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Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance85ReferencesFraslin, Jean-Hervé. 2003. “CECAM: A Cooperative Agricultural Financial Institution Providing CreditAdapted to Farmers’ Demand in Madagascar.” Case Study, International Association for Agriculturaland Rural Credit–ICAR, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, and WorldCouncil of Credit Unions, Inc., Madison, WI.Goldberg, Michael. 2008. “Microleasing: Overcoming Equipment-Financing Barriers.” en Breve 140: 3.IADB (Inter-American Development Bank). 2009a. “Deepening the Bolivian Leasing Market.”http://www.iadb.org/projects/loan.cfm?loan=ATN/ME-8989-BO.———. 2009b. “Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise.” http://www.iadb.org/sds/mic/.Westley, Glenn. 2003. Arrendamiento y préstamo para equipo: Guía para el microfinanciamiento.Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.———. 2007. “Préstamos y arrendamiento para equipo: Guía para las microfinanzas.” Paper presented at aworkshop at the World Bank, Washington, DC, October 17.Additional SourcesBanking with the Poor Network. n.d. “Microleasing in Livelihood Restoration following a Natural Disaster,”Brief 5, Banking with the Poor, Singapore.Dowla, Asif Ud. 2004. “Microleasing: The Grameen Bank Experience.” Journal of Microfinance 6 (2): 137–60.Gutiérrez, Eduardo. 2007. “Micro leasing de ANED: Equipamos tu esfuerzo.” Paper presented at a workshopfor the World Bank, La Paz, October 17.Moncada, Mario José. 2006. “A Push for Leasing.” La Prensa (Managua), February 2.Westley, Glenn. 2003. “Microleasing: The Unexplored Financing Instrument.” Microenterprise DevelopmentReview 6 (1): 1–5.

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