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Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance27Box 2.5 Some “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for BoardsTo maintain the appropriate independence of the board and management, some direcon is provided asfollows:Do the following:• Clearly define roles between management and the board.• Separate the role of the board chair and the CEO.• Maintain distance from daily operaons by delegang authority for operaons to management throughthe CEO.• Set clear, measurable goals for management, and monitor performance against those goals.• Supervise the selecon, evaluaon, and compensaon of the senior management team.• Use board commiees (audit, finance, compensaon, personnel, <strong>risk</strong> management, and so forth) toperform specific funcons.• Require that members follow basic codes of conduct to carry out roles and responsibilies in good faith.• Make binding decisions as a group.• Work to achieve board consensus.• Require accurate, mely informaon in order to make good decisions.• Rely on external audits, independent internal audit reports, and third-party evaluaons to verifyreporng accuracy.Don’t do the following:• Form a board composed of friends of the CEO.• Appoint the same person as both CEO and board chair.• Allow management to occupy a major share of seats on the board.• Exercise too much oversight of management and interfere with its work.• Fail to meet regularly or meet in a pro-forma fashion.Source: Compiled by Tillman Brue.Some duties of the board chair include the following:• Serve as the chief nonexecutive officer (officer not involved in daily management) of the MFI.• Chair meetings of the board according to agendas developed together with the CEO.• Appoint all committee chairs within the board.• Take an active role in recruiting board members.• Oversee succession of board members.• Serve ex officio on board committees and attend their meetings when possible.• Evaluate the effectiveness of the board and its members, and ensure the board carries out its mandate.Board committeesIn well-functioning boards, most of the work occurs in committees. Committees meet before the full boardmeetings and discuss issues relevant to their specific mandate. They report any findings and progress to thefull board. Committee meetings may be supported by written agendas and recorded minutes. Common boardcommittees include the following:

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