Erica - HER LIFE Magazine

Erica - HER LIFE Magazine

Erica - HER LIFE Magazine


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herlife | love and relationshipsCoAskJaime Leeby jaime leephoto by la vene stephensQ:I need help! I am constantly comparing myself to othergirls and feel that I can’t measure up when it comes tomen. I have no confidence when interacting with men.It’s so bad that I tend to set up my girlfriends becauseI’m too afraid to actually put myself out there. Whatshould I do? I don’t want to end up alone.-Tammy, ModestoA:Dear Tammy,You’ve got tons of confidence girl, you just don’tknow it! You were brave enough to ask for my helpand confident enough to talk to men. The problem is you wrap themup and send them to your friends...”catch and release.” Stop that! I’msure these guys were talking to you because they were interested inYOU! Save some of these guys for yourself. Why toss them back intothe water like an old carp? Maybe you are putting too much pressureon yourself. The next time you strike up a conversation with a guy, talkto him as a person, not a potential soul mate. Get out and meet peoplejust for the sake of having a good time. Don’t think every man that youmeet could be “the one.” My guess is once you get to that point whereyou are thinking you like this guy, it freaks you out a little bit so yougive him your friend’s number instead. Stop setting up your friends andstop comparing yourself to them. If guys wanted cookie-cutter womenthey’d all date Betty Crocker. Okay, a hot Betty Crocker. Any guy whocan’t appreciate you for your individuality isn’t worth your time anyway.So rock on with your bad self and go get you a man!Jaimee Lee rocks the airwaves on Kat Country 103’s,“DJ Walker in the Morning Show!” She has given relationshipadvice to her girlfriends and thousands of listenersover the years. Now you can ask her the secretsto a long-lasting and happy relationship. Jaimee Lee hasbeen happily married for eight years and is expectingher first baby in September! Please email Jaimee Leewith your love and relationship questions,jaimeelee@herlifemagazine.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 61

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