis:1. The page action builders (suchas Link, Button, and HTMLEvent Action) have an option forPost-Action Behavior that cantrigger a partial-page refreshinstead of refreshing the entirepage. The builders with thissupport include Link, Button,Image Button, HTML EventAction, and Form Submit Action.2. The Ajax Region builder can beused to mark an area of thepage, an entire page, or an entiremodel for partial refresh. Withthis builder, any actions triggeredfrom within the selected area willcause a refresh of that area only.I want to create a popup window withoutthe containing portal or other surroundingpages.I want my portlet to support drag and drop.Use a page action builder such asButton, Link, HTML Event Action toinvoke the page or action for the popup.Then in the Post-Action Behaviorsection, select “Show Advanced Options”and choose “Show action resultsstandalone: display no containing pages”.Dojo Drag SourceDojo Drop TargetTogether, these two builders provide dragand drop features on a page. Use theDojo Drag Source builder to designate alocation on a page as the drag source andto specify a single piece of data to bepassed to the target action. Use the DojoDrop Target builder to designate alocation on the page as the drop area andto specify a method action to invoke whenthe drop occurs. The method will bepassed the data from the drag source.The drag drop can operate on a singlepage or span across multiple pages, suchas in a portal environment.<strong>WebSphere</strong> <strong>Portlet</strong> <strong>Factory</strong> V6.0.1 Getting Started Guide - 32 -

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