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32 Chapter 2 - Good Governance: Managing Internal Risk- The board’s ability to access accurate information and thereby enable it to assess future businessopportunities- The board’s ability to communicate with management• Consider the legal ramifications: Limit access to board evaluation results, and limit the paper trail.• Generate actionable results: Focus on strengths and weaknesses. Use the information garnered tobuild team cohesiveness and improve decision making.The Board of Directors: Member Selection and ParticipationFor development of an effective board, five critical considerations contribute directly to the board’s performanceand transparency: board member characteristics, board composition, the service period, conflict of interestpolicies, and compensation policies. Each of those is discussed next, with some specific good practices provided.Necessary characteristics of board membersAn effective MFI board needs members with a variety of skills. Board members should ideally possess anabundance of leadership characteristics and multiple technical skills (see table 2.1). Banking laws and regulationsrequire that financial institution board members meet a “fit and proper” test. This term generally means thatmembers should be of good moral character with no record of bankruptcy or criminal convictions and possessan appropriate level of experience. All board members should develop the capacity to analyze financial reportsbecause each one assumes fiduciary responsibility on a personal level. Special attention should also be given toeducate board members on <strong>risk</strong> management as it relates to MFIs.Table 2.1 Recommended Characteriscs and Background of a Board MemberLeadership CharacteriscsTechnical Background• Commitment to the MFI’s mission• Integrity and trustworthiness• Demonstrated success as a leader• Communicaon skills• Common sense and good judgment• Willingness to make the me commitment• Understanding of the personal commitment• Ability to work well with other board members• Banking• Microfinance• Accounng• Law• Public relaons• Markeng• Human resources• Entrepreneurial or business management• Community or social development• Informaon technology• FundraisingSource: Author.Board compositionIn new MFIs, board member selection is often based on a personal relationship with a dominant founder.Funders may request the authority to appoint board members as part of their investment agreement. As a result,

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