Course Handbook FdA Leadership and Management 2013-14

Course Handbook FdA Leadership and Management 2013-14 Course Handbook FdA Leadership and Management 2013-14
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4.3 What if I’m an international student?There are new requirements relating to immigration procedures in the UKwith the introduction of the Points-Based System. Information is availableat: Are there any guidelines about attendance?The modules on the course will help you to develop both skills and academicknowledge. Most modules will require you to undertake formative work,which will help you to apply your knowledge and understanding, which inturn will help you to achieve a good grade in the summative assessments.Therefore it is important that you attend regularly. Research hasdemonstrated a clear link between attendance and success rates thereforewe recommend that a minimum attendance of 80% is maintained.Please note – Those students who are in receipt of a bursary willfind that their payments will be stopped if they have not met theminimum attendance requirement and are not up-to-date with theirassessed work. (please see the Bursary Factsheet on Moodle for fulldetails)The college policy is to withdraw a student from a course if they do notattend for 4 consecutive weeks. The Student Loans Company will beinformed of your withdrawal and will then stop any future payments to youraccount. Therefore, it is important that you contact the Award Leader if youare going to be absent for any length of time.During your course of study, there will be times when you are not able toattend classes because of illness, personal and domestic crises. It istherefore all the more important that you do attend when you are able tootherwise it is very easy to lose the thread of what is going on and becomedisheartened.We do not advise that you take holidays in term time. Please see thecollege calendar in Appendix 1 for details.If you are absent you must telephone or email your personal tutor to notifythem. Doctor’s notes will be required for absences of more than a couple ofdays or recurring illness. Please keep your module tutors informed if youare having difficulty attending you classes for whatever reason. We are hereto support you but cannot do that unless you keep us informed of problemsyou are experiencing.If you are absent through illness immediately prior to an examination orassignment deadline and wish to submit a case for mitigating circumstances,Page 16 of 56

you must provide us with details and any available evidence as soon aspossible.If you are absent through illness on the day of an examination orassignment deadline, you must also provide us with details and anyavailable evidence as soon as possible.Depending on the nature of your illness you may be able to apply forMitigating Circumstances. For information please follow this link: can hand in or send medical certificates to Jo Tyssen.Notification of infectious diseaseIf you have been diagnosed with or have had contact with an infectiousdisease, you must notify us in writing within 24 hours of diagnosis. Youmust not return to College until a medical practitioner’s certificate ofclearance has been submitted.4.5 What do I do if I am going to be absent?In case of absence from College, you should contact Jo Tyssen on 0113 3861841 / 07785 556 126 or e-mail at How do I withdraw from my course?If you are considering withdrawal from your course you should speak to yourpersonal tutor or the Students’ Union to discuss your reasons. If there is aproblem, College or Students’ Union staff may be able to help.If you decide to withdraw from your course or programme of study, youmust notify us in writing. This notification must be sent immediately to yourAward Leader and be copied to the Registrar and Admissions Officer.4.7 Are there any specific course requirements (e.g. placements, CRBchecks)?Part-time students will be expected to be in employment whilst onprogramme, and full-time students will be expected to do a minimum of 2hours per week vocational experience within the occupational sectorthroughout the programme, or an equivalent time agreed with the coursetutor (s) (for example, a 2 week full-time placement). This provides alllearners with an opportunity to gain valuable vocational experience,networking opportunities and a chance to apply academic study in a workingenvironment.Page 17 of 56

you must provide us with details <strong>and</strong> any available evidence as soon aspossible.If you are absent through illness on the day of an examination orassignment deadline, you must also provide us with details <strong>and</strong> anyavailable evidence as soon as possible.Depending on the nature of your illness you may be able to apply forMitigating Circumstances. For information please follow this link: can h<strong>and</strong> in or send medical certificates to Jo Tyssen.Notification of infectious diseaseIf you have been diagnosed with or have had contact with an infectiousdisease, you must notify us in writing within 24 hours of diagnosis. Youmust not return to College until a medical practitioner’s certificate ofclearance has been submitted.4.5 What do I do if I am going to be absent?In case of absence from College, you should contact Jo Tyssen on 0113 3861841 / 07785 556 126 or e-mail at How do I withdraw from my course?If you are considering withdrawal from your course you should speak to yourpersonal tutor or the Students’ Union to discuss your reasons. If there is aproblem, College or Students’ Union staff may be able to help.If you decide to withdraw from your course or programme of study, youmust notify us in writing. This notification must be sent immediately to yourAward Leader <strong>and</strong> be copied to the Registrar <strong>and</strong> Admissions Officer.4.7 Are there any specific course requirements (e.g. placements, CRBchecks)?Part-time students will be expected to be in employment whilst onprogramme, <strong>and</strong> full-time students will be expected to do a minimum of 2hours per week vocational experience within the occupational sectorthroughout the programme, or an equivalent time agreed with the coursetutor (s) (for example, a 2 week full-time placement). This provides alllearners with an opportunity to gain valuable vocational experience,networking opportunities <strong>and</strong> a chance to apply academic study in a workingenvironment.Page 17 of 56

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