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Managing Risk and Creating Value with MicrofinancexiAcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank a number of individuals and institutions that played a key role in carrying outthis ambitious undertaking.The Technology Backbone. Daniel de la Morena, David Gray, Claudia María Hernández, and Pablo Salinasof the World Bank’s Global Development Learning Network (within the Development Effectiveness Unitof the Latin America and the Caribbean Region) were instrumental in providing technical support for thediscussion sessions. Because there were usually nine distance learning centers in four countries and speakers invarious countries, the logistical challenges were daunting. This team responded to every challenge efficientlyand professionally.The Global Development Learning Network (GDLN). The GDLN centers in the four countries also playeda key role in facilitating the sessions. Those centers were GDLN Bolivia (La Paz and Santa Cruz); GDLNColombia (Bogotá); GDLN Ecuador (Cuenca, Loja, and Quito); and GDLN Peru (Arequipa, Chiclayo, andLima).Financial Support. No such effort can succeed without financial support. Shirley Matzen and Roberto Taralloof the Latin America and the Caribbean Region trust funds management team of the World Bank wereinstrumental in obtaining grant funds from the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID),through the Latin American Markets and International Trade (LAMIT) program grant facility. LAMITgenerously provided the grant funds to cover the costs of organization and presentation of the series and fordissemination. The Bank team would especially like to recognize Graham Symons of DFID for his support.National Microfinance Associations. The national microfinance associations were the clients for thepresentations and technical discussions. Without their dedication and commitment to microfinance,the funds, technicians, and organization of the sessions would have been wasted. The World Bank teamgratefully acknowledges the superb performance of the following institutions and leaders: Reynaldo Marconi,Asociación de Instituciones Financieras para el Desarrollo Rural (FINRURAL), Bolivia; Claudio Higueras,Cooperativa Emprender, Colombia; Juan Pablo Guerra, Unión de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito del Sur(UCACSUR), Ecuador; Javier Vaca, Red Financiera Rural (RFR), Ecuador; and Ana Jiménez and Luís RíosHenckell, Consorcio de Organizaciones Privadas de Promoción al Desarrollo de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa(COPEME), Peru.The World Bank Team. Although this book is based on the experts’ presentations, members of the WorldBank team contributed significant additional technical material. Economist and microfinance expert EugenioPeral organized the conferences and provided material on all the chapters. Microfinance consultant TillmanBruett of Alternative Credit Technologies LLC wrote the chapter on governance. World Bank microinsuranceconsultant Ramanathan Coimbatore provided additional material on insurance. Microfinance consultants LisaTaber and Reuben Summerlin contributed with their painstakingly thorough and very useful technical review.The authors would also like to express their great appreciation to Erika Vargas (GDLN) and Larry Mayorga(Pictionary Studio) for their special attention and hard work and for their treatment of this book as if it werethe only one. Denise Bergeron, Dina Towbin, and Stuart Tucker of the World Bank Office of the Publisher,helped eliminate the inevitable errors that arise during the writing and production process. The authors are verygrateful for their attention to detail.

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