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xivAbout the Authors and ContributorsTodd Farrington is a financial economist with 15 years of experience in microfinance and development. Hewas a founding partner of MicroRate, the first specialized rating agency for microfinance. He is currently vicepresident of ACCIÓN International, overseeing the development of debt capital markets between ACCIÓNand other financial actors in the microfinance sector. Mr. Farrington contributed to the governance session.Fernando Fernández is director of the Access to Rural Finance for Microenterprises (AFIRMA) project inMexico, which is administered by Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) for the U.S. Agency for InternationalDevelopment. Before joining AFIRMA, he was deputy director for the Strengthening Access to Microfinanceand Liberalization Task Order (SALTO) project while working with the Superintendency of Banks andInsurance in Ecuador. Mr. Fernández contributed to the <strong>risk</strong> management session.Jesús Ferreyra is the <strong>managing</strong> director of Mibanco in Peru, one of the leading microfinance institutions in theAndean region. Mibanco has been particularly successful in housing microfinance and has developed a rangeof innovative products and delivery methods. Mr. Ferreyra contributed to the housing microfinance session.Adrián González is a lead researcher with the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX). Since 2004, hehas been in charge of quantitative analysis of the databases collected by MIX. Mr. González contributed to theinterest rates session.Eduardo Gutiérrez is director of the nongovernmental organization titled National Ecumenical DevelopmentAssociation (ANED), and has led the organization’s efforts to transform ANED into a leader in rural lendingin Bolivia. Before joining ANED, he worked for 23 years at the Central Bank of Bolivia. Mr. Gutiérrezcontributed to the microleasing session.Alice Liu is an information and communications technology development specialist at DevelopmentAlternatives Inc. (DAI). Before joining DAI, she worked in the private sector as a senior product manager onwireless product launches for AT&T and Hawaiian Telcom. Ms. Liu contributed to the technology session.Michael McCord is president of the Microinsurance Centre. He has extensive experience in banking,microfinance, and microinsurance. His specializations include institutional development for microinsurance,new product development, and assessment and analysis of microinsurance programs. Mr. McCord contributedto the microinsurance session.Rochus Mommartz is an economist at the Boulder Institute of Microfinance with 15 years of experience inmicrofinance. He specializes in microfinance institution management and financial sector regulation. He is alsoa consultant to the investment committee of the ResponsAbility Global Microfinance Fund in Switzerland.Mr. Mommartz contributed to the <strong>risk</strong> management session.Enrique Pantoja is a regional planner and sociologist at the World Bank where he works in the Agricultureand Rural Development Department, Latin America and the Caribbean Region. He has worked on a varietyof development projects over the past 15 years across Latin America and South Asia. Mr. Pantoja contributedto the disasters and microfinance session.Héctor Fernando Rivas Martínez served for more than 25 years as an expert for Banorte in Mexico, coveringa variety of responsibilities such as mergers, process re-engineering, and development of new products. In 2005,he became the assistant general manager of the Financiera Solidaria (FINSOL) finance company and was incharge of business and product development. Mr. Rivas contributed to the microinsurance session.

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