Hamel - Paul J Hamel Official Website All Rights Reserved

Hamel - Paul J Hamel Official Website All Rights Reserved

Hamel - Paul J Hamel Official Website All Rights Reserved


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The <strong>Hamel</strong> children around 1907(Standing) Roland and Loretta(Sitting) Rita and WilfredLoretta, Rita, Wilfred, and Roland<strong>Hamel</strong> around 1910Rhode Island between1900 and 1930 was about56,000.Wilfred-Joseph <strong>Hamel</strong>was a stationary engineeras were his sons, Wilfredand Roland. StationaryEngineers operateboilers, refrigerationequipment, diesel engines,turbines, generators,pumps, condensers andcompressors. Theseworkers are called stationaryengineers because much ofthe equipment they operateis similar to the equipmentoperated by locomotive ormarine engineers exceptthat it is not in a movingvehicle.The earliest record of the<strong>Hamel</strong> Family of WestWarwick is documentedin a book by FatherAdrien <strong>Hamel</strong> in Quebec,Genéalogie de la Famille<strong>Hamel</strong>: 1656-1956. Theentry states “Wilfred <strong>Hamel</strong>,son of Alfred and Odelie<strong>Hamel</strong>, married Rosa Jette,in Providence, Rhode Islandon September 5th, 1898.”(See Chapter 2, FamilyOrigins.)Wilfred-Joseph was 29 andRosa Jetté was 25 years oldwhen they married. The onlyother information about RosaJetté is that she was born inCanada in 1873. After a fewyears of marriage, Wilfred-Joseph and Rosa movedto the corner of East MainStreet and Bridge Street(Highway 115) in River Pointa few blocks from the RoyalMill where Wilfred-Josephworked. Within the firstfive years of their marriage,they produced four children:Loretta, George-Roland,Wilfred-Joseph, and Rita.Over the next ten year, theJoseph-Wilfred and his wife, Rosa(Jetté) <strong>Hamel</strong> around 1911Joseph-Wilfred and his wife, Rosa(Jetté) <strong>Hamel</strong> playing cards at home inthe1920s. Yvonne (Landry) <strong>Hamel</strong> inthe background dressed in white.Rosa (Jetté) <strong>Hamel</strong> around 1911

family came from anotherFrench Canadian family inWoonsocket. Roland andCora had three children:Rene, Rita, and Jeannette.As a young family, they livedat several locations: on UnionStreet, 10 Junior Street(behind Horgan ElementarySchool), and 225 ProvidenceStreet. In the 1950s Rolandand his children build theirhomestead consisting ofthree houses next to oneanother on Harvest Drive inCoventry.René Roland <strong>Hamel</strong>Son of Roland and Cora<strong>Hamel</strong>, René <strong>Hamel</strong> wasborn on December 9, 1929 inNorth Smithsfield. Rene, likehis father and grandfather,also worked as a stationaryengineer in several textilemills in the area. In 1948 hejoined the Navy and servedas an electrician on boardRoland and Cora <strong>Hamel</strong>’s Weddingphoto. Cora’s father, Mr. Bergeron,and Joseph-Wilfred <strong>Hamel</strong> arestanding.Roland and Cora (Bergeron) <strong>Hamel</strong>with their children: Jeanette, René,and Rita in the 1930sRoland <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1930s (Below)Roland and Cora <strong>Hamel</strong> in the1950sthe Destroyer Harlin R. Dickson(DD708). While working at theAnthony Mill, Rene met RitaBruneau and they were marriedon February 3, 1951. Rene<strong>Hamel</strong> and Reggie Maillouxstarted Reggie & Rene’s SuperService Texaco Station, and theHAMA Armature Co. Rene andRita <strong>Hamel</strong> had six children:Arline, born on December 19,1952, married Donald Fontainein 1972. Denise, died soon afterbirth in 1954; Renee, born onAugust 29, 1956, married JohnWickham in 1979. Janice, bornon October 7, 1959, marriedJames Holihen in 1984, divorcedand married Matthew Theroux in2002. Joyce, born on June 20,1961, married Michael Bradshawin 1989. Shelia, born on July 11,1963, married John Socha in1981. Rene and Rita still live onHarvest Drive, in Coventry.Their eight grandchildren includeChrystal Fontaine Geauetteand Monique Fontaine, Adam4

Rita, René, and Jeanette <strong>Hamel</strong> infront of their home on Union Streetin the 1930s<strong>Hamel</strong> sisters Jeanette Tallier andRita Mailloux in the 1950sBrother and sister, Jeanette Tellierand René <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1950sWickham, <strong>All</strong>yson and AimeeHolihan, Chasisty and JohnSocha, Kyle Bradshaw.Chrystal married DavidGeauette and had Trevor.Rene and Rita have twogreat grandchildren: TrevorGeauette, the son of Crystaland David Geauette andWilliam Corriera, the son of<strong>All</strong>yson Holihen.Rita Alice (<strong>Hamel</strong>)MaillouxDaughter of Roland and Cora<strong>Hamel</strong>, Rita Alice <strong>Hamel</strong> wasborn on April 26, 1925. Shemet Reginald, better knownas “Reggie” Mailloux at afamily gathering in the early1940’s. They married at St.John’s Church in Artic onJuly 6, 1946. Rita worked asa Billing clerk for DavidsonBros.Reginald was born in WestWarwick, a son of the lateGeorge and Alice (Forcier)Mailloux, he had been aresident of Coventry since1949. Reggie was a partnerat HAMA Armature Co. inWarwick and a partner atCoventry Auto & Truck Electric.He was a Machinist mate 1stclass in the Navy during WWII serving in the Pacific for 41/2 years with the 1st C. B.Battalion. While he was inthe service, he received threeLetters of Commendation, onefrom President Truman andtwo from his CommandingOfficers. He was PoliceCommissioner Chairman,Chairman of the DemocraticParty, and he was very activepolitically and civically on boththe town and state levels.Reginald passed away March9, 2006 and was buried withMilitary Honors in the RhodeIsland Veterans Cemeteryin Exeter. Rita still lives onHarvest Drive in Coventry.Rita and Jeanette <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1940s(Left) Jeanette (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Tellier andfather Roland at Rita <strong>Hamel</strong> andReggie Mailloux’s weddingRita, Jacqueline, Richard, Reggie,Ronald and Susan Mailloux in June, 1961

Rita (Bruneau) and René <strong>Hamel</strong>’swedding photo on Feb. 3, 1951. (Below)with their children in the 1980sLou and Jeanette (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Tellier inthe 1950sRita and Reggie had twosons, Richard G. and RonaldP. Mailloux; two daughters,Jacqueline Louise MaillouxGrant and Susan RitaMailloux DeResta, all ofCoventry. Richard marriedPatricia Ellen Beaudry onJuly 11, 1970. They havetwo children, Richard Jr.born May 1, 1972, and JudithRenee born Oct 5, 1976.Jacqueline Louise Maillouxmarried T. Peter Grant onFeb. 12, 1972. They divorcedin 1984. They have threechildren, Elisha Kathleen,born March 1, 1973, JessicaLouise, born march 11,1975, and Erin Susan bornMarch 30, 1982. Elishamarried Scott Gellar on Aug.15, 1999. They have twochildren, Reece born Oct. 9,2003, and Owen born Feb.8, 2006 and Gellar. Jessicamarried Steven Giguere onApril 7, 2001. They have twochildren: Grant, born Aug.8, 2003 and Ava Giguere,born Aug. 22, 2005. Ronaldmarried Shirley Sepe onDec. 29, 1974. They havea daughter Hollie Ann,born July 14, 1975. Holliemarried Justin Pomfret onMay 27, 2000. They havetwo children, Alexis bornOct. 24, 1997 and Skylar,born Aug. 28, 2001. Ronalddivorced and marriedPatricia Ann Dlugosz. Theyhave no children. Susanmarried Joseph DeResta onApril 23, 1983. They havetwo children, Vincent bornMarch 18, 1984, and Jaredborn July 14, 1986.Joseph DeResta has twochildren Maria DeRestaCativo and Jodi DeResta.Maria married MichaelCativo July 25, 1999. Theyhave two children. Mikayla,born May 1, 2001, andMatthew Cativo born June 7,Reggie and Rita (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Mailloux inthe 1970sRichard and Jacqueline Mailloux inthe 1950s

Jeanette (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Tellier in 2005Rita (Bruneau) <strong>Hamel</strong> in 2005Rita (<strong>Hamel</strong>) and husband ReggieMailoux in 2005René <strong>Hamel</strong> in 20052005. Jodi has two children,Joseph Doyle, born Feb. 20,1992, and Anthony DeRestaborn Sept. 10, 2001.Rita and Reggie Maillouxhave eight grand children andsix great grand children.Jeannette (<strong>Hamel</strong>) TellierJeannette <strong>Hamel</strong> was bornon December 12, 1926. Shemarried Louis L Tellier onOct. 3, 1953. They met at aSt. John’s church festival andsettled in Coventry, they hadno children. Lou worked asa Supervisor for TENNECOInc., and Jeannette was apayroll clerk for BirkshireHathaway, and a secretaryfor HAMA Armature Co.and Coventry Auto & Truck..Louis passed away onMarch 24, 1985. He had adaughter Annette Johnson,who resides in Maine, andJeannette still resides inCoventry.Rita (<strong>Hamel</strong>)VallièresThe daughter of Joseph-Wilfred and Rosa <strong>Hamel</strong>,Rita <strong>Hamel</strong> was bornaround 1907; the exact dateis unknown. Rita marriedLouis Vallières around 1924and produced a daughter,Rita Vallières, who is nowRita Landry of Santa Clara,California. Due to thepremature death of hermother, daughter Rita livedtemporarily with Rolandand Cora <strong>Hamel</strong>. Then, atthe age of three, Rita wentto live permanently with heruncle and aunt, Wilfred andYvonne (Landry) <strong>Hamel</strong>.After the death of his wife,Louis had little or no contactwith his daughter or <strong>Hamel</strong>Family.His army dischargedocuments states that hewas born in Rhode Island on(Above and below) Loius and Rita(<strong>Hamel</strong>) Vallières in the 1920s7Rita (Vallières) Landry in the 1930s

February 25, 1904 and worked as a sewer and waterworksforman supervising 22 workers. On September 19, 1942during World War II, Louis joined the army at the ageof 38. He worked as a radio teletype operator for the389th Fighter Squadron in Northern France, Rhineland,Ardenne, and Central Europe. He and his unit receiveda Distinguished Unit Citation for destroying two Germanarmored columns. After the war, he returned to RhodeIsland where he lived until his death. His daughter, Ritaand her husband, Rene Landry, live in California. Theyhave three children: David, Darleen, and Joanne. (SeeChapter 00, The Landry Family of Warren, RI, page 00.)Wilfred-Joseph <strong>Hamel</strong>Although he hasthe same nameas his father, heonly used Wilfredas his first name.Wilfred <strong>Hamel</strong>was born inWest Warwick onMarch 27, 1904and grew up inthe towns of RiverWilfred <strong>Hamel</strong>Point, Centerville,Artic, and Natick in the Pawtuxet Valley. While working inWarren in 1924, Wilfred met Yvonne Landry while walkinghome from work along the railroad tracks, which werelocated directly behind theLandry Family homestead.Shortly afterwards, Wilfredand Yvonne were marriedon April 27, 1925 at SaintJean’s Catholic Churchin Warren. Wilfred andYvonne were both 21 yearsold. They first settled inWarren, then over thenext four decades theylived in West Warwick,Providence, Artic, Natick,and Coventry.Following in his father’sfootsteps, Wilfred alsobecame a stationaryengineer. (See page 00.)He worked at severaltextile miles in Warren andWest Warwick. His lastjob was at the power plantat the State Hospital andPrison in Howard. Beforemarring, Yvonne workedin a mill in Warren. Afterher marriage, she becamea housewife and remainedWilfred and Yvonne (Landry) <strong>Hamel</strong> in1924 (top), in the 1940s (center) andin 1955 (below)8

Raymond, Wilfred, and Leo <strong>Hamel</strong>with René Landry in 19389Rita Vallières and Wilfred andYvonne <strong>Hamel</strong> in the early 1940s<strong>Paul</strong>, Leo, and Maurice <strong>Hamel</strong> withRita (Vallières) Landry and <strong>Paul</strong>ine(<strong>Hamel</strong>) Thompson in 2000at home. In addition to theirniece, Rita Vallieres, Wilfredand Yvonne had six children.The first, Theresa, passedaway as an infant. Four morechildren followed: Raymond(Armond), George (Leo),Maurice, and twins <strong>Paul</strong> and<strong>Paul</strong>ine.On June 22, 1956 on the wayto a drive-in theater with hiswife and daughter <strong>Paul</strong>ine,Wilfred had a heart attack anddied on the way to the hospital.Wilfred was only 51 years old.Yvonne and twins, <strong>Paul</strong> and<strong>Paul</strong>ine, then moved to theLandry Family homestead onBarney Street in Warren. OnMay 22, 1958, at the age of52, Yvonne died at a hospitalin Fall River, Massachusetts.<strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine then joinedthe family of Rene and Rita(Vallieres) Landry in California.Rita was their cousin andadopted sister. Rene was theirmother’s brother (uncle.)Raymond Armond <strong>Hamel</strong>Raymond <strong>Hamel</strong> was bornon April 8, 1926 and grew upin Warren, Providence, andWest Warwick. He joined theNavy during World War II andserved on the battleship USSIowa. He married DorothyCounyer in 1947. They hadfive children: Linda, Wayne,Donna, Dawn, and Kevin. Inthe 1950s Raymond and hisfamily moved to California.They finally returned to RhodeIsland where he worked in theelectro-plating business.In the 1970s, Ray married hissecond wife, Barbara Snowand moved to North Attleboro,Mass. At the age of 60 yearsof age, Raymond passed awayin 1987 of heart failure.His first wife, Dorothy and theirchildren, Linda, Donna, Kevinand Dawn still live in Coventry.After a long bout with arthritis,Wayne passed away in the late1990s.Raymond and Dot <strong>Hamel</strong> with children,Kevin, Dawn and Donna in 1962Linda and Wayne <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1950sDonna, Dot and Dawn in 1997Barbara and Raymond <strong>Hamel</strong> inthe 1980s

Raymond Armond<strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1970sRay and Dot <strong>Hamel</strong> inthe 1950sLinda and Wayne <strong>Hamel</strong>in the 1950s<strong>Paul</strong> and Ray <strong>Hamel</strong> in1969Rita (Vallières) LandryAdopted daughter, and niece of Wilfred<strong>Hamel</strong>, Rita (Vallières) Landry, wasborn on September 26, 1924. Herbirth mother, Rita (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Vallièresdied shortly after Rita was born. Ritafirst lived with Uncle Roland and AuntCora, then at the age of three years old,became part of Wilfred and Yvonne’sfamily. In 1946, Rita married ReneLandry (Yvonne’s younger brother)and had three children: David, Darleenand Joanne. In the early 1950s theymoved to South San Francisco andthen in 1963 to Campbell, California.In 1958 Rita and her husband, Rene,adopted <strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong>.After retiring to Auburn, California fora few years, Rita and Rene returnedto the San Francisco Bay Area andnow live in Santa Clara near their sonDavid.Son David Landry was born on July30, 1947 in Rhode Island. Along withhis parents, he moved to Californiaat a early age. He grew up in SouthSan Francisco and Campbell. In 1965David married BernadetteSmith and produced twosons, David Jr. and Eric,both of Riverside, California.David Jr. married Tonya in2004 and have a son Julien.Eric married Michelle in1998 and they have twodaughters, Erin and Paige.In 19— David married again.David and his wife Teresanow live in Campbell closeto his parents, Rene and RitaLandry of Santa Clara.Daughter Darleen (Landry)Guien was born on January30, 1952 in West Warwick,but moved to California withher parents and brotherDavid in 1953. She grew upin South San Francisco andCampbell. While attendingthe University of Californiain Berkley, she visited heradopted brother, <strong>Paul</strong> <strong>Hamel</strong>,in Bafia, Cameroon wherehe was serving as a PeaceCorps volunteer. During theRaymond, Leo, and Yvonne <strong>Hamel</strong>in the 1920sRaymond, Leo, Yvonne <strong>Hamel</strong> andRita Vallières in the 1930sRita (Vallières) Landry in the 1940s10

Darleen, David, and JoanneLandry around 1956(Standing) René, Rita, David,Darleen, and Joanne Landryaround 1955(Standing) <strong>Paul</strong> <strong>Hamel</strong>, David, Rita(Vallières) Landry, and <strong>Paul</strong>ine<strong>Hamel</strong> (Sitting) Joanne (Landry)Vordale and Darleen (Landry)Guien in 1958six months of her stay, she metMichel Guien, a Frenchman,who was teaching at thesame school. Shortly afterleaving Cameroon and goingto France, Michel and Darleengot married in 1974. Theylived in Paris and then settledin the suburb of Santerny.Darleen graduated from theSorbonne University in Parisand became a high-schoolEnglish teacher. Michelworked in banking. Micheland Darleen have threechildren: Raphael, Daniel,and Aurélie. After livingtwenty-five years in France,Darleen returned to theUnited States with two of herchildren, Aurélie and Raphaelin 2002. Raphael graduatedfrom the Sorbonne in Parisand Aurélie is completingher studies at University ofCalifornia, Berkley. Darleenlives in West Los Angelesand teaches English to adultsfor the Los Angeles UnifiedSchool District and UCLAExtension. Daniel remainsin France and care for hisfather.Daughter Joanne (Landry)Vordale was born in SouthSan Francisco on October29, 1953. As did the otherchildren, Joanne grewup and went to school inSouth San Francisco andCampbell. In 1980s shemoved to Washington Statewhere she met then marriedJim Vordale. They have twochildren, Connor and Kelly.George Leo <strong>Hamel</strong>The son of Wilfred andYvonne (Landry) <strong>Hamel</strong>,George, better know by hismiddle name “Leo,” wasborn on April 12, 1929. Leojoined the Navy during theKorean Conflict serving onthe USS Philippine Sea asa radio operator. After hisEric, David, and David Landry Jr.in the 1980sFour generations of Landrys: René,David, David Jr, and Julian in 2006Eric and Michelle Landry with theirdaughters, Erin and Paige in 2006David and Teresa Landry in 2003

Raphael, Daniel, and AurelieGuien in the 1980sRaphael, Daniel, and AurelieGuien in the 1990sRaphael, Darleen (mother), Daniel,and Aurélie Guien in the 2003Jim and Joanne (Landry) Vordalewith their children, Kelly andCornor in the 1990smilitary service Leo returnedto Rhode Island. He metCora Coutcher and they weremarried in Oakland Beach,Rhode Island in June, 1953.After a short stay in Natick,they moved to South SanFrancisco, California in 1953where Leo worked as a welder.Leo and his family returnedto Rhode Island in the 1973to work with brothers Rayand Maurice in the electroplatingbusiness. In the 1999Leo and Cora retired to Alva,Florida where they currentlylive. Leo and Cora had threechildren, Steven, Denise, andAudrey.Leo’s son Steven <strong>Hamel</strong> wasborn on January 10, 1956in South San Francisco.When his father moved backto Rhode Island, Stevenfollowed. Like his father,Steven served in the Navy.After his military duty hereturned to Rhode Island andmet Debbie King. They weremarried and son Steven Jr.arrived on June 1, 1984. Hethen opened a constructioncompany and set up shopin Rhode Island. When hisfather and mother, Leo andCora, retired to Alva, Florida,Steve and his family followed.Steven started a successfulconstruction company, whichbuild the steel infrastructurefor large retail stores. SteveSr. was an accomplishedpilot and used his airplaneto supervise constructionsites in the southern UnitedStates. On Mother’s Day,May 12 1998, Steven’s planecrashed during a storm, andhe and his best friend werekilled. His son, Steven <strong>Hamel</strong>Jr., is married and lives nearLake Tahoe in California.Denise <strong>Hamel</strong> was born onSeptember 18, 1957 in SouthSan Francisco. Denise movedback to Rhode Island with herMaurice and Leo <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1930sCora and Leo <strong>Hamel</strong> in 1953Cora and Leo <strong>Hamel</strong> in 2005

Stephen and Denise <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1960sStephen <strong>Hamel</strong> and wife in the 1990sStephen <strong>Hamel</strong> Jr. and wife in 2004Stephen <strong>Hamel</strong> Jr.’s son, StephenStephen and Denise <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1960sDenise (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Stevens, Audry <strong>Hamel</strong>__ __ Stevens, and his wife, _____ in2005Leo <strong>Hamel</strong> with his granddaughters,______ and _______ Stevensparents in 1973. When her parents retired to Florida, shefollowed. Denise married and became Denise Stevens.This marriage produced three children: Millisa, bornJanuary 3, 1977; Michelle, born October 20, 1978 andJames, born June 10. 1980. Son Stephen is now servingin the military in New Hampshire and his family lives inMaine. Denise remarried and is now Denise Brodeur.Audry <strong>Hamel</strong> was born on November 9, 1961 in SouthSan Francisco and returned to Rhode Island with herparents in 1973. At the age or 17 she married Jeff Jones.The marriage lasted a short time and then Audrey movedto Alva, Florida near her parents. In 1988, she becamea police officer, and then a member of the Fort MyersBomb Squad. She was recognized as the first womanto complete Bomb Quad Training for the FBI. TodayAudrey works and lives near her parents in Leigh Acresin Florida.Maurice Jean <strong>Hamel</strong>Maurice was born on May 15, 1935 in Denemy’s Block inArctic. He went to school at St. Jean’s Catholic Schoolin Warren, Saint Joseph Catholic School in Natick, andLockwood High School in West Warwick. As a youngman in 1955 he joined his brothers Ray and Leo in SouthSan Francisco. After a stay of several years he returnedto Rhode Island where he met Virginia DiCristafaro whileworking at Leviton Manufacturing. They were marriedat Sacred Heart Church in Natick on September 17,

1955. Shortly afterwards, they relocated to South SanFrancisco where their first child, Glen Maurice, was bornon December 5, 1958. After a few years in California,Maurice and his family returned to Rhode Island wherehe joined his brothers Ray and Leo in an electro-platingbusiness. Shortly afterwards, two more children wereborn: Mark and Joseph (Joey). Virginia passed away in2005. Maurice now lives in West Warwick.<strong>Paul</strong>ine Yvonne (<strong>Hamel</strong>) ThompsonTwins <strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine were born on two separate days:<strong>Paul</strong> on November 29, 1945 and <strong>Paul</strong>ine on the 30th.They were born in a maternity home Centerville and livedin Natick, Artic, Coventry and Warren as children. Uponthe death of their parents, they moved to California tolive with Rita and Rene Landry and their three children:David, Darleen and Joanne. From 1958 to 1964, theylived in South San Francisco. Then, they moved toCampbell near San Jose. <strong>Paul</strong>ine and her first husband,Ray Bobcock, produced one child, Suzanne, who lives inSacramento. Suzanne has one child, Ryan. <strong>Paul</strong>ine andher husband Will Thompson moved to Auburn, Californiaand then to Corsicana, Texas where they retired.<strong>Paul</strong> Joseph <strong>Hamel</strong>Finally, there is me, <strong>Paul</strong>, the author of this book. I wasborn in West Warwick on November 29, 1945. Upon thedeath of my parents, I joined the family of Rene Landry,Maurice <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1930sMaurice and Virginia <strong>Hamel</strong> in 1955Maurice and Virginia <strong>Hamel</strong> in 2005Glenn, Mark, and Joey <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1960sGlen, Mark, and Joey <strong>Hamel</strong> in the 1990sMaurice <strong>Hamel</strong> with sister <strong>Paul</strong>ineThompson in Feb. 2007

Twins <strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong>around 1947<strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> around 1953Will and <strong>Paul</strong>ine (<strong>Hamel</strong>)Thompson in the 1990sSuzanne (Babcock) Kirkland in2005my mother’s younger brother, and Rita (Vallières), mycousin (my father’s niece) and adopted sister. AlthoughRené and Rita are not related to each other, I am relatedto both of them. René is my uncle on my mother’s side ofthe family, and Rita is my cousin on my father’s side ofthe family. (See Completed Relationships below.)My profession has always been in education both inwriting textbooks for English as a Second Language,teaching, and school administration. I received degreesfrom San Jose State College, UCLA, and California StateUniversity Los Angeles. I have also studied in programsat Laval University in Quebec (Peace Corps training) andat the University of Florence in Italy. My experience inteaching started at Saint Denis in Quebec, at the Lycéede Bafia in Cameroon, Africa, in the Intensive EnglishLanguage Program for Russian Immigrants at JewishVocational Service in Los Angeles, and as a English-as-a-Second-Language instructor at Fairfax Community AdultSchool, Santa Monica College, and UCLA Extension. Inthe 1980s I served as assistant principal at El CaminoAdult School for the Los Angeles Unified School District.In 1995 I was appointed Principal of Westside Education& Career Center in Los Angeles where I have been eversince. Currently, I live in West Hollywood with my partner,Michael Breyer.<strong>Paul</strong>ine (<strong>Hamel</strong>), Ray Babcock anddaughter, Suzanne in the 1970s<strong>Paul</strong>ine (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Thompson withgrandson, Ryan Kirkland in 2006

Complicated RelationshipsRIDDLE: What do you call someone who is your cousin,your sister, your aunt, and your mom, but who is notyour mother?Answer: You call her Rita.<strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> around 1947<strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> around 1949<strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> around 1952<strong>Paul</strong> <strong>Hamel</strong> and Mike Breyer in 2005Family relationships become complicated when children,for example, are adopted by other family members. The<strong>Hamel</strong> and Landry families have a long history of caringfor other family members, especially orphaned children.This occurred in the case of Rita (Valliéres) Landry andtwins, <strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong>.Niece Rita Valliéres was adopted into the Wilfred andYvonne <strong>Hamel</strong> family around 1927 after the prematuredeath of her mother, Rita (<strong>Hamel</strong>) Vallières.Other complications also occur when multipule membersof two different families marry. For example, in 1925Wilfred <strong>Hamel</strong> married Yvonne Landry and René Landry,brother of Yvonne, married Rita Vallières, daughter ofRita <strong>Hamel</strong> in 1946. At this point Rita became her ownadopted aunt, and René became is own adopted uncle.Rita was also René’s adopted niece, and René becamehis own adopted nephew.<strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> in 1957<strong>Paul</strong> <strong>Hamel</strong>, Rita (Vallères) Landry,Leo and Maurice <strong>Hamel</strong> in Feb. 2007In 1958, <strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> went to Californiato live with their uncle, René and adopted sister, andcousin, Rita (Vallières) Landry upon the death of theirparents, Wilfred and Yvonne (Landry) <strong>Hamel</strong>. At 1116

Rita Vallières went to live withWilfred and Yvonne <strong>Hamel</strong> afterthe death of her mother.Rita Vallières, Wilfred <strong>Hamel</strong>’sniece, married René Landry, thebrother of Yvonne <strong>Hamel</strong> in 1946.years of age <strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> became part ofthe Landry Family in California. René and Rita became“mom” and “dad.” Therefore, Rita (Vallières) Landry is<strong>Paul</strong> and <strong>Paul</strong>ine’s mom, sister, aunt, and cousin.RIDDLE 2: What do you call relatives who are your fi rstcousins, second cousins, brother and sisters?Answer: You call them David, Darleen, and Joanne--Rita and Rene Landry’s children.Try explaining this whole complicated relationship totheir children and grand-children!Rita Vallières with her aunt andadopted mother, Yvonne <strong>Hamel</strong> inthe 1940sUpon the death of their parents,<strong>Paul</strong> (top second from right) and<strong>Paul</strong>ine <strong>Hamel</strong> (right) went tolive with Rita and Rene Landryand their children, David (top left)Joanne (left), and Darleen (center)in 1958.

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