IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Overview - Lotus

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Overview - Lotus

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Overview - Lotus


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I want to change an HTML attribute, butthe builder I am using does not allow meto modify or add an attribute.Attribute SetterThis builder modifies existing elements on apage by replacing or adding to any HTMLattribute values that those elements support.Use the Attribute Setter to add or modifyattribute values not set by the builders in yourModel. You can use this builder to change thefont, size, border, or any other supportedattribute for a control.I want to include the same page inseveral of my portlets.OrI want to include a page generated by abuilder onto an existing page. Forexample, when a customer is selectedfrom a select list, I want to display a tablebelow the select list.OrI want to insert the display of a page inanother model into a page in myprimary model.Inserted PageUse this builder to insert the contents of a Pagein the same model into a named location on aselected page (or pages).For example, you might want to insert a pagecreated by View & Form onto an importedpage.Model ContainerUse this builder to visually insert another modelinto a page. The other model can have its ownpage-to-page navigation without affecting theouter (container) model.I want to display some read-only text ona page.TextThis builder displays some text from a Variableor any other data source at a specified pagelocation.Add some client-side JavaScript to apage.Client JavaScriptThis builder can be used to add JavaScriptcode to a page.HTML Event ActionThis builder can be used to invoke JavaScriptbased on a client HTML event such as onClick,onChange, or onBlur.I have an existing tag library I want toleverage in my portlet.JSP TagThis builder automates the process of usingJava Server Page tags from a tag library. Afteryou select a tag library descriptor file in thebuilder’s editor, you can quickly select a JSPtag to use on the page. After a tag is selected,the builder displays the tag's attributes, so youcan easily specify the inputs.<strong>WebSphere</strong> <strong>Portlet</strong> <strong>Factory</strong> V6.0.1 Getting Started Guide - 31 -

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