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Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance23Box 2.2 Quesons to Assess the Implicaons of an MFI’s Ownership StructureThe following quesons should be used to assess an MFI’s ownership structure:• Do the owners have the necessary experse to govern effecvely?• Do the owners have “deep pockets”—the financial resources to support the MFI’s growth?• Are the owners appropriately neutral or immune to polical influence?• Are the owners able to stay in for the “long haul” or are they interested in selling and turning overownership to others?• Do new investors bring necessary knowledge, skills, and personal qualies to the board? Do theyshare the mission of the organizaon?• Is the ownership structure forward looking, ancipang the resources and skills needed for thefuture, not just for today?Source: Adapted from Ledgerwood and White (2006).The Board of Directors: Functional ResponsibilitiesGovernance takes place within a broad context; however, the board of directors is the “pivot point” throughwhich all players connect. The board is a group of individuals who are either elected or appointed by shareholders,stakeholders, or members and who work with MFI management to guide the MFI to achieve its vision andmission. The functional responsibilities of the board of directors can be categorized into four broad groups:fiduciary, strategic planning, supervision, and management development (Clarkson and Deck 1997).FiduciaryA fiduciary is a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another. In the case of anMFI board, the fiduciary is entrusted with financial and physical assets and must ensure their appropriate usewhile maintaining their value. In some cases, the law may make the MFI’s board members personally andlegally liable. While maintaining the MFI’s adherence to the institutional mission, a board of directors mustprotect and promote the solvency, liquidity, and financial performance of the organization. Fiduciaries aremost effective when they are proactive and encourage management to create a process that identifies, assesses,and controls <strong>risk</strong>s. Fiduciaries should also encourage management to ask difficult questions, and then make orapprove strategic decisions that balance the potential costs or benefits of taking particular <strong>risk</strong>s.Strategic planningThe board plays an important role in the development of the MFI’s long-term strategy, usually in the formof a strategic plan. The board considers the principal <strong>risk</strong>s facing the MFI and approves plans presented bymanagement. In keeping with its role to ensure financial and operational survival of the institution, the boardmust examine whether the institution has adequate resources to implement its strategies. It also approves keystrategic decisions, such as the opening of new branches; the introduction of new products and services or theentering into alliances, partnerships, or contracts with other organizations. Additionally, the entire board orspecific members may participate directly in strategy development sessions. 66. For young institutions, fundraising to fulfill plans may also be part of the board’s role.

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