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D. Machiwal, M. K. JhaCouncil of Agricultural Research (ICAR), NewDelhi, India for conducting this study.REFERENCESADAMOWSKI K. and BOUGADIS J., 2003: Detection oftrends in annual extreme rainfall. Hydrological Processes,17, 18, 3547–3560.ADELOYE A.J. and MONTASERI M., 2002: Preliminarystreamflow data analyses prior to water resources planningstudy. Hydrological Sciences J., 47, 5, 679–692.ALEMAW B.F. and CHAOKA T.R., 2002: Trends in the flowregime of the southern African Rivers as visualized from rescaledadjusted partial sums (RAPS). African J. of Scienceand Technology, Science and Engineering Series, 3, 1, 69––78.ALEXANDERSSON H., 1986: A homogeneity test applied toprecipitation data. J. of Climatology, 6, 661–675.ALEXANDERSSON H., 1995: Homogeneity testing, multiplebreaks and trends. Proceedings of the 6 th International Meetingon Statistical Climatology, Galway, pp. 439–441.ANGEL J.R. and HUFF F.A., 1997: Changes in heavy rainfallin Midwestern United States. J. of Water Resources Planningand Management, ASCE, 123, 4, 246–249.ANTONOPOULOS V.Z., PAPAMICHAIL D.M. and MIT-SIOU, K.A., 2001: Statistical and trend analysis of waterquality and quantity data for the Strymon River in Greece.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 4, 679–691.APPEL U. and BRANDT A.V., 1983: Adaptive sequentialsegmentation of piecewise stationary time series. Inf. Sci.(N. Y.), 29, 27–56.ASTATKIE T., YIRIDOE E.K. and CLARK J.S., 2003: Testingfor trend in variability of climate data: Measures andtemporal aggregation with applications to Canadian data.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 76, 3-4, 235–247.AULENBACH B.T., HOOPER R.P. and BRICKER O.P.,1996: Trends in the chemistry of precipitation and surfacewater in a national network of small watersheds. HydrologicalProcesses, 10, 2, 151–181.BEIGHLEY E. and MOGLEN G.E., 2002: Trend assessmentin rainfall-runoff behavior in urbanizing watersheds. J. ofHydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 7, 1, 27–34.BETHEA R.M. and RHINEHART R.R., 1991: Applied EngineeringStatistics. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. BîrsanM.-V., Molnar P. and Burlando P., 2002. Streamflow trendsin Switzerland. Proceedings of the PHEFRA Workshop,Barcelona, October 16 – 19, 2002. http://www.ccma.csic.es//dpts/suelos/hidro/phefra/images/chapter_38_phefra.pdf (accessedon 27 January 2004).BRUNETTI M., BUFFONI L., MAUGERI M. and NANNI,T., 2000: Precipitation intensity trends in northern Italy. InternationalJ. of Climatology, 20, 9, 1017–1031.BRUNETTI M., MAUGERI M. and NANNI T., 2001:Changes in total precipitation, rainy days and extremeevents in northeastern Italy. International J. of Climatology,21, 7, 861–871.BUISHAND T.A., 1982: Some methods for testing the homogeneityof rainfall records. J. of Hydrology, 58, 11–27.BUISHAND T.A., 1984: Tests for detecting a shift in the meanof hydrological time series. J. of Hydrology, 73, 51–69.BURN D.H., 1994: Hydrologic effects of climatic change inwest-central Canada. J. of Hydrology, 160, 1-4, 53–70.BURN D.H. and ELNUR M.A.H., 2002: Detection of hydrologictrends and variability. J. of Hydrology, 255, 1-4, 107–122.CAPODAGLIO A.G. and MOISELLO U., 1990: Simple stochasticmodel for annual flows. J. of Water Resources Planningand Management, ASCE, 116, 2, 220–232.CHANG T.J., 1988: Stochastic forecast of water losses. J. ofIrrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, 114, 3, 547––558.CHEN H.-L. and RAO A.R., 2002: Testing hydrologic timeseries for stationarity. J. of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE,7, 2, 129–136.CIMINO G., DEL DUCE G., KADONAGA L.K., ROTUNDOG., SISANI A., STABILE G., TIROZZI B. and WHITICARM., 1999: Time series analysis of geological data. ChemicalGeology, 161, 1-3, 253–270.CLARKE R.T., 2002: Fitting and testing the significance oflinear trends in Gumbel-distributed data. Hydrology andEarth System Sciences, 6, 1,17–24.DAHMEN E.R. and HALL M.J., 1990: Screening of hydrologicdata: Tests for stationarity and relative consistency.ILRI Publication No. 49, Wageningen, 60 pp.DARKEN P.F., HOLTZMAN G.I., SMITH E.P. and ZIPPERC.E., 2000: Detecting changes in trends in water quality usingmodified Kendall's tau. Environmetrics, 11, 4, 423–434.DE LUÍS M., RAVENTÓS J., GONZÁLEZ-HIDALGO J.C.,SÁNCHEZ J.R. and CORTINA J., 2000: Spatial analysis ofrainfall trends in the region of Valencia (east Spain). InternationalJ. of Climatology, 20, 12, 1451–1469.DOUGLAS E.M., VOGEL R.M. and KROLL C.N., 2000:Trends in floods and low flows in the United States: Impactof spatial correlation. J. of Hydrology, 240, 1-2, 90–105.DUCRÉ-ROBITAILLE J., VINCENT L.A. and BOULET G.,2003: Comparison of techniques for detection of discontinuitiesin temperature series. International J. of Climatology,23, 9, 1087–1101.EL-SHAARAWI A.H., ESTERBY S.R. and KUNTZ K.W.,1983: A statistical evaluation of trends in the water qualityof the Niagara River. J. of Great Lakes Research, 9, 234–240.ESTEBAN-PARRA M.J. and CASTRO-DIEZ, Y., 1995: Onthe homogeneity of the longest temperature series in Spain:a critical analysis. Proceedings of the Conference on ClimateDynamics and the Global Change Perspective, Cracow,Poland, October 17–20, 1995. http://www.cyfkr.edu.pl/~ziniedzw/paper034.html(accessed on 30 January2004).ESTERBY S.R., 1996: Review of methods for the detectionand estimation of trends with emphasis on water quality applications.Hydrological Processes, 10, 2, 127–149.FANTA B., ZAAKE B.T. and KACHROO R.K., 2001: Astudy of variability of annual river flow of the southern Africanregion. Hydrological Sciences J., 46, 4, 513–524.FERNANDO D.A.K. and JAYAWARDENA A.W., 1994:Generation and forecasting of monsoon rainfall data. 20 thWEDC Conference on Affordable Water Supply and Sanitation,Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 310–313.FORTUNIAK K., 1995: Periodicity of temperature and precipitationin Poland in the period 1956-1990. Conference onClimate Dynamics and the Global Change Perspective, Cracow,Poland, October 17–20, 1995. http://www.cyfkr.edu.pl/~ziniedzw/paper037.html(accessed on 30 January2004).254

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D. Machiwal, M. K. JhaCouncil of Agricultural Research (ICAR), NewDelhi, India for conducting this study.REFERENCESADAMOWSKI K. and BOUGADIS J., 2003: Detection oftrends in annual extreme rainfall. Hydrological Processes,17, 18, 3547–3560.ADELOYE A.J. and MONTASERI M., 2002: Preliminarystreamflow data analyses prior to water resources planningstudy. Hydrological Sciences J., 47, 5, 679–692.ALEMAW B.F. and CHAOKA T.R., 2002: Trends in the flowregime of the southern African Rivers as visualized from rescaledadjusted partial sums (RAPS). African J. of Scienceand Technology, Science and Engineering Series, 3, 1, 69––78.ALEXANDERSSON H., 1986: A homogeneity test applied toprecipitation data. J. of Climatology, 6, 661–675.ALEXANDERSSON H., 1995: Homogeneity testing, multiplebreaks and trends. Proceedings of the 6 th International Meetingon Statistical Climatology, Galway, pp. 439–441.ANGEL J.R. and HUFF F.A., 1997: Changes in heavy rainfallin Midwestern United States. J. of Water Resources Planningand Management, ASCE, 123, 4, 246–249.ANTONOPOULOS V.Z., PAPAMICHAIL D.M. and MIT-SIOU, K.A., 2001: Statistical and trend analysis of waterquality and quantity data for the Strymon River in Greece.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 4, 679–691.APPEL U. and BRANDT A.V., 1983: Adaptive sequentialsegmentation of piecewise stationary time series. Inf. Sci.(N. Y.), 29, 27–56.ASTATKIE T., YIRIDOE E.K. and CLARK J.S., 2003: Testingfor trend in variability of climate data: Measures andtemporal aggregation with applications to Canadian data.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 76, 3-4, 235–247.AULENBACH B.T., HOOPER R.P. and BRICKER O.P.,1996: Trends in the chemistry of precipitation and surfacewater in a national network of small watersheds. HydrologicalProcesses, 10, 2, 151–181.BEIGHLEY E. and MOGLEN G.E., 2002: Trend assessmentin rainfall-runoff behavior in urbanizing watersheds. J. ofHydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 7, 1, 27–34.BETHEA R.M. and RHINEHART R.R., 1991: Applied EngineeringStatistics. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. BîrsanM.-V., Molnar P. and Burlando P., 2002. Streamflow trendsin Switzerland. Proceedings of the PHEFRA Workshop,Barcelona, October 16 – 19, 2002. http://www.ccma.csic.es//dpts/suelos/hidro/phefra/images/chapter_38_phefra.pdf (accessedon 27 January 2004).BRUNETTI M., BUFFONI L., MAUGERI M. and NANNI,T., 2000: Precipitation intensity trends in northern Italy. InternationalJ. of Climatology, 20, 9, 1017–1031.BRUNETTI M., MAUGERI M. and NANNI T., 2001:Changes in total precipitation, rainy days and extremeevents in northeastern Italy. International J. of Climatology,21, 7, 861–871.BUISHAND T.A., 1982: Some methods for testing the homogeneityof rainfall records. J. of Hydrology, 58, 11–27.BUISHAND T.A., 1984: Tests for detecting a shift in the meanof hydrological time series. J. of Hydrology, 73, 51–69.BURN D.H., 1994: Hydrologic effects of climatic change inwest-central Canada. J. of Hydrology, 160, 1-4, 53–70.BURN D.H. and ELNUR M.A.H., 2002: Detection of hydrologictrends and variability. J. of Hydrology, 255, 1-4, 107–122.CAPODAGLIO A.G. and MOISELLO U., 1990: Simple stochasticmodel for annual flows. J. of Water Resources Planningand Management, ASCE, 116, 2, 220–232.CHANG T.J., 1988: Stochastic forecast of water losses. J. ofIrrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, 114, 3, 547––558.CHEN H.-L. and RAO A.R., 2002: Testing hydrologic timeseries for stationarity. J. of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE,7, 2, 129–136.CIMINO G., DEL DUCE G., KADONAGA L.K., ROTUNDOG., SISANI A., STABILE G., TIROZZI B. and WHITICARM., 1999: Time series analysis of geological data. ChemicalGeology, 161, 1-3, 253–270.CLARKE R.T., 2002: Fitting and testing the significance oflinear trends in Gumbel-distributed data. Hydrology andEarth System Sciences, 6, 1,17–24.DAHMEN E.R. and HALL M.J., 1990: Screening of hydrologicdata: Tests for stationarity and relative consistency.ILRI Publication No. 49, Wageningen, 60 pp.DARKEN P.F., HOLTZMAN G.I., SMITH E.P. and ZIPPERC.E., 2000: Detecting changes in trends in water quality usingmodified Kendall's tau. Environmetrics, 11, 4, 423–434.DE LUÍS M., RAVENTÓS J., GONZÁLEZ-HIDALGO J.C.,SÁNCHEZ J.R. and CORTINA J., 2000: Spatial analysis ofrainfall trends in the region of Valencia (east Spain). InternationalJ. of Climatology, 20, 12, 1451–1469.DOUGLAS E.M., VOGEL R.M. and KROLL C.N., 2000:Trends in floods and low flows in the United States: Impactof spatial correlation. J. of Hydrology, 240, 1-2, 90–105.DUCRÉ-ROBITAILLE J., VINCENT L.A. and BOULET G.,2003: Comparison of techniques for detection of discontinuitiesin temperature series. International J. of Climatology,23, 9, 1087–1101.EL-SHAARAWI A.H., ESTERBY S.R. and KUNTZ K.W.,1983: A statistical evaluation of trends in the water qualityof the Niagara River. J. of Great Lakes Research, 9, 234–240.ESTEBAN-PARRA M.J. and CASTRO-DIEZ, Y., 1995: Onthe homogeneity of the longest temperature series in Spain:a critical analysis. Proceedings of the Conference on ClimateDynamics and the Global Change Perspective, Cracow,Poland, October 17–20, 1995. http://www.cyfkr.edu.pl/~ziniedzw/paper034.html(accessed on 30 January2004).ESTERBY S.R., 1996: Review of methods for the detectionand estimation of trends with emphasis on water quality applications.Hydrological Processes, 10, 2, 127–149.FANTA B., ZAAKE B.T. and KACHROO R.K., 2001: Astudy of variability of annual river flow of the southern Africanregion. Hydrological Sciences J., 46, 4, 513–524.FERNANDO D.A.K. and JAYAWARDENA A.W., 1994:Generation and forecasting of monsoon rainfall data. 20 thWEDC Conference on Affordable Water Supply and Sanitation,Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 310–313.<strong>FOR</strong>TUNIAK K., 1995: Periodicity of temperature and precipitationin Poland in the period 1956-1990. Conference onClimate Dynamics and the Global Change Perspective, Cracow,Poland, October 17–20, 1995. http://www.cyfkr.edu.pl/~ziniedzw/paper037.html(accessed on 30 January2004).254

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