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Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance25Box 2.4 Evaluang Board PerformanceIn theory, the board is responsible to instuonal shareholders and ensures that management acts inaccordance with shareholder wishes. In pracce, both within microfinance and elsewhere, many boardsbecome servants of the CEO or one dominant shareholder. Recent high-profile corporate scandals involvingboards that failed to act in shareholders’ best interests raise an important queson: how can shareholdersevaluate whether or not the board is doing its job?There are no set guidelines for conducng a board assessment: each board formulates its own plans forevaluaon. However, as with the evaluaon of the CEO, board assessment must be done regularly andagainst preset, well-defined criteria. These criteria should be established in board policy. The key areas toevaluate are as follows:1. Board and commiee structure• Does the board as a whole or an individual commiee have the staff, skills, and experience to tackleits current or expected problems?• Are more independent directors needed to ensure financial and legal survival of the instuon?• Do the commiees meet oen enough to fulfill their dues?• Do the commiees receive and process informaon in an efficient and effecve manner?• Do the commiees keep the board apprised of <strong>risk</strong>s and uncertainty in their areas of experse andresponsibility?• Do potenal conflicts of interest or personal issues exist that may disrupt the cohesiveness of thegroup?• How strong is group cohesiveness? If deficiencies exist, how do they hinder the performance ofcertain commiees or the board as a whole?2. The responsibilies of the board• Is the board evaluang the company’s financial and operaonal performance appropriately, or shouldother measures (quantave or qualitave) be used?• Is the CEO fulfilling his or her dues and providing solid leadership?• Has the board adequately assessed the growth potenal of the company?• Can the board beer address the needs and concerns of its stakeholders (both equity and debt)?3. The physical process that boards use to conduct business• Does the board or any individual commiee spend enough me on vital issues or areas that canenhance stakeholder value?• Is the board using all of the available tools and resources to come to a conclusion?• Is there good communicaon between the board and management?Source: Adapted from Curs (2007).Management developmentDuring the early stages of an MFI’s development and the transitional periods that follow, the board mustguarantee the survival of the organization. This responsibility means having the right people at the right time.For example, the board supervises the selection, evaluation, and compensation of the management team. Thissupervision includes anticipating and preparing for management succession. The board must ensure that themanagement team has the needed skills to handle current operations and take on new challenges. The best

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