InfraCal Soot Meter - Wilks Enterprise, Inc.

InfraCal Soot Meter - Wilks Enterprise, Inc. InfraCal Soot Meter - Wilks Enterprise, Inc.


InfraCal Soot Meter...for On-Site or LaboratoryMeasurement of Soot Levels inDiesel Engine OilsWilks Enterprise Inc25 Van Zant St, Suite 8FEast Norwalk, CT06855Phone: 203-855-9136Fax: 203-838-9868E-mail: info@wilksir.comThe InfraCal Soot Meter, Model HATR-CP, is an easy-to-use, direct reading infrared analyzer for therapid measurement of soot content in diesel engine oils. Measurement results are comparable towidely-used and accepted TGA and FT-IR analysis techniques.♦♦♦♦♦Direct Reading - one-step, pushbuttoninfrared measurement of soot levels ashigh as 12 - 15% without sample dilutionRapid Analysis - less than 30 seconds persampleCompact - portable and lightweight(under 5 lbs; 6 in. cube in size)Rugged - insensitive to vibration or changes intemperature and humidityCost Effective - eliminates need for costly instrumentsOn-sitesoot levelmeasurementsaves timeand money.Infrared spectroscopy is a well-established laboratorymethod for evaluating and screening used lubricants.The InfraCal Soot Meter measures the amount of suspendedcarbon (soot) in diesel engine lubricating oils byinfrared absorption at a fixed wavelength. Results aredisplayed directly as % soot, relative to a standard TGA(thermogravimetric analysis) reference method.Traditional infrared (as well as TGA) instrumentationapplied to used oil analysis requires considerable operatortraining and attention, and is mechanically andoperationally too complex for on-site field use. TheInfraCal Soot Meter overcomes all of these difficulties,providing on-site, rapid soot analysis at the push of abutton, with minimal operator training. Samples may beapplied from the end of a dip-stick or from a simple eyedropperdirectly onto the scratch-resistant cubic zirconiameasurement surface. Cleaning is as simple as wipingwith a cloth or paper towel - no cells to clean and nosolvents requiring special ventilation or expensive wastedisposal.The InfraCal Soot Meter is portable, weighs less than5 lbs. and is roughly a 6 inch cube in size. Its ruggedconstruction which is sealed against external contamination,plus no moving parts, makes the InfraCal SootMeter the perfect instrument for field-based operation.The use of a 12 volt power supply enables the InfraCalSoot Meter to be used literally anywhere - in the testinglaboratory or right along side the engine. It is factorycalibrated to 10% soot levels that will enable accuratemeasurements up to 12—15% without sample preparationor dilution.Field-based soot analysis can supplement* preventativemaintenance programs with rapid screening foradded assurance of equipment or vehicle performancewhile in service. With rapid and easy field screening,cost savings can be realized by extending drain periodsand reducing expensive sample disposal.*Note: This does not replace regular testing for contaminants such as coolant or fueldilution. It provides a rapid indicator of engine performance and oil condition.

<strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong>...for On-Site or LaboratoryMeasurement of <strong>Soot</strong> Levels inDiesel Engine Oils<strong>Wilks</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>25 Van Zant St, Suite 8FEast Norwalk, CT06855Phone: 203-855-9136Fax: 203-838-9868E-mail: info@wilksir.comThe <strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong>, Model HATR-CP, is an easy-to-use, direct reading infrared analyzer for therapid measurement of soot content in diesel engine oils. Measurement results are comparable towidely-used and accepted TGA and FT-IR analysis techniques.♦♦♦♦♦Direct Reading - one-step, pushbuttoninfrared measurement of soot levels ashigh as 12 - 15% without sample dilutionRapid Analysis - less than 30 seconds persampleCompact - portable and lightweight(under 5 lbs; 6 in. cube in size)Rugged - insensitive to vibration or changes intemperature and humidityCost Effective - eliminates need for costly instrumentsOn-sitesoot levelmeasurementsaves timeand money.Infrared spectroscopy is a well-established laboratorymethod for evaluating and screening used lubricants.The <strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong> measures the amount of suspendedcarbon (soot) in diesel engine lubricating oils byinfrared absorption at a fixed wavelength. Results aredisplayed directly as % soot, relative to a standard TGA(thermogravimetric analysis) reference method.Traditional infrared (as well as TGA) instrumentationapplied to used oil analysis requires considerable operatortraining and attention, and is mechanically andoperationally too complex for on-site field use. The<strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong> overcomes all of these difficulties,providing on-site, rapid soot analysis at the push of abutton, with minimal operator training. Samples may beapplied from the end of a dip-stick or from a simple eyedropperdirectly onto the scratch-resistant cubic zirconiameasurement surface. Cleaning is as simple as wipingwith a cloth or paper towel - no cells to clean and nosolvents requiring special ventilation or expensive wastedisposal.The <strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong> is portable, weighs less than5 lbs. and is roughly a 6 inch cube in size. Its ruggedconstruction which is sealed against external contamination,plus no moving parts, makes the <strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong><strong>Meter</strong> the perfect instrument for field-based operation.The use of a 12 volt power supply enables the <strong>InfraCal</strong><strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong> to be used literally anywhere - in the testinglaboratory or right along side the engine. It is factorycalibrated to 10% soot levels that will enable accuratemeasurements up to 12—15% without sample preparationor dilution.Field-based soot analysis can supplement* preventativemaintenance programs with rapid screening foradded assurance of equipment or vehicle performancewhile in service. With rapid and easy field screening,cost savings can be realized by extending drain periodsand reducing expensive sample disposal.*Note: This does not replace regular testing for contaminants such as coolant or fueldilution. It provides a rapid indicator of engine performance and oil condition.

Rapid Oil Condition Assessment<strong>Soot</strong>, which occurs naturally in diesel oils, is an importantoil and engine condition indicator. Extendeddrain times, combined with stringent emission requirements,make it more important than ever to routinelycheck soot levels. If monitored regularly, its rate offormation can be used to indicate engine performanceproblems, such as injector wear, clogged air filters orother operational abnormalities. Also, should the sootcontent become too high, the lubrication properties ofthe oil can deteriorate and engine component wearmay occur, as well as the increased risk of filter failureand oilway blockage. Any, or all of these situationscan lead to catastrophic engine failure. Regularmonitoring and trending of oil condition with the Infra-Cal <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong> helps avoid breakdowns and shouldbe an integral part of any maintenance program. Ithelps save you time, money and engines.SampleIDComparative <strong>Soot</strong> MeasurementsOn Used Diesel Oil SamplesFT-IR, TGA and <strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong>Provided by Mobil Oil Company, Paulsboro Technical CenterFT-IRField Test SamplesTGA<strong>Soot</strong>, % mass<strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Soot</strong><strong>Meter</strong> <strong>Meter</strong>1 2Engine HoursA1 1.46 1.4 1.4 Mack T-8Lab Engine Test SamplesTGA<strong>Soot</strong>, % mass<strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Soot</strong><strong>Meter</strong> <strong>Meter</strong>1 2B1 1.59 1.6 1.6 Hrs: 0 0.13 0.1 0.0B2 1.82 1.8 1.9 50 1.76 1.7 1.7B3 1.94 1.9 2.0 100 3.13 3.2 3.1B4 2.56 2.5 2.5 150 4.48 4.5 4.4A2 2.74 2.65 2.6 2.6 175 5.16 5.0 5.0B5 2.68 2.7 2.7 200 5.80 5.8 5.8B6 2.81 2.76 2.8 2.9 225 6.38 6.1 6.0B7 2.82 2.90 2.6 2.7 250 6.92 6.1 6.2B8 3.15 3.0 3.1 DDC Series 60B9 3.21 3.2 3.2 Hrs. 0 0.09 0.0 0.0B10 3.53 3.3 3.1 24 0.83 0.8 0.8A3 3.54 3.5 3.6 48 1.40 1.4 1.4A4 4.05 4.0 4.0 72 1.98 1.9 1.9A5 4.40 4.3 4.4 96 2.52 2.5 2.5A6 4.99 4.5 4.6 120 3.05 3.0 2.9A7 6.12 5.1 5.1 144 3.58 3.5 3.5A8 6.47 5.7 5.7 168 4.10 4.0 4.1A9 7.00 6.0 6.1 192 4.57 4.5 4.6Note: A & B Series Samples are different oilFormulations.216 5.03 4.8 4.9240 5.33 5.0 5.0Note: <strong>Soot</strong> <strong>Meter</strong> data was obtained using 2 production models. Each wascalibrated to 5% soot, which accounts for measurement discrepancy insamples containing a higher percentage.<strong>InfraCal</strong> is a trademark of<strong>Wilks</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>.Copyright 2009 <strong>Wilks</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>.,South Norwalk, CTPrinted in USA 0409♦♦♦♦♦Suggested Areas of ApplicationOil testing labs - achieve comparable resultsto TGA or FT-IR in a fraction of timeEngine test labs - obtain on-the-spot assessmentof the engine test programFleet maintenance shops - test engine oilcondition when checking the oil level and knowexactly when to schedule oil changesConstruction or mining sites - stayoperational with oil condition checksOn-Board Ship - no need to return to port tomonitor oil conditionSample Surface:Dimensions:Weight:Display:PowerRequirements:Power Supplies:Product SpecificationsOutputResolution: 0.1%MeasurementRange:OperatingTemperatureRange:Non-VolatileMemory:Cubic Zirconia - scratch resistant,impervious to acids6.5 x 6.5 x 5 in. (165 x 165 x 127 mm)4.5 lbs (2.0 kg)4 digit, 7-segment red LED, 5/8 in.character height12 V dc, ± 10% max., 2 ampsAC/DC converter type (supplied asstandard)12 volt adapter for cigarette lighterconnector (optional)Portable 12 volt battery pack (optional)0 to 15% soot40°F (4°C) to 110°F (45°C)For calibration constants andconfiguration dataCalibration: Factory - 0 to 10%User - up to 20 point curve fittingcalibration plus zero

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