The Logo - Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

The Logo - Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

The Logo - Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service


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CorporateIdentityGuidelinesApril 2008Headquarters1 Seymour Street, Lisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221 F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.org www.nifrs.org

NIFRS Vision, Mission & Values02<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (NIFRS)has a clear Vision and Mission Statement and set ofCore Values, that best reflects us as an organisation.Developed in consultation with NIFRS staff, followingour re-branding from <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> Brigade to<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>, our Vision,Mission and Values are at the heart of everythingwe do and define who we are, what westand for and what we want to do in the future.Our Mission defines why NIFRS exists, who weexist for and what services we provide. <strong>The</strong> Visionprovides a picture for the future as seen by all ourstaff, our stakeholders and the wider <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>community. Our Core Values represent what NIFRSstands for (our beliefs) and how we conduct ourselves(our behaviours).

Introduction to the Guidelines04<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> Corporate IdentityGuidelines have been designedto help you apply the <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>brand and corporate identity.Whether you are a member ofstaff or a supplier,you must follow these rules.<strong>The</strong> Corporate CommunicationsDepartment is responsible formonitoring the implementationof NIFRS corporate identity. Inrelation to collaborative projectswith external partners it isessential that the guidelines arestrictly adhered to and whereany doubt exists, advice shouldbe sought from the CorporateCommunications Department.<strong>The</strong> logo, badge, visionstatement, corporate templatesand all other artwork can beobtained by contacting theCorporate CommunicationsDepartment at Headquarters:Carleen McNallyCorporate CommunicationsManagerT 028 9266 4221 Ext 2207E carleen.mcnally@nifrs.org<strong>The</strong> logo and badge is thecopyright of <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> and nounauthorised reproductionis permitted.© <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> 2008Una DevlinCorporate CommunicationsOfficerT 028 9266 4221 Ext 2384E una.devlin@nifrs.org

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Logo</strong> used as a single colour07If full colour printing is unavailablethe black and white version of thelogo must be used.<strong>The</strong> logo cannot be reproducedin any other colour than black.See examples below.If colour reproduction is of alow quality the black and whiteversion of the logo must be used.Examples of low quality colourreproduction may include:in-house documents on laserprinters, photocopies, press ads/public notices, posters, etc.When full colour printing is unavailable,the logo can be used in one colourblack and adhere to the minimum clearspace guidelines stated in section 09.See above.When the logo is used on a colouredbackground but full colour printingis not available, the black and whitelogo must be used. See red and greyexamples above.<strong>The</strong> reversed version of the logo mayalso be used when the backgroundclashes with black. See dark greensample above.

Incorrect use of the <strong>Logo</strong>08Here are some examples of howthe logo must never be used.All applications must be approvedby the Corporate CommunicationsDepartment at Headquarters.XDO NOT EXTENDTHE LOGOXDO NOT CONDENSETHE LOGOTHE BADGE AND NAMESTYLERELATIONSHIP MUST NEVERXCHANGEXDROP SHADOWS MUST NEVERBE USED ON THE LOGO<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong><strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>ANY ELEMENT OF THELOGO COLOUR MUSTXNEVER BE ALTEREDTHE LOGO NAMESTYLE MUSTX NEVER BE REPLACED WITHANOTHER ‘TYPEFACE’ OR ’FONT’DO NOT ALTER THEPOSITION OF THE BADGEXOR NAMESTYLEXTHE LOGO MUST NEVER BEBORDERED WITH A KEYLINE

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Logo</strong> Minimum Clear Space09<strong>The</strong> distance between the logoand other objects and text isknown as the ‘clear space’. <strong>The</strong>reshould always be a clear spacesurrounding the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> logo.<strong>The</strong> minimum clear space aroundthe logo is based upon the heightof the namestyle of <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>,shown as ‘X’.<strong>The</strong> amount of clear spacearound the logo must be aminimum distance of ‘X’ on allsides.XXXXXXXXXX

NIFRS Building External signage10<strong>The</strong> only exception to thelogo clearspace guidelines isin relation to external NIFRSbuilding signage. Due tophysical space restrictions onoutside walls of <strong>Fire</strong> Stationsand other NIFRS buildings,external signage is made to fitthe available space and location.<strong>The</strong>refore, a <strong>Fire</strong> Station nameor Area HQ or District HQ namecan be incorporated into the clearspace of NIFRS logo.All external building signage isto be approved by the CorporateCommunications Department andwill be produced in conjunctionwith the Estates Department atHeadquarters.CRESCENT LINK FIRE STATIONLONDONDERRY DISTRICT HEADQUARTERSWESTERN AREA HEADQUARTERS

NIFRS <strong>Logo</strong> and Vision Statementused in an advertising environment11Within the fi eld of advertising(both above & below the line)<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> logo must always appearwith NIFRS vision statement“Protecting Our Community”.All the guidelines that apply to<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> corporate identity apply tothis version of the logo as well.<strong>The</strong>re are 2 treatments of theNIFRS Protecting Our Communityidentity, which we will refer to as;A Preferred TreatmentandB Secondary Treatment.Preferred Treatment –Minimum Clear SpaceAs before the minimum clear spacearound the logo is based upon theheight of the namestyle of <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>,shown as ‘X’. <strong>The</strong> amount of clearspace around the logo must be aminimum distance of ‘X’ on all sides.As you can see the “Protecting OurCommunity” strapline obeys theclear space dimensions, thewidth of the strapline spans fromthe centre of the badge to the endof the logotype.Preferred Treatment –Colourways<strong>The</strong>re are 2 options to use here:Full Colour:Full Colour with reverse logotype:Preferred Treatment –<strong>Logo</strong> in-situXXXXXXX

NIFRS <strong>Logo</strong> and Vision Statementused in an advertising environment12Secondary TreatmentThis treatment is to be usedonly in situations where space doesnot allow placement of ourpreferred treatment.XXSecondary Treatment<strong>Logo</strong> – in-situ<strong>The</strong> Secondary Treatmentcomprises of 2 components –<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> portrait logo and theProtecting Our Community strapline.<strong>The</strong> rule to remember here is thatthe strapline must appear to eitherthe extreme left or right of<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> portrait logo, the straplinemust not appear directly under<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> portrait logo – this willmuddle the message of the originallogo, the strapline may also suffer ata small size.As before, the rules of minimumclear space apply in composing thesecond treatment. <strong>The</strong> importantfeature in this instance is Y. Y is thewidth of the logotype – the straplinemust always be the same widthas Y.XXNBDo not ‘stack’ the portrait logoon top of the straplineYXYNB<strong>The</strong> Secondary Treatment can onlybe used when space doesn’t allowthe preferred logo.NBVision Statement should alwaysbe used either via preferred orsecondary treatment.

Corporate Colours - Primary13<strong>The</strong>re are 4 primary corporatecolours and 3 secondary coloursfor NI <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>.<strong>The</strong> corporate colours shouldbe reproduced as accurately aspossible in whichever mediumthey are used.For more advice or helpcontact the CorporateCommunications Departmentat Headquarters.Primary ColoursREDGREENGREYBLACKPantone Matching SystemPMS 186Pantone Matching SystemPMS 343Pantone Matching SystemPMS Cool Gray 4Pantone Matching SystemProcess BlackFull Colour ProcessC 0 M 100 Y 81 K 4Full Colour ProcessC 98 M 0 Y 72 K 61Full Colour ProcessC 0 M 0 Y 0 K 24Full Colour ProcessC 0 M 0 Y 0 K 100RGBR 178 G 35 B 57RGBR 21 G 77 B 57RGBR 191 G 193 B 192RGBR 25 G 25 B 25WebsafeB22339Websafe154D39WebsafeBFC1C0Websafe191919

Corporate Colours - Secondary14A secondary colour pallet hasbeen developed. <strong>The</strong>y are Navy(uniforms, NIFRS fl ag) Light Blue(UK <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Service</strong> uniform) andYellow (a friendly approachablecolour). <strong>The</strong> secondary colourswould mostly be used bydesigners to widen the spectrumof colours used in advertising,marketing publications, etc.Secondary colours must onlybe used with the approval ofthe Corporate CommunicationsDepartment.For more advice or helpcontact the CorporateCommunications Departmentat Headquarters.Secondary ColoursNAVYLIGHT BLUEYELLOWPantone Matching SystemPMS 282Pantone Matching SystemPMS 2985Pantone Matching SystemPMS 116Full Colour ProcessC 100 M 72 Y 0 K 56Full Colour ProcessC 72 M 0 Y 0 K 0Full Colour ProcessC 0 M 15 Y 94 K 0RGBR 0 G 33 B 72RGBR 205 G 229 B 242RGBR 244 G 210 B 19Websafe002148WebsafeCEE6F3WebsafeF4D213

Corporate Typeface15A corporate typeface is speciallychosen by an organisation (andused exclusively) to support andcomplement its corporate identity.ArialabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789<strong>The</strong> corporate typeface forWord Processing in <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>is Arial.On most <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>documents such as letters,memos, faxes, reports, policydocuments, etc the font size is12 point with 14 point leading.Arial BoldabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789As a general rule the font sizeshould be 12 point and no lessthan 10 point. For large printmaterial a minimum of 14 pointis recommended. NIFRS reportlayout guidelines can be foundon the Global Drive in theCorporate Identity folder.Arial BlackabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789

How it should appear in text16<strong>The</strong> first reference to our organisation in text should alwaysbe in full and using the ampersand (&) on all occasions:‘<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’<strong>The</strong> second reference in text from then on should be:‘<strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’For a shortened reference in text you may use:‘NI <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’ or ‘NIFRS’You may NOT use ‘<strong>The</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’NB Reference to our organisation is‘<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’and NOT ‘<strong>The</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’Examples of how you may use a shortened version intext are as follows:Reference to Headquarters is:<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> HeadquartersShortened:‘<strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Headquarters’Reference to Training Centre is:<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> Training CentreShortened:‘<strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> Training Centre’Reference to Area, for example, is:Eastern Area Headquarters,<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>Reference to District, for example, is:Cookstown District Headquarters,<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>Reference to <strong>Fire</strong> Stations, for example, is:Larne <strong>Fire</strong> Station,<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>

General guidance17It is important that <strong>Northern</strong><strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>communicates to the wholecommunity, including those withdisabilities or who do not speakEnglish as their first language.Where appropriate, considerationshould be given to translatingdocuments or offering help throughour Community DevelopmentDepartment and our Equality Unitbased at Headquarters.Avoid the use of jargon and acronyms at all times, especially incommunication aimed at the general public.It is important to take the target audience into account and whereappropriate, make outreach material available in large print, Braille oraudio formats. Again our Equality Unit at Headquarters will be able toadvise you.On most <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> documents such asletters, memos, faxes, reports, policy documents etc the font size is12 point with 14 point leading. As a general rule the font size shouldbe 12 point and no less than 10 point. For large print material aminimum of 14 point is recommended.Images should be chosen carefully as usage depends on themessage being put across. <strong>The</strong> Corporate CommunicationsDepartment will assist with this to ensure that political sensitivity istaken into account.<strong>The</strong> website www.nifrs.org and relevant contact details should beincluded on all marketing material.

General guidance (continued)18For those with visual impairment the following advice isrecommended in the Informability Manual by Wendy Gregory:Type size - Minimum size of 14 point is recommended for peoplewith visual impairment. If space is restricted, 10 point is thereforeacceptable.Type weight - Use a medium or bold weight.Type style - Avoid italics and excessive use of capital letters asthese letter-forms affect the outline shape of words and thereforemore difficult to read.Reversing out - Only reverse type out of a background colour if theface is clear, bold enough and large enough not to break up or fillin with ink. Ensure a good contrast between white lettering and thebackground colour.Letter spacing - Ensure adequate even spacing between letters,they should never appear to touch.Word spacing - Keep word spacing even. Don’t condense or stretchlines of type to fit a particular measure.Line length - Allow 50-65 characters, inclusive of spaces, per line.Justification - Range left type with ragged right hand margin.Hyphenation - Don’t split words at the end of lines.Layout - Keep layout clean and logical. Provide contents lists andplenty of clear headings. Break text into shortish paragraphs withadequate space between and around them.Columns - Allow adequate space between columns, use rules toseparate them, don’t use designs with uneven column widths.Pictorial material - Use bold images. Do not run type over or aroundillustrations/photographs etc.Form design - Allow large spaces for people to write into. Textand related boxes for writing or putting a tick in should be clearlyassociated with each other.

GOLDAwardStationery19<strong>The</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> &<strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> logo is appliedacross all internal and externalcorrespondence and literature.Full colour printed letterhead isavailable and should be used forthe initial page only. Continuationpages should be blank sheets ofsimilar quality paper.All external correspondenceshould use a full colour printedletterhead.Black and white letterhead ispermitted for internal use.All electronic internal and externalcorporate templates can be foundin the Corporate Identity folder onthe Global Drive.Letterhead20 07Protecting Our Community<strong>The</strong> font for the main body of text for letters/faxes/memos, etc is Arial 12 point (minimumpoint size of 10 point). All main body oftext areas should have a margin of 25mmall around.

Stationery (continued)20How address details should be displayed on the top right-hand corner of Letterheads and Compliment SlipsHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and ChiefExecutiveColin J Lammey MSc FCIPD FI<strong>Fire</strong>E<strong>Northern</strong> Area Headquarters22-26 Waveney RoadBallymena BT43 5BAT 028 2564 3370F 028 2564 5673enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgArea CommanderWesley Currie BA (Hons) MScMI<strong>Fire</strong>ESouthern Area HeadquartersThomas StreetPortadown BT62 3AHT 028 3833 2222F 028 3835 0341enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgArea CommanderBrian Gough MSc MIOSH FI<strong>Fire</strong>ETraining Centre79 Boucher CrescentBelfast BT12 6HUT 028 9038 9800F 028 9066 4888enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgArea Commander(Training & Development)Jim McCallum QFSM BSc MBA MScMI<strong>Fire</strong>EEastern Area Headquarters6 Bankmore StreetBelfast BT7 1AQT 028 9031 0360F 028 9031 3226enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgArea CommanderChris Kerr BA MSc MI<strong>Fire</strong>EWestern Area Headquarters10 Crescent LinkLondonderry BT47 5FRT 028 7131 1162F 028 7134 1926enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgArea CommanderEoin Doyle DMS MBA FCMIMI<strong>Fire</strong>E<strong>The</strong> fonts for address details are Arial and Arial Bold in 9 point on 11 pointleading. Each section of information should be separated with a 1.5 line spaceas illustrated above.Please note that the addresslayout may be adapted to includeDistrict Headquarters.

Stationery (continued)21NIFRS Vision Statement‘Protecting Our Community’is incorporated on our corporatetemplates - letterhead, fax, memo,news release, media invite,document covers, annual reports,business cards, etc.Our vision statement is used onthese templates to communicateto the public, our stakeholdersand staff internally our visionof what we do and how we seeourselves as an organisation inthe future.<strong>The</strong> position of the VisionStatement on the corporatetemplates must not be tamperedwith. All corporate templates canbe accessed on the Global drivein the Corporate Identity folder.Any queries regarding theuse of corporate templatesmust be referred to CorporateCommunications Departmentat Headquarters.Compliments SlipBusiness CardHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgwith complimentsProtecting Our CommunityName BadgeColin Lammey

Stationery (continued)22FaxMemoNews Release1FAXHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and Chief ExecutiveColin J Lammey MSc FCIPD FI<strong>Fire</strong>E1MEMOHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and Chief ExecutiveColin J Lammey MSc FCIPD FI<strong>Fire</strong>ENEWS RELEASEHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and Chief ExecutiveColin J Lammey MSc FCIPD FI<strong>Fire</strong>EFor immediate releaseTo: Person’s Name Ref: 00From: Name Date: 00 Month 2006Fax No: 000 0000 0000 No. of pages including this sheet: 00DearType message into this areaTo:Ref:From: Date: 9 July 2007RE:00 Month YearInsert Headline HereInsert body copy of text here.ENDSFor further information contact:Insert contact details hereNotes for Editors:Please advise if all pages are not receivedPage 1 of 1<strong>The</strong> appropriate address information and contact details (Headquarters, Area, District andTraining Centre) should be inserted into the text boxes in the right hand-corner of the electronictemplates in 9 point Arial Bold and 9 point Arial.Template layouts must not be altered inany way.

Stationery (continued)23Media InviteCommunity InformationTeam BriefMEDIA INVITEHeadquarters1 Seymour StreetLisburn BT27 4SXT 028 9266 4221F 028 9267 7402enquiries@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and Chief ExecutiveColin J Lammey MSc FCIPD FI<strong>Fire</strong>EMONTHLY TEAM BRIEF 01/0700 Month YearYou are cordially invited to send a reporter/photographer/camera crew to:What…When…Where…Insert additional information hereCOMMUNITY INFORMATION BULLETIN[INSERT SUBJECT HEADING HERE]This area to contain text as appropriate…..CORE BRIEF:LOCAL BRIEF:(Insert ‘Local’ or ‘Departmental’ Information)Photographic, filming and interview opportunities. News Releases available.For further information contact:Insert contact details hereFOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON [INSERT SUBJECT] PLEASE CONTACT[INSERT RELEVANT DETAILS AND CONTACT NUMBER]Page 1 of 1Page 1 of 2Template layouts must not be altered inany way.

Stationery (continued)24Policy DocumentEmail signatures should also be in 10 pointArial and follow address guidelines asillustrated here.EmailMAIN TITLESubtitleDATESender’s NameTitle<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>Headquarters1 Seymour Street, Lisburn BT27 4SXTel 028 9266 4221 Ext 0000Fax 028 0000 0000senders.name@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgSender’s NameTitle<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>Headquarters1 Seymour Street, Lisburn BT27 4SXTel 02892 664221 Ext 0000Fax 028 0000 0000senders.name@nifrs.orgwww.nifrs.orgPrepared by:Template layouts must not bealtered in any way.

Presentation & Display Tools25<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> PowerPoint has beendesigned to visually balance textareas with remaining space whichcontains graphic elements of the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> visual language.<strong>The</strong>re are 4 NIFRS PowerPointtemplates. <strong>The</strong>re are 2 versionseach of the red and greybackground templates. Eachcoloured version has one withthe NIFRS badge ghosted in andthe other version is plain, with theghosted badge removed.Depending on the amountand type of information to bedisplayed on the slides any ofthe 4 templates can be used fora powerpoint presentation. Whenusing red, background writingmust be white and when usingthe grey, background writing mustbe black.PowerPoint presentations workmost effectively if each pagecontains small, concise amountsof information.<strong>The</strong> PowerPoint templatecan be found in the CorporateIdentity folder on theGlobal Drive.<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>• Preventing• Protecting• Responding<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>• Preventing•Protecting• Responding<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>• Preventing• Protecting• Responding<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>• Preventing• Protecting• RespondingAll text must be aligned with the left edge of the heading so when scrolling through apresentation all the type appears in the same position maintaining a neat and professionalappearance.<strong>The</strong> style of this electronic PowerPoint template must not be altered in any way.

Presentation & Display Tools (continued)26All publications, exhibition materials, such as pop-up display panels, and signage must alsoconform to <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong> visual language as stated below.Publications<strong>The</strong> logo must appear on all printed material on the top left-hand corner.<strong>The</strong> Corporate Communications Department will approve design and use ofphotography/images, etc.Exhibition & Display Materials<strong>The</strong> logo should appear on all exhibition and branding materials.Where appropriate the vision statement should also be incorporated.<strong>The</strong> Corporate Communications Department will approve design anduse of photography/images, etc.Main TitleSignageAll internal and external signage should display the logo on a white backgroundand adhere to the corporate identity guidelines.Date

Vehicle livery27<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> logo must appear on all<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> vehicles. <strong>The</strong> logo mustnot be obstructed by any othersignage or messaging.<strong>The</strong> minimum clear space mustalso be adhered to. See section09 for guidance.Due to space restrictions NIFRSBadge can only be used on thedoor of fire appliance cabs.<strong>The</strong> logo, both landscape andportrait versions, can be obtainedin a variety of file formatsincluding JPEG, EPS, TIFF andWMF files.For more advice or helpcontact the CorporateCommunications Departmentat Headquarters.<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Service</strong>

Uniforms and corporate clothing28Uniforms and corporate clothingincluding t-shirts and fleeces arebranded using NIFRS logo.Where appropriate, the logo mustappear on the left-hand side ofcorporate clothing.Any organisation, club or societyeither internal or external toNIFRS must have the expresspermission of the Chief <strong>Fire</strong>Officer before the NIFRS logois used on any clothing, displaymaterial, promotional material, etc.Any unauthorised use of the logoon clothing is prohibited. Pleaserefer to section 08 ‘Incorrect useof the <strong>Logo</strong>’ for guidance.Name BadgesAll staff must have an NIFRSname badge. It is best practicefor all NIFRS staff to wearidentification. Name badges areto be worn on the right-hand sideof uniforms, jackets, shirts, etc.NIFRS name badges displayNIFRS logo and the personsname only.For more advice or helpcontact the CorporateCommunications Department.© <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> & <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Service</strong> 2008

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