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Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance63ReferencesArce, Carlos. 2007. “Administración de Riesgos para Productores Agropecuarios: Instrumentos Innovadores.” Paperpresented at a workshop at the World Bank, Washington, DC, February.Goldberg, Michael, and Coimbatore S. Ramanathan. 2007. “Microinsurance: International Best Practices.” Draftpaper, World Bank, Washington, DC.McCord, Michael. 2007a. “Microinsurance Products and Delivery Channels.” Paper presented at Access to Insurancefor the Poor Workshop, Rio de Janeiro.———. 2007b. “Microseguros: Una vision general.” Paper presented at a workshop at the World Bank,Washington, DC, February.———. 2007c. “Overview of Microinsurance.” Paper presented at a workshop at the World Bank,Washington, DC, February.McCord, Michael, and Jim Roth. 2006. “What Is Microinsurance?” Microinsurance Focus Notes 1, U.S. Agency forInternational Development, Washington, DC.MicroInsurance Centre LLC. 2009. http://www.microinsurancecentre.org/UI/Home.aspx.Rivas, Hector F. 2007. “Seguro de Vida—FINSOL.” Paper presented at a workshop for the World Bank,Mexico City, Mexico, February.Roth, Jim, Michael McCord, and Dominic Liber. 2007. The Landscape of Microinsurance in the World’s 100Poorest Countries. Washington, DC: MicroInsurance Centre LLC.Uribe, Alvaro. n.d. http://www.microinsurancecentre.org/UI/Home.aspx.Additional SourcesConsultative Group to Assist the Poor. 2004–06. “The Good and Bad Microinsurance Practice Case Studies.”Working Group on Microinsurance, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, Washington DC.http://www.microinsurancenetwork.org/networkpublication41.php.———. “Resource Centers.” http://www.microfinancegateway.org/p/site/m/template.rc/1.11.48248/.International Association of Insurance Supervisors and Consultative Group to Assist the Poor. 2007. “Issues Paper.”Working Group on Microinsurance Issues, Regulation and Supervision of Microinsurance, ConsultativeGroup to Assist the Poor, Washington, DC.Siegel, Paul B., and Jeffrey Alwag. 2001. “Viewing Microinsurance as a Social Risk Management Instrument.”Social Protection Discussion Paper, World Bank, Washington, DC.

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