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Managing Risk and Creating Value with MicrofinancexiiiAbout the Authors and ContributorsAuthorsMike Goldberg is a senior private sector development specialist in the Private Sector Development and FinanceUnit of the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank, with expertise in microfinance, small andmedium-size enterprise development, competitiveness, and local economic development. He has worked onprojects in East Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and South Asia, and he provides training toBank staff members. Before coming to the World Bank, Mr. Goldberg worked with the Consultative Groupto Assist the Poor.Eric Palladini is a consultant and technical writer at the World Bank, where he has worked on a number ofprojects dealing with private sector development, privatization, and microfinance in Mexico, Nicaragua, andTrinidad and Tobago. He also worked with the International Finance Corporation on the inaugural MunicipalScorecard study in Lima, Peru.ContributorsGiven the high technical standards required for World Bank–sponsored training activities, the Bank teamturned to leading international experts on each of the topics. The following experts contributed presentationsand provided further opportunities for consultation as this book project evolved into its final form.Carlos Arce is a lawyer and economist at the World Bank. He has more than 20 years of experience inagricultural policy and rural development and has worked on microfinance and competitiveness projects inCentral America. Mr. Arce contributed to the microinsurance session.Tillman Bruett is a co-founder of Alternative Credit Technologies LLC. He has 15 years of finance experience,including commercial banking and microfinance. He is currently working as a regional specialist for the UnitedNations Capital Development Fund in the South Pacific. Mr. Bruett contributed to the governance session, andwas the author of the chapter on governance.Juan Buchenau was a consultant with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor and has since joined theWorld Bank as a senior financial sector specialist in the Finance and Private Sector Unit of the Latin Americaand the Caribbean Region. He has worked extensively on rural microfinance for a variety of governments anddonor institutions in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America and in the United States. Mr. Buchenaucontributed to the interest rates session.Hans Dellien is the director of Microfinance Products and Services at Women’s World Banking. He hasdelivered technical services to microfinance institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.Mr. Dellien contributed to the <strong>risk</strong> management session.Juan Manuel Díaz Parrondo has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Instituto Dominicano deDesarrollo Integral since 2003 and the representative of the Foundation for Development Cooperation andPromotion of Relief Activities in the Dominican Republic. He is a microfinance specialist who focuses onportfolio management, microfinance institution ratings, impact evaluation, savings programs, and financialplanning. Mr. Díaz contributed to the governance session.

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