CHENNAI PORT TRUST Development of Dry Dock facility at Timber ...

CHENNAI PORT TRUST Development of Dry Dock facility at Timber ...

CHENNAI PORT TRUST Development of Dry Dock facility at Timber ...


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<strong>CHENNAI</strong> <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TRUST</strong><strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>facility</strong> <strong>at</strong><strong>Timber</strong> Pond/Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin in Chennai Portunder PPP modeAuthority’s response to QueriesPage 1 <strong>of</strong> 8

Chennai Port Trust Authority’s response to queriesSl.No.Existing Clause Clarific<strong>at</strong>ion and suggested Modific<strong>at</strong>ions Authority’s reply to Biddersquery1) Clause 1.4 (Page No. 9 <strong>of</strong> 118)Kindly confirm th<strong>at</strong> in case the consultant has Confirmed.The document can also be downloaded from downloaded the document, the applicant shallthe Official Website <strong>of</strong> the Authority. In case <strong>of</strong> be exempt from payment <strong>of</strong> Bid Document Feea downloaded form, the Applicant need not (i.e. INR 1000 plus VAT).deposit the aforesaid fee.2) Conditions <strong>of</strong> Eligibility <strong>of</strong> Applicants –Clause 2.2.2 (D) (Page No. 13-14 <strong>of</strong> 118)Educ<strong>at</strong>ional Qualific<strong>at</strong>ion for Port sector Expertcum-TeamLeader (the “Team Leader”) -Gradu<strong>at</strong>e in Civil EngineeringRequest ChPT to modify the Educ<strong>at</strong>ionalQualific<strong>at</strong>ion requirement to – Gradu<strong>at</strong>e/ PostGradu<strong>at</strong>e in Engineering / FinanceRFP conditions prevail.3) Conditions <strong>of</strong> Eligibility <strong>of</strong> Applicants –Clause 2.2.2 (D) (Page No. 13-14 <strong>of</strong> 118)Educ<strong>at</strong>ional Qualific<strong>at</strong>ion for Financial Expert -Chartered Accountant / ICWA or equivalent4) Conditions <strong>of</strong> Eligibility <strong>of</strong> Applicants –Clause 2.2.2 (D) (Page No. 13-14 <strong>of</strong> 118)Traffic-cum-Safety Expert5) Technical Proposal – Clause 2.14.2 (k) (PageNo. 23-24 <strong>of</strong> 118)(k) no Key Personnel should have <strong>at</strong>tained theage <strong>of</strong> 75 (seventy five) years <strong>at</strong> the time <strong>of</strong>submitting the proposal;6) Eligible Assignments – Clause 3.1.4 (PageNo. 35-36 <strong>of</strong> 118)Provided th<strong>at</strong> the Applicant firm claiming creditWe understand th<strong>at</strong> MBA in Finance shallalso be considered qualified for the position.Please confirmWe wish to highlight th<strong>at</strong> Traffic Assessmentand Safety are different streams and requiretotally different expertise. Further, consideringthe scope <strong>of</strong> services in the RFP, a SafetyExpert may not necessarily be required as aKey Personnel and thus, we request ChPT tosuitably modify this requirement.This is not in line with the generally acceptedpractice in any tender. We request ChPT tokindly remove age limits on the proposed KeyPersonnel.We wish to mention th<strong>at</strong> the fees towardsconsultancy services is linked to the cost <strong>of</strong>manpower <strong>of</strong> consultants and the str<strong>at</strong>egicMBA in Finance shall also beconsidered.Independent Traffic and safetyexperts could be deployedsubject to adherence to otherconditions <strong>of</strong> RFP.RFP conditions prevail.RFP conditions prevail.<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Timber</strong> Pond / Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 8

Chennai Port Trust Authority’s response to queriesSl.No.Existing Clause Clarific<strong>at</strong>ion and suggested Modific<strong>at</strong>ions Authority’s reply to Biddersquery(1) after a period <strong>of</strong> 5 yearsfrom completion <strong>of</strong> thisassignment;and(2) to further consultancy /advisory services performed forthe authority.An associ<strong>at</strong>e is an entityholding more than 5% <strong>of</strong> thesubscription and paid up sharecapital <strong>of</strong> the consultant.Associ<strong>at</strong>es, shall be disqualified fromsubsequently providing goods or works orservices rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the construction andoper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> the same Project and any breach<strong>of</strong> this oblig<strong>at</strong>ion shall be construed as Conflict<strong>of</strong> Interest; provided th<strong>at</strong> the restriction hereinshall not apply after a period <strong>of</strong> 5 (five) yearsfrom the completion <strong>of</strong> this assignment or toconsulting assignments granted by banks/lenders <strong>at</strong> any time; provided further th<strong>at</strong> thisrestriction shall not apply to consultancy/advisory services performed for the Authority incontinu<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> this Consultancy or to anysubsequent consultancy/ advisory servicesperformed for the Authority in accordance withthe rules <strong>of</strong> the Authority. For the avoidance <strong>of</strong>doubt, an entity affili<strong>at</strong>ed with the Consultantshall include a partner in the Consultant’s firmor a person who holds more than 5% (five percent) <strong>of</strong> the subscribed and paid up sharecapital <strong>of</strong> the Consultant, as the case may be,and any Associ<strong>at</strong>e there<strong>of</strong>.9) Proposal Due D<strong>at</strong>e – Clause 2.17 (Page No.27 <strong>of</strong> 118)10) Substitution <strong>of</strong> Key Personnel – Clause2.25.2 (Page No. 31-32 <strong>of</strong> 118)2.25.2 The Authority expects all the KeyPersonnel to be available duringRequest ChPT the Applicants shall be given <strong>at</strong>least two weeks’ time from the d<strong>at</strong>e <strong>of</strong>issuance <strong>of</strong> clarific<strong>at</strong>ions to Pre-bid queries tosubmit the proposal.Request ChPT to absolve the Applicant fromany such deductions if the substitution <strong>of</strong> KeyPersonnel is in agreement with and tocomplete s<strong>at</strong>isfaction <strong>of</strong> the AuthorityAccepted. Revised PDD is17.8.2012.(Please see the Amendment)RFP conditions prevail.<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Timber</strong> Pond / Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin Page 4 <strong>of</strong> 8

Chennai Port Trust Authority’s response to queriesSl.No.Existing Clause Clarific<strong>at</strong>ion and suggested Modific<strong>at</strong>ions Authority’s reply to Biddersqueryimplement<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> the Agreement. The Authoritywill not consider substitution <strong>of</strong> Key Personnelexcept for reasons <strong>of</strong> any incapacity or due tohealth. Such substitution shall ordinarily belimited to one Key Personnel subject to equallyor better qualified and experienced personnelbeing provided to the s<strong>at</strong>isfaction <strong>of</strong> theAuthority. As a condition to such substitution, asum equal to 2% (two per cent) <strong>of</strong> the acceptedbasic cost <strong>of</strong> the assignment shall bededucted from the payments due to theConsultant. In the case <strong>of</strong> a second substitutionhereunder, such deduction shall be 5% (fiveper cent) <strong>of</strong> the accepted basic cost <strong>of</strong> theassignment. Any further substitution may leadto disqualific<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> the Applicant or termin<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>of</strong> the Agreement.11) Indemnity – Clause 2.26 (Page No. 32 <strong>of</strong> 118)The Consultant shall, subject to the provisions<strong>of</strong> the Agreement, indemnify the Authority for anamount not exceeding 3 (three) times the value<strong>of</strong> the Agreement for any direct loss or damageth<strong>at</strong> is caused due to any deficiency in services.12) Short-listing <strong>of</strong> Applicants – Clause 3.2(Page No. 36 <strong>of</strong> 118)Of the Applicants ranked as aforesaid, not morethan five shall be pre-qualified and short-listedfor financial evalu<strong>at</strong>ion in the second stage.However, if the number <strong>of</strong> such pre-qualifiedApplicants is less than two, the Authority may,As per the industry norms, the amount <strong>of</strong>indemnity is usually capped <strong>at</strong> fee <strong>of</strong> theConsultants.In view <strong>of</strong> the above, request ChPT to kindlymodify the Indemnity clause and limit theamount to the fee received by the Applicant.As there is a minimum Technical Scorerequirement for Applicants to qualify for theopening <strong>of</strong> Financial Proposal, request ChPTto clarify the approach th<strong>at</strong> will be adopted toshortlist five players if more than five playersqualify as per the Evalu<strong>at</strong>ion Criteriamentioned in the RFP.RPF conditions prevail.Top ranked five shall be shortlisted subject to their meetingthe threshold criteria onTechnical Score requirement.<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Timber</strong> Pond / Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 8

Chennai Port Trust Authority’s response to queriesSl.No.Existing Clause Clarific<strong>at</strong>ion and suggested Modific<strong>at</strong>ions Authority’s reply to Biddersqueryin its sole discretion, pre-qualify the Applicant(s)whose technical score is less than 70 pointseven if such Applicant(s) do(es) not qualify interms <strong>of</strong> Clause 3.1.2; provided th<strong>at</strong> in such anevent, the total number <strong>of</strong> pre-qualified andshort-listed Applicants shall not exceed two.13) Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference – Clause 1.2 (Page No.45 <strong>of</strong> 118)1.2 The Consultant shall be guided in itsassignment by the Model ConcessionAgreement.14) Scope <strong>of</strong> Services – Clause 3.1 (Page No. 45-46 <strong>of</strong> 118)Assisting the Authority in clarifying the queriesraised on the FR should remain with theconsultant only till the submission <strong>of</strong> FinalReport.15) Scope <strong>of</strong> Service – Clause 3.15 (Page No. 47-48 <strong>of</strong> 118)Financial analysis and bid process16) Scope <strong>of</strong> Service – Clause 3.15.4 (Page No.48 <strong>of</strong> 118)3.15.4 If the IRR <strong>of</strong> the Project, based on theaforesaid calcul<strong>at</strong>ions is less than 12% (twelvepercent), an effort should be made to reducethe capital costs in consult<strong>at</strong>ion with theAuthority. This may be done either by omitting/modifying some <strong>of</strong> the proposed structures orby phasing them after a suitable period, suchKindly clarify the requirements as per thisclause.Request ChPT to kindly clarify the timelines onconsultant’s oblig<strong>at</strong>ion to clarify the queriesraise on the FR. In line with practice adoptedby Government Agencies, this oblig<strong>at</strong>ionWe understand th<strong>at</strong> rendering bid processmanagement services is not envisaged as part<strong>of</strong> the scope <strong>of</strong> work. Kindly confirm andmodify the clause accordingly.Suggesting altern<strong>at</strong>e business options wouldrequire a separ<strong>at</strong>e study and would be insignificant devi<strong>at</strong>ion to the scope <strong>of</strong> workproposed as per the RfP. Hence, thisrequirement may kindly be removed.“MCA” is a reference documentto understand theimplement<strong>at</strong>ion process – mayhelp in finalizing the ‘FR”.Assistance for clarifying querieson the ‘FR’ is obviously theresponsibility <strong>of</strong> the consultantbeing the author <strong>of</strong> the Report.Time line may be consideredas 1 year.The Clause remains.RFP conditions prevail.<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Timber</strong> Pond / Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin Page 6 <strong>of</strong> 8

Chennai Port Trust Authority’s response to queriesSl.No.Existing Clause Clarific<strong>at</strong>ion and suggested Modific<strong>at</strong>ions Authority’s reply to Biddersqueryth<strong>at</strong> the IRR reaches a minimum <strong>of</strong> 12% (twelvepercent). If the present proposal is notfinancially viable other business options may besuggested.17) Deliverables – Clause 4 A. (Page No. 49 <strong>of</strong>118)In the event th<strong>at</strong> a viable project does not seemfeasible, the Consultant shall not proceed withthe Consultancy and the same shall standtermin<strong>at</strong>ed. The Consultant shall be entitled to apayment <strong>of</strong> 10% (ten per cent) <strong>of</strong> theAgreement Value upon such termin<strong>at</strong>ion18) Time and Payment Schedule – Clause 6.2(Page No. 51 <strong>of</strong> 118)Time schedule for important Deliverables (the“Key D<strong>at</strong>es”) <strong>of</strong> the Consultancy and thepayment schedule linked to the specifiedDeliverables is given below:Milestone Week No. PaymentInception Report 2 -Draft feasibility report 14 60%Final Feasibility Report 18 40%The viability would be assessed <strong>at</strong> asignificantly l<strong>at</strong>er stage and the same is to bepresented in the Draft Feasibility Report.Further it is also inappropri<strong>at</strong>e to termin<strong>at</strong>e thestudy on the grounds <strong>of</strong> viability; as this isbeyond the control <strong>of</strong> the consultant. Hence,request you to kindly delete this clause.Request ChPT to kindly modify the paymentschedules as:Milestone Week No. PaymentInception Report 2 30%Draft feasibility report 14 50%Final feasibility report 18 20%RFP conditions prevail.RFP conditions prevail.19) Completion <strong>of</strong> Services – Clause 11.1 (PageNo. 53-54 <strong>of</strong> 118)11.1 All the study outputs including primary d<strong>at</strong>ashall be compiled, classified and submitted bythe Consultant to the Authority in s<strong>of</strong>t form apartRequest ChPT to modify this clause as:All the study outputs including primary d<strong>at</strong>ashall be compiled, classified and submitted bythe Consultant to the Authority in s<strong>of</strong>t formapart from the reports indic<strong>at</strong>ed in theThe line “and execution <strong>of</strong>Concession Agreement or 52 (Fifty Two) weeks from theeffective d<strong>at</strong>e, whichever isearlier” is deleted.<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Timber</strong> Pond / Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 8

Chennai Port Trust Authority’s response to queriesSl.No.Existing Clause Clarific<strong>at</strong>ion and suggested Modific<strong>at</strong>ions Authority’s reply to BiddersqueryDeliverables (para 4). The study outputs shallremain the property <strong>of</strong> the Authority and shall (Please see the Amendment)not be used for any purpose other than th<strong>at</strong>intended under these Terms <strong>of</strong> Referencewithout the permission <strong>of</strong> the Authority. TheConsultancy shall stand completed onacceptance by the Authority <strong>of</strong> all theDeliverables <strong>of</strong> the Consultant or 20 (twenty)weeks from the Effective D<strong>at</strong>e provided theDraft Feasibility Report has been submitted,whichever is earlier. The Authority shall issue acertific<strong>at</strong>e to th<strong>at</strong> effect. The Consultancy shallin any case be deemed to be completed uponexpiry <strong>of</strong> 28 weeks from Effective D<strong>at</strong>e, unlessextended by mutual consentfrom the reports indic<strong>at</strong>ed in the Deliverables(para 4). The study outputs shall remain theproperty <strong>of</strong> the Authority and shall not be usedfor any purpose other than th<strong>at</strong> intended underthese Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference without thepermission <strong>of</strong> the Authority. The Consultancyshall stand completed on acceptance by theAuthority <strong>of</strong> all the Deliverables <strong>of</strong> theConsultant and execution <strong>of</strong> the ConcessionAgreement or 52 (fifty two) weeks from theEffective D<strong>at</strong>e, whichever is earlier. TheAuthority shall issue a certific<strong>at</strong>e to th<strong>at</strong> effect.The Consultancy shall in any case be deemedto be completed upon expiry <strong>of</strong> 1 (one)] yearfrom the Effective D<strong>at</strong>e, unless extended bymutual consent <strong>of</strong> the Authority and theConsultant.20) Generic Structure <strong>of</strong> DPR – Page 56 <strong>of</strong> 118 Kindly confirm th<strong>at</strong> this is only a guideline forthe DPR structure and consultant need notcompulsorily adhere to this structure.Consultant need to adhere tothe generic structure.<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Dock</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Timber</strong> Pond / Bo<strong>at</strong> Basin Page 8 <strong>of</strong> 8

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