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108Chapter 8 - New Technologies: A Path to Lower Costs and New Productsreaders, and modems to transmit data from debit or credit cards to financial intermediaries, thus enablingfinancial transactions or the sale of products or services. The minimum specifications for POS terminals areoutlined in box 8.1.Box 8.1 Minimum Requirements for a POS DeviceA POS device requires the following minimum specificaons:• A card reader that can read the informaon stored on the magnec stripe or chip of a card (Thereader also may be able to write informaon into the chip, if it is off line and the card is virtual—thatis, embedded in a mobile phone.)• A numeric keypad, through which users can enter their personal idenficaon number andtransacon amounts• A screen large enough for the users to view and to validate informaon pertaining to the transacon• A set of encrypon keys held in highly secure memory, with all communicaons between the POSterminal and the bank’s server conveyed securely—with no possibility of decrypon by a third party(The standard is keys of a minimum length of 128 bits.)• A printer to issue receipts for each (successful or aempted) transaconSource: Adapted by authors from Mas and Siedek (2008).POS partners may include supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations, post offices, or other businesses that havereliable access to communications networks and contact with the target audience. Agents must be selectedcarefully, however, because they are (1) providing customer service for the financial intermediary, (2) carrying anMFI’s transactions on their own balance sheet while funds are settled, and (3) intermediating what may be largesums of cash between clients and institutions. The client’s trust must be ensured for effective intermediation.For that reason, a strong client orientation and clear understanding of client needs and limitations are requisitesfor effective representation of a MFI.MFIs have successfully developed and leveraged large networks of POS agents in Brazil, Colombia, Kenya,Maldives, Mongolia, Pakistan, and the Philippines, among others. 2 In Brazil, banks have partnered with morethan 95,000 local merchants, post offices, and lottery dealers equipped with POS terminals to offer financialservices in 1,600 municipalities that previously had little or no bank presence (Mas and Siedek 2008).BiometricsBiometrics refers to the measuring of a person’s unique physical characteristics, like fingerprints or facial features,to verify identity. The technology records the clients’ biometric features—fingerprints are most commonlyused—and stores this information on the MFI’s database and, usually, on a smart card the client carries fortransactions (Whelan 2003).Biometric readers can be installed on ATM machines (creating biometric ATMs, or BTMs) and on handhelddevices, so clients can verify their identities by simply touching (in the case of fingerprints) the reader’s scanner.2. See Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, http://www.cgap.org/p/site/c/tech/, and Barton and others (2007).

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