Erica - HER LIFE Magazine

Erica - HER LIFE Magazine

Erica - HER LIFE Magazine


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herlife | contentscontentJANUARY 201222 welcome 8health 12cosmetic surgery 14beauty 16Spotlight 20inspirations 22cravings 28recipes 30Culinary 32trendsetter 34ERICA HUGHES<strong>Erica</strong>, a fun-loving and down-to-earth young woman, will quickly take your breath away. Sure, she has thelooks, but what makes one stop and take note is her amazing grace and subtle confidence with which shehandles life. She has scaled a few emotional mountains in her day, and the journey has not always beeneasy.46mother’s perspective 42spotlight 44green living 46Finance 50Spotlight 52Home 54BUYING LOCAL FOOD ON A BUDGETThere are so many great advantages to buyingyour family’s food from local farms and ranchers.Fresh produce will always provide more flavorthan anything that has been shipped. Your tastebuds are guaranteed to know the difference andthank you for your choice! Your tongue is not theonly part of your body that will receive a benefitfrom locally grown food.54CRAFTSMAN HOUSES ACROSS AMERICASimple, solid, elegant and aesthetically appealing—these are just a few of the terms used to describeCraftsman homes, an architectural style popularizedin the early 20th century. Characterized by detailssuch as wooden porches with thick columns, openfloor plans with few hallways and built-in nooks,Craftsman homes symbolize America’s embrace ofan emerging middle class.Scene and Be Seen 56Love and Relationships 61She Said Yes 62tie the knot 64calendar 686 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Having a childshould changeyour life. Notyour career.Rapid career advancement. We all want it.And at Moss Adams LLP, we think deciding tohave a family shouldn’t impede it.That’s why we believe in creating the rightcorporate culture—one that promotesbalance. Because while you have professionalaspirations, you also have, well, a life.w w w. m o s s a d a m s .c o m /c a r e e r s<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 11

herlife | healthThe Power of Affirmationsby catie watsonI am powerful.I am filled with joy.I am surrounded by love.I have abundant energy.I love and accept myself.I am successful in whatever I do.I am strong and in perfect health.I am grateful for the people in my life.Each of us has an inner dialoguethat we carry on with ourselvesthroughout the day. This dialogueis so deeply engrained that we usuallyaren’t aware of it, but psychologists say thatit can control our moods and influence theoutcome of important events in our lives.When your inner dialogue is full of fearand negativity, it can negatively impactyour reality.Affirmations are a powerful tool thatcan change the course of your life for thebetter. If you were to spend a day focusedon your inner dialogue, you might beshocked by the level of negativity. You’renot alone—researchers have found that 80percent of the average person’s thoughts arenegative. What’s the harm? Each time wefear that we can’t succeed or expect that anevent will turn out badly, we send messagesto our subconscious mind that can keep usfrom trying our hardest or even cause us tofail. So if you spend the day telling yourselfthat you’re not good enough or smartenough or pretty enough, your subconsciousmind will accept it as reality.Affirmations are positive statementsthat are used to create a positive mood.Repeating an affirmation again and againcan actually train the mind. While theconscious mind focuses on the affirmation,the subconscious mind undergoessubtle changes. Through affirmationsyou can transform your attitudes,habits and behavior. These transfor-mations have the potential to profoundlyimpact external events.Writing in his Psychology Today blog,UCLA professor Ronald Alexander definesan affirmation as “a statement said withconfidence about a perceived truth.” Accordingto Alexander, the mind doesn’tknow the difference between reality andfantasy. By making affirmations a dailyhabit, you can “trick” the mind into replacingnegative thought patterns with positiveones. While it’s difficult to change yourthoughts with sheer will power, both philosophersand psychologists have found thatpositive affirmations are one of the mosteffective tools for altering the subconscious.Doctors have identified somethingthey call the “mind/body connection.”The body’s ability to stay healthy and resistdisease is strongly influenced by an individual’semotional health. Affirmations thatpromote good emotional health can alsostrengthen the immune system and helpthe body fight disease.To receive the full benefit of positiveaffirmations, they should be repeatedfrequently throughout the day. Affirmationsshould be brief, easy to remember and easyto repeat. People who have successfullyused affirmations believe that they shouldbe personal, specific, in the present tenseand employ use positive phrases. So insteadof thinking “I need to lose weight” youwould affirm “I am getting thinner.”The concept of positive affirmations12 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

is not new. The repetition of key phrases has played a role inreligion for centuries in the form of chants, mantras and prayers.One of the early secular leaders of the affirmation movement wasthe French psychologist Emile Coue. In the early 1900s Couepromoted his theory of the Laws of Suggestion and encouragedfollowers to repeat the phrase “Every day in every way, I am gettingbetter and better,” 20 to 30 times before going to sleep each night.Affirmations have undergone a recent surge in popularitythanks to a couple of best-selling books: The Law of Attraction byEsther and Jerry Hicks, and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Bothbooks center on the idea that positive thinking can lead to greaterhealth, wealth and happiness. Some of the theories in these bookscan be found in earlier classic motivational works including WallaceWattles’ The Science of Getting Rich and Napoleon Hill’sThink and Grow Rich.To form affirmations that have personal meaning, begin by focusingon what you’d like to achieve and what’s important to you.Visualize your ideal life and then form positive statements thatreflect this ideal as a reality. Some people begin by listing theirself-criticisms and then creating affirmations that oppose thesecriticisms. Using affirmation may initially feel awkward, but overtime it will become easier. If you stay committed, you will soonfind that you have the power to reprogram negative thinking andapproach challenges with a winning attitude. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 13

herlife | cosmetic surgeryQ:“Is it possible to breast feed after breast implant surgery?”Q:“Is there a surgery to eliminate Cellulite?”A:An overwhelming majority of patients can successfullybreast feed, especially if they have the surgical incisionplaced in the fold under the breast.A:I wish there was because so many patients ask about that,yet I have never seen any treatment that is consistentlysafe and effective.Q:“I’ve been told that the results of Botox are temporary andthat you need more and more to maintain the same result.Is that true?”experience with Botox is considerable and we find justthe opposite to be true. Yes, Botox is temporary, but theA:Myeffects of Botox seem to last longer and longer with eachinjection (up to about six months). If the initial injectiondose is correct, it is not necessary to increase it to achievethe same effect.Q:“My mother is talking about a facelift, but she is 65 yearsold. Is that too old to have elective surgery?”A:I will operate on anyone, at any age, who meets thesethree essential criteria: (1) the surgery must be safe and approvedby the patients own current physicians, (2) I mustfeel that I can really help the patient achieve their realisticgoals, and (3) I, personally, have to have a positive “vibe”or “intuition” about the patient. These rules have notfailed me in 29 years of practice.14 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COMQ:“I smoked for years and have the typical deep ‘smoker’slines’ around my lips. Is that fixable?”A:This is always a challenging problem; however there areseveral things that can be done to greatly help the situation.These include: dermabrasion, chemical peels, andthe use of tissue fillers (Juvederm and the patient’s ownfat). In general, the more treatment options you use, thebetter the results.Q:“What are the three most common procedures that youperform?”A:In order of popularity:1. abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” surgery2. breast augmentation3. facelift surgeryIf you have questions or would like to hear about a certain topic relatingto cosmetic surgery or skin care, please submit your questions to ourFacebook Page—<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> of Central Valley.

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herlife | beautyMobile CosmetologistsBeauty Specialists Who Come to YouWhen You Can’t or Don’t Have Time to Travel to a Salonby linda marannoAs our daily schedules become increasingly demandingand balancing work, family and other activities becomesmore challenging, there often isn’t any time left to takecare of personal needs such as getting your hair cut, having a facialor getting a manicure. Taking time off from work or trying to finda babysitter so you can enjoy some personal time may sometimesseem impossible. Wouldn’t it make life a lot easier if professionalswho provide these services could come to you?You might be surprised to learn there are some beauty professionalssuch as hair stylists, estheticians, make-up artists and nailtechnicians who do, in fact, provide on-site services at your home,office or wherever you might happen to be. They call themselvesmobile or traveling cosmetologists. Some are independent freelancebeauty professionals and others offer their on-site servicesthrough mobile spas.In addition to multi-tasking mothers and busy executives,others who can benefit from mobile beauty services include newmothers, homebound individuals recovering from an accident orillness, the elderly and individuals preparing for special occasionssuch as weddings, anniversaries, proms and graduations.Finding a mobile beauty professional in your area, however,can be a frustrating challenge, because there currently is no onlinedirectory or resource that focuses exclusively on this particularniche market. If you type “mobile cosmetologist”into a search engine, you’ll more than likelyget search results that list cosmetologistsin Mobile, Alabama. Unless youhappen to live in Mobile, that’s not16 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COMvery helpful!So how to do you find a mobile or traveling cosmetologist? Wesearched extensively and identified a couple of online directoriesthat promoted themselves as nationwide resources for stylists andother beauty professionals. Unfortunately, neither lived up to theirhype—the information was poorly organized and not many listingswere featured in any given city. We did find one site, however,called Spa Finder (www.spafinder.com) that did provide a fairlygood selection of mobile spas, which mostly offer services such asfacials, pedicures, manicures and therapeutic massage.Simply searching for a mobile/traveling hair stylist (or otherprofessional) in your city can generate some results, but thechoices may be somewhat limited because many small businessowners cannot afford to pay for search engine ranking.The best resource we found for mobile beauty professionalsisn’t exactly the first place you would expect to look. It’s called TheKnot (www.theknot.com)—a very popular wedding website withextensive listings for everything you can imagine you might needfor a wedding. Among those listings is a category called health andbeauty, as well as separate categories for hair stylists and make-upartists. A significant number of beauty professionals listed in thesecategories offer mobile services. In order to access vendor detailsand contact information, you’ll need to set up an account, whichis free. Then just click on local vendors, select your city and selectthe type of service you’re looking for. Vendor profiles include ashort description of their services, contact information and a linkto their website. Of course, some cosmetologists listed may focusexclusively on wedding clients, but many offer their mobile servicesto others as well.Once you’ve identified a few mobile beauty professionals whoprovide the type of service you’re looking for, you’ll want to read afew customer reviews to determine if you’ve found a good match.There are some reviews listed on ww.theknot.com site, but otherhelpful sources for customer reviews can be found on www.citysearch.comor www.yelp.com.It’s also important to make sure mobile cosmetologists youare considering have the proper educational background and meetContinued on page 18

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state licensing requirements. Most cosmetologists are requiredto be licensed and some states require an additional license tobe classified as a mobile cosmetologist. Here are some importanttraining and licensing facts to help you choose a cosmetologist—whether they are mobile or work in a traditional salon setting.Educational requirements vary by state, but according to theAmerican Association of Cosmetology Schools, average trainingrequired for hair stylists is between 1,300 and 1,600 hours, forestheticians it’s 650 hours and for nail technicians it’s 300 hours.Most cosmetology professionals are required to be licensed inthe states where they practice and must pass a state board exam toacquire a license. To learn about the requirements in your state,visit The National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetologywebsite (www.nictesting.org), which provides links to all 50state cosmetology boards. States do not issue a license for makeupartists; however, many salons, spas and even some retail storesrequire make-up artists to have an esthetics or cosmetology license.So be sure to ask any make-up artist you intend to hire whetherthey have a license in either of these areas.To determine if a mobile cosmetologist has attended an accreditedschool, check with the National Accrediting Commissionof Career Arts and Sciences (www.naccas.org), which is recognizedby the U.S. Department of Education as a national agency for theinstitutional accreditation of postsecondary schools and departmentsof cosmetology arts and sciences. ■18 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | spotlightPhysician’sWeight Clinicby ann e. butenas | photos by bre baszler“For us, the key to success for ourpatients is about the relationshipswe build with them; the fact that weuse real food; and the focus on anew and healthy lifestyle.”Now that the holidays are behind us, one of the biggest hurdlesmany of us face is dealing with those unwanted extrapounds, courtesy of one too many cookies, one extra cupof eggnog, or too many helpings of Aunt Edna’s cheesy potato bake.For some people, the spirit of the holidays leaves them with a fewunwanted pounds. For others, those unwanted pounds have piled upover the years and finding a way to get rid of them seems nearly impossible.However, there is an answer and it can be found in Physician’sWeight Clinic, with three convenient offices in Lodi, Carmichael andElk Grove.Managed by Wendy Keown, a registered nurse with nearly twodecades of health care experience to her credit, Physician’s WeightClinic is the place where weight problems are replaced with solutionsmedically supervised program.When you finally decide that all of those crash diets are simplynot going to render the desired results, the trusted experts at Physician’sWeight Clinic can set you on the path to a healthier, happier you.Not only will the caring and supportive staff be with you every step ofthe way, but many of them have walked the walk and have struggledwith weight issues of their own. They know. They understand. Theygenuinely want to help.Before coming to Physician’s Weight Clinic, Wendy earned herRN degree at the University of California – Davis and focused herefforts in trauma and oncology. However, the overall stress of thatenvironment began to wear on her and she began to lean towards hernatural interest in health and educating others in that arena.Ultimately, Wendy found her professional home with Physician’sWeight Clinic, which is overseen by Dr. Victor Nava, emergencyphysician and noted plastic surgeon, and feels blessed to not only workwith such great people, but to help some pretty amazing individualseach on a special and unique journey. “Seeing people make positivechanges is so rewarding to me,” she smiled.20 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“The focus is onre-learning how tochoose healthy foods.”Physician’s Weight Clinic is no ordinary weight loss center. Firstof all, when patients come into the office, noticeably absent is themedical office feel. Instead, it presents with a comforting spa-like ambiance.Next, patients won’t be inundated with a myriad of products topurchase. Instead, the focus is on a custom-made plan, incorporatingpersonal goals, using real food, and working around each individual’slifestyle.“This is not a diet where you have to eat pre-packaged foods,”noted Wendy. “You can still go out to eat and have a good meal. Youjust learn to choose foods differently so as not to revert to those old habitsthat contributed to your weight gain in the first place. Once peoplebegin to lose weight, they begin to feel better, and they are naturallyinclined to continue with this subtle but effective shift in their lives.”Education is a key component of the plan.“The focus is on re-learning how to choose healthy foods,” emphasizedWendy. “There is a huge learning curve involved at first, butyou just have to be patient with yourself. You are not alone, though,and our staff is very encouraging and knowledgeable.”Education is one of the main ingredients at Physician’s WeightClinic.“It’s amazing how much people don’t know when it comes toreading labels on products,” said Wendy. “That is why we endeavorto focus greatly on nutritional education. Of course, exercise is also ahuge part of the plan, as well.”When patients first consult with Wendy and her staff, they aretested for body fat percentage; a complete medical history is taken; anda physical is given by the doctor. Blood pressure and weight are monitoredon a weekly basis. While the staff is there to help as much asneeded, accountability on the patient’s part is key. They have to wantto make the change and desire to learn how to change their lifestyle,incorporate exercise, and refocus their efforts on a fit and healthierbody and way of life.“We have specific diets that incorporate all food groups,” saidWendy. “There is no calorie counting or carb counting on these plans.The average weight loss is about a half pound a day when patientsstick to the plan, although many will lose up to four pounds in the firstweek, primarily from water weight.”Patients are also provided with prescription appetite suppressantsas needed. Also available is an HcG protocol that can be used as astand-alone option or as part of a custom-made program.While losing weight might seem like something simply related tocosmetic reasons, the trend now is to do this as a preventative measure,with good health remaining thenumber one goal.“For us, the key to successfor our patients is about the relationshipswe build with them;the fact that we use real foods;and the focus on a new lifestylealong with the right amount ofexercise,” stated Wendy. “Youcan still enjoy your life.” ■For more information, call209-333-3750 or visit them onlineat www.lodiweightloss.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 21

herlife<strong>Erica</strong>| inspirationsNew Year, New You!HughesMountains are God’s gift to the world. They are beautiful,majestic and awe-inspiring. When we literally face thesemountains and aspire to scale them, when we reach theirglorious peaks and look down not only at the world around us butacross the horizon and to the skies above, the inspiration that continuesto lift us higher cannot be ignored.Sometimes, however, there are mountains we face in life of themore figurative kind…the kind of mountains that seem daunting,insurmountable and simply too huge of an obstacle for us to attemptto get around. Some people may attempt to climb them, but thensomehow lose their ambition to go any further. Others try to go aroundthem, but end up going in circles. Others still, decide to do nothing,content in the mediocrity of the valley in which they reside. <strong>Erica</strong>Hughes, however, knows just how to kick a mountain’s butt and thensome!<strong>Erica</strong>, a fun-loving and down-to-earth young woman, will quicklytake your breath away. Sure, she has the looks, but what makes onestop and take note is her amazing grace and subtle confidence withwhich she handles life. She has scaled a few emotional mountains inher day, and the journey has not always been easy. In fact, sometimes itwas downright paralyzing and at one low point in the valley, she evenquestioned the need for her own existence.However, <strong>Erica</strong> looked deep inside herself at that lowest point inher life and realized that she, like everyone else, has a special purposeand reason for being. She realized God’s eternal love for her and thatHe wanted her to have the best life possible. Keeping that in mind,<strong>Erica</strong> decided, when so many others would have thrown up their armsin despair, to really live her life to the best of her abilities, and in doingso, she has inspired countless others to pursue the dreams of their soulsand embrace each day with renewed vitality. Every day is a reason to22 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“All you have to do isbelieve and have faith.”by ann e. butenasphotos by studio mohsohhair by nahrain youhana of salon salonwardrobe provided by bonnie j boutiqueshot on location at get fit modesto<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 23

celebrate, and if you make a mistake or two along the way, then justpull yourself up and count on the blessings of tomorrow. God does givedo-overs! All you have to do is believe and have faith. You can beginevery day like the first day of a new year!<strong>Erica</strong>’s story warms the heart, stretches the mind and inspires thesoul. We all have a journey that will inevitably involve a peak of somesort, perhaps more than one, and <strong>Erica</strong>’s story may just be the fuel yoursoul needs to scale your own mountain. If so, then her story has servedits purpose. She inspired herself, and in doing so, continues to inspirecountless others. She now owns an amazing fitness facility in Modestocalled Get Fit Guaranteed, located at 2801 McHenry Avenue, Suite D.To understand how she got to this chapter in life, however, we have tostep back in time a bit and work our way forward.<strong>Erica</strong>, 31, definitely lives her purpose in life in full living color.As owner and operator of her energetic and upbeat fitness center, shenot only challenges herself to be the best she can be, but she lovinglypushes her clients to do the same.“I realize that everyone has a story, as do I,” noted <strong>Erica</strong>. “Somany of us have struggled or are struggling. I know what that is like.I want to champion my clients to not only be conquerors, but alsoovercomers in life!”<strong>Erica</strong> is a living testament to being an overcomer in life. At a veryyoung age, she suffered at the hands of sexual abuse, which led to adestructive path in her teen years that involved alcohol, drugs, inappropriatebehavior and all sorts of self-defeating activities.When she was growing up in her native Colorado, <strong>Erica</strong> wasalways the star student, the accomplished athlete and the social butterfly.On the surface, she seemed to be the girl everyone aspired to be.However, boiling beneath that charming exterior were the demons thatgripped her soul. The alcohol and drugs were her refuge, the elixirs towhich she turned to mask the feelings of inadequacy, guilt and shamethat stemmed from her earlier years of sexual abuse.Among the activities that kept her spirit somewhat alive duringthose tumultuous years, however, was her involvement in team sports.She was never really into fitness for fitness’ sake, but she was a verycompetitive team player and played on the Junior Olympic fast-pitchsoftball team in the eighth grade and made the varsity team as a freshmanin high school. She enjoyed an active lifestyle but was not a gymrat by any stroke of the imagination. “I still enjoyed my quesadillas andhot dogs!” she joked.However, her inner strength and character firmly stood theirground. When she was a senior in high school and still struggling withthe alcohol and drugs, her mother gave her a book to read called RedeemingLove. Resistant to read it at first, <strong>Erica</strong> soon felt embraced bythe comforting words and discovered that her life did have purpose andmeaning. “I realized that God really loved me and that I am worthyand special,” she said.Those sentiments were simple yet very profound. They seemed tobreathe new life into her and motivated her to find a new path, livingeach day with renewed enthusiasm.Later that year, <strong>Erica</strong> graduated from high school and eagerlydecided to pursue her collegiate studies in southern California at BiolaUniversity. As a young girl, she always dreamed of living in California,and packing her bags to head out West was like a dream come true.After a couple of years at Biola, she transferred to California StateUniversity in Stanislaus, where she completed her studies in publicpersuasive speaking and organizational communications.It was during her time at Biola, however, where she discovered24 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“I want to championmy clients to not onlybe conquerors, but alsoovercomers in life!”her interest in fitness. In an effort toadd some activity to her life besides the usualroutine of studying, she purchased a $15.00 a month gymmembership at a local fitness center. She started with the treadmill andworked her way up to the weights eventually. “At the time, I was 30pounds heavier than I am now,” she noted. “I was stocky, but I alwaysjust assumed that was my given body type.”However, <strong>Erica</strong> also knew that obesity and health issues wererampant in her family, and when she watched a woman at the clubworking out, thoughts of her mom came to mind and suddenly shewanted to do something to help her mom get healthy. Without givingit a second thought, she inquired at the gym how to go about doingthat, signed up for some workshops, and before she knew it, she wascertified as a floor trainer. She loved it but also realized there was somuch more she needed to learn. She never really even considered thatshe could make a good living at this.<strong>Erica</strong> continued to juggle school and her trainer job for a whileuntil she sustained a car accident and injured her knee, forcing herout of the gym for four months. She had to quit her part-time personaltraining job but resumed working out, learning to train creatively tocompensate for the bad knee. She abandoned running and addedboxing cardio as well as functional training, working on muscles forstrength. She created her own workout routines, and from those shesaw magical changes in her body. “My legs got smaller!” she smiled. “Ithought that I was genetically predisposed to big legs, but they began tolook great!”In the years prior to opening Get Fit Guaranteed, which celebratedits grand opening at its new and much larger location in April2011, <strong>Erica</strong>’s journey took her through many peaks and valleys. Shehas found renewed vigor and purpose with her fitness center, though,helping others to not only get fit physically, but also emotionally andspiritually. It’s been a long and winding road for <strong>Erica</strong>, but she is atestament to how life’s difficulties, no matter how big or small, allowone the opportunity to persevere and become a pillar of strength,a beacon of inspirational light and a vessel of grace while pursuingpurpose, surrendering to God’s love and building upon a foundationof faith that will not crumble under pressure. <strong>Erica</strong> built this new lifepiece by piece, and the tapestry of her life now reveals an amazinglyconfident, ambitious, courageous and above all, giving person.While this story barely scratches the surface of its touching andpoignant chapters, what’s important to note is that <strong>Erica</strong> faced hermountains, courageously. Sure, she still had other stumbling blocksalong the way, but now, several years later, she has an amazing familythat includes her husband Kevin, a two-year-old son named Kai, and aspecial stepdaughter, Kaylee.“I continue to look forward, knowing that every day can and willbe a new day,” she smiled. “In life, you are strong sometimes andother times you simply have to cry. Life will fall apart, but then it fallstogether. But that’s okay. It’s all a part of the journey and discovery ofwho we really are.”As she pauses to think about what she just said, she thoughtfullyadded, “I think what’s important is that you don’t have to have it all togetherin life. We all have a story. The difference between who makesit and who doesn’t is the determination to never give up. I like whatWinston Churchill once said: ‘Never. Never. Never give up.’” ■Spoken like a true leader. Lived like her authentic self. Sounds like<strong>Erica</strong> is off to an amazing new year! For more information on all of theservices provided at Get Fit Guaranteed, visit them online atwww.getfitmodesto.com or call 209-831-3200.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 25

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herlife | cravingsOwner s Rick and Sue Calderby adriana broggerphotos by bre baszlerPizza—it’s the answer millions of American kids give when asked what their favorite foodis. And for most of us, long after we’ve hung up our backpacks and gym shoes, it’s stilltops on the list. Pizza is the ultimate comfort food. So, what sets a great pizzeria apartfrom all the competition? Well, fresh ingredients and a commitment to flavor is a great startingpoint. Add to that amazing service, a great location, and top-secret family recipes andyou’ve got the winning combination which is Rick’s New York Style Pizza in Lodi.On our visit, we had yummy appetizers, an assortment of pizzas and delicioushot sandwiches. Let’s start with the appetizers: battered green beans, macaroniand cheese bites, Buffalo wings and BBQ wings. Yes, that’s how we roll. Iknow, I know, it was rough. But for you, my dear <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> readers, I will“At Rick’s you have choices thatall include fresh ingredientsand high quality food.”travel all through this valley in search of great food. And boy,did we find it at Rick’s! Okay health conscious readers, takenote: Rick’s offers all these great appetizers and they don’thave a fryer! That’s because they bake the food to its crispygoodness. If you are wondering whether an oven can achievethe desired results, oh yeah, it can. I couldn’t get enough of thegreen beans; at one point I had to actually move them to theother side of the table to stop myself from gobbling them up. Ifyou have little ones who refuse to eat their veggies, I dare you to28 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“Add to that amazing service, a great location, andtop-secret family recipes and you’ve got the winningcombination which is Rick’s New York Style Pizza in Lodi. “take them to Rick’s. They’ll be saying “morebeans, please” in no time! The macaroniand cheese bites were, as the name implies,cheesy bliss. And the wings were also verygood, especially when dipped in ranch or bleucheese dressing.The hot sandwiches were served openfaced.We had roast beef and turkey sandwichesserved on the softest bread roll ever. Thesandwiches are served with lettuce, tomatoes,and your choice of American, mozzarella orSwiss cheese. The sandwiches were so good!I love that Rick’s offers a filling alternative topizza. As much as I love pizza, I know thatsome folks would like another option. AtRick’s you have choices that all include freshingredients and high quality food.And now to the deliciousness that ispizza done right! We had the Rick’s DeluxeCombo first. It is a combination pizza featuringpepperoni, salami, mushrooms, ham, linguica,bell peppers, onions and sausage. Youcannot go wrong with the deluxe combo—itwas great! But, if you’re up for somethinga little more adventurous, I suggest you trythe Taco Pizza. It has refried beans, salsa,ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar andmozzarella cheese, topped with sour creamand olives. Olé! There was also a meat-freeoption in the Gourmet Veggie. It’s a vegetablecelebration in a creamy garlic sauce with fetacheese, spinach, zucchini, artichoke hearts(my favorite!), mushrooms, red and green onions,and sun dried tomatoes. What a veggiedelight! You cannot go wrong with any of thepizzas at Rick’s; they are super tasty and so filling.All the pizzas are available in thin crust.Remember when I mentioned top-secretfamily recipes? Ask for the red Italian. Add itto any of the above and you’ll thank me later.Rick’s Pizza is located inside LakewoodMall in Lodi. There is plenty of room for largegroups or families with kids. The friendly staffis quick to offer suggestions. Try anything onthe menu; you can’t go wrong. ■Rick’s Pizza is located at 1320 LakewoodMall in Lodi. Call ahead to have your hot anddelicious pizza waiting for you 209-339-9411.Adriana Brogger is an assignment editor and writer for the #1 rated television news station in the Sacramento,Stockton and Modesto areas, KCRA – 3. When Adriana is not working or spending time with her husband and fourlittle boys she is buried in a textbook as she pursues a Master’s Degree. She enjoys reading, writing, playing withmakeup and watching YouTube tutorials, until her real life of work, dishes, laundry and messy little boys comes calling!If you know of a great local restaurant that would welcome a visit by Adriana, please send an email tokimberly@herlifemagazine.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 29

herlife | recipesApple Pie Spice BlendIngredients:1/4 cup ground cinnamon2 teaspoons ground nutmeg1 teaspoon ground allspice1 teaspoon ground gingerInstructions:1. Place ingredients in a small bowl and combine. Store in anairtight container until ready to add to your favorite apple pie orcobbler recipe. ■recipes and photos by kristen doyle30 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Oatmeal PumpkinBundt CakeIngredients:1 cup quick cooking oatmeal1/4 cup boiling water2 cups granulated sugar1 cup butter, softened4 large eggs1 cup canned pumpkin2 teaspoons vanilla extract2 cups all-purpose flour1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice2 teaspoons baking soda1 teaspoon saltPowdered sugarInstructions:1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease and flour a 12-cup Bundt pan (I use Pam Bakingspray).2. Place 1 cup oatmeal in a small bowl. Pour boiling water over the oatmeal and stirtogether. Allow oatmeal and water to sit for 10 minutes.3. Add sugar and butter to a large mixing bowl. Beat on low until light and fluffy.4. Slowly add the eggs, one at a time, and continue mixing until well incorporated.5. Add the pumpkin, oatmeal/water mixture and vanilla, mixing on slow speed untilwell blended.6. While mixer is still going on slow, add the flour, one cup at a time. Next, add thepumpkin pie spice, baking soda and salt. Blend until well incorporated.7. Pour cake batter into prepared Bundt pan. Bake for 60 minutes or until a knifeinserted into the center comes out clean.8. Allow to cool in pan for 10 minutes then invert onto a large cake plate. If desired,dust with powdered sugar. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 31

Hot Apple CiderThere is no question that hot apple cider is an ideal winterbeverage. Looking beyond the flavor, the scent of cinnamon andcloves mulling with the sweetness of apples and citrus gives thisbeverage an aroma that speaks to retreating inside on a cold winter’sday and taking refuge at home.Although there are many methods to making your own hotapple cider, allowing the beverage to be made in a slow cookermeans the flavors can blend together all day while your home istreated to the aroma of pure winter comfort.Winter CocktailsWinter cocktails provide an entirely different dimension ofwarmth to a beverage. A warm winter cocktail can be created bysimply adding a splash of Irish cream to a hot mug of coffee. Enhancinga cup of hot tea with honey and some whiskey turns yourevening tea into a hot toddy cocktail. Winter cocktails are simpleto make and are ideal as a treat for yourself or to serve guests duringthe holiday party season.From hot chocolate to hot toddies, warm winter beveragessummon you inside, away from the bitter temperatures and remindyou to sit down, savor the moments and enjoy the comforts oflife. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 33

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herlife | integrative medicineby dr. lisa huntphoto by dawn kelly photographyWhat Is HCG?HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a neutral hormonethat is produced in large quantities during pregnancy to ensure propernutrients to the developing baby. It can be used as treatment forinfertility in both men and women. It can also be used at small regulardoses to release abnormal fat when used in conjunction with a specific500 calorie per day diet. The original protocol and research wereestablished by Dr. A.T.W. Simeon. His detailed original manuscript isstudying the obese population in order to formulate this protocol. Thislow calorie diet is only advisable with HCG. Dr. Simeon’s researchdemonstrated that HCG triggers the hypothalamus to mobilize storedfat into the blood stream which can be used as “fuel.” It is, therefore,believed to reset your metabolism and to protect your body’s “good fat”and keep muscle tissue from breaking down.How does HCG work?The brain’s hypothalamus monitors and controls the movementof fat in our body and is responsible for the excess “fat warehouse”function. HCG activates the abnormal fat back into circulation whereit can be consumed by the body at an average rate of a pound per day.This release of the “warehouse fat” is why patients taking HCG arenot hungry. HCG actually releases 1500-4000 calories per day intothe bloodstream. This is the only reason why it is okay to be on a 500calorie per day diet. Without HCG releasing the abnormal fat (andtherefore hundreds to thousands of calories into the bloodstream),the patient would be starving and facing excess nutritional deficiency.The protocol also provides a detox and gives your entire system restfrom the onslaught of food and drink by allowing only a small amountof relatively healthy items to beprocessed in your body and yourhypothalamus.For more information onIntegrative Medicine and the HCGDiet please contact Valley WellnessCenter, 209-577-2799 or visitwww.valleywellnesscenter.com.Dr. Lisa HuntLisa J. Hunt, D.O., is the Medical Director of Valley Wellness Center in Modesto whose mission “is to build on every levelof your health to achieve the best quality of life.” She is board certified in Family Medicine and Holistic and IntegrativeMedicine. She specializes in anti-aging treatment, natural thyroid replacement, menopause/andropause therapy (includingbio-identical hormone replacement), strengthening the immune system, neurotransmitter analysis/replacement and nutritional support guidance.40 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | mother’s perspectiveHelpingYour Child DealWith TheirChanging Bodiesby laura wynnAs parents, we watch our children grow with joy and excitement.That glee can turn quickly to sorrow, however, whenwe discover that our kids may be struggling with thesemilestones; feeling discomfort or even anxiety about what is happeningwithin their bodies. Body image is a very important part of howthey define who they are. As embarrassing or difficult as it may be foryou to talk about sensitive topics, expect your changeling to feel evenmore uncomfortable. Don’t wait for your child to come to you withquestions about his or her changing body. Body image is important, especiallyduring developmental years, so let your child know that you’reavailable to talk any time. Assure your child that these conversationsmight be uncomfortable, but that they are important and that you areunconditionally available to answer any and all questions.Before approaching a child who is developing, consider the personalityof your changing child and address the topic of developmentin a way that is comfortable for that particular personality. Parentalreaction can contribute to any fears they may be experiencing. In thecase of our oldest son, I unknowingly created feelings of anxiety overthe discovery of his first loose tooth. A cautious and analytical child, hebecame alarmed when I wiggled his tooth and screeched in glee. As aresult, I was banned from his mouth. Several weeks later I found a tinytooth in his dresser drawer. I learned he had lost it the day before atschool. I was devastated to know that my son’s first tooth loss experiencewas assisted by a school nurse because he knew she wouldn’t“talk about it all the time and scream at him.” For this child, less conversationand withheld excitement from Mom and Dad has continuedto be the key to open communication as he matures and has concernsregarding his body.A common concern, and perhaps the most often addressedregarding juvenile development is weight. Opinions about the bestway to teach our children about weight and acceptable levels of gainor loss vary immensely. Regardless of your personal values, the key tosuccess with this issue is to confront potential weight problems withsensitivity, compassion and the ability to listen to your child. Be preparedto acknowledge concerns that may be contributing to displeasurein your child’s self-image. It’s imperative that a parental figure remainsupportive throughout this and all changes. “Preaching” or insultinga child will likely result in the topic becoming closed for discussion.Consult a physician for assistance in determining appropriate weightand exercise routines for your child’s body type.As adults we understand that each of us is different from oneanother. Children, however, need constant assurance that they are“normal” as they develop. Even small differences may make them“Don’t wait for your childto come to you with questionsabout his or her changing body.”feel like they stand out. My youngest child was born with a large, redbirthmark that covered her entire arm, hand and shoulder. I was consistentlysurprised when first-time visitors would ask what was “wrong”with her. Our pediatrician voluntarily informed us that we could seeklaser removal treatments as early as six months to avoid stigma. I wassurprised that cosmetic surgery was offered as a solution to a problem42 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

that we felt did not exist.My husband and I chose to accept our daughter as she was givento us. Rather than to pretend it did not exist, we embellished herobtuse difference. We purposefully remind each of our four childrenthat differences make them special. Be it freckles, a surgical scar,a larger-than-average head; this “world’s biggest birthmark” is ourdaughter’s trademark. Naturally, she is asked many questions andendures extended glances. We deal with this normal human reactionby keeping an open line of communication regarding her feelings nottowards the mark itself, but as they relate to others’ reactions and howthe questions make her feel. Explaining why people ask questions andhelping her formulate an age appropriate response continues to workfor her. Additionally, it helps her peers learn acceptance.Perhaps the most important element in helping your child dealwith their changing body is to start early. Kids today are exposed toinformation from friends, the Internet, television and even radio. Talkingabout the issues of puberty and individual development, remainsan important job for parents because not all of this information comesfrom reliable sources. Parents should always be the main source ofaccurate information for their children. This, in turn, will result inpositive self image for your child and allow you, as parents, to keep the“glee” during your child’s development. ■Resources:KidsHealthhttp://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/talk/talk_about_puberty.html#<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 43

herlife | spotlightCombine Fitnessby ann e. butenas | photos by bre baszlerSometimes you just never know where the experiences you have in life are going to take you, and sometimes in the very depths of ourstruggles come the most exciting and rewarding of opportunities. Andrea Austin and Lurysol Olivera are two prime examples of thatphilosophy. These two dynamic ladies have taken their passion for fitness and are changing lives as a result.When she graduated from high school in 1999, Andrea entered the United States Navy and spent the next four years traveling the world.Naturally athletic, she stayed in shape by playing on the volleyball and softball teams for the Navy.After her time in the military, she resumed her civilian life which included a new job as a flight attendant, a brief marriage and a baby.Her weight problems were compounded when she got pregnant in 2007, going from an acceptable 115 pounds on her five foot, two inch frameall the way to 190 pounds.“I was borderline diabetic at the time,” Andrea recalled. “After I had the baby and several weeks went by, I decided to do something aboutit. I felt horrible physically. My knees, hips and elbows ached from all the extra weight I had been carrying.”Inspired to lose the weight, she began working out and eventually hired a personal trainer. This led to her decision to become a membershipcounselor at the fitness club where she worked out in San Diego. Eventually, she became a Pilates instructor and finally a personal trainer.A setback occurred shortly thereafter when she fell down a flight of stairs, sustaining multiple injuries and sidelining her from her job.When she had enough of feeling poorly and out of shape, she kicked it into gear and began working out and reducing the number of caloriesshe consumed, getting back to her pre-baby weight within a year.Lurysol was always active as a child and played volleyball year-round in high school. While in college, she worked part-time at a fitness44 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

center and after graduating, she took a job as a volleyball coach, buther level of activity actually decreased, contributing to a 60-poundweight gain. Not wanting to let down her clients, she shed the weightwithin a year and eventually moved into management at the fitnesscenter. After working for a couple of centers, she realized she wantedto start her own facility, and she knew that Andrea would make a greatbusiness partner, as they both share similar philosophies. “There’s noquick fix to losing weight,” Andrea stressed. “Slow and steady wins therace.”When these two ladies put their minds and desires together, theysoon opened the doors to Combine Fitness Training and Pole Studio,located at 1419 W. Fremont Street in Stockton.“For me, this is a great opportunity to share my journey with othersand inspire them to get healthy,” said Andrea. “It’s not about a dietor fitness for fitness’ sake. It’s about a lifestyle change and focusing onthe prevention of diseases such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease.”For Lurysol, training clients is a genuine passion for her, too. “Ienjoy seeing how amazing people begin to feel as they begin to achievetheir fitness goals. To see them achieve things they never thought possiblefor themselves is so rewarding.”The pole classes are designed for toning, flexibility, strength andconfidence, while the other classes, such as the boot camp and TRXsessions, focus more on the functional aspects of training. In otherwords, there are no machines involved. Clients use their own bodyweight through a variety of suspension work outs. This improves stabilityand coordination.With a host of group classes available, Combine Fitness workswith clients to find their RPM, which stands for what’s realistic, palatableand maintainable for each individual.Through the TRX boot camp and other group training classes,Andrea makes sure to keep things fun and interesting for her clients,modifying routines to make them personal for each participant.“We have classes that focus on the abs, the butt and overallcardio,” she said. “We also have recently introduced Zumba classesand Pilates to our schedule. We do a lot of functional training, such aspush-ups, running, sprints and even carrying tires. We work out indoorsas well as outdoors.”The overall mission of Combine Fitness is to keep people healthy.Getting started is easy. There are no enrollment fees or contracts tosign. Just bring your desire to live a healthier lifestyle, and Andrea andLurysol endeavor to help you find the perfect plan for you and workwith you every step of the way.Both Lurysol and Andrea agree that as trainers, they have to bewilling to go the extra mile.Andrea commented, “Your clients need to know you really care.We’ve been there. We completely understand the journey.” ■For more information, visit them online atwww.combine-fitness.com or call them at 209-463-2326. CombineFitness is open Monday – Saturday, with classes beginning at 6 a.m.and running through 8 p.m.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 45

Relationshipsoften come apartMediation is an alternativeto costly court battles.www.PMGMediation.net209.529.9128 | 1600 G. St. Modesto, CA 95354<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 47

can provide you with the highest quality in food for your family, with aprice that doesn’t include any shipping costs.There are some great websites on the Internet that will help youfind local food options in your area. Here are three of the best sourceson the web for buying local:www.localharvest.org. This is a great website for you to learnmore about buying food locally and where you can learn about CSAsand even search for one in your area.www.eatwellguide.org. This site will help you find local farm markets,u-pick farms and even restaurants in your area that serve locallygrown foods on their menu.www.eatwild.com. If you’re interested in finding grass-fed beef,range chickens and dairy products from grass-fed beef, this site willhelp you locate local sources. It also provides a host of information onthe potential health benefits of eating grass-fed beef and dairy products.We’ve become a very convenience-orientated culture. Unfortunately,convenience costs us in areas that we often don’t realize, likethe quality of our food. We can gain that back by taking the time tofind the sources for buying local. Better quality, at a better price, nowhow can you beat that? ■1 Rule, D. C., K. S. Brought on, S. M. Shellito, and G. Maiorano.“Comparison of Muscle Fatty Acid Profiles and Cholesterol Concentrationsof Bison, Beef Cattle, Elk, and Chicken.” J Anim Sci 80, no. 5(2002): 1202-11. From www.eatwild.com/healthbenefits.htm.48 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | financeTaxes:Could I Really Do Them Myself?by catie watsonNot so very long ago the only options for filing your taxeswere paying a CPA or tax service to do it for you or doingit yourself with pencil and paper. According to the IRS,about 60 percent of Americans still pay a professional to preparetheir taxes. For those who do it themselves, pencil and paper are nolonger the only option. There are a variety of do-it-yourself softwarepackages, including some supplied by the IRS, that greatly simplifythe process of preparing and filing your taxes.I have always prepared my own taxes, starting in my collegedays when filling out and mailing a 1040EZ form took a matterof minutes. Thanks to a mortgage and 401K, my finances are nowa bit more complicated. For the past several years I’ve purchasedTurboTax software and e-filed my return. Because the software asksme about all possible sources of income and deductions, I feel confidentwith my return by the time I electronically transmit it to theIRS. I also feel good about saving the $100 to $200 that ConsumerReports says the average taxpayer pays for simple tax preparation.Many people are concerned about doing their own taxesbecause they’re afraid that they’ll make a mistake and get flagged bythe IRS for an audit. They may not be aware that having your taxesprofessionally prepared does not automatically decrease the chancesof being audited. They also may not know that software packageslike TurboTax walk you through each step of the tax-preparationprocess and checks for errors before allowing you to file.If you’d like to save money on tax preparation fees by doingyour own taxes, you should first ask yourself a few simple questions.Third, are you comfortable with learningabout tax law?Even if you use tax-preparation software, you’ll probably be requiredto read about some aspects of tax law to make decisions aboutyour tax return. If you’re more comfortable having this explainedto you by someone else, you should probably consider having yourtaxes professionally prepared.If you can answer these questions in the affirmative and decidethat you want to do your own taxes, be sure to check out the IRSFreeFile program. FreeFile provides electronic tax forms that canbe filled out and e-filed free of charge. For taxpayers with incomesless than $58,000, guided tax preparation software is provided freeof charge.If you don’t qualify for FreeFile’s free software and you’d likethe benefit of guided software, you may want to purchase or down-First, are you willing to invest the time?Gathering the necessary financial documents and learninghow to use tax preparation software requires an investment of time.Just how much time is involved will vary greatly depending on howfinancially organized you are throughout the year and how comfortableyou are with technology.Second, is your return relatively simple?The best candidates for preparing their own taxes are peoplewho have only one employer and don’t have a lot of interest incomefrom different sources. Taking the standard deduction or itemizinga limited number of deductions also makes it easier to prepare yourown taxes.50 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

load commercial tax preparation software like TurboTax. Make surethat the product you choose is tested and approved by the IRS andprovides audit support. Several of the top tax preparation brands,including H&R Block At Home, Complete Tax, TaxACT as wellas TurboTax, offer free online versions of their software that allowtaxpayers with very straightforward tax situations to complete theirfederal tax returns and e-file for free.An additional tip for preparing your own taxes is to keep yourfinancial information organized throughout the year. This will saveyou time when you sit down to file your taxes. I use a large manilaenvelope each year to store documents that I’ll need for taxes (nothingcan fall out of an envelope the way it can with a file folder). Ialso create and update spreadsheets for charitable donations andother deductible expenses and store those receipts in a separatesmaller envelope. When I’m ready to do my taxes, I’m able to sitdown with my envelopes, spreadsheets and laptop, and completemy federal and state tax returns in just a few hours. By selecting thedirect deposit option when I e-file, I receive any refund in a matterof days.Whether you do your own taxes or have them professionallyprepared, remember that signing your tax return makes you responsiblefor all the information it contains. To decrease your chances ofbeing audited, always be sure to double-check the accuracy of yourreturn before you file it. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 51

herlife | spotlightby ann e. butenas | photos by bre baszlerWhen was the last time a business made a commitmentto exceed your expectations? For Kemper CPAGroup LLP, giving 100 percent of their effort, timeand commitment to your small business, tax and accounting needs ismerely a baseline endeavor. When it comes to going the extra mile fortheir clients, the professional staff at Kemper CPA Group will alwaysbe there for you.Kemper CPA Group is more than just a regional accounting firm.The firm is ranked as one of the top 100 firms in the United States.Diversity among their 22 locations and over 50 partners allows themto offer large national firm services, but provide a personal touch on alocalized level. In addition to the traditional CPA firm services, tax andaccounting, their non-traditional services include wealth managementand retirement planning, payroll and human resource functions, software,hardware installations and network management offered throughits divisions of Kemper Capital Management, Kemper First ChoicePayroll and Kemper Technology Consulting.Through its Capital Management division, clients can feel confidentthat all of their investment goals are being pursued with sound, individually-designedstrategies to help meet and sustain those goals. Even when itcomes to one’s retirement needs, Kemper CPA Group understands howimportant and personal those are to each client and will work tirelessly toprovide the best options possible to enjoy retired life worry-free.If you own a small business, Kemper First Choice Payroll bringssimplicity to the game, offering a full range of payroll services, includingtime entry, check processing, tax payments and filing. They takethe headache out of the payroll process so that their clients can focusmore fully on their businesses. In addition, they stand ready to assistin establishing policy and procedure as well as guidance with otherhuman resourceneeds.KemperCPA Group’s corefoundation is its accounting,audit andtax services. Weoffer personalizedaccounting services to allow for increased business and growth whichensures accurate and complete financial information for each client.Of course, everything offered by the partners and staff at KemperCPA Group is built upon a solid foundation of moral, ethical andprofessional standards.Lammert Van Laar III CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA, Partner-in-charge inthe Stockton office, emphasizes the company’s true niche.“We have expertise in areas most small firms do not,” he said.“Our big-service feel embraces service on a personalized and locallevel and our highly-skilled staff operates as a dedicated team. We havethe manpower for big projects, but still offer the small firm feel. Ourtop priority remains, however, to know and understand our client’sneeds and to ensure their utmost satisfaction.”With California offices in Tracy, Stockton, Modesto and Merced,it is not uncommon for the firm to share offices and staff, making thema highly portable company that can provide a wide range of services,expertise and manpower.Kemper CPA Group has its roots in Illinois and currently has officesin California, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Founded over a halfa century ago by Morris Kemper in Mt. Carmel, Illinois, his overallphilosophy was to genuinely and honestly serve his neighbors. Today,52 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

each office fully embraces that original ideal of providing unparalleledcustomer service with an unwavering commitment to each individualclient’s success.“Our relationships with our clients are very important to us,”noted Lammert. “This company has its roots in the Midwest, which isa very family-oriented region. That sense of family and community ispart of our business model today.”Rob Mendes CPA/ABV, CVA, Partner-in-charge in the Tracyoffice, noted, “Our job is not just about crunching numbers. It’s aboutserving our clients, and openly and honestly communicating withthem. We like to educate our clients, provide them with options andhelp them reach decisions that are fully in their best interests.”Rob’s specialty is in business valuation and tax work, yet his truetalents, according to Lammert, rest in developing a strong and dynamicstaff within the Kemper organization, helping to maintain continuityduring periods of growth and transition.As part of the educational process for their clients, Kemper offersvarious seminars throughout the year for their clients, with topicsranging from tax fraud to business valuation, and accounting litigationsupport for attorneys.One of the areas of specialty for Kemper CPA Group is thenot-for-profit area. Christine Franklin CPA, a Partner in the Stocktonoffice, specializes in consulting for local not-for-profit organizations,which includes helping non-profits with obtaining their exempt status,providing training in financial matters, and offering accounting, audit-ing and tax services as needed.Christine cited, “One of the most satisfying parts of the job isknowing that you have helped clients in being able to pursue their missionand reach their goals, whether it is a local not-for-profit organization,a business or an individual.”Of course, the firm’s commitment to its clients extends beyondthe parameters of their offices. The partners and staff, with generousand giving hearts, are actively involved in their communities. Severalpartners and professional staff in the local offices are involved in a wide‘‘‘‘Our big-service feel embraces service on apersonalized and local level, and our highlyskilledstaff operates as a dedicated team.range of civic organizations, such as Kiwanis, Rotary and Lions Clubs.In addition, they spend numerous hours volunteering for local organizationsand community events. Being involved and giving back to thecommunity is a very important part of the Kemper way of life.As Lammert put it best, “We are committed to creating anexceptional client experience and endeavor to help our staff grow andexpand as well. We want to be the best we can be to help ourclients.” ■For more information on the Kemper CPA Group, visit them online atwww.kempercpa.com. To reach a location nearest you, call 1-866-900-4236.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 53

herlife | homeCr aftsman HousesAcross Amer icaby candi smithSimple, solid, elegant and aesthetically appealing—these arejust a few of the terms used to describe Craftsman homes, anarchitectural style popularized in the early 20th century. Characterizedby details such as wooden porches with thick columns, openfloors plans with few hallways and built-in nooks, Craftsman homessymbolize America’s embrace of an emerging middle class.The Craftsman style got its start during the 1880s by a few Englishdesigners including William Morris and John Ruskin who used simplisticlines and natural materials in their work. Dubbed the Arts andCrafts Movement, they focused on homemade, individual handiworkversus mechanized creations, and wanted to humanize the work ofman over the output of machinery. Proponents of this movementbelieved that the Industrial Revolution had dehumanized the laborerthrough mass production. Additionally, the Arts and Crafts Movementwas thumbing its nose at the ornate homes of the Victorian Age.Picking up on this art form, California brothers Charles SumnerGreene and Henry Mather Greene combined the Arts and Craftselements with the lines found in the clean, wooden structures of Asia.Their designs encouraged originality, simplicity of form, the use oflocal natural materials and individual handicraft.Gustav Stickley, editor of The Craftsman magazine, was inspiredby the homes being designed which highlighted styles unique toAmerica such as Shaker, Mission Revival and Anglo-Japanese, andgave them a platform in his magazine, wherein the name Craftsman isderived. Eventually other mail order catalogs and pattern books beganto sell plans for the homes.The most recognizable home style from this era is the bungalowwhich reflected the shift from European aristocratic tastes to those ofthe working class Americans raising families in close quarters. Usinga blend of metals, glasswork and wood, Craftsman bungalows pareddown the two-story Victorian mansions replete with servants’ quartersinto a functional foursquare layout. Ensuring that the kitchen wasintegrated into the heart of the home, the foursquare recognized thatmiddle-class mothers were not only doing their own cooking, they werealso raising their children without the benefit of a nanny. They neededto be able to keep an eye on their kids and have easy access to theirbackyard, and dining and living rooms. Additionally, men and womenstarted spending less time separating themselves from one another(men to their smoking room and women to their parlor) and choseinstead to spend time together as a family.Since more of the home was made “public” in the bungalow layout,it was important to incorporate aspects of function and design intobuilt-in areas which provided storage, seating and style. Admired fortheir practicality, these elements were sometimes included to merelydelight and surprise. This era saw the advent of the “breakfast nook”which provided a place for the family to gather throughout the day.Also, to offset some of the simplicity found in the Craftsman homes,pops of color were added with the addition of stained or leaded glasswindows. These were often designed with grids painted in contrastingcolors and were intended to bathe the home’s interior with naturallight.The exterior of the homes was identified by its use of naturalmaterials such as stucco, stone, cedar shakes and wooden lap siding.Roofs were given a very low pitch with large overhangs which werenot only pleasing to the eye, but were protection from the elementsand cooled the home during warmer weather. And most Craftsmanhomes were built so the owners could bring outside elements into theirinterior, but also enjoy nature without being exposed to it. The use of54 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

ecessed porches (also used for sleeping), terraces and wide entrywayswere considered as integral to the home’s design as its interior rooms.As for the landscaping, there was one detail found in almost everyCraftsman yard: either a pergola or trellis with a climbing plant such aswisteria, ivy or clematis which seemed to make the house become partof nature. The key was to create a four-season landscape that wouldsoften the home’s sharp angles, provide play with light and create anoverall sense of harmony.Thanks to the availability of building plans through mail order,Craftsman homes can be found from sea to shining sea. Whilepredominantly located on the West Coast thanks to the inventivenessof the Greene brothers, “kit houses” became popular in the 1920s fortheir affordability and ease. Generally using a catalog (Sears was wellknownfor its kit plans), buyers would pick a style, add extras for trim,plumbing and accessories, and mail off their order with their payment.In return they’d receive lumber, stone, shingles and hardware neededto build their home according to plan.Craftsman houses continue to be one of the most popular styleson the market today. Visit the sources below for beautiful photos andmore information. ■http://architecture.about.com/od/periodsstyles/ig/House-Styles/arts-crafts007.--2w.htm http://www.morningstarhomesinc.com/craftsmanstyle-homes/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Craftsmanwww.craftsmanperspective.comGet the custom window coverings you want for a great price with Budget Blinds ® .NewStyle ® hybrid shutterswith Front Tilt BarSilhouette ® windowshadings with UltraGlide ®Great styles. Great values.Shutters • Draperies • Wood BlindsHoneycomb Shades • Roller ShadesVertical Blinds • Silhouette ®Woven Woods • and more!Free In-Home ConsultationCall today for details!209-933-9442or visit www.budgetblinds.comRod SmithOwner/Design Consultant<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 55

herlife | scene and be seenHoliday Home Tourphotography by bre baszlerThe women of Omega Nu hosted theirannual Holiday Home Tour in Lodi onDecember 4th, 2011. The tour featuredfive unique Lodi area homes and Harney LaneWinery. Proceeds benefit the Hutchins Street SquareFoundation, Pregnancy Resource Center, SalvationArmy Hope Harbor House, Loel Center, Lodi YouthCommission and Lodi High Girls Basketball Program.When “Thatwill neverhappento me”happens.Pam Aberle, AgentInsurance Lic#: 0F018881355 Lakewood MallLodi, CA 95242Bus: 209-369-0900I’m ready to help.There’s never a good time for anaccident to happen. But when itdoes, you can count on me to bethere quickly so you can get yourlife back to normal.GET TO A BETTER STATE .CALL ME TODAY.1101204 State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL56 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Our Troops, Our Heroesphotography by bre baszlerLodi Support Our Troops, Holiday Cheer BoxDrive raised a little over $9000 at Our Troops,Our Heroes Fundraiser at Van Ruiten Wineryon November 5th, 2011. The money went towardspostage, which was $23,000, and to any items wewere short of for the Holiday Cheer Boxes. Lodi SupportOur Troops sent 2041 Cheer Boxes to deployedtroops in Afghanistan this year. The Packing Party washeld on Nov. 18th, and 158 volunteers showedup, including the Lodi Fire Department,and about 25 American Legion membersand Lodi Support Our Troops volunteers.van ruitenfamily winery“2011 Winery of the Year”-Visit Lodi! Conference & Visitors Bureautasting room open daily 11:00am-5:00pm 340 west highway 12 lodi, ca ph 209-334-5722 www.vrwinery.com<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 57

herlife | scene and be seenFestival of Treesphotography by william harrisThe 17th annual Festival of Trees washeld the weekend of November 18-20.The event, presented by Tracy HospitalFoundation, raises funds to improve the health andwell-being of the Tracy community. In the past threeyears, the Foundation has given over $750,000 ingrants to benefit local community health needs andto support Sutter Tracy Community Hospital inadvancing medical expertise and technology.58 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Classic Design Floorto Ceiling Celebrates5th Anniversaryphotography by bre baszlerClassic Design Floor to Ceiling celebratedits 5th Anniversary on November 28th.Owner Tiffany Gomes, guests and staffcelebrated the milestone with live music, food andwine!<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 59

herlife | scene and be seenStockton ThunderTurns Pinkphotography by sean blairThere were 15,205 fans who attended theStockton Thunder games on November4th and 5th for Thunder Goes Pink! Ofthose fans, 420 participated in the 5K Run/Walkon the morning of the 5th. Approximately $38,000was raised from the events to benefit St. Joseph’sFoundation - Breast Cancer Services.60 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

herlife | love and relationshipsCoAskJaime Leeby jaime leephoto by la vene stephensQ:I need help! I am constantly comparing myself to othergirls and feel that I can’t measure up when it comes tomen. I have no confidence when interacting with men.It’s so bad that I tend to set up my girlfriends becauseI’m too afraid to actually put myself out there. Whatshould I do? I don’t want to end up alone.-Tammy, ModestoA:Dear Tammy,You’ve got tons of confidence girl, you just don’tknow it! You were brave enough to ask for my helpand confident enough to talk to men. The problem is you wrap themup and send them to your friends...”catch and release.” Stop that! I’msure these guys were talking to you because they were interested inYOU! Save some of these guys for yourself. Why toss them back intothe water like an old carp? Maybe you are putting too much pressureon yourself. The next time you strike up a conversation with a guy, talkto him as a person, not a potential soul mate. Get out and meet peoplejust for the sake of having a good time. Don’t think every man that youmeet could be “the one.” My guess is once you get to that point whereyou are thinking you like this guy, it freaks you out a little bit so yougive him your friend’s number instead. Stop setting up your friends andstop comparing yourself to them. If guys wanted cookie-cutter womenthey’d all date Betty Crocker. Okay, a hot Betty Crocker. Any guy whocan’t appreciate you for your individuality isn’t worth your time anyway.So rock on with your bad self and go get you a man!Jaimee Lee rocks the airwaves on Kat Country 103’s,“DJ Walker in the Morning Show!” She has given relationshipadvice to her girlfriends and thousands of listenersover the years. Now you can ask her the secretsto a long-lasting and happy relationship. Jaimee Lee hasbeen happily married for eight years and is expectingher first baby in September! Please email Jaimee Leewith your love and relationship questions,jaimeelee@herlifemagazine.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 61

herlife | she said yesSara&Trevorby marilyn wright | photos by dawn kelly photographyTrevor Mayfield and Sara Hart first met while Trevor was kickingback with some friends. One of Trevor’s friends thoughtit would be funny to go through another buddy’s phone tocall some girls until someone picked up. That person ended up beingSara Hart. And that’s when Trevor took the phone from them andapologized to Sara for calling so late. She told him it was no big deal.Shortly after they hung up, Sara received a text message from Trevorapologizing again. And from there, after a couple of weeks of texting,they decided to finally meet, which was on New Year’s Eve of 2008.First of all, Sara already knew about the ring. They had picked itout together. So she knew it was coming, she just didn’t know when.On Christmas morning (December 25, 2010), they were at Sara’sparents’ house with her family. All the gifts had been opened and theywere lying on her bed. Trevor kept telling Sara how much he loved heras they continued talking. Sara kind of knew something was up as shecould tell he was a little nervous. Then he said to Sara, “Forever andever?” like he would ask quite often, and of course she said, “Yes, forever.”Then the big moment came as they lay on the bed; Trevor asked,“Will you marry me?” and of course she said yes. Sara was surprised hehad asked her on Christmas Day, but she did tell him he would have todo it when she would be least expecting it.People say opposites attract, and guess what, it’s true. A lot oftimes, you or your family envision the type of person that you willmarry, but in Trevor and Sara’s relationship it is true in more ways thanone. Some of the things that Trevor does that makes Sara laugh wouldhave been immature or disgusting three years ago. Sara has alwaysbeen a serious person, but he has brought out a sense of humor in herthat she never thought she had.The wedding is scheduled for June 9, 2012. It is important for thecouple to know that everyone will have a good time at the wedding.They just want everyone to celebrate with them, and the love theyhave for one another and their future together.Everyone’s wedding day is unique in its own way according towhat the couple wants. Trevor and Sara aren’t planning anything overthe-topor crazy; they just want everyone to come and enjoy themselvesand have a good time. But you do have to make sure that you saveroom for their uniquely designed carrot cake. ■62 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | tie the knot& GoodmanDarren NicoleTied the Knot August 13, 2011by ann e. butenas | photos by xsight photographyNicole Christine Keil, age 26,received a Bachelors of Arts inEnglish from University of thePacific. She works in government affairs indowntown Sacramento. Nicole and Darrencurrently reside in the Southport area of WestSacramento. Her hobbies include reading,cooking, laughing and spending time withfamily and friends.Darren Kent Goodman, age 31, receiveda Bachelor of Arts in Political Science andSociology from the University of Arizona, andhis Juris Doctorate from Indiana University.Darren works as a Deputy District Attorney inSacramento County. Darren loves watchingand playing sports, laughing and spendingtime with family and friends.Nicole and Darren were introduced by amutual friend with a knack for matchmaking.It was apparent pretty quickly that they hadsomething special, and they became immediatelyinseparable. After dating for a little lessthan a year, Nicole went to Darren’s house64 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“He knew she didn’t wantsomething over-the-top orinvolving anyone else, andhe was able to execute theproposal perfectly.”<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 65

after work to find Darren waiting in the diningroom with dozens of roses, candles, champagneand their little dog, Jack, wearing a bowtie. He knew she didn’t want something overthe top or involving anyone else, and he wasable to execute the proposal perfectly.The wedding took place on August 13,2011, with three bridesmaids, two juniorbridesmaids, five groomsmen and one ringbearer in their wedding party. The couple exchangedpersonal vows and did a brief tributeto all four of their grandparents, who eachcultivated lifelong, successful marriages. Theyalso honored them by using the bride’s maternalgrandparents’ cake topper from their wedding50 years prior, and displayed weddingphotographs of all four sets of grandparents.The newlyweds chose the Ritz Carltonin Maui as their honeymoon destination.They knew they wanted to go somewherewhere they could be as active or inactive asthey liked. This was the perfect setting. Theyalso wanted to pick a location that they couldrevisit in the future.LOCAL BUSINESSES THATSHARED IN THE LOVEBRIDAL GOWN:Monique LhuillierBRIDESMAIDS’ GOWNS:Ann Taylor; JCrewHair styling:Mecca SalonPhotography:XSiGHT PhotographyFLORIST/WEDDING PLANNER:The Big BangDJ:Bryan GreenwaltCATERER/CAKE/VENUE:Wine and Roses66 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | in the cityCalendar of EventsNOTE: All calendar events must be received by January 1st for the February issue and adhere to our guidelines.Email kimberly@herlifemagazine.com for guidelines and to submit entries.JaNuary 4Italian Operatic Feast: Previewof Pagliacci & GianniSchicchiLocation: Stockton Golf and Country ClubStockton, CADate: 1/4/12Time: 11:30amDetails: Stockton Women’s Networkpresents Maestro Peter Jeffe as he explores apair of beloved Italian opera, one tragic, onecomic, to be performed in a double bill by theStockton Opera in January. Puccini’s brilliantcomedy, Gianni Schicchi provides brilliantcontrast, with family members bickering overthe will of their recently deceased relative.Networking begins at 11:30 AM at the StocktonGolf and Country Club. Visitwww.stocktonwomensnetwork.org or call 209-472-0359 to register.JaNuary 5Breastfeeding ClassLocation: Lodi Memorial HospitalLodi, CADate: 1/5/12Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pmDetails: Lodi Memorial Hospital offers“Breastfeeding: Getting off to a Great Start,”a one-session class covering the advantages ofbreastfeeding, basic anatomy, the breastfeedingprocess, common problems and solutions.An Additional breastfeeding class for workingmothers is held Tuesday, Jan 17th. Call 339-7520 to register. www.lodihealth.org for moreinformation and other great classes.JaNuary 7Childbirth PreparationLocation: Lodi Memorial HospitalLodi, CADate: 1/7/12Time: 9am – 4:30pmDetails: Lodi Memorial Hospital offers aone-day childbirth-preparation class. Cost is$45 per couple. For more information or toregister call 339-7520.JaNuary 819th Annual PremierBridal EventLocation: University Waterfront Plaza HotelStockton, CADate: 1/8/12Time: 1pm – 5pmDetails: Stockton’s 19th Annual PremierBridal Event. Join us at the UniversityWaterfront Plaza Hotel. Admission is $10.00.To pre-register call 209-475-9161 or visit usat www.bridalevents.info. Arrive early to winthousands of $$$$ in door prizes.JaNuary 125th San JoaquinInternational Film FestivalLocation: Empire Theatre and UOP JanetLeigh Theatre, Stockton, CADateS: 1/12/12-1/15/12Details: The San Joaquin InternationalFilm Festival (SJIFF), the annual flagship festivalof the San Joaquin Society and CaliforniaCentral Valley’s leading festival of cinema,has shown a selection of new, innovative, andaward-winning works from emerging talentsand seasoned artists from around the world.These exhibitions were empowered with educationalprogramming, guest artists, locallymade films, and events for all ages. Contact:sjfilmfes@gmail.com.january 13Stockton Opera GuildPresents: “Gianni Schicchiand Pagliacci”Location: Faye Spanos Concert Hall atUniversity of the Pacific, Stockton, CADates: 1/13/12-1/15/12Times: 7:30pm and 2pmDetails: An Italian operatic feast served asa double bill: A famed love tragedy–Leoncavallo’splay within a play–paired with Puccini’sbrilliant comedy. Music director is PeterJaffe; James Haffner is stage director; MasterChorale under Magen Solomon. Tickets are$35 and $45. Available at the Pacific Box Office946-2474, online at www.go.pacific.edu/tickets and Regalo Bello - Stone Creek VillageShopping Center.january 28Football Cupcake WorkshopLocation: Bakers Boutique Stockton, CADate: 1/28/12Time: 1pm – 2:30pmDetails: Just in time for the Super Bowl.Join us at Bakers Boutique in Stone Creekand learn all the tricks of making an amazing‘Football Cake.’ Kick off your Super Bowlparty the right way - call 209-955-2253.68 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

january 29International WeddingFestivalLocation: Centre Plaza, Modesto, CADate: 1/29/12Time: 11amDetails: The largest bridal show inModesto! Under one roof, you will find rowsand rows of the Valley’s most elite talentfor your special day! Find photographers,DJs, limos, event planners, florist, bakeries,honeymoons, and hundreds of ideas! Winnerwill receive a wedding package valued at morethan $20,000!www.internationalweddingfestival.comSAVE THE DATEAmerican Beauty: TheGrateful DeadLocation: Grand Theatre for the ArtsTracy, CADate: 2/4/12Time: 8pm – 11pmDetails: A trip back to the past as you willrelieve all the sounds of The Grateful Dead.Contact the box office for more information209-831-6858.Stockton Symphony Presents:“Valentine Pops: SteveLippia in Simply Sinatra”Location: Atherton Auditorium at SanJoaquin Delta College, Stockton, CADate: 2/11/12Time: 6pmDetails: Nothing says classy and cool likethe songs of Frank Sinatra. Join crooner SteveLippia for a romantic evening of magical “Ol’Blue Eyes” hits, including “The Way YouLook Tonight,” “I Have Dreamed,” “All theWay.” and “The Best is Yet to Come.” Prepareto be wowed by his youthful charisma,swingin’ stage presence, and sublime vocals.Sponsor: Cortopassi Family Foundation. Fortickets contact 209-951-0196.39th Annual Omega NuCrab FeedLocation: Annunciation School Gym, 1110North Lincoln St., StocktonDate: 2/11/12Time: 6pm - 11pmDetails: Join is for our annual crab feed andstay for our raffle and dancing. Proceeds fromthis event benefit local charities and scholarships.Tickets available at Alpine Nursery,215 E Alpine Ave, or Stage Two in LincolnCenter.Wine and ChocolateWeekend in LodiLocation: Various Lodi WineriesLodi, CADates: 2/11/12 and 2/12/12Time: 11am – 4pmDetails: Travel amongst 40 Lodi WineCountry wineries for a weekend of wine andchocolate delights. Each winery hosts activitiesincluding barrel tasting, blending classes,live entertainment and more! Contact:Shannon@lodiwine.com or 209-365-0621.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 69

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Innovative cardiac care saves lives.I’m living proof.Hal LurtsemaCardiac patientAs president of a prominent real estate brokerage, Hal Lurtsemais a man who doesn’t like missing work. But sometimes health takesprecedence. When Hal needed a cardiac bypass, his surgeon saidhe was a prime candidate for a new minimally invasive procedurethat didn’t require opening up the whole chest cavity. Hal’s recoverywas even faster than usual. Just two days after the surgery, he leftthe hospital. And the day after that, he was back in the office—right where he wanted to be.The proof of St. Joseph’s excellence is in the numbers, too. Ourcardiac surgery program is among California’s top ten in terms ofvolume, and we are nationally recognized for quality outcomes.When it comes to matters of the heart, trust St. Joseph’s foraward-winning cardiac care.(209) 943 2000 l StJosephsCares.org/Heart l 1800 N. California St., Stockton, CA 95204<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 71

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