1. Usage 2. Overview of the entire system

1. Usage 2. Overview of the entire system

1. Usage 2. Overview of the entire system


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for use within Eclipse.Developing With Soot in EclipseControl-flow graph is called UnitGraph in Soot. A unit graph contains statements asnodes, and <strong>the</strong>re is an edge between two nodes if control can flow from <strong>the</strong> statementrepresented by <strong>the</strong> source node to <strong>the</strong> statement represented by <strong>the</strong> target node.A data-flow analysis associates two elements with each node in <strong>the</strong> unit graph, usuallytwo so-called flow sets: one in-set and one out-set. These sets are (1) initialized, <strong>the</strong>n (2)propagated through <strong>the</strong> unit graph along statement nodes until (3) a fixed point isreached.In <strong>the</strong> end, all you do is inspect <strong>the</strong> flow set before and after each statement. By <strong>the</strong>design <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> analysis, your flow sets should tell you exactly <strong>the</strong> information you need.There exist three different kind <strong>of</strong> FlowAnalysis implementations in Soot: ForwardFlowAnalysis – this analysis starts at <strong>the</strong> entry statement <strong>of</strong> a UnitGraphand propagates forward from <strong>the</strong>re, BackwardsFlowAnalysis – this analysis starts at <strong>the</strong> exit node(s) <strong>of</strong> a Unit Graphand propagates back from <strong>the</strong>re (as an alternative you can produce<strong>the</strong> InverseGraph <strong>of</strong> your UnitGraph and use a ForwardFlowAnalysis; it does notmatter); and ForwardBranchedFlowAnalysis – this is essentially a forward analysis but it allowsyou to propagate different flow sets into different branches. For instance, if youprocess a statement like if(p!=null) <strong>the</strong>n you may propagate <strong>the</strong> into “p is not null”into <strong>the</strong> “<strong>the</strong>n” branch and “p is null” into <strong>the</strong> ”else” branch.What direction you want to use depends <strong>entire</strong>ly on your analysis problem.Displaying analysis result as tagsYou can display <strong>the</strong> result <strong>of</strong> your analysis as tags. To do so, simply add a Tag to any Host.After Eclipse has executed your analysis, it willdisplay <strong>the</strong> results stored in <strong>the</strong> tag whenyou hover over <strong>the</strong> tagged element with your mouse.[from: http://www.bodden.de/tag/soot-tutorial/]Setting up a project so that Soot can work with itChoose: File->New->Java ProjectNow you get <strong>the</strong> following window:

Give <strong>the</strong> project a name, take TestCfg for exampleClick FinishNow you get a project in your workbench as following:The java file named TestCfg.java(Note: this is only an example):public class TestCfg {public void TestFor(){int i;int a[][]=new int[3][3];for(i=0;i

Choose file <strong>system</strong> <strong>the</strong>n click NextBrowse to get your target java filesSelect your files for analyzingClick FinishBecause your codes may depends on some packages from soot, you must add <strong>the</strong> sootpath into <strong>the</strong> current build path.Configure <strong>the</strong> build pathRight click <strong>the</strong> project iconChoose: Build Path->Configure Build Path..Select <strong>the</strong> Libraries tabNow what’s on <strong>the</strong> screen is such a window:Click Add Variables..Select SOOTCLASSES <strong>the</strong>n click okClick okNow you add a special lib to your working project.

6. Fundamental Soot objectsSoot builds data structures to represent:Scene. The Scene class represents <strong>the</strong> complete environment <strong>the</strong> analysis takesplace in. Through it, you can set e.g., <strong>the</strong> application classes(The classes supplied toSoot for analysis), <strong>the</strong> main class (<strong>the</strong> one that contains <strong>the</strong> main method) andaccess information regarding interprocedural analysis (e.g., points-to information andcall graphs).SootClass. Represents a single class loaded into Soot or created using Soot.SootMethod. Represents a single method <strong>of</strong> a class.SootField. Represents a member field <strong>of</strong> a class.Body. Represents a method body and comes in different flavors, corresponding todifferent IRs (e.g., JimpleBody).These data structures are implemented using Object-Oriented techniques, and designed to beeasy to use and generic where possible.6-1 Soot ClassesFrom: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~olhotak/cs744/4soot.pdfFor more information, refer to this tutorial: A Survivor’s Guide to Java Program Analysis withSoot.

AppendixSoot’s home:(1)McGill Universityhttp://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/>(2)Ano<strong>the</strong>r wonderful sitehttp://www.brics.dk/SootGuide/>download soot:http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/soot_download.htmlsoot api doc :http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/doc/index.htmllocalfs://soot\sootall-<strong>2.</strong>3.0\soot-<strong>2.</strong>3.0\doc\index.htmlsoot tutorial:http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~olhotak/cs744/http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/tutorial/index.htmllocalfs:// soot\sootall-<strong>2.</strong>3.0\soot-<strong>2.</strong>3.0\tutorial\index.htmlSoot Eclipse plugin:General introhttp://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/eclipse/index.htmlInstallation guidehttp://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/eclipse/updates/Developing With Soot in Eclipsehttp://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/soot_in_eclipse_howto.htmlUsing <strong>the</strong> plugin with a custom main classhttp://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/eclipse/different-main.htmlPlugin helphttp://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/eclipse/ca.mcgill.sable.soot/doc/concepts/concepts.html

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