Practical guide for organising mountain bike events - UCI

Practical guide for organising mountain bike events - UCI

Practical guide for organising mountain bike events - UCI


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<strong>Practical</strong> <strong>guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>organising</strong> hc | c1 | c2 | c3 <strong>mountain</strong> <strong>bike</strong> <strong>events</strong><strong>Practical</strong> <strong>guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>organising</strong> hc | c1 | c2 | c3 <strong>mountain</strong> <strong>bike</strong> <strong>events</strong>2C. LOGISTICAL COSTS / suiteDescription Costs RemarksAudio installationD. COMMUNICATION / MARKETINGDescription Costs RemarksPromotional materialsPublic address systemLogo (creation and registration)Sub-totalOfficial headed stationery50External staffMotorcyclists race opening/closingSub-totalAccommodation<strong>UCI</strong> OfficialsOrganising Committee StaffInternational / National CommissairesAnnouncerOfficial DoctorTiming staffSub-totalCateringOfficials, sponsors, guests - cateringVoluntary Workers - mealsVoluntary Workers - breakfastsPurchase of advertising space (newspapers, radio, etc.)PostersLeaflets/flyers <strong>for</strong> the general publicOfficial plaqueOfficial programmeInternet siteBanners, boardsCar markingOther promotional materialSub-totalActivitiesPress conferencePublic Relations dinnerSub-totalTOTAL MARKETING / COMMUNICATION COSTS51Aperitifs/cocktailsStaff/personnelSub-totalTravelling expenses - EventStaff, Organising Committee service providers• <strong>UCI</strong> international calendar feeSub-totalClothing1.2.012 The registration of an event in the international calendar is subject to payment of a fee, known as thecalendar fee, the amount of which is fixed annually by the Management Committee of the <strong>UCI</strong>.Organising CommitteeVoluntary workers/marshalsMiscellaneousSub-totalTransport <strong>for</strong> the riders (4 Cross and Downhill)The organiser must pay the fee amount to the <strong>UCI</strong> not more than 2 months after the Management Committeemeeting at which the calendar <strong>for</strong> the discipline in question is approved.The date that is to be taken into consideration is the date on which the <strong>UCI</strong>’s account is credited.In the event of any delay in making payment, a penalty of CHF 100 per month or part month will automaticallybe applied.Vehicle rental, quads, etc.FuelSub-totalAward ceremoniesFlowersTrophiesThe registration of the event in the following calendar will be refused if the fee and the penalty <strong>for</strong> delay arenot paid 1 month be<strong>for</strong>e the Management Committee meeting at which this calendar is approved.Furthermore, the registration of an event <strong>for</strong> which the registration fee of any previous edition has not beenpaid or <strong>for</strong> which the organiser is not straight with regard to any other financial obligation towards the <strong>UCI</strong>,shall be refused. This provision also applies to the new organiser of the event and, in general, to theorganiser and/or event that the Management Committee considers to be the successor of another organiseror of another event.MiscellaneousSub-totalLOGISTICAL COSTS TOTAL

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