wisconsin crime and arrests 1994 - Bureau of Justice Statistics

wisconsin crime and arrests 1994 - Bureau of Justice Statistics

wisconsin crime and arrests 1994 - Bureau of Justice Statistics


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WISCONSINOffice <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> AssistanceStatistica~.Analy~is _ Center_U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>National Institute 6f <strong>Justice</strong>ment has been reproduced exactly as received from thef~i~~~:~~~~~~;~~~~~~~f:~:t~~~~~O!~~ ~~ ~~~n~~~~~~~~sr~~~~:e~the <strong>of</strong>ficial position or policies <strong>of</strong> the Nattonallnstltute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>.Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has beengr~J.d~consin Office <strong>of</strong> ,Tustice156815t . lLO~cocoLO~.ssistanceto the National Criminal <strong>Justice</strong> Reference Service (NCJRS).Further reproduction outside <strong>of</strong> the NCJRS system requires permission<strong>of</strong> the copyright owner .CRIMEANDARRESTS<strong>1994</strong>Steven D. SenExecutive DirectorTommy G. ThompsonGovernor-.

State <strong>of</strong> WisconsinTommy G. ThompsonGovernorOFFICE OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCESteven D, SellGxecutive DirectorJune, 1995OCT 13 t995~Dear Colleague:I am pleased to provide you with a copy <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests - <strong>1994</strong>. This reportis based upon monthly <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> arrest reports submitted by 334 law enforcement agenciesthroughout ·Wisconsin. We greatly appreciate the continued efforts <strong>of</strong> personnel from each <strong>of</strong>these agencies in collecting <strong>and</strong> reporting important <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> arrest information.The fIrst half <strong>of</strong> the report presents statewide information on <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> together .withindividual sections on each Index <strong>crime</strong>. The second half <strong>of</strong> the report contains more detailed<strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> arrest information for individual jurisdictions within the State, organizedalphabetically by county.Some <strong>of</strong> the most important fmdings are summarized at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the report (see page 3- <strong>1994</strong> Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrest Facts at a Glance). These include a 2.0 percent decline in reportedIndex <strong>crime</strong>s, a 1.7 percent increase in total adult <strong>arrests</strong>, <strong>and</strong> an 11.4 percent increase in totaljuvenile <strong>arrests</strong>. Also, the 26.6 percent clearance rate in <strong>1994</strong> was the highest recorded in thepast twenty years.If you have any suggestions for improving the report in future years, please let me know.Also, if your Department requires additional copies, please contact our <strong>of</strong>fice.I hope this report meets your needs <strong>and</strong> trust that you will fmd it useful. Please contact our<strong>of</strong>fice if you need other <strong>crime</strong>-related statistics throughout the year.Sincerely,~t~~. ~STEVEN D. SELLEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR222 STATE STREET I SECOND FLOOR 1 MADISON, WI 53702-0001 1 (608) 266-33231 FAX (608)266-6676

WISCONSINCRIME AND ARRESTS<strong>1994</strong>UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING PROGRAMCoordinatorThomas EversenContributorsGloria BrownLee BushweilerAmy CottomStephen GrohmannWisconsin Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> AssistanceStatistical Analysis Center222 State Street, Second FloorMadison, Wisconsin 53702·0001(608) 266·3323iii

DEDICATIONThis publication is dedicated to all law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers, <strong>and</strong> in particular,to the memory <strong>of</strong> the six Wisconsin law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficerswho lost their lives while performing their duty during <strong>1994</strong>.Kenneth M. Fish, ChiefMenominee Tribal Police Department1976 - <strong>1994</strong>Ronald E. Hedbany, OfficerGlendale Police Department1981 - <strong>1994</strong>James A. Lutz, CaptainWaukesha Police Department1964 - <strong>1994</strong>Michael A. Nieh<strong>of</strong>f, OfficerMilwaukee Police Department1991 - <strong>1994</strong>William A. Robertson, OfficerMilwaukee Police Oepartment1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Jeffrey Sheets, DeputyMarathon County Sheriff's Office1985 - <strong>1994</strong>iv

Wisconsin Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> Assistance - Statistical Analysis CenterThe Statistical Analysis Center is a program <strong>of</strong> the Wisconsin Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> Assistance. TheCenter collects, analyzes, interprets <strong>and</strong> disseminates criminal justice data in Wisconsin.The Center also provides technical assistance to local criminal justice agencies. Further, itprovides state <strong>and</strong> local government with access to federal criminal justice statistical information.The Statistical Analysis Center also promotes the coordination <strong>and</strong> development <strong>of</strong> criminal justicestatistical systems in Wisconsin.AcknowledgementsWisconsin Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests - <strong>1994</strong> is. the product <strong>of</strong> information provided by a variety <strong>of</strong>agencies. Without the excellent cooperation <strong>of</strong> the people in these agencies, the publication wouldnot have been possible. The Wisconsin Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> Assistance gratefully acknowledges theassistance <strong>of</strong> the Federal <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> Investigation, Uniform Crime Reporting Program; <strong>and</strong>especially the administrators <strong>of</strong> local law enforcement agencies <strong>and</strong> their staffs, whose effortsmade the data available.Wisconsin Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests - <strong>1994</strong> is a publication <strong>of</strong> the Wisconsin Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>Assistance, Statistical Analysis Center. The Statistical Analysis Center was funded during <strong>1994</strong>by the State <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin <strong>and</strong>, in part, by a grant from the U. S. Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>, <strong>Bureau</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> <strong>Statistics</strong>.v

Table <strong>of</strong> ContentsPa~NumberIntroduction 1<strong>1994</strong> Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrest Facts at a Glance 3Wisconsin Crime Clock - <strong>1994</strong> 4Overview <strong>of</strong> 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong> Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests in Wisconsin 5Statewide Index Offenses <strong>and</strong> ArrestsCrime Index 13Violent OffensesProperty Offenses1925MurderSexual Assault <strong>and</strong> Forcible Rape3039~~ ~Aggravated Assault 53Burglary 59Theft 65Motor Vehicle Theft 71Arson 77Arrest Summary for Selected Non-Index Offenses 82Statewide Arrests by Sex <strong>and</strong> RaceStatewide Arrests, by Gender <strong>and</strong> Offense - <strong>1994</strong>86Statewide Adult Arrests, <strong>1994</strong> 87Statewide Juvenile Arrests, <strong>1994</strong> 88Statewide Arrests, by Race <strong>and</strong> Offense - <strong>1994</strong>Statewide Adult Arrests, <strong>1994</strong> 89Statewide Juvenile Arrests, <strong>1994</strong> 90Summary <strong>of</strong> Offense <strong>and</strong> Arrest Trends: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 91Number <strong>of</strong> Offenses, State <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 92Offense Rates per 100,000 Population, State <strong>of</strong>Wisconsin, 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 93Ratio <strong>of</strong> Arrests to Offenses, State <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 94Total Clearance Rates, State <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 95Law Enforcement Officers Killed <strong>and</strong> Assaulted 96Index Offenses <strong>and</strong> Property Loss by County <strong>and</strong> Law Enforcement Agency - <strong>1994</strong> 99Table 1, Number <strong>of</strong> Crime Index Offenses <strong>and</strong> PercentChange, 1993 - <strong>1994</strong> 102Table 2, Offense Rates per 100,000 Population for IndexOffenses, <strong>1994</strong>Table 3, Total Clearance Rates for Index Offenses, <strong>1994</strong>118126Table 4, Property Stolen, Recovered <strong>and</strong> Damaged by Arson, <strong>1994</strong> 134vi

Table <strong>of</strong> Contents (cont.lPa~NumberArrests by County <strong>and</strong> Law Enforcement Agency - <strong>1994</strong>Table 5, Number <strong>of</strong> Adult Arrests, <strong>1994</strong>Table 6, Number <strong>of</strong> Juvenile Arrests, <strong>1994</strong>Table 7, Adult Part II Arrests, <strong>1994</strong>Table 8, Juvenile Part II Arrests, <strong>1994</strong>Law Enforcement Employees - <strong>1994</strong>Table 9, Full Time Law Enforcement Employees, <strong>1994</strong>Appendix I - GlossaryAppendix II - The Use <strong>of</strong>UCR <strong>Statistics</strong> by Local AgenciesAppendix III - Hate CrimeAppendix IV - Incident-Based Reporting, Sample DataAppendix V - Arrests143144152160176193194203205212213217vii

Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests in Wisconsin - <strong>1994</strong>In troduction,This report, prepared by the Wisconsin Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> Assistance, Statistical Analysis Center(SAC), presents data on <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> in Wisconsin during <strong>1994</strong>. From 1970 through 1981the state Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, operated by the Crime Information <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong>the Wisconsin Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> (DOJ), collected, compiled, <strong>and</strong> reported <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> arrest datafor Wisconsin. Beginning in 1971, DOJ also provided data to the national UCR system, aprogram <strong>of</strong> the Federal <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> Investigation (FBI). Effective December 31, 1981, the stateprogram operated by DOJ was discontinued. The 1981 data collected by DOJ were transmitteddirectly to the FBI, <strong>and</strong> the 1981 Wisconsin Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests report, prepared by SAC, wasbased for the most part on information provided to SAC by the FBI. In 1982 <strong>and</strong> again in 1984Wisconsin law enforcement agencies transmitted their UCR data directly to the FBI, but inaddition, provided copies <strong>of</strong> the principal <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>and</strong> arrest forms to the Statistical AnalysisCenter. As <strong>of</strong> 1984, Wisconsin resumed its status as part <strong>of</strong> the national UCR system. Since1984, Wisconsin law enforcement agencies have provided complete UCR data to SAC, which inturn, has transmitted the data to the FBI via computer tape.The National UCR ProgramThe national Uniform Crime Reporting Program was initiated in 1930 by the InternationalAssociation <strong>of</strong> Chiefs <strong>of</strong> Police (IACP). After soliciting input from law enforcement agenciesthroughout the country, an IACP committee developed uniform <strong>crime</strong> definitions <strong>and</strong> reportingprocedures which could be used by law enforcement agencies in every state. The FBI wasdesignated as the national clearinghouse for UCR data. The Committee on Uniform CrimeRecords <strong>of</strong> the IACP continues to serve the national program in an advisory capacity. In 1956, theNational Sheriffs Association also established a Committee on Uniform Crime ReportS to act as anadvisory body to the program. The FBI regularly receives data on reported <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> fromlaw enforcement agencies throughout the country. The data are provided either by individual lawenforcement agencies or by state UCR programs which collect <strong>and</strong> compile data for their states <strong>and</strong>convey the data to the FBI. From these data the FBI publishes its annual report, Crime in theUnited States.The Wisconsin UCR ProgramThe FBI recognized the Wisconsin Council on Criminal <strong>Justice</strong> (WCCJ) as the administrator <strong>of</strong> theWisconsin State Uniform Crime Reporting Program effective January 1, 1984. It should be notedthat the WCCJ was changed to the Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> Assistance as <strong>of</strong> October 1, 1987. As indicatedabove, the original Wisconsin UCR program, operated by DOJ, was discontinued in 1981. Theprogram operated by DOJ from 1970 through 1981 required that all law enforcement agenciessubmit UCR data either directly or through the county sheriffs <strong>of</strong>fice. It also required that DOJsubmit the prescribed data to the FBI. DOJ exp<strong>and</strong>ed the national UCR program's classificationsto collect more detailed <strong>and</strong> appropriate data on Wisconsin <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>arrests</strong>. From the statewideUCR data, DOJ published its annual report Wisconsin Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests, as well as quarterly,semi-~nnual, <strong>and</strong> other summary reports.In November 1981, the WCCJ received a grant from the United States Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>,<strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> <strong>Statistics</strong>, to develop Wisconsin's Statistical Analysis Center. The SAC wasm<strong>and</strong>ated by executive order to collect <strong>and</strong> analyze criminal justice data, produce statistical reportson <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> the justice system, <strong>and</strong> promote development <strong>of</strong> criminal justice information systems.From 1981 through 1984, SAC assumed a substantial number <strong>of</strong> the functions <strong>of</strong> the state UCRprogram to meet the information needs <strong>of</strong> state <strong>and</strong> local criminal justice decision-makers, elected<strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>and</strong> interested citizens. Since January 1984, Wisconsin has been recognized <strong>of</strong>ficially bythe FBI as having a State UCR Program <strong>and</strong> is again part <strong>of</strong> the national system <strong>of</strong> state UCRprograms.1

Incident - Based Reportin~ (IBR)For nearly sixty years the VCR Program remained virtually unchanged in terms <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>and</strong>type <strong>of</strong> data collected <strong>and</strong> disseminated. By the 1980s it had become obvious that the nature <strong>of</strong>modern law enforcement record keeping had diminished the utility <strong>of</strong> the existing VCR system.As a result, the FBI initiated a thorough evaluation <strong>of</strong> the existing VCR system with the purpose <strong>of</strong>formulating a phased-in redesign effort to enable the VCR Program to meet the needs <strong>of</strong> lawenforcement into the 21st century.Based upon the recommendations <strong>of</strong> the redesign study, the FBI proceeded to develop asignificantly revamped VCR system which includes the following elements:• the addition <strong>of</strong> significant new <strong>of</strong>fenses• increased information on victims, <strong>of</strong>fenders, arrestees, <strong>and</strong> characteristics <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fense• improved qUality control• exp<strong>and</strong>ed user servicesThe major point <strong>of</strong> the revision is a change from a summary-based reporting program to anincident-based system in which information about each <strong>of</strong>fense, <strong>of</strong>fender, victim, <strong>and</strong> arrestee islinked by a common incident number.Based upon the success <strong>of</strong> a pilot project in South Carolina, the FBI released the final dataelements <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>f~nse specifications in July, 1988. At that time Wisconsin <strong>and</strong> other state programsbegan a careful implementation <strong>of</strong> the enhanced program. Several Wisconsin agencies have begundata submissions under the incident-based reporting format since 1991. The following Wisconsinagencies have been certified for IBR submission: Wauwatosa PD, Chetek PD, West Bend PD, <strong>and</strong>the Calumet County Sheriff. Sample IBR data are presented in Appendix IV <strong>of</strong> this report.Due to the increased reporting requirements <strong>of</strong> the new program, both the FBI <strong>and</strong> the WisconsinVCR Program are encouraging a phased-in transition where law enforcement agencies will be ableto adopt the new program as they acquire the necessary data processing capabilities. It isanticipated that Wisconsin will be operating a dual collection program for the next decade, withsome departments reporting under summary-based guidelines, while others with automated recordssystems will make the transition to an IBR system.Issues in Comparison <strong>of</strong> this Report with Earlier ReportsCare should be exercised in making comparisons <strong>of</strong> the data in this report with the data containedin previous annual reports. Adjustments may be required for the following reasons:-- Shifting <strong>of</strong> a law enforcement agency from one populatinn category to another based on annualre-estimation <strong>of</strong> the jurisdiction's population.-- On occasion, the Federal Government designates an additional Wisconsin county as beingincluded in a St<strong>and</strong>ard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA). This would shift a Sheriff'sOffice from the Rural Areas category to the Suburban Sheriffs' group. As an example, PierceCounty was designated as being in an SMSA in 1992. Hence, the Pierce County Sheriff'sOffice moved from the Rural Areas category to the Suburban Sheriff's group. (See footnote 5on page 15 for a listing <strong>of</strong> the twenty Suburban Sheriffs' Offices.)-- Populations are estimated for non-census years., Rates for <strong>1994</strong> are calculated using 1990census data, updated with <strong>1994</strong> estimates published by the Demographic Services Center,Wisconsin Department <strong>of</strong> Administration.-- County totals shown in Tables 1-9 <strong>of</strong> this report are estimates which compensate for instances<strong>of</strong> missing data when appropriate.2

<strong>1994</strong> Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrest Facts at a Glance• On the average, one Index Crime was reported every 2 minutes, 37 seconds in Wisconsinduring <strong>1994</strong>. (page 4)• There were 201,337 serious <strong>crime</strong>s (Index Offenses) reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a decrease <strong>of</strong> 2.0percent from the 1993 total. (page 6)• A total <strong>of</strong> 423,574 <strong>arrests</strong> were made in <strong>1994</strong>. (page 9) While total adult <strong>arrests</strong> increasedby 1.7 percent, juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> mcreased by 11.4 percent. (pages 7 & 8)• The <strong>1994</strong> <strong>crime</strong> rate for Wisconsin was 3,977.9 serious <strong>crime</strong>s for each 100,000 residents.This figure is 28 percent lower than the 1993 national <strong>crime</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> 5,529 per 100,000. (page 13)• Overall, 26.6 percent <strong>of</strong> the Index <strong>crime</strong>s were cleared, the highest clearance rate in the pasttwenty years. (page 13)• Violent Index Crime increased by 3.2 percent in <strong>1994</strong> <strong>and</strong>'has increased by 46.8 percentfrom 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>. (pages 19 <strong>and</strong> 92)0& The 39.4 percent property recovery rate in <strong>1994</strong> was much higher than the 32 percentrecovery rate in 1993. (page 25).. Nearly 62 percent <strong>of</strong> all murder <strong>of</strong>fenders were between 15 <strong>and</strong> 24 years <strong>of</strong> age. (page 33)• The number <strong>of</strong> sexual assaults decreased by 12.6 percent, from 7,487 in 1993 to 6,546 during<strong>1994</strong>. (page 40)• The proportion <strong>of</strong> robberies involving a firearm was 54.5 percent in <strong>1994</strong>. (page 50)• Aggravated assault increased by 7.6 percent in <strong>1994</strong>.• The number <strong>of</strong> reported burglaries has decreased by 17.6 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>. (pages59 & 92)• Theft accounted for 67.1 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index.• Over 63 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for motor vehicle theft in <strong>1994</strong> were juveniles.• Arson increased by 9.6 percent, from 1,378 in 1993 to 1,511 during <strong>1994</strong>.• There were major increases in certain PaIt II <strong>arrests</strong> including drug law violations (32.3 percent)<strong>and</strong> curfew law violations (42.7 percent). (pages 83 <strong>and</strong> 85)• Persons between 18 <strong>and</strong> 20 years <strong>of</strong> age accounted for nearly 53 percent <strong>of</strong> the 35,344 <strong>arrests</strong> forliquor law violations. (page 85)• Six Wisconsin law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers were killed while in the perfonnance <strong>of</strong> their duty;four <strong>of</strong> these were killed feloniously (page 96)• There were 769 reported assaults on law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers; a 0.9 percent increase fromthe 762 in 1993. (page 96)• There were 39 "Hate Crimes" reported in <strong>1994</strong>. (page 212)3

WISCONSIN CRIME CLOCK 1<strong>1994</strong>One MURDER every 1day, 14 hours. OneVIOLENTCRIME every38 minutes,17 secondsOne FORCIBLE RAPEevery 7 hours,20 minutesOne ROBBERY every1 hour, 32 minutesOne AGGRAVATEDASSAULT every1 hour, 20 minutesOneCRIME INDEXOFFENSEevery2 minutes,37 secondsOnePROPERTYl----'---l CRIME every2 minutes,48 secondsOne BURGLARYevery 16 minutes,2 secondsOne THEFTevery 3 minutes,54 secondsOne MOTOR VEHICLETHEFT every28 minutes, 24 secondsOne ARSON every5 hours, 48 minutes1 The <strong>crime</strong> clock should be viewed with care. Being the most aggregate representation <strong>of</strong>UCR data, it is designed to convey the annual reported <strong>crime</strong> experience by showing therelative frequency <strong>of</strong> the Index Offenses. This method <strong>of</strong> display does not imply a regularityin the commission <strong>of</strong> Index Offenses; rather it represents the annual ratio <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong>to fixed time intervals.4

An Overview <strong>of</strong> 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong> Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests in WisconsinThe following tables <strong>and</strong> maps present an overview <strong>of</strong> 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong> <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> inWisconsin. Table 1 shows that reported Index Offenses have decreased by 2.0 percent from 1993.While reported violent <strong>of</strong>fenses have increased by 3.2 percent from 1993, property <strong>of</strong>fenses havedecreased by 2.3 percent. The overall increase in violent <strong>of</strong>fenses is due to increases in each <strong>of</strong> thefour violent <strong>of</strong>fenses except forcible rape. The largest increase involved aggravated assault whichincreased by 7.6 percent, from 6,110 to 6,572. Murder increased by 2.3 percent, from 222 to 227<strong>and</strong> robbery in';reased by 0.4 percent, from 5,712 to 5,732. However, forcible rape decreased by5.4 percent, from 1,259 to 1,194. Also, violent <strong>of</strong>fenses constituted only 6.8 percent <strong>of</strong> IndexOffenses for Wisconsin during <strong>1994</strong>.Property <strong>crime</strong>s comprise the balance <strong>of</strong> the Crime Index. The overall decrease in reported property<strong>crime</strong>s from 1993 to <strong>1994</strong> was due to decreases in each <strong>of</strong> the four property <strong>crime</strong>s except arson.Burglary decreased by 1.9 percent, from 33,393 to 32,764. Theft decreased by 2.8 percent, from139,000 to 135,045. Motor vehicle theft decreased by 0.3 percent, from 18,354 to 18,292.However, arson increased by 9.6 percent, from 1,378 to 1,511.The next three tables present a comparison <strong>of</strong> statewide <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>. Adult <strong>arrests</strong> fortotal Index Offenses decreased by 1.4 percent, while juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> for total Index Offensesincreased by 3.2 percent. Total <strong>arrests</strong> for Index Offenses, combining both adults <strong>and</strong> juveniles,increased by 0.8 percent. Juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> constituted 47.5 percent <strong>of</strong> all <strong>arrests</strong> for Index Offensesin <strong>1994</strong>, compared to 46.3 percent in 1993. Total adult <strong>arrests</strong> increased by 1.7 percent, from283.063 to 287,807, while total juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> increased by 11.4 percent, from 121,857 to135,767. Total <strong>arrests</strong> for adults <strong>and</strong> juveniles combined increased by 4.6 percent from 404,920 in1993 to 423,574 in <strong>1994</strong>.While juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> comprised 32 percent <strong>of</strong> all <strong>arrests</strong> for <strong>1994</strong>, they comprised 47.5 percent <strong>of</strong><strong>arrests</strong> for Index Offenses. Among the Index Offenses, juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> comprised 29.8 percent <strong>of</strong>all <strong>arrests</strong> for violent <strong>of</strong>fenses <strong>and</strong> 50.1 percent <strong>of</strong> all <strong>arrests</strong> for property <strong>of</strong>fenses.Following the set <strong>of</strong> four tables are two maps showing rates <strong>of</strong> violent <strong>and</strong> property <strong>crime</strong> in eachWisconsin county for <strong>1994</strong>. On each map, counties are ranked in four groups according tonumber <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses per 100,000 popUlation. The statewide rate, shown on each map, is based onthe statewide number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses <strong>and</strong> population. This rate is within the fourth quartile for bothmaps because most <strong>of</strong> the highest <strong>crime</strong> rates are in those counties with largest popUlations.An analysis <strong>of</strong> total Index Offenses, violent <strong>of</strong>fenses, property <strong>of</strong>fenses, <strong>and</strong> each separate IndexOffense appears in the next major section <strong>of</strong> this report. The followiing section contains moredetailed information on <strong>arrests</strong> for allUCR <strong>crime</strong> categories. Ten-year trends in <strong>of</strong>fenses, <strong>of</strong>fenserates, clearances, <strong>and</strong> arrest ratios are then presented, followed by data on law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficerskilled <strong>and</strong> assaulted. The final half <strong>of</strong> the book consists <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> tables with individual agencydata presented alphabetically by county. Tables include Index Offenses, <strong>of</strong>fense rates, clearancerates, property loss, <strong>arrests</strong> (both adult <strong>and</strong> juvenile), <strong>and</strong> law enforcement employees.In addition, several appendices are included:I: Glossary <strong>of</strong> termsII: Examples <strong>of</strong> use <strong>of</strong> UCR statistics by local agenciesill: Hate CrimeN: Incident-Based Data ExamplesV: Arrests5

TABLE 1INDEX OFFENSES KNOWN TOWISCONSIN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENcmSa1993 AND <strong>1994</strong> 2Offense 1993 3 <strong>1994</strong>Murder 222 227Forcible Rape 1,259 1,194Robbery 5,712 5,732Aggravated Assault 6,110 6,57210TAL VIOLENT OFFENSES 13,303 13,725Percent Chan&

TABLE 2ADULT ARRESTS MADE BYWISCONSIN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES.1993 AND <strong>1994</strong> 4Offense 1223. l224Murder 403 326Forcible Rape 554 555Robbery 1,424 1,330Aggravated Assault 3,288 4,094TOTAL ARRESTSFOR VIOLENT OFFENSES 5,669 6,305Burglary 3,295 3,140Theft 25,769 24,627Motor Vehicle Theft 1,701 1,841Arson 182 199TOTAL ARRESTSFOR PROPERTY OFFENSES 30,947 29,807Percent Chan~e- 19.1+ 0.2- 6.6+ 24.5+ 11.2- 4.7-4.4+ 8.2+9.3- 3.7TOTAL ARRESTSFOR INDEX OF:FENSES 36,616 36,112ARRESTS FOR ALL OTHER OFFENSES 246,447 251,695TOTAL ADULT ARRESTS 283,063 287,807. 1.4+ 2.1+ 1.74 Data may not sum to totals due to rounding.7

TABLE 3JUVENILE ARRESTS MADE BYWISCONSIN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIEs....,1993 AND <strong>1994</strong>5Offense 1993 <strong>1994</strong> Percent Chan~eMurder 118 93 - 21.2Forcible Rape 132 133 + 0.8Robbery 876 927 + 5.8Aggravated Assault 1,181 1,521 + 28.8TafAL ARRESTSFOR VIOLENT OFFENSES 2,307 2,674 + 15.9Burglary 3,661 ·3,662Theft 22,024 22,687 + 3.0Motor Vehicle Theft 3,262 3,206 - 1.7Arson 368 412 + 12.0TOTAL ARRESTSFOR PROPERTY OFFENSES 29,315 29,967 + 2.2TOTAL ARRESTSFOR INDEX OFFENSES 31,622 32,641 + 3.2ARRESTS FOR STATUS OFFENSES 29,922 32,917 + 10.0ARRESTS FOR ALL OTIIER OFFENSES 60,313 70,209 + 16.4TOTAL JUVENILE ARRESTS 121,857 135,767 + 11.45 Data may not sum to totals due to rounding.8

TABLE 4TOTAL ARRESTS MADE BYWISCONSIN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES,1993 AND <strong>1994</strong> 6Offense 1993 <strong>1994</strong>Murder 521 419Forcible Rape 686 688Robbery 2,300 2,257Aggravated Assault 4,469 5,615TOTAL ARRESTSFOR VIOLENT OFFENSES 7,976 8,979Percent Change- 19,6+ 0,3- 1.9+ 25.6+ 12.6Burglary 6,956 6,802Theft 47,793 47,314Motor Vehicle Theft 4,963 5,047Arson 550 611TOTAL ARRESTSFOR PROPERTY OFFENSES 60,262 59,774- 2.2- 1.0+ 1.7+ 11.1- 0.8TOTAL ARRESTSFOR INDEX OFFENSES 68,238 68,753+ 0.8ARRESTS FOR ALL OTHER OFFENSES 336,682 354,821+5.4TOTAL ARRESTS 404,920 423,574+ 4.66 Data may not sum to totals due to rounding.9

VIOLENT CRIME IN WISCONSIN - <strong>1994</strong>OFFENSES PER 100,000 RESIDENTS, BY COUNTYSTATEWIDE RATE = 271.2Quartile 1o thru 49.12 D Quartile 390.0 thl'u 134.9Quartile 249.13 thru 89.9•Quartile4135 <strong>and</strong> Above10

PROPERTY CRIME IN WISCONSIN - <strong>1994</strong>OFFENSES PER 100,000 RESIDENTS, BY COUNTYII~I~II.ISTATEWIDE RATE = 3707Quartile 1o thru 1925Quartile 21926 thru 2725•DQuartileQuai"tile 32726 thru 335043351 <strong>and</strong> Above11

CRIME INDEX QFFENSESDefinition; 1 Crime Index Offenses are murder <strong>and</strong> nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape,robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, <strong>and</strong> arson. Attempts are included(an attempted murder is classified as an aggravated assault).<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 201,337 Crime Index Offenses reported during <strong>1994</strong>, a 2.0 percentdecrease from 1993.• One Index Offense was reported approximately every two minutes, 37 seconds during <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for Crime Index Offenses was August (20,349) while the leastfrequent was February (11,708). These high <strong>and</strong> low months were the same as in 1993.• The Crime Index Offense rate per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was 3,977.9 in <strong>1994</strong>, adecrease <strong>of</strong> 2.8 percent from the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 4,091.4 per 100,000.• The <strong>1994</strong> Crime Index Offense rate <strong>of</strong> 3,977.9 per 100,000 was approximately 28 percent lessthan the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 5,529 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• In terms <strong>of</strong> the population groupings <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin jurisdictions, the larger the populationcategory, generally the higher the rate <strong>of</strong> Index Offenses.• During <strong>1994</strong> total <strong>of</strong>fense rates decreased for each population grouping <strong>of</strong> Wisconsinjurisdictions except police agencies serving more than 250,000 residents <strong>and</strong> rural SheriffOffices.• Total Index Offenses have increased by 0.7 percent between 1984 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>. However, afterpeaking in 1991, they have declined by 9.7 percent.o An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 68,753 persons were arrested for Index Offenses in <strong>1994</strong>, an increase <strong>of</strong>0.8 percent. Of these, 52.5 percent were adults.• Overall, 26.6 percent <strong>of</strong>Index Offenses were cleared in <strong>1994</strong>. Clearance rates varied widely,however, from 85 percent for murder to 17.3 percent for burglary.• The overall <strong>1994</strong> clearance rate <strong>of</strong> 26.6 percent was more than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 26.3 percent<strong>and</strong> was the highest clearance rate during the past twenty years.1 All Index Offense definitions are those used by the National Uniform Crime Reporting Program.13

Total Index Offense Summary: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong> 2Number <strong>of</strong> Estimated Rate per 100,000Year Offenses Population1993 205,428 4,091.4<strong>1994</strong> 201,337 3,997.9Percent Change - 2.0 - 2.8TOTAL INDEX OFFENSES BY YEAR250oo0~~-r--~----r---~'--~--~--~--~----~--~--~200000fil4)sg~ 150000o"'"~ 100000~50000o84 8586 87 88 89 90 91Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>92 93 942500020000··ll3sg ·~ 15000o• 11920•"'" is 10000~5000 ···· oI11708/-¥I16294/'TOTAL INDEX OFFENSES-BY MONTH16133....182871962520349...... 19017",,18203-17245~16697~59I I I I I I I I IJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth -<strong>1994</strong>2 Figures in this <strong>and</strong> subsequent tables are estimates. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding.14

Total Index Offense Rates ByPopulation Group31993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> RatePopulation per 100,000 per 100,000Group4 Population Population<strong>1994</strong> EstimatedIndex OffensesPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>PQli~ Ag~n~ie~1 Over 250,000 8,142.0 8,318.82 50,000 - 250,000 5,637.9 5,309.63 25,000 - 49,999 4,792.4 4,473.04 10,000 - 24,999 3,959.8 3,778.65 5,000 - 9,999 4,107.4 3,931.46 Under5,00D 3,398.6 3,353.552,35049,40117,21926,28516,19010,870+ 2.2- 5.8- 6.7-4.6- 4.3- 1.3Sheriff De.partments7 Suburban 5 1,841.3 1,763.58 Rural 1,677.1 1,693.012,19616,822- 4.2+ 0.9State Total 4,091.4 3,977.9201,337• 2.8TOTAL CRIME RATES~~Population Group** Population group numbers arc those used in the preceding table.3 Data from two jurisdictions (Wisconsin State Patrol <strong>and</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Natural Resoures) are ex.cluded from this <strong>and</strong>subsequent population group tables.4 Reported <strong>of</strong>fenses from the various campuses <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin are included in the population group <strong>of</strong> thecity where the campus is located.5 "Suburban Sheriffs' Departments" include the following counties: Brown, Calumet, Chippewa, Dane, Douglas, Bau Claire,Kenosha, La Crosse, Marathon, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Pierce, Racine, Rock, St. Croix., Sheboygan,Vtashington, Waukesha <strong>and</strong> Winnebago.15

STATEWIDE CLEARANCE RATES FORINDEX OFFENSES -<strong>1994</strong>12 3 5Offense' Category*781.2.3.4.* Offense CategoryMurder5. BurglaryForcible Rape6. TheftRobbery7. Motor Vehicle TheftAggravated Assault 8. Arson16

---------------------------------------------------------------~-----. Arrests for Total Index Offenses By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 26,628 38.7Juveniles 24,542 35.7Female Adults 9,484 13.8Juvenilvs 8,099 11.8Total 68,753 100.0Arrests for Total Index Offenses by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 20,914 30.4Juveniles 24,803 36.1Black Adults 14,332 20.8Juveniles 6,346 9.2American Adults 636 0.9Indian Juveniles 869 1.3Asian Adults 230 0.3Juveniles 623 0.9Total 68,753 99.917

VIOLENTOFFENSESDefinition: Four Crime Index Offenses involve face-to-face confrontation between victim <strong>and</strong>perpetrator, <strong>and</strong> are referred to as violent <strong>of</strong>fenses. These are murder <strong>and</strong> nonnegligentmanslaughter, forcible rape, robbery <strong>and</strong> aggravated assault.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 13,725 violent <strong>of</strong>fenses reported during <strong>1994</strong>, a 3.2 percent increasefrom 1993.• Violent Index Offenses accounted for 6.8 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index in <strong>1994</strong>.• Approximately one violent <strong>of</strong>fense was reported every 38 minutes, 17 seconds during <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for violent <strong>crime</strong>s was December (1,310), the least frequent monthwas February (895).• The Violent Offense rate per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was 271.2 in <strong>1994</strong>, an increase <strong>of</strong>2.4 percent from the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 264.9 per 100,000.• The <strong>1994</strong> Violent Offense rate <strong>of</strong> 271.2 per 100,000 is approximately 64 percent less than the1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 746 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• During <strong>1994</strong> total violent <strong>of</strong>fense rates decreased for each population grouping <strong>of</strong> Wisconsinjurisdictions except for cities with over 50,000 residents.• Violent Index Offenses have increased 46.8 percent between 1984 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 8,979 persons were arrested for violent <strong>of</strong>fenses in <strong>1994</strong>, an increase <strong>of</strong>12.6 percent from 1993.• Adults made up 70.2 percent <strong>of</strong> all those arrested for violent <strong>of</strong>fenses.• Overall, 54 percent <strong>of</strong> violent <strong>of</strong>fenses were cleared in <strong>1994</strong>, slightly more than the 53.4percent clearance rate in 1993.19

Year1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeViolent Offense Summary: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>Number <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses13,30313,725+ 3.2Rate per 100,000Population264.9271.2+ 2.41400012000~ 10000~@ 8000....0.86000~ 40002000VIOLENT OFFENSES - BY YEAR084 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>14001200~1000~~800·VIOLENT OFFENSES - BY MONTH1249 12561310-1246 .~· 1164 1156 119~ • ......... 1148·~ ·t3 600..c·~ 400·200·· 951-I-: 8951'· ~/'~y0I I I I I I I I I I IJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth -<strong>1994</strong>20

Violent Offense Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> EstimatedPopulation per 100,000 per 100,000 Violent OffensesGroup Population PopulationPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agen~1 Over 250,000 955.3 1,043.7 6,5682 50,000 - 250,000 319.6 321.5 2,9913 25,000 - 49,999 181.7 180.5 6954 10,000 - 24,999 127.4 124.1 8635 5,000 - 9,999 133.0 126.5 5216 Under 5,000 167.6 158.9 515+ 9.2+ 0.6- 0.7- 2.6- 4.9- 5.2Sheriff Departments7 Suburban 131.1 112.5 7788 Rural 80.3 79.5 790- 14.2- 1.0State Total 264.9 271.2 13,725+ 2.4VIOLENT CRIME RATES1200,-----r----,-----r----~--~~--~----~----~1000§ 800g.....~600 p.....i z 400• 19931m <strong>1994</strong>200o1 2 3 4 5 6Population Group'"7 8'" Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.21

Arrests for Violent Offenses By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 5,426 60.4Juveniles 2,266 25.2Female Adults 879 9.8Juveniles 408 4.5Total 8,979 99.9Arrests for Violent Offenses by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 3,208 35.7Juveniles 1,294 14.4Black Adults 2,905 32.4Juveniles 1,262 14.0American Adults 138 1.5In.dian Juveniles 72 0.8Asian Adults 54 0.6Juveniles 46 O.STotal 8,979 100.022

ARRESTS FOR VIOLENT OFFENSES -ADULT AND JUVENILE - <strong>1994</strong>4500~--------~----------~---------~---------~4~~----------~r------------~--------------r-3500~---------+-------------+_------------r-~3~~------------~r-------------~--------------r­~ 2500 -:f-------i------f-----f_~~2~~---------~~----------~----------+-~ 1500 -t-----+-----+---.• AdultII Juvenile1~~--------_+----------+_500 -+---~_~--_+-­oMurder Forcible Rape RobberyOffense CategoryAgg. Assault23

PROPERTY OFFENSES.Definition: Four Crime Index Offenses do not involve face-to-face confrontation between victim<strong>and</strong> perpetrator, <strong>and</strong> are referred to as property <strong>of</strong>fenses. These <strong>of</strong>fenses are burglary, theft, motorvehicle theft, <strong>and</strong> arson.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 187,612 property <strong>of</strong>fenses reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 2.3 percent decreasefrom 1993.• Property Index Offenses accounted for 93.2 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index in <strong>1994</strong>.• Approximately one property <strong>of</strong>fense was reported every two minutes, 48 seconds in Wisconsinduring <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent months for property <strong>of</strong>fenses were August (19,100) while the least frequentmonth was February (10,813).• The Property Offense rate per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was 3,706.7 in <strong>1994</strong>, a decrease<strong>of</strong> 3.1 percent from the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 3,826.4 per 100,000.• The <strong>1994</strong> Property Offense rate <strong>of</strong> 3,706.7 per 100,000 was approximately 22 percent lessthan the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 4,783 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• Property <strong>of</strong>fense rates decreased in all jurisdiction categories except police agencies servingmore than 250,000 residents during <strong>1994</strong>.• Property Index Offenses have decreased 1.5 percent between 1984 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 59,774 <strong>arrests</strong> were made for property <strong>of</strong>fenses in <strong>1994</strong>, a decrease <strong>of</strong>0.8 percent compared to 1993 <strong>arrests</strong>. Just over 50 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested were juveniles<strong>and</strong> nearly 69 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested were white.• Overall, 24.6 percent <strong>of</strong> property <strong>of</strong>fenses were cleared in <strong>1994</strong>, a figure slightly more than the24.4 percent clearance rate in 1993.• During <strong>1994</strong>, 39.4 percent <strong>of</strong> property stolen was recovered. This figure was much greaterthan the 32 percent recovery rate in 1993.• A total <strong>of</strong> $144,392,697 in property was stolen in <strong>1994</strong>. This figure was 5.9 percent less thanthe 1993 total <strong>of</strong> $153,485,916. .25

Property Offense Summary: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>ThY:1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeNumber <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses192,125187,612- 2.3Rate per 100,000Population3,826.43,706.7- 3.1PROPERTY OFFENSES-BY YEAR200000~---r--~--~~--+---~---r......o....i 1 °OOOOZo84 8586 87 88 89 90 91Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>92 939420000:1800016000-1G 14000J'~: /~ 12000o'S 10000....~ 8000~ 600040002000oPROPERTY OFFENSES - BY MONTH19 00 1~ 17771---16145 ~ 1~ 1554915130-.15079~49-.....- 10969-10813- • .f/:-:I I I I I I I I I I IJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun JuI Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth - <strong>1994</strong>26

------- --Property Offense Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> EstimatedPopulation per 100,000 per 100,000 Property OffensesGroup Population PopulationPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 7,186.7 7,275.1 45,7822 50,000 - 250,000 5,318.3 4,988.1 46,4103 25,000 - 49,999 4,610.6 4,292.5 16,5244 10,000 - 24,999 3,832.4 3,654.5 25,4225 5,000 - 9,999 3,974.4 3,804.9 15,6696 Under 5,000 3,231.0 3,194.6 10,355+ 1.2- 6.2- 6.9- 4.6- 4.3-1.1Sheriff Dej)artments7 Suburban 1,710.2 1,651.0 11,4188 Rural 1,596.9 1,613.4 16,032-3.5+ 1.0State Total 3,826.4 3,706.7 187,612- 3.1PROPERTY CRIME RATES~~4 6 7 8Population Group** Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.27

---------Arrests for Property Offenses By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 21,202 35.5Juveniles 22,276 37.3Female Adults 8,605 14.4Juveniles 7,691 12.9Total 59,774 100.1Arrests for Property Offenses by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 17,706 29.6Juveniles 23,509 39.3Black Adults 11,427 19.1Juveniles 5,084 8.5American Adults 498 0.8Indian Juveniles 797 1.3Asian Adults 176 0.3Juveniles 577 1.0Total 59,774 99.928

------------ARRESTS FOR PROPERTY OFFENSES­ADULT AND JUVENILE - <strong>1994</strong>25~~--------_r---2Mi2~--~----------~--------~20000_+_----4_t!~15~-+---------4-....i lOOOO-f-----f.­Z• AdultEI Juvenile5000 -t-----_t_oBurglary Theft Motor Veh. Theft ArsonOffense CategoryStatewide Listing <strong>of</strong> PropertyStolen <strong>and</strong> Recovered by Type <strong>of</strong> Property - <strong>1994</strong>Type <strong>of</strong> Property Amount Stolen Amount RecoveredCurrency, Notes $ 10,522,114 $ 899,020Jewelry, Precious Metals 7,232,822 649,475Clothing <strong>and</strong> Furs 2,869,119 694,127Locally StolenMotor Vehicles 72,124,909 48,963,589Office Equipment 2,578,278 198,296Televisions, Radios, etc. 13,115,580 999,781Firearms 1,378,700 278,172Household Goods 2,159,170 130,842Consumable Goods 1,366,769 379,199Livestock 217,688 10,452Miscellaneous 30,827,548 3,642,648Gr<strong>and</strong> Total $144,392,697 $56,845,601Percent Recovered8.59.024.367.97.77.620. These figures include property stolen in all Index <strong>crime</strong>s.29

-------------------------------------------------------------------MURl)ERDefinition: Murder <strong>and</strong> nonnegligent manslaughter are the willful (nonnegligent) killing <strong>of</strong> onehuman being by another. The classification <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fense, as for all other Crime Index Offenses,is based on police investigation as opposed to the determination <strong>of</strong> a court, medical examiner,coroner, jury, or other judicial body. Not included in the count for this <strong>of</strong>fense classification aredeaths caused by negligence, suicide, or accident; justifiable homicides, which are the killings <strong>of</strong>felons by law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers in the line <strong>of</strong> duty or by private citizens during commission <strong>of</strong>the felony; <strong>and</strong> attempts to murder or assaults to murder, which are classified as aggravatedassaults.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were 227 murders reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 2.3 percent increase from 1993.• Murder made up 0.1 percent <strong>of</strong> the Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 1.6 percent <strong>of</strong> all violent Index Offenses.• Approximately one murder was reported every 1 day <strong>and</strong> 14 hours during <strong>1994</strong>.It The most frequent months for murder were March <strong>and</strong> December (25 each), the least frequentwas February (10).• The <strong>1994</strong> murder rate was 4.5 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents, slightly more than the 4.4 per100,000 in 1993. .• The <strong>1994</strong> murder rate <strong>of</strong> 4.5 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was 53 percent less than the1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 9.5 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• Murder rates increased in all Wisconsin categories <strong>of</strong> law enforcement agencies except thosepolice departments serving more than 250,000 or fewer than 5,000 residents.• The volume <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin murders has increased by 94 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.• The average (mean) age <strong>of</strong> murder victims was 28.4 years, while the mean age <strong>of</strong> known<strong>of</strong>fenders was 25.6 years.• Nearly 62 percent <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong>fenders were between the ages <strong>of</strong> 15 <strong>and</strong> 24.o Firerums were involved in 63.9 percent <strong>of</strong> <strong>1994</strong> murders, more than the firearms percentage <strong>of</strong>60.8 in 1993 ... In those cases where the relationship <strong>of</strong> victim <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fender was determined, the parties wereknown to each other in about 82 percent <strong>of</strong> <strong>1994</strong> murders.• An estimated 419 persons were arrested for murder in <strong>1994</strong> compared to 521 persons in 1993,a decrease <strong>of</strong> 19.6 percent. Nearly 78 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested in <strong>1994</strong> were adults <strong>and</strong> over 72percent were black.• When circumstances <strong>of</strong> the murder were known, 59.5 percent involved an argument. There wasa minimum <strong>of</strong> sixteen murders related to gang activity.• A minimum <strong>of</strong> 31 percent <strong>of</strong> <strong>1994</strong> murders directly involved drugs or alcohol.• The murder clearance rate was 85 percent in <strong>1994</strong>. This figure was slightly less than the 86.5percent clearance rate in 1993.• Over 60 percent <strong>of</strong> murders occurred between the hours <strong>of</strong> 6 p.m. <strong>and</strong> 3 a.m.30

~1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeMurder SummaI)'; 1993 <strong>and</strong> 1924Number <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses222227+ 2.3Rate per 100,000Population4.44.5+ 2.3MURDER-BY YEAR250~---r--~--~--~~--r---~--~---r--~--~----~200 -I----+---+--+---l'---+---+_~] 150 -t---t---t-"-'o"-'oi....100Z50o2524MURDER - BY MONTH2420

Murder Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> Estimated Percent ChangePopulation per 100.000 per 100,000 Murders in Rate:Group Population Population 1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 24.9 22.1 139 -11.22 50,000 - 250,000 3.4 3.8 35 + 11.83 25,000 - 49,999 1.6 2.6 10 + 62.54 10,000 - 24,999 0.9 1.0 7 + 11.15 5,000 - 9,999 0.0 1.0 4 N.A.6 Under 5,000 1.3 0.3 1 - 76.9Sheriff Departments7 Suburban 0.6 1.6 11 + 166.78 Rural 1.4 2.0 20 + 42.8State Total 4.4 4.5 227 + 2.325MURDER RATES20§8 15 •.... 19938. i...(I <strong>1994</strong>lOZ50Population Group** Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.32

MURDER - AGE OF VICTIMS. <strong>1994</strong>70 <strong>and</strong> Over60 -6950 - 5940 -49~ 35 - 39i 30 - 34u4)C!)25 -29

SEX/RACE OF VICTIMS AND OFFENDERS - <strong>1994</strong> 7OFFENDERWhite Black Indian Asian White Black IndianVIC11M Mru.e. Mru.e. Mrue. ~ Female Female Female UnknownWhite Male 35 11 0 0 5 1 1 10Black Male 4 63 0 0 2 7 0 25Indian Male 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0White Female 19 2 2 0 2 0 0 6Black Female 0 13 0 0 0 7 0 5Indian Female 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Asian Female 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0% by Offender 26.4 39.6 1.8 0.9 4.0 6.6 0.4 20.3Murder victims were 73.6 percent male <strong>and</strong> 55.5 percent black.Known murder <strong>of</strong>fenders were 86.2 percent male <strong>and</strong> 58 percent black.%byYictim27.844.51.313.611.00.90.9100.0TYPE OF WEAPONType <strong>of</strong> WeaponFirearmH<strong>and</strong>gunShotgunRifleOther FirearmCutting InstrumentPersonal WeaponBlunt ObjectAll OtherTotalNumber145(132)(7)(5)(1)43245.1Q227Percent63.9(58.1)(3.1)(2.2)(0.4)18.910.62.2M100.0MURDER - TYPE OF WEAPON, <strong>1994</strong>4.4%18.9%• H<strong>and</strong>gunIliliJ Other Firearm• Cutting Instrumento Personal Weaponf'2I Blunt ObjectII All Other34

RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO SINGLE OFFENDERThe following tables show the relationship <strong>of</strong> victim <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fender(s) when this relationship isknown. Cases in which the relationship is unknown are excluded from the tables. The first tableshows the relationship for single <strong>of</strong>fender murders <strong>and</strong> for the <strong>of</strong>fender listed ftrst in multiple<strong>of</strong>fender cases. The second table includes the relationship <strong>of</strong> all known <strong>of</strong>fenders.KNOWN RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO SINGLE OFFENDER - <strong>1994</strong>Relationship Number PercentFriend, Acquaintance 102 58.6Child 15 8.7Spouse 13 7.5Other Relative 4 2.3Police Officer 4 2.3Parent 4 2.3Stranger 32 18.4Total 174 100.1KNOWN RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO MULTIPLE OFFENDERS - <strong>1994</strong>Relationship Number PercentFriend, Acquaintance 129 58.4Child 16 7.2Spouse 13 5.9Other Relative 4 1.8Police Officer 4 1.8Parent 4 1.8Stranger .il llJ.Total 221 100.0Relationship patterns <strong>of</strong> single <strong>and</strong> multiple <strong>of</strong>fenders were quite similar. However,homicides with multiple <strong>of</strong>fenders were more likely to involve strangers than werehomicides with single <strong>of</strong>fenders.35

KNOWN CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE MURDER - <strong>1994</strong>Circumstance NlJmb~r P~rQ~ntArgument 116 59.5During a Robbery 17 8.7During Another Crime 17 8.7Gang 16 8.2Shaken Baby/Child Abuse 11 5.6Divorce/Separation 6 3.1All Other Circumstances 12 6.2Total 195 100.0MURDER - KNOWN DRUG OR ALCOHOL INVOLVEMENTDrug/Alcohol Involvement Number PercentDrug-Related 42 18.5Drug Trafficking (5) (2.2)Drug, Under the Influence (6) (2.6)Other Drug-Related (31) (13.7)Alcohol-Related 29 12.8No Drug/Alcohol Involvement 11 4.8Unknown 145 63.9Total Murders 227 100.0LOCATIONLocation Number PercentVictim Residence 83 36.6Highway /Street/ Alley 62 27.3Vehicle 19 8.4Other Residence 16 7.0Offender Residence 13 5.7B usinessIB uilding 8 3.5Park/Field 8 3.5Parking Lot/Garage 6 2.6All Other Locations 12 iJ.Total 227 99.936

TIMING OF HQMICIDE.S.Recent expansion <strong>of</strong> the homicide data form permits a summary <strong>of</strong> the timing <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1994</strong>homicides - i.e., day <strong>and</strong> hour <strong>of</strong> the homicide.Day <strong>of</strong> the week figures are as follows:Sunday38Monday31Tuesday27Wednesday34Thursday30Friday28Saturday39Homicide was somewhat more frequent on Saturday <strong>and</strong> Sunday.The following graph shows the hour <strong>of</strong> the homicide with the individual hours broken downinto three hour segments <strong>of</strong> a twenty-four hour clock beginning with twelve midnight. Forexample, period. 1 = midnight to 2:59 a.m, period 2 = 3 a.m. to 5:59 a.m., <strong>and</strong> so on. Timewas unknown for eleven homicides.Time <strong>of</strong> Homicide by Three Hour Period - <strong>1994</strong>50~~==~----~----~----~~----r-----~----~----~4540.8 ..... 35o·s 30o~25o.8 20~ 15105oThree Hour PeriodExcluding homicides with unknown times, over 60 percent <strong>of</strong> homicides occurred between thenine hours <strong>of</strong> 6 p.m. <strong>and</strong> 3 a.m.37

Murder Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 295 70.4Juveniles 89 21.2Female Adults 31 7.4Juveniles 4 1.0Total 419 100.0Murder Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 82 19.6Juveniles 24 5.7Black Adults 235 56.1Juveniles 68 16.2American Adults 4 1.0Indian Juveniles 1 0.2Asian Adults 5 1.2Juveniles 0Total 419 100.038

SEXUAL ASSAULT AND FORCIBLE RAPEDefinition: Sexual assault is sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person withoutconsent <strong>of</strong> that person. Sexual assault is proscribed under Wisconsin statutes, but is not part <strong>of</strong> theFederal Unifonll Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. Forcible rape is part <strong>of</strong> the Crime Index <strong>and</strong>as such is reported as part <strong>of</strong> the Federal UCR Program. It is the carnal knowledge <strong>of</strong> a fe1!1aleforcibly <strong>and</strong> against her will. Assaults or attempts to commit rape by force or threat <strong>of</strong> force arealso included; however, statutory rape (without force) <strong>and</strong> other sex <strong>of</strong>fenses are excluded.Forcible Raile Summary; 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>Number <strong>of</strong> Estimated Rate per 100,000Ye.m: Offenses Population1993 1,259 25.1<strong>1994</strong> 1,194 23.6Percent Change - 5.2 - 6.0FORCIBLE RAPE - BY YEAR89 90 91 92 93 94Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>39

FORCIBLE RAPE - BY MONTH140 ~----------------------13~------------------------~120~ 100~$"""80....,0'"" 600 -+-----------------...... ----'-::I~71-71iz 4020~ .0Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jui Aug Sep O{;t Nov DecMonth - <strong>1994</strong>Sexual Assault• <strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis,Infonnation on sexual assault is vital to an underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong> trends in Wisconsin. Rape isnot a legally meaningful category in this state. However, rape is part <strong>of</strong> the Crime Index <strong>and</strong>infonnation on rape is vital to the national VCR program. Furthennore, many years <strong>of</strong> infonnationon rape are available for Wisconsin, <strong>and</strong> current infonnation on rape is valuable for purposes <strong>of</strong>comparison. Iurisdiction-by-jurisdiction listings for rape appear in many <strong>of</strong> the tables in thispublication. This listing <strong>of</strong> rapes will continue in future years as long as rape continues to be part<strong>of</strong> the Crime Index.Some major findings from the <strong>1994</strong> sexual assault data are as follows.• There were 6,546 sexual assaults reported during <strong>1994</strong>, a 12.6 percent decrease from theestimated 1993 total <strong>of</strong> 7,487.• Approximately 18 percent <strong>of</strong> all sexual assaults were rapes. For victims 16 <strong>and</strong> over, theproportion <strong>of</strong> rapes was much higher, 39 percent.• Nearly 74 percent <strong>of</strong> all sexual assault victims were juveniles. Two-thirds <strong>of</strong> all victimswere 15 years old or less.• Victim sex was 84.4 percent female, while <strong>of</strong>fender sex was 94.1 percent male.o Nearly 90 percent <strong>of</strong> all sexual assaults were committed by individuals who were knownby the victim, while 10 percent were committed by strangers. For those sexual assaultsthat were rapes, about 80 percent were committed by persons known to the victims withabout 20 percent committed by strangers.40

SEXUAL ASSAULTSummary data on sexual assaults are presented in the following tables <strong>and</strong> graphs. In the tablesbelow, sexual assaults are shown by degree for all victims, victims 15 <strong>and</strong> under, <strong>and</strong> for victims16 <strong>and</strong> over. This is because the two most severe degrees <strong>of</strong> assault, first <strong>and</strong> second, may be soclassified either by the nature <strong>of</strong> the assault or the age <strong>of</strong> the victim. Looking only at assaults <strong>of</strong>victims age 16 <strong>and</strong> over shows the distribution <strong>of</strong> assaults by degree based solely on the nature <strong>of</strong>the assault, not victim age. Most sexual assaults, even some first <strong>and</strong> second degree assaults, arenot rapes according to the Uniform Crime Reporting defmition, <strong>and</strong> this also is shown in the tablebelow.The seriousness <strong>of</strong> sexual assaults is also defined, to some degree, by the <strong>of</strong>fense categories usedin the Uniform Crime Repo~ng - Incident-Based system. The more serious types include forciblerape (somewhat more broadly defined than the forcible rape definition on page 39), forciblesodomy, <strong>and</strong> sexual assault with an object. Remaining sexual assaults <strong>of</strong> a less serious natureinclude forcible fondling <strong>and</strong> statutory rape.Graphs showing the age <strong>and</strong> sex <strong>of</strong> victims <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenders, <strong>and</strong> relationship between victim <strong>and</strong><strong>of</strong>fender, are presented on subsequent pages. Data are also presented on <strong>arrests</strong>, victim injury, <strong>and</strong>weapons used in the commission <strong>of</strong> sexual assaults.Sexual Assault by Offense Type - <strong>1994</strong>Qffens.e...~Forcible RapesForcible SodomySexual Assault with an ObjectForcible FondlingStatutory RapeTOTALNumber Reported1,4345221873,3961,0076,546Percent <strong>of</strong> Total21.98.02.951.915.4100.0Sexual Assaults by Deme, <strong>1994</strong> - An Victims.DegreeFirstSecondThirdFourthTOTALAll AssaultsClassed as Ra~Number Percent Number Percent3,206 49.0 610 51.52,553 39.0 543 45.992 1.4 31 2.6~ 10.6 --

Sexual Assaults by Degree. for Victims Age 15 <strong>and</strong> Under <strong>and</strong> for Victims Age 16 <strong>and</strong> Over 9Victims 15 <strong>and</strong> UnderVictims 16 <strong>and</strong> OverAll Assaults ClilliS~d as Ra~ All Assaults Classed as Ra~~ Number ~ Number ~ Number ~ Number ~1 2,613 60.1 186 55.7 575 26.4 424 49.92 1,736 39.9 148 44.3 814 37.4 394 46.43 0 0 92 4.2 31 3.64 J1 - J1 - 621 lL2. J1 -TOTAL 4,349 100.0 334 100.0 2,175 99.9 849 99.9Age <strong>of</strong> Sexual Assault Victims. <strong>1994</strong>AgeCumulativeGroup Number Percent P~rc~nt1 - 12 2,307 35.4 35.413 - 15 2,042 31.3 66.716 - 17 469 7.2 73.918 - 20 394 6.0 79.921- 30 776 11.9 91.8Over 30 536 8.2 100.0Not Specified 22---TOTAL 6,546 100.0Age <strong>of</strong> Sexual Assault Offenders, <strong>1994</strong>AgeCumulativeGroup Number Percent Percent1 - 12 487 8.7 8.713 - 15 1,007 18.0 26.716 - 17 518 9.3 36.018 - 20 713 12.7 48.721- 30 1,251 22.4 71.1Over 30 1,617 28.9 100.0Missing 953 -- -TOTAL 6,546 100.09 The various totals <strong>of</strong> victim <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fender characteristics vary due to missing data.42

-------------------------------------------------~------------~-------------------'AGE OF SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMS AND OFFENDERS, <strong>1994</strong>~~------~----_r------~----~------~------~353025• Victim10II Offender5o1-12 13 -15 16 - 17 18 - 20Age Category21 - 30 Over 30Sex <strong>of</strong> Victims. <strong>1994</strong>Sex <strong>of</strong> Offenders. <strong>1994</strong>NumberPercentNumberPercentMaleFemaleMissing1,0235,517Q15.684.4Male 6,016 94.1Female 377 5.9Missing ill10TAL6,546100.0IDTAL 6,546 100.05.9%• Malem Female~94.1%43

Victim InjUl)' by Use <strong>of</strong> Weapon, <strong>1994</strong>Injured Not Injured TotalDangerous Weapon 105 173 278Personal Weapon 296 413 709None 225 5.320 5,54510TAL 626 5,906 6,532Relationship <strong>of</strong> Assailant to Victim. <strong>1994</strong>All Assaults Assaults that are RapesGroup Number Percent Number PercentFamily/Same Household 1,266 20,5 140 12,8Sexual Relationship 764 12.4 170 15.5Friend! Acquaintance 2,631 42.7 491 44.8Other Known 894 14.5 76 6.9Stranger 611 9.9 220 20.1Missing 380 - 93 -- -IDTAL 6,546 100.0 1,259 100.1RELATIONSHIP OF ASSAILANT TO VICTIM - ALL ASSAULTS12.4%•Family/Same HouseholdSexual Relationship•Friend! AcquaintanceIililiI0Other Knownf.7J Stranger44

RELATIONSHIP OF ASSAILANT TO VICTIM - ASSAULTS THAT ARE RAPES• Family/Same Household6.9%IIilll Sexual Relationship• Friend! AcquaintanceD Other Known[2] Stranger44.8%Arrests for Sexual Assault by Degree, <strong>1994</strong>Degree Assaults Arrests Percent1 3,206 1,780 55.52 2,553 1,547 60.63 92 51 55.44 695 395 56.8Missing _0 J! 0.0TOTAL 6,546 3,733 57.645

ROBBERYDefinition: Robbery is the taking or attempting to take anything <strong>of</strong> value from the care, custody, orcontrol <strong>of</strong> a person or persons by force or threat <strong>of</strong> force or violence <strong>and</strong>/or putting the victim infear.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 5,732 robberies reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 0.4 percent increase since 1993.• Robbery accounted for 2.8 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 41.8 percent <strong>of</strong> all violentIndex Offenses.• Approximately one robbery was reported every one hour, 32 minutes in <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for robbery was December (662), the least frequent was February(407).• The <strong>1994</strong> robbery rate was 113.2 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents, a decrease <strong>of</strong> 0.5 percentfrom the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 113.8 per 100,000 residents.• The <strong>1994</strong> robbery rate <strong>of</strong> 113.2 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was approximately 56percent less than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 256 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• The <strong>1994</strong> robbery rates were much greater for those categories <strong>of</strong> police agencies servingjurisdictions with more than 250,000 residents.• Robbery rates increased for police agencies serving jurisdictions with between 25,000 <strong>and</strong>250,000 residents <strong>and</strong> those serving cities between 5,000 <strong>and</strong> 10,000 residents.• The number <strong>of</strong> estimated robberies increased 81.4 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.• The proportion <strong>of</strong> robberies carried out with firearms has increased slightly in the past fiveyears, from 50.7 percent in 1990 to 54.5 percent during <strong>1994</strong>.• While highway robberies accounted for 62 percent <strong>of</strong> all <strong>1994</strong> Wisconsin robberies, they madeup 47.8 percent <strong>of</strong> the total value stolen in all robberies.• The total dollar value <strong>of</strong> property stolen in <strong>1994</strong> robberies was $3,127,429; this represents a4.3 percent increase from the $2,998,896 in property stolen in 1993.• The average value <strong>of</strong> property stolen in a <strong>1994</strong> robbery was $546. This figure was 4 percentmore than the average value <strong>of</strong> $525 in 1993.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 2,257 persons were arrested for robbery in <strong>1994</strong>. Over 69 percent <strong>of</strong>those arrested were black. In addition, 41 percent were juveniles.• The robbery clearance rate was 33 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, somewhat more than the clearance rate <strong>of</strong>31.5 percent during 1993.47

Robbery Summary: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeNumber <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses5,7125,732+0.4Rate per 100,000Population113.8113.2- 0.5ROBBERY - BY YEAR7000 __ --~----~--~--~--~----~--~--~----~--~--__6000~---+----~--4----+--~----+---~~~5000~---+----~--4----+--~----~~~~ 4000 ~--+---+---I---+----f---+o"0~ 3000~:z; 20001000o84 85 86 87 88 89 90Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>91 92 9394700·600a-; 500E1::;:400o'Cl1::100o·484ROBBERY-BY MONTH494 505 4837-:1- 451 ~ 444 434 ~~'~. .····I I I II I I I I I I.....-662-/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun JuI Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth - <strong>1994</strong>48

Robbery Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> RatePopulation per 100,000 per 100,000Group Population Population<strong>1994</strong> EstimatedRobberiesPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 639.0 638.52 50,000 - 250,000 109.5 111.93 25,000 - 49,999 53.9 63.94 10,000 - 24,999 31.0 27.05 5,000 - 9,999 27.1 28.76 Under 5,000 17.1 12.04,0181,04124618811839- 0.1+ 2.2+ 18.6- 12.9+ 6.3- 29.8Sheriff Departments7 Suburban 9.0 8.88 Rural 3.4 2.16121- 2.2- 38.2State Total 113.8 113.25,732- 0.5ROBBERY RATES~~1 2 3 4 5Population Group*7 8:I< Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.49

Robbety - Type <strong>of</strong> WeaponWeapon l22Q 122.l 12.23. .l22.4 l.221Fireann 50.7% 53.0% 52.5% 53.0% 54.5%Knife 8.8% 7.7% 8.1% 8.0% 7.7%Strong-Ann 35.3% 34.3% 34.8% 33.8% 32.1%Other 5.2% 5.0% 4.6% 5.2% 5.7%TOTAL NUMBER 5,514 5,902 6,009 5,712 5,732The type <strong>of</strong> weapon used in robbery has been fairly stable in recent years. However, theproportion <strong>of</strong> robberies involving a fireann has increased from 50.7 percent in 1990 to 54.5percent during <strong>1994</strong>.ROBBERY - TYPE OF WEAPON, <strong>1994</strong>5.7%32.1%54.5%II FirearmI:l~KnifeStrongArmII Other7.7%50

~1 HighwaylO2 Residence3 Commercial4 Convenience Store5 Service Station6 Bank7 MiscellaneousNumber3,556564508Y~lll~ QfPrQ12~rt:l StQl~n - 1224240187110567Percent Amount PercentQfTQtal ~ QfTQtal62.0 $ 1,494,421 47.89.8 341,617 10.98.9 214,228 6.84.2 67,914 2.23.3 47,308 1.51.9 383,988 12.39.9 577,953 18.5Amount12~r RQbbcr:l$ 4206064222832533,4911,019'IOTAL5,732100.0 $3,127,429 100.0$546ROBBERY - AVERAGE VALUE STOLENBY LOCATION - <strong>1994</strong>Service StationConvenience StoreHighwayCommercialResidenceMiscellaneousBankA verage Dollar AmountWhile the number <strong>of</strong> robberies increased by 0.4 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, the total value <strong>of</strong> property stolenincreased by 4.3 percent. As a result, the average value <strong>of</strong> property stolen stolen increased by 4percent, from $525 in <strong>1994</strong> to $546 during <strong>1994</strong>.10 Highway robberies are those which occur on a street, alley, or roadway.51

Robbery Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 1,200 53.2Juveniles 820 36.3Female Adults 130 5.8Juveniles 107 4.7Total 2,257 100.0•Robbery Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 326 14.4Juveniles 299 13.2Black Adults 965 42.8Juveniles 597 26.4American Adults 24 1.1Indian Juveniles 14 0.6Asian Adults 15 0.7Juveniles 17 0.8Total 2,257 100.052

AGGRAVATEDASSAULTDefinition: Aggravated assault is an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose <strong>of</strong>inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type <strong>of</strong> assault is usually accompanied by theuse <strong>of</strong> a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Attempts are included,since it is not necessary that an injury results when a gun, knife, or other weapon is used whichcould <strong>and</strong> probably would result in serious personal injury if the <strong>crime</strong> were successfullycompleted.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysjs• There were an estimated 6,572 aggravated assaults reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 7.6 percent increasefrom 1993.• Aggravated assault accounted for 3.3 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 47.9 percent <strong>of</strong> allviolent Index Offenses.• Approximately one aggravated assault was reported every one hour <strong>and</strong> 20 minutes during<strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for aggravated assault was September (668), the least frequent wasJanuary (389).• The <strong>1994</strong> aggravated assault rate was 129.8 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents. This figurerepresents an increase <strong>of</strong> 6.7 percent from the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 121.7 per 100,000 residents.• The <strong>1994</strong> aggravated assault rate <strong>of</strong> 129.8 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was approximately70 percent less than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 440 per 100,000 residents for the nation.o There were no consistent patterns in changes in aggravated assault rates for Wisconsinjurisdiction categories during <strong>1994</strong>.• The number <strong>of</strong> estimated aggravated assaults has increased 23.9 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.However, the volume <strong>of</strong> reported aggravated assault increased dramatically in 1986 <strong>and</strong> 1987,as shown in the graph on the following page. This sharp increase may have been due toenhanced enforcement <strong>of</strong> domestic violence incidents.• The proportion <strong>of</strong> aggravated assaults involving the use <strong>of</strong> a firearm has remained very stablesince 1990.o An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 5,615 persons were arrested for aggravated assaults in <strong>1994</strong>; nearly 74percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested were adults.• The <strong>1994</strong> total clearance rate for aggravated assault was 69.9 percent, a decrease from the 1993clearance rate <strong>of</strong> 71.9 percent.• There were 36,123 "Other Assaults, - Simple, Not Aggravated" reported in <strong>1994</strong>; this figurewas 3.4 percent less than the 37,409 simple assaults reported in 1993.• The clearance rate for simple'assault was 82.8 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, greater than the 80.6 percentclearance rate in 1993.53

A~gravated Assault Summan': 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>Number <strong>of</strong> Estimated Rate per 100,000Year Offenses Population1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent Change6,1106,572+ 7.6121.7129.8+ 6.7AGGRAVATED ASSAULT-BY YEAR8~~---T--~~--~--~--~----r---~---r--~----r---~7000 -+----+---11-6000 -+-----+-~I-1000o84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>AGGRAVATED ASSAULT-BY MONTH700 -.-------------------656- 668 --------.600~--------------------590~500~-------7--~~~~----------------------------1

Aggravated Assault Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> Estimated Percent ChangePopulation per 100,000 per 100,000 Aggravated in Rate:Group Population Population Assaults 1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 224.1 314.9 1,981 + 40.52 50,000 - 250,000 171.9 176.5 1,642 + 2.73 25,000 - 49,999 107.9 94.3 363 - 12.64 10,000 - 24,999 80.7 79.1 550 - l.95 5,000 - 9,999 87.2 78.4 323 - 10.16 Under 5,000 132.5 133.9 434 + 1.(1Sheriff D~artments7 Suburban 106.8 9l.0 629 - 14.88 Rural 64.2 65.0 646 + l.2State Total 121.7 129.8 6,572 + 6.7AGGRAVATED ASSAULT RATES§ 250g......•~Po.1993~ 1§j 1m <strong>1994</strong>Z 1001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Population Group** Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.55

A~~avated Assault - Type <strong>of</strong> Weapon. 1990 to <strong>1994</strong>Weapon l22!! l221 1m 1221 1m:Fireann 20.6% 20.0% 21.8% 22.8% 20.2%Knife 13.8% 14.4% 14.0% 15.4% 15.9%Personal 11 49.4% 46.5% 45.0% 45.2% 43.4%Other 16.2% 19.0% 19.2% 16.6% 20.5%TOTAL NUMBER 6,206 6,440 6,316 6,110 6,572AGGRAVATED ASSAULT - TYPE OF WEAPON, <strong>1994</strong>15.9%••FirearmIilll1 .... KnifePersonalmI OtherOther Assaults. - Simple. Not Aggravated - 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>Year Number Reported Cleared by Arrest Percent Cleared1993 37,409<strong>1994</strong> 36,123Percent Change - 3.430,16029,926- 0.880.682.8+ 2.711 Personal weapons include h<strong>and</strong>s, fists, feet, etc.56

Aggravated Assault Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 3,376 60.1Juveniles 1,224 21.8Female Adults 718 12.8Juveniles 297 5.3Total 5,615 100.0Aggravated Assault Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 2,493 44.4Juveniles 902 16.1Black Adults 1,471 26.2Juveniles 539 9.6American Adults 104 1.8Indian Juveniles 55 1.0Asian Adults 26 0.5Juveniles 25 0.4Total 5,615 100.057

BURGLARYDefinition: Burglary is defined as the unlawful entry <strong>of</strong> a structure to commit a felony or a theft.The use <strong>of</strong> force to gain entry is not required to classify an <strong>of</strong>fense as burglary. Burglary in thisprogram is categorized into three subclassifications: forcible entry, unlawful entry where no forceis used, <strong>and</strong> attempted forcible entry.1294 Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 32,764 burglaries reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 1.9 percent decrease from 1993.o Burglary accounted for 16.3 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 17.5 percent <strong>of</strong> all propertyIndex Offenses.• Approximately one burglary was reported every 16 minutes, 2 seconds during <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for burglary was August (3,376), while the least frequent month wasFebruary (1,874).• The <strong>1994</strong> burglary rate was 647.3 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents. This figure is 2.7 percentless than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 665.1 per 100,000 residents.• The <strong>1994</strong> burglary rate <strong>of</strong> 647.3 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was approximately 41percent less than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 1,099 per 100,000 residents for the nation ... Burglary <strong>of</strong>fense rates declined for all Wisconsin jurisdictio!1 categories except rural SheriffOffices ... The number <strong>of</strong> estimated burglaries has decreased 17,6 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.• The proportions showing type <strong>of</strong> entry in btlfg1mies were very similar in 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>.• As in previous years, residential burglaries made up nearly two-thirds <strong>of</strong> all burglaries, both interms <strong>of</strong> volume <strong>and</strong> value <strong>of</strong> property stolen ... The average value <strong>of</strong> property stolen in a <strong>1994</strong> burglary was $823. This figure is 5 percentless than the 1993 average figure <strong>of</strong> $868.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 6,802 persons were arrested for burglary in <strong>1994</strong>. Over 78 perceqt <strong>of</strong>those arrested were white <strong>and</strong> nearly 54 percent were juveniles.• The burglary clearance rate was 17.3 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, I,l figure slightly more than the 1993clearance rate <strong>of</strong> 17.0 percent.59

Bur~laty Summruy: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeNumber <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses33,39332,764- 1.9BURGLARY - BY YEARRate per 100,000Population665.1647.3- 2.745~~--~--~--~--~--~----r---r---r---~--~--~4000035000""~ 30000c::~025000'S.8 20000~ 15000100005000o84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>35003000~ 25005~ 2000~.8 1500§Z 1000500o:··:·1976or--.BURGLARY - BY MONTH2739 2798 07.... 2632~ ~-1874/ .3376~_~4 3082b.. 2899"2547I I I I I I I I I I IJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth - <strong>1994</strong>~60

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Burglary Rates By Population GroupPopulationGroup1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rateper 100,000 per 100,000Population Population<strong>1994</strong> EstimatedBurglariesPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,0001313.2 1,348.58,486+ 2.72 50,000 - 250,000837.2 818.37,614- 2.23 25,000 - 49,999658.3 554.12,133- 15.84 10,000 - 24,999476.8 435.43,029- 8.75 5,000 - 9,999460.9 440.21,813- 4.56 Under 5,000443.3 433.81,406- 2.1Sheriff Departm~7 Suburban380.6 369.72,557- 2.98 Rural575.2 576.35,726+ 0.2State Total665.1 647.332,764- 2.7BURGLARY RATES§g......Ii3I=l

Value <strong>of</strong> Property Stolen - <strong>1994</strong>Percent Amount Percent~ Number <strong>of</strong> Total Stolen <strong>of</strong> TotalResidence 22,273 68.0 $ 17,989,921 66:'1N on-Residence 1Q,421 RQ 8,262,461 ll..3.32,764 100.0 $ 26,959,388 100.0DayResidence 8,232 25.1 $ 7,275,501 27.0Non-Residence 1.&24 ~ 1,42~,326 U9,926 30.3 $ 8,700,827 32.3NightResidence 6,766 20.7 $ 5,353,474 19.9Non-Residence 5,256 1.6..Q 4,369,Q21 .llil12,022 36.7 $ 9,722,571 36.1UnknownResidence 7,275 22.2 $ 5,360,947 19.9Non-Residence 3,~41 lO...8. 3,l1~,Q44 .lL.8.10,816 33.0 $ 8,535,991 31.7TOTAL 32,764 100.0 $26,959,388 100.0Amountper B ur&lary$ 808.8.i5.$ 823$ 884M1$ 877$ 791m$ 809$ 737.827.$ 789$ 823BURGLARY - TYPE OF PREMISE AND TIME OF DAY9~~------------------~----------------__8000 -::t----7000 -9------~.~ 6000bhl:l5000~......°4000k3.0~ 3000Z2000• Nightmm Dayiii Unknown1000oResidenceLocationNon-ResidenceBurglary - Type <strong>of</strong> Entry: <strong>1994</strong>Forcible EntryUnlawful Entry Without ForceAttempted Forcible EntryTOTALNumber21,0678,6173,08032,764Percent64.326.39.4100.062

Burglary Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 2,924 43.0Juveniles 3,266 48.0Female Adults 216 3.2Juveniles 396 5.8Total 6,802 100.0Burglary Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 2,232 32.8Juveniles 3,092 45.5Black Adults 831 12.2Juveniles 367 5.4American Adults 47 0.7Indian Juveniles 146 2.1Asian Adults 30 0.4Juveniles 57 0.8Total 6,802 99.963

THEFTDefinition: Theft is the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away <strong>of</strong> property from thepossession or constructive possession <strong>of</strong> another. It includes <strong>crime</strong>s such as shoplifting, pocketpicking,purse-snatching, thefts from motor vehicles, thefts <strong>of</strong> motor vehicle parts <strong>and</strong> accessories,bicycle thefts, etc., in which no use <strong>of</strong> force, violence, or fraud occurs. In the Unifom1 CrimeReporting program, this <strong>crime</strong> category does not include embezzlement, "con" games, forgery, <strong>and</strong>worthless checks. Motor vehicle theft is also excluded from this category for <strong>crime</strong> reportingpurposes inasmuch as it is a separate Crime Index Offense.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 135,045 thefts reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 2.8 percent decrease from 1993.• Theft accounted for 67.1 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 72 percent <strong>of</strong> all property IndexOffenses.o One theft was reported approximately every three minutes, 54 seconds during <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for theft was August (13,951), while the least frequent month wasJanuary (7,656).• The <strong>1994</strong> theft rate was 2,668.1 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents, a decrease <strong>of</strong> 3.6 percentfrom the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 2,768.4 per 100,000.& ~• The <strong>1994</strong> theft rate <strong>of</strong> 2,668.1 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was 12 percent less than the1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 3,032 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• Theft rates decreased in all jurisdiction categories except those <strong>of</strong> rural Sheriff Offices.• The number <strong>of</strong> estimated thefts has declined by 2.4 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.• The average value stolen per theft during <strong>1994</strong> was $327, a figure 9.7 percent less than the$362 average in 1993.• The total value stolen in <strong>1994</strong> thefts was $44,191,914. This figure is 12.1 percent less thanthe $50,303,427 stolen in 1993 thefts.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 47,314 persons were arrested for theft in <strong>1994</strong>; over 31 percent <strong>of</strong> thosearrested were female.• The theft clearance rate was 26.8 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, slightly more than the clearance rate <strong>of</strong> 26.5during 1993.65

Th~ft Symm~; 1223 <strong>and</strong> 1224Number <strong>of</strong> Estimated Rate per 100,000~ Offenses Popylation1993 139,000 2,768.4<strong>1994</strong> 135,045 2,668.1Percent Change - 2.8 - 3.6160000THEFT - BY YEARCIl140000120000il~'S 80000~1 60000Z4000020000088 89 90 91 92 93 94Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>1400012000~ 10000~~8000'S~6000~ 4000 ·2000THEFT - BY MONTH1395113551 .11668 I~ "1~·10947 10722 '10841__ 7656 77661....-·....~25/ ....-0I I I I I I I I I I IJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun .Tul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth-<strong>1994</strong>66

Theft Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> EstimatedPopulation per 100,000 per 100,000 TheftsGroup Population PopulationPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 4,105.6 4,126.8 25,9702 50,000 - 250,000 4,122.4 3,816.2 35,5063 25,000 - 49,999 3,637.4 3,471.9 13,3654 10,000 - 24,999 3,182.2 3,050.2 21,2185 5,000 - 9,999 3,346.2 3,199.5 13,1766 Under 5,000 2,639.4 2,604.8 8,443+ 0.5-7.4- 4.5- 4.1-4.4- 1.3Sheriff D(!J)artments7 Suburban 1,220.6 1,174.6 8,1238 Rural 920.7 930.3 9,244- 3.8+ 1.0State Total 2,768.4 2,668.1 135,045• 3.6THEFT RATES4500~----~----~--~----~----~----~----~--~40003500§ 3000g 25001-0~2000~;:s 1500Z1000• 19931m <strong>1994</strong>500o2 3 4 5 6Population Group*7 8* Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.67

Type <strong>of</strong> Theft - <strong>1994</strong>Percent Amount Percent~ Number <strong>of</strong>Toral ~olen <strong>of</strong>Tota1From Building 25,682 19.0 $ 11 ,996,317 27.1From Motor Vehicle 24,191 17.9 9,609,891 21.7Shoplifting 22,604 16.7 1,632,141 3.7Motor Vehicle Parts 15,875 11.8 4,133,490 9.4Bicycles 13,407 9.9 3,018,958 6.8Coin-OperatedMachines 1,187 0.9 496,329 1.1Purse Snatching 891 0.7 238,211 0.5Pocket Picking 360 0.3 184,554 0.4All Other 30,848 2.U 12,882,023 29.2TOTAL 135,045 100.0 $44,191,914 99.9AverageAmount Stolen$46739772260225418267513ill.$327THEFf - AVERAGE AMOUNT STOLENBY TYPE OF THEFfShopliftingBicyclesMotor Veh. PartsPurse Snatchingt:::l~"0 From Motor Vehicle~ All OtherCoin-Oper. MachinesFrom BuildingPocket PickingAverage Dollar AmountValue <strong>of</strong> Pro12ert~ Stolen - <strong>1994</strong>CategoryNumberPercent<strong>of</strong> TotalAmountStolenPercent<strong>of</strong>ToralAverageAmount StolenOver $200$50 - $200Under $5045,67538,91250.45833.828.837.4$39,258,630 88.84,195,416 9.5737,868 Ll$ 86010812TOTAL135,045100.0$44,191,914 100.0$32768

Theft Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 16,453 34.8Juveniles 16,042 33.9Female Adults 8,174 17.3Juveniles 6,645 14.0Total 47,314 100.0Theft Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 14,469 30.6Juveniles 18,246 38.6Black Adults 9,613 20.3Juveniles 3,529 7.4American Adults 412 0.9Indian Juveniles 504 1.1Asian Adults 133 0.3Juveniles 408 0.9Total 47,314 100.169

MOTOR VEHICLE THEFTDefmition: Motor vehicle theft is defined as the theft or attempted theft <strong>of</strong> a motor vehicle. Thisdefinition excludes the taking <strong>of</strong> a motor vehicle for temporary use by those persons having lawfulaccess.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 18,292 motor vehicle thefts reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 0.3 percent decreasefrom 1993.• Motor vehicle thefts accounted for 9.1 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 9.7 percent <strong>of</strong> allproperty Index Offenses.• One motor vehicle theft was reported approximately every 28 minutes, 44 seconds in <strong>1994</strong>.o The most frequent month for motor vehicle theft was October (2,003), the least frequent monthwas February (1,114).• The <strong>1994</strong> motor vehicle theft rate was 361.4 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents, a 1.1 percentdecrease from the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 365.5 per 100,000.• The <strong>1994</strong> motor vehicle theft rate <strong>of</strong> 361.4 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents wasapproximately 40 percent less than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 605 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• In terms <strong>of</strong> the population groupings <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin jurisdictions, the larger the populationcategory, the greater the rate <strong>of</strong> motor vehicle theft.• The number <strong>of</strong> estimated motor vehicle thefts has increased 53.6 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.• The proportion <strong>of</strong> motor vehicle thefts involving an auto increased slightly, from 87.1 percentin 1993 to 87.4 percent in <strong>1994</strong>.• Nearly 68 percent <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> stolen motor vehicles was recovered during <strong>1994</strong>, a muchgreater proportion than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> about 56 percent.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 5,047 persons were arrested for motor vehicle theft during <strong>1994</strong>; thisfigure is 1.7 percent more than the number arrested in 1993.• Over 63 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for motor vehicle theft in <strong>1994</strong> were juveniles.• The motor vehicle theft clearance rate was 21.9 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, slightly more than the 21.6percent clearance rate in 1993.71

Motor vehicle Theft Summary; 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>~1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeNumber <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses18,35418,292- 0.3Rate per 100,000Population365.5361.4- 1.1MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT - BY YEAR25~~---r--~---'----r---~--~---r---T--~--~r---~2~~---+----~--4----+--~~--~.....o1-4~ 10000Zo84 8586 87 88 89 90Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>91 92 93 94

Motor Vehicle Theft Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> EstimatedPopulation per 100,000 per 100,000 Motor VehicleGroup Population Population TheftsPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 1,686.6 1,699.4 10,6942 50,000 - 250,000 321.1 316.4 2,9443 25,000 - 49,999 279.6 233.0 8974 10,000 - 24,999 156.2 150.7 1,0485 5,000 - 9,999 151.6 145.9 6016 Under 5,000 134.7 141.9 460+ 0.8- 1.5- 16.7- 3.5- 3.8+ 5.3Sheriff Departments7 Suburban 98.8 96.2 665- 2.68 Rural 91.8t98.9 983+ 7.7State Total 365.5 361.4 18,292- 1.1MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT RATES1800~----~--~~---r----~--~~--~----~----~16001400§ 1200§ 10008..... 800i Z600400• 1993lEI <strong>1994</strong>200o1 2 3 4 5 6Population Group*7 8* Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.73

Motor Vehicle Theft - 1990 to <strong>1994</strong>Type <strong>of</strong> vehicle.l2.2.Q12.2l ~l.22.3. 1221:AutomobileTruck/BusAll Other85.5%7.2%7.3%86.3% 89.0%6.6% 5.5%7.1% 5.5%87.1% 87.4%6.0% 6.2%6.9% 6.4%TOTAL20,37721,624 21 J67218,354 18,292MOTOR VEHICLE THEFf­TYPE OF VEHICLE, <strong>1994</strong>6.4%87.4%Recovery Rate: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>YearTotal Value StolenTotal Value Recovered.Percent Recovered1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent Change$ 70,689,638 $ 39,504,070$72,124,909 $48,963,589+2.0 +23.955.967.9+ 21.4While 18,292 motor vehicles were stolen in Wisconsin during <strong>1994</strong>, an estimated 15,140 motorvehicles were recovered, yielding a vehicle recovery rate <strong>of</strong> 82.8 percent.74

Motor Vehicle Theft Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 1,668 33.0Juveniles 2,589 51.5Female Adults 173 3.4Juveniles 608 12.0Total 5,047 99.9Motor Vehicle Theft Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 874 17.3Juveniles 1,829 36.2Black Adults 922 18.3Juveniles 1,128 22.3American Adults 33 0.7Indian Juveniles 138 2.7Asian Adults 12 0.2Juveniles 1181 2.2Total 5,047 99.975

ARSONDefmition: Arson is defined as any willful or malicious burning or attempt to bum, with orwithout intent to defra\ld, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personalproperty <strong>of</strong> another, etc. Only fires determined through investigation to have been willfully ormaliciously set are classified as arsons. Fires <strong>of</strong> suspicious or unknown origins are excluded.<strong>1994</strong> Summary Analysis• There were an estimated 1,511 arsons reported in <strong>1994</strong>, a 9.6 percent increase from 1993.• Arson ac.counted for 0.8 percent <strong>of</strong> the total Crime Index <strong>and</strong> 0.8 percent <strong>of</strong> all property IndexOffenses.• One arson was reported approximately every 5 hours <strong>and</strong> 48 minutes during <strong>1994</strong>.• The most frequent month for arson was July (176), the least frequent month was February(59).• The <strong>1994</strong> arson rate was 29.8 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents, an 8.8 percent increase fromthe 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 27.4 per 100,000 residents.• The <strong>1994</strong> arson rate <strong>of</strong> 29.8 per 100,000 Wisconsin residents was approximately 35 percentless than the 1993 rate <strong>of</strong> 46 per 100,000 residents for the nation.• In terms <strong>of</strong> the population groupings <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin jurisdictions, the larger the populationcategory, the greater the rate <strong>of</strong> arson.• The total estimated loss from arson was $17,883,439 in <strong>1994</strong> with an average loss figure <strong>of</strong>$11,835. Both. figures were much greater than the total loss <strong>of</strong> $14,641,356 <strong>and</strong> average loss<strong>of</strong> $10,265 in 1993.• The total number <strong>of</strong> estimated arsons has increased by 34.3 percent from 1,125 in 1983 to1,511 during <strong>1994</strong>.• An estimated total <strong>of</strong> 611 persons were arrested for arson in <strong>1994</strong>, an increase <strong>of</strong> 11.1 percentin total arson <strong>arrests</strong> compared to 1993. Over two-thirds <strong>of</strong> those arrested were juveniles <strong>and</strong>over 77 percent were white.• The arson clearance rate was 25.8 percent in <strong>1994</strong>, somewhat more than the 25.4 percentclearance rate in 1993.77

Arson Summary: 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>1993<strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeNumber <strong>of</strong> EstimatedOffenses1,3781,511+ 9.6Rate per 100,000Population27.429.8+ 8.8160014001200a'351000If:0.......0800Ii),.c600~400200ARSON - BY YEAR084858687 88 89 90 91Year: 1984 - <strong>1994</strong>9293 94ARSON - BY MONTH180160140'"~ 1205~100'Cl.880~6040200Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun JuI Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth -<strong>1994</strong>78

Arson Rates By Population Group1993 Rate <strong>1994</strong> Rate <strong>1994</strong> EstimatedPopulation per 100,000 per 100,000 ArsonsGroup Population • PopulationPercent Changein Rate:1993 - <strong>1994</strong>Police Agencies1 Over 250,000 81.3 100.4 6322 50,000 - 250,000 37.6 37.2 3463 25,000 - 49,999 35.3 33.5 1294 10,000 - 24,999 17.2 18.3 1275 5,000 - 9,999 15.7 19.2 796 Under 5,000 13.6 14.2 46+ 23.9- 1.1- 5.1+ 6.4+ 22.3+ 4.4Sheriff Departments7 Suburban 10.2 10.6 738 Rural 9.1 8.0 79+ 3.9- 12.1State Total 27.4 29.8 1,511+ 8.810090808 70c:.8 60....\0;(1)50c:l.oi\0;40Z 3020100ARSON RATES1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Population Group*~~* Population group numbers are those used in the preceding table.79

Arson by Type <strong>of</strong> Property - <strong>1994</strong>Property Classificati.Q.nNumberTotal PrQperty LossAverage PrQperty LossSTRUCTURALSingle Occupancy ResidentialOther ResidentialStorageIndustrial/Manufacturing3778118411$ 4,658,8312,909,0611,905,220279,949$ 12,35835,94110,35425,450Other CommercialCommunity !PublicAll Other Structure66104523,333,6231,043,8861,040,39150,50910,03720,008Total Structure875$15,170,961$17,338MOBILEMotor VehiclesOther Mobile Property30417$ 1,194,87024,620$ 3,9301,448Total Mobile321$1,219,490$3,799Total Other315$1,492,988$4,740TOTAL REPORTEDARSON1,511$17,883,439$11,835Arson targets showing major increases from 1993 to <strong>1994</strong> included single occupancy residentialstructures (277 to 377) <strong>and</strong> storage structures (123 to 184).lWhile the total <strong>of</strong> 1,511 arsons reported in <strong>1994</strong> was 9.6 percent more than the 1,378 reported in1993, total property loss increased by over 22 percent. As a result, the average property lossincreased by 11.4 percent, from $10,625 in 1993 to $11,835 in <strong>1994</strong>.A major cause <strong>of</strong> this increase was the two Wisconsin arsons with estimated property lossesexceeding $1,000,000. These targets included an "all other structure" in Waukesha <strong>and</strong> an "otherresidential" target in Racine.80

Arson Arrests By Sex <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Sex Age Group Estimated Arrests Percent <strong>of</strong>Total ArrestsMale Adults 157 25.7Juveniles 370 60.6Female Adults 42 6.9Juveniles 42 6.9Total 611 100.1Arson Arrests by Race <strong>and</strong> Age Group: <strong>1994</strong>Percent <strong>of</strong>Race Age Group Estimated Arrests Total ArrestsWhite Adults 131 21.4Juveniles 342 56.0Black Adults, 61 10.0Juveniles 60 9.8American Adults 6 1.0Indian Juveniles 9 1.5Asian Adults 1 0.2Juveniles 1 0.2Total 611 100.181

Arrest Summary forSelected Non-Index OffensesSimpleAssaultDefinition: Simple assault is an assault or an attempted assault where no weapon is used <strong>and</strong> whichdoes not result in serious or aggravated injury to the victim.-There were an estimated 27,467 simple assault <strong>arrests</strong> in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a 2.2 percentdecrease compared to the 28,080 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.- Of the total <strong>arrests</strong>, 79 percent were adults <strong>and</strong> 21 percent were juveniles.- Males accounted for 81 percent <strong>and</strong> females 19 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for simple assault.V<strong>and</strong>alismDefinition: V<strong>and</strong>alism is defined as the willful destruction, injury, disfigurement, or defacement <strong>of</strong>property without consent <strong>of</strong> the owner or person having custody or control.-There were an estimated 14,151 v<strong>and</strong>alism <strong>arrests</strong> in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a 3.6 percent increasecompared to the 13,657 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.- Of the total <strong>arrests</strong>, 48 percent were adults <strong>and</strong> 52 percent were juveniles.- Males accounted for 87 percent <strong>and</strong> females 13 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for v<strong>and</strong>alism.Weapon Law YiolationsDefinition: These <strong>of</strong>fenses include all the violations <strong>of</strong> regulations or statutes controlling thecarrying, using, possessing, furnishing <strong>and</strong> manufacturing <strong>of</strong> deadly weapons or silencers, <strong>and</strong>attempts.-There were an estimated 7,967 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for weapon law violations in <strong>1994</strong>, representinga 3.8 percent decrease compared to the 8,281 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.- Of the total <strong>arrests</strong>, 66 percent were adults <strong>and</strong> 34 percent were juveniles.• Males accounted for 85 percent <strong>and</strong> females 15 percent <strong>of</strong> those' arrested for weapon lawviolations.82

DrU2 Law ViolationsDefinition: Drug law violations are defined as the unlawful sale/manufacture, possession/use <strong>of</strong> thenarcotics <strong>and</strong> drugs listed below.a. Opium or cocaine <strong>and</strong> their derivatives (morphine, heroin, codeine).b. Marijuana, hashish, etc.c. Synthetic narcotics -- manufactured narcotics which can cause true drugaddiction (demerol, methadones).d. Other -- dangerous non-narcotic drugs (amphetamines, barbiturates, .hallucinogens ).• There were an estimated 16,826 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for dmg law violations in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a32.3 percent increase compared to the 12,714 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.• Adults accounted for 82 percent <strong>and</strong> juveniles 18 percent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>arrests</strong> for dmg law violations.• Males accounted for 85 percent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>arrests</strong> <strong>and</strong> females accounted for the remaining 15percent.• Arrests for possession/use <strong>of</strong> drugs accounted 73 percent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>arrests</strong> while the remaining 27percent were for the sale/manufacture <strong>of</strong> drugs. By comparison, the possession/use proportionwas 71 percent during 1993.• Arrests for opium/cocaine accounted for 22 percent <strong>of</strong> all drug alTests; marijuana <strong>arrests</strong>accounted for 65 percent <strong>of</strong> all dmg <strong>arrests</strong>; <strong>arrests</strong> for synthetic narcotics accounted for 2percent <strong>of</strong> all drug <strong>arrests</strong>; <strong>and</strong> other dangerous non-narcotic drugs made up 11 percent <strong>of</strong> alldrug <strong>arrests</strong>. By comparison, opium/cocaine violations represented 25 percent <strong>of</strong> total drug<strong>arrests</strong> during 1993.FraudDefinition: Included in this category are fraudulent conversion <strong>and</strong> obtaining money or property byfalse pretenses. This category includes bad checks, confidence games, etc., except forgeries <strong>and</strong>coun terfeiting.• There were an estimated 9,730 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for fraud in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a 7.0 percentdecrease compared to the 10,457 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.• Of the total <strong>arrests</strong>, 95 percent were adults <strong>and</strong> 5 percent were juveniles.• Males accounted for 52 percent <strong>and</strong> females 48 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for fraud.83

Offenses A2ainst Family <strong>and</strong> ChildrenDefinition: Included in this category are all charges <strong>of</strong> committing nonsupport <strong>and</strong> neglect or abuse<strong>of</strong> family <strong>and</strong> children.• There were an estimated 5,191 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for <strong>of</strong>fenses against family aJId children in<strong>1994</strong>, representing a 13.6 percent increase compared to the 4,571 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.• Adults accounted for 90 percent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>arrests</strong> for <strong>of</strong>fenses against family <strong>and</strong> children, whilejuveniles accounted for the remaining 10 percent.• Males accounted for 72 percent <strong>and</strong> females 28 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for <strong>of</strong>fenses againstfamily <strong>and</strong> children.Driyin2 Under the InfluenceDefmition: The <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>of</strong> driving under the influence is defined as the driving or operating <strong>of</strong> anymotor vehicle while drunk: or under the influence <strong>of</strong> alcohol or narcotics.• There were an estimated 35,026 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for driving under the influence in <strong>1994</strong>,representing a 1.2 percent decrease compared to the 35,468 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.• Adults accounted for 99 percent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>arrests</strong> for driving under the influence, while juvenilesaccounted for the remaining 1 percent.• Males accounted for 83 percent <strong>and</strong> females 17 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for driving under theinfluence.Disorderly· ConductDefinition: In this category are placed all charges <strong>of</strong> committing a breach <strong>of</strong> the peace (disorderlyperson). .• There were an estimated 66,180 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for disorderly conduct in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a3.5 percent increase compared to the 63,957 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.• Adults accounted for 67 percent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>arrests</strong> for disorderly conduct, while juveniles accountedfor the remaining 33 percent.• Males accounted for 78 percent <strong>and</strong> females 22 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for disorderly conduct.84

Liquor Law ViolationsDefinition: Included in this category are state or local liquor law violations, with the exception <strong>of</strong>"driving under the infJuence".• There were an estimated 35,344 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for liquor law violations in <strong>1994</strong>, representinga 7.0 percent increase compared to the 33,015 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993.• Of the total <strong>arrests</strong>, 70 percent were adults <strong>and</strong> 30 percent were juveniles.• Males accounted for 72 percent <strong>and</strong> females 28 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for liquor lawviolations.• Persons between 18 <strong>and</strong> 20 years <strong>of</strong> age accounted for nearly 54 percent <strong>of</strong> all persons arrestedfor liquor law violations.Curfew Law ViolationsDefinition: In this category are juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> made for violations <strong>of</strong> local curfew ordinances.• There were an estimated 10,180 <strong>arrests</strong> reported for curfew violations in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a42.7 percent increase compared to the 7,132 <strong>arrests</strong> in 1993. Largely due to an anti-burglaryprogram, curfew <strong>arrests</strong> by the City <strong>of</strong> Milwaukee Police Department increased by 82 percentfrom 1,542 in 1993 to 2,810 during <strong>1994</strong>.• Males accounted for 68 percent <strong>and</strong> females 32 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for curfew violations.RunawaysDefinition: This category is limited to juveniles taken into protective custody, under provision <strong>of</strong>local statutes, as runaways.• There were an estimated 11,969 runaway <strong>arrests</strong> reported in <strong>1994</strong>, representing a 6.4 percentdecrease in <strong>arrests</strong> compared to 1993.• Males accounted for 48 percent <strong>and</strong> females 52 percent <strong>of</strong> those arrested for runaway violationsin 1993.85

Statewide Arrests • <strong>1994</strong>The next four tables present statewide figures for each arrest category. As with other state <strong>and</strong>county level data presented in this report, these tables present estimated data. Note that the statetotals in these listings may differ slightly from the corresponding totals shown in Tables 5 through8. This is because <strong>of</strong> small differences in the procedure used to make estimates <strong>of</strong> missing data inthe two types <strong>of</strong> tables. The various <strong>of</strong>fenses chosen to show the highest percentage by sex or racewere selected according to two criteria - the highest percentage shown <strong>and</strong> the total number <strong>of</strong><strong>arrests</strong> for that <strong>of</strong>fenseStatewide Adult Arrests - by SexThis table shows adults arrested for each <strong>of</strong>fense category by the sex <strong>of</strong> those arrested. For totaladult <strong>arrests</strong>, 79.5 percent were male <strong>and</strong> 20.5 percent were female. Arrest categories which hadthe highest male percentage included Sex Offenses (95%), Burglary (93%), Motor Vehicle Theft(91 %), Robbery (90%), Drug Law Violations (85%), V<strong>and</strong>alism (85%), OMVWI (83%), <strong>and</strong>Simple Assault (83%). Arrest cli.tegories which had the highest female percentage includedProstitution (62%), Fraud (48%), Forgery (40%), Theft (33%), Offenses Against Family <strong>and</strong>Children (26%), <strong>and</strong> Liquor Law Violations (25%).Statewide Juvenile Arrests - by SexThis table shows juveniles arrested for each <strong>of</strong>fense category by the sex <strong>of</strong> those arrested. For totaljuvenile <strong>arrests</strong>, 72.3 percent were male <strong>and</strong> 27.7 percent were female. Arrest categories which hadthe highest male percentage included Weapon Law Violations (90%), Arson (90%), Burglary(89%), Robbery (88%), Stolen Property (88%), V<strong>and</strong>alism (88%), Drug Law Violations (85%),<strong>and</strong> Sex Offenses (85%). Arrest categories which had the highest female percentage includedRunaways (52%), Offenses Against Family <strong>and</strong> Children (45%), Fraud (40%), Forgery (37%),Liquor Law Violations (36%), <strong>and</strong> Curfew Law Violations (32%).Statewide Adult Arrests - by RaceThis table shows adults arrested for each <strong>of</strong>fense category by the race <strong>of</strong> those arrested. For total<strong>arrests</strong>, 74.6 percent were white, 22.4 percent were black, 2.4 percent were American Indian, <strong>and</strong>0.5 percent were Asian. Arrest categories which had the highest white percentage included LiquorLaws (93%), Driving Under the Influence (92%), Sex Offenses (83%), Fraud (83%), <strong>and</strong>Marijuana Violations (82%). Arrest categories which had the highest black percentage includedRobbery (73%), Opium/Cocaine Violations (62%), Prostitution (60%), Motor Vehicle Theft (50%),<strong>and</strong> Weapon Law Violations (41 %).Statewid~ fuyenile Arrests - by RaceThis table shows juveniles arrested for each <strong>of</strong>fense category by the race <strong>of</strong> those arrested. Fortotal <strong>arrests</strong>, 79.6 percent were white, 16.8 percent were black, 2.4 percent were American Indian,<strong>and</strong> 1.2 percent were Asian. Arrest categories which had the highest white percentage includedDriving Under the Influence (96%), Liquor Law Violations (95%), Runaway Violations (89%),V<strong>and</strong>alism (86%), Marijuana Violations (85%)" <strong>and</strong> Burglary (84%). Arrest categories which hadthe highest black percentage included Opium/Cocaine Violations (84%), Robbery (64%),Aggravated Assault (35%), Motor Vehicle Theft (35%), <strong>and</strong> Simple Assault (34%).86

STATEWIDE ADULT ARRESTS BY SEX - <strong>1994</strong>Offense Male Female ThWl1A Murder, Non-Negligent Manslaughter 295 31 3261B Manslaughter by Negligence 39 5 412 Forcible Rape 555 0 5553 Robbery 1,200 130 1,3304 Aggravated Assault 3,376 718 4,0945 Burglary, Breaking <strong>and</strong> Entering 2,924 216 3,1406 Theft (Except Motor Vehicle) 16,453 8,174 24,6277 Motor Vehicle Theft 1,668 173 1,8418 Simple Assault 18,034 3,617 21,6519 Arson 157 42 19910 Forgery, Counterfeiting 1,048 689 1,73711 Fraud 4,794 4,481 9,27512 Embezzlement 78 73 15113 Stolen Property Offenses 711 109 82014 V<strong>and</strong>alism 5,798 1,025 6,82315 Weapons 4,300 940 5,24016 Prostitution 640 1,030 1,67017 Sex Offenses (Except Forcible Rape) 2,365 121 2,48618 Drug Abuse Violations - Total 11,732 1,992 13,72418.0 Sales, Manufacturing Subtotal 3,319 534 3,85318A Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 1,247 269 1,51618B Marijuana 1,422 204 1,62618C Synthetic Narcotics 62 16 7818D Other Dangerous Drugs 588 45 63318D5 Possession Subtotal 8,414 1,457 9,87118E Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 1,409 334 1,74318F Marijuana 6,244 953 7,19718G Synthetic Narcotics 111 27 13818H Other Dangerous Drugs 650 143 79319 Gambling Total 207 30 23719B Numbers, Lottery 2 3 519C All Other Gambling 205 27 23220 Offenses Against Family <strong>and</strong> Children 3,478 1,208 4,68621 Driving Under the Influence 28,740 5,832 34,57222 Liquor Laws 18,459 6,117 24,57624 Disorderly Conduct 35,3486 9,093 44,57926 All Other Offenses (Except Traffic) 66,191 13,236 79,427Total Adult Arrests 228,728 59,079 287,80787

STATEWIDE JUVENILE ARRESTS BY SEX - <strong>1994</strong>Offense Male Female Total1A Murder, Non-Negligent Manslaughter 89 4 931B Manslaughter by Negligence 10 0 102 Forcible Rape 133 0 1333 Robbery 820 107 9274 Aggravated Assault 1,224 297 1,5215 Burglary, Breaking <strong>and</strong> Entering 3,266 396 3,6626 Theft (Except Motor Vehicle) 16,042 6,645 22,6877 Motor Vehicle Theft 2,598 . -608 3,2068 Simple Assault 4,207 1,609 5,8169 Arson 370 42 41210 Forgery, Countetfeiting 325 193 51811 Fraud 272 183 45512 Embezzlement 14 12 2613 Stolen Property 764 106 87014 V<strong>and</strong>alism 6,446 882 7,32815 Weapons 2,464 263 2,72716 Prostitution 18 13 3117 Sex Offenses (Except Forcible Rape) 1,195 217 1,41218 Drug Abuse Violations - Total 2,652 450 3,10218.0 Sales, Manufacturing Subtotal 658 84 74218A Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 255 23 27818B Marijuana 230 40 27018C Synthetic Narcotics 21 6 27I8D Other Dangerous Drugs 152 15 16718D5 Possession Subtotal 1,997 363 2,36018E Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 178 16 19418F Marijuana 1,608 297 1,90518G Synthetic Narcotics 28 8 3618H Other Dangerous Drugs 183 42 22519 Gambling Total 84 19 10319A Bookmaking 2 0 219B Numbers, Lottery 2 0 219C All Other Gambling 80 19 9920 Offenses Against Family <strong>and</strong> Children 278 227 50521 Driving Under the Influence 348 106 45422 Liquor Laws 6,860 3,908 10,76824 Disorderly Conduct 16,368 5,233 21,60126 All Other Offenses (Except Traffic) 18,638 6,613 25,25128 Cutfew <strong>and</strong> Loitering Violations 6,929 3,251 10,18029 Runaways 5,756 6,213 11,969Total Juvenile Arrests 98,170 37,597 135,76788

,:.~~ ~STATEWIDE ADULT ARRESTS BY RACE - <strong>1994</strong>AmericanOffense White Black Indian Asian Total1A Murder, Non-Negligent Manslaughter 82 235 4 5 3261B Manslaughter by Negligence 26 12 3 0 412 Forcible Rape 307 234 6 8 5553 Robbery 326 965 24 15 1,3304 Aggravated Assault 2,493 1,471 104 26 4,0945 Burglary, Breaking <strong>and</strong> Entering 2,232 831 47 30 3,1406 Theft (Except Motor Vehicle) 14,469 9,613 412 133 24,6277 Motor Vehicle Theft 874 922 33 12 1,8418 Other Assaults 12,361 8,534 689 67 21,6519 Arson 131 61 6 1 19910 Forgery, Counterfeiting 1,317 387 22 11 1,73711 Fraud 7,666 1,502 69 38 9,27512 Embezzlement 145 5 1 0 15113 Stolen Property Offenses 547 243 17 13 82014 V<strong>and</strong>alism 4,420 2,206 175 22 6,82315 Weapons 2,960 2,154 89 37 5,24016 Prostitution 651 995 18 6 1,67017 Sex Offenses (Except Forcible Rape) 2,065 361 34 26 2,48618 Drug Abuse Violations - Total 9,464 4,056 193 11 13,72418.0 Sales, Manufacturing Subtotal 1,991 1,815 45 2 3,85318A Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 496 1,007 12 1 1,51618B Marijuana 1,274 324 28 0 1,62618C Synthetic Narcotics 70 8 0 0 7818D Other Dangerous Drugs 151 476 5 1 63318D5 Possession Subtotal 7,473 2,241 148 9 9,87118E Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 727 1,008 8 0 1,74318F Marijuana 5,948 1,109 134 6 7,19718G Synthetic Narcotics 125 11 1 1 13818H Other Dangerous Drugs 673 113 5 2 79319 Gambling Total 123 114 0 0 23719B Number, Lottery 5 0 0 0 519C All Other Gambling 118 114 0 0 23220 Offenses Against Family <strong>and</strong> Children 2,906 1,468 298 14 4,68621 Driving Under the Influence 31,733 1,786 997 53 34,57222 Liquor Laws 22,886 1,021 543 126 24,57624 Disorderly Conduct 32,302 11,039 1,125 113 44,57926 All Other Offenses (Except Traffic) 62,290 14,418 2,139 580 79,427Total Adult Arrests 214,774 64,638 7,048 1,347 287,80789

STATEWIDE JUVENILE ARRESTS BY RACE - <strong>1994</strong>AmericanOffense Category White Black Indian Asian TotallA Murder, Non-Negligent Manslaughter 24 68 1 0 93IB Manslaughter by Negligence 9 1 0 0 102 Forcible Rape 69 58 2 4 1333 Robbery 299 597 14 17 9274 Aggravated Assault 902 539 55 25 1,5215 Burglary, Breaking <strong>and</strong> Entering 3,092 367 146 57 3,6626 Theft (Except Motor Vehicle) 18,246 3,529 504 408 22,6877 Motor Vehicle Theft 1,829 1,128 138 111 3,2068 Other Assaults 3,628 1,899 242 47 5,8169 Arson 342 60 9 1 41210 Forgery, Counterfeiting 347049 38 9 1 51811 Fraud 390 57 5 3 45512 Embezzlement 26 0 0 0 2613 Stolen Property Offenses 731 98 12 29 87014 V<strong>and</strong>alism 6,300 815 160 53 7,32815 Weapons 1,959 667 56 45 2,72716 Prostitution 24 4 3 0 3117 Sex Offenses (Except Forcible Rape) 1,111 270 14 17 1,41218 Drug Abuse Violations - Total 2,238 817 39 8 3,10218.0 Sales, Manufacturing Subtotal 300 438 3 1 74218A Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 28 249 0 1 27818B Marijuana 209 58 3 0 27018C Synthetic Narcotics 24 3 0 0 2718D Other Dangerous Drugs 39 128 0 0 16718D5 Possession Subtotal 1,938 379 36 7 2,36018E Opium, Cocaine Derivatives 43 150 0 1 19418F Marijuana 1,641 227 31 6 1,90518G Synthetic Narcotics 36 0 0 0 3618H Other Dangerous Drugs 218 2 5 0 22519 Gambling Total 44 57 2 0 10319A Bookmaking 0 2 0 0 219B Numbers, Lottery 2 0 0 0 219C All Other Gambling 42 55 2 0 9920 Offenses Against Family <strong>and</strong> Children 306 178 17 4 50521 Driving Under the Influence 434 9 11 0 45422 Liquor Laws 10,210 204 294 60 10,76824 Disorderly Conduct 15,375 5,703 355 168 21,60126 All Other Offenses (Except Traffic) 21,530 2,854 595 272 25,25128 Curfew <strong>and</strong> Loitering Violations 7,822 2,044 242 72 10,18029 Runaways 10,626 715 371 257 11,969Total Juvenile Arrests 108,035 22,777 3,296 1,659 135,76790

---------------Summruy <strong>of</strong> Offense <strong>and</strong> Arrest Trends: 1984 - 1924The following four tables present statewide data for each year from 1984 through <strong>1994</strong> on: (1) thenumber <strong>of</strong> Index Offenses, (2) <strong>of</strong>fense rates for Index Offenses, (3) the ratio <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> to <strong>of</strong>fensesfor Index Offenses, <strong>and</strong> (4) clearance rates for Index Offenses. Each table shows the percentchange from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.The total number <strong>of</strong> known Index Offenses in Wisconsin declined from 1984 to 1985, rose in1986 <strong>and</strong> 1987, decreased in 1988, increased from 1989 through 1991, then declined through<strong>1994</strong> (see graph, page 14). The number <strong>of</strong> Index Offenses increased by 0.7 percent for thedecade, from 199,860 in 1984 to 201,337 in <strong>1994</strong>. However, there was a 5.0 percent decrease in<strong>of</strong>fense rates for the decade since the population <strong>of</strong> the state increased by about six percent duringthis period.The number <strong>of</strong> violent <strong>of</strong>fenses increased by 46.8 percent for the decade, from 9,350 in 1984 to13,725 during <strong>1994</strong>. However, the number <strong>of</strong> property <strong>of</strong>fenses decreased by 1.5 percent for thedecade, from 190,510 to 187,612. The contrasting patterns in property <strong>and</strong> violent <strong>crime</strong> are madeclear in the graphs on pages 20 <strong>and</strong> 26.Overall, arrest ratios have increased by 25.8 percent over the past decade, indicating that duringthis time <strong>arrests</strong> have increased more rapidly than <strong>of</strong>fenses. However, in terms <strong>of</strong> specific IndexOffenses, this is not true <strong>of</strong> robbery. For this <strong>of</strong>fense, <strong>arrests</strong> have increased less rapidly thanother Index Offenses during the decade. It should be noted that robbery has increased dramaticallyin the past decade, 81.4 percent from 1984 to <strong>1994</strong>.The clearance rate for total Index Offenses has increased by 20.9 percent since 1984. Whileclearance rates for total violent <strong>crime</strong>s decreased slightly, clearance rates for total property <strong>crime</strong>shave increased dramatically. Among the violent <strong>crime</strong>s, clearance rates increased during the decadefor forcible rape <strong>and</strong> aggravated assault. However, clearance rates for murder <strong>and</strong> robbery havedecreased. Among the property <strong>of</strong>fenses, clearance rates have increased for burglary <strong>and</strong> theft,while they have decreased for motor vehicle theft <strong>and</strong> arson. It should be noted that the clearancerate for total Index Offenses remained fairly stable from 1984 to 1990, although rates haveincreased considerably since 1990.91

<strong>1994</strong>NUMBER OF OFFENSES, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 M1984 <strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeTotal IndexOffenses 199,860 192,362 196,706 201,025 193,987 204,017 216,431 222,910 218,031 205,428 201,337 + 0.7ViolentOffenses 9,350 9,912 12,359 11,989 10,427 10,812 12,965 13,843 13,864 13,303 13,725 + 46.8MPropertyOffenses 190,510 182,450 184,347 189,036 183,560 193,205 203,466 209,067 204,167 192,125 187,6121.5Murder 117 136 153 170 145 177 228 240 220 222 227 + 94.0ForcibleRape 770 885 969 985 950 989 1,017 1,261 1,320 1,259 1,194 + 55.1\CNRobbery 3,160 3,344 3,478 3,175 3,254 3,660 5,514 5,902 6,009 5,712 5,732 + 8104AggravatedAssault 5,302 5,546 7,759 7,659 6,078 5,987 6,206 6,440 6,316 6,110 6,572 + 23.9Burglary 39,755 37,895 37,327 40,348 35,373 35,690 36,762 37,271 34,729 33,393 32,764 -17.6Theft 138,398 132,878 133,642 135,654 133,838 140,019 145,039 148,882 146,347 l39,000 135,045 -2.4Motor VehicleTheft 11,232 10,615 12,168 11,803 13,043 16,151 20,377 21,624 21,672 18,354 18,292 + 62.9IIArson 1,125 1,062 1,210 1,231 1,306 1,345 1,288 1,290 1,419 1,378 1,511 + 34.31 Figures for 1984 Mare estimates; see text for further details.

OFFENSE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeTotal IndexOffenses 4,186.3 4,025.4 4,107.9 4,192.9 4,028.4 4,195.2 4,424.4 4,530.2 4,388.5 4,091.4 3,977.9 - 5.0ViolentOffenses 196.1 207.7 258.6 250.4 216.5 222.3 265.0 281.3 279.1 264.9 271.2 + 38.3PropertyOffenses 3,990.3 3,817.7 3,849.3 3,942.5 3,811.8 3,972.8 4,159.4 4,248.9 4,109.4 3,826.4 3,706.7 - 7.1Murder 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.5 3.0 3.6 4.7 4.9 4.4 4.4 4.5 + 80.0ForcibleRape 16.4 18.5 20.2 20.6 19.7 20.3 20.8 25.6 26.6 25.1 23.6 + 43.9\CeMRobbery 66.2 70.0 72.6 66.2 67.6 75.3 112.7 119.9 120.9 113.8 113.2 + 71.0AggravatedAssault 111.3 116.4 162.6 160.1 126.2 123.1 126.9 130.9 127.1 121.7 129.8 + 16.6Burglary 832.7 792.9 779.4 841.5 734.6 733.9 751.5 757.5 699.0 665.1 647.3 - 22.3Theft 2,898.8 2,780.4 2,790.5 2,829.2 2,779.3 2,879.2 2,965.0 3,025.7 2,945.7 2,768.4 2,668.1 - 8.0Motor VehicleTheft 235.3 222.1 254.1 246.2 270.8 332.1 416.6 439.5 436.2 365.5 361.4 + 53.6Arson 23.6 22.2 25.3 25.7 27.1 27.7 26.3 26.2 28.6 27.4 29.8 + 26.31 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.

RATIO OF ARRESTS TO OFFENSES, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offenses 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeTotal IndexOffenses 27.1% 29.1% 28.8% 29.2% 29.8% 30.8% 29.2% 30.3% 30.9% 33.2% 34.1% + 25.8ViolentOffenses 57.6% 54.9% 50.0% 56.6% 60.6% 70.0% 58.6% 56.6% 58.6% 60.0% 65.4% + 13.5PropertyOffenses 25.6% 27.7% 27.4% 27.5% 28.0% 28.6% 27.3% 28.5% 29.0% 31.4% 31.9% +24.6Murder 119.7% 127.9% 120.9% 159.4% 120.7% 187.5% 163.9% 184.5% 205.0% 234.7% 184.6% + 54.2ForcibleRape 54.9% 56.2% 59.0% 73.9% 62.4% 66.7% 62.7% 57.4% 53.0% 54.5% 57.6% +4.9\C.;..Robbery 56.0% 46.5% 39.5% 41.3% 41.0% 38.0% 35.0% 38.6% 40.6% 40.3% 39.4% - 29.6AggravatedAssault 57.6% 58.0% 52.3% 58.5% 69.3% 86.6% 75.1% 68.2% 71.8% 73.1% 85.4% + 48.3Burglary 18.1% 20.0% 18.9% 17.1% 18.3% 18.9% 17.9% 19.1% 20.5% 20.8% 20.8% + 14.9Theft 27.9% 30.1% 30.0% 30.6% 30.5% 30.7% 30.1% 31.5% 31.9% 34.4% 35.0% + 25.4Motor VehicleTheft 23.6% 23.9% 24.5% 27.4% 27.4% 30.7% 24.0% 23.6% 22.7% 27.0% 27.6% + 16.9Arson 37.3% 39.7% 37.9% 31.8% 37.3% 37.2% 37.3% 35.8% 36.9% 39.9% 40.4% + 8.31 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.

TOTAL CLEARANCE RATES, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 ~ <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeTotal IndexOffenses 23.4% 24.0% 24.3% 24.3% 23.8% 24.3% 23.4% 24.1% 24.6% 26.3% 26.6% + 20.9ViolentOffenses 59.7% 53.5% 51.3% 55.0% 54.3% 59.9% 52.8% 53.7% 53.9% 53.4% 54.0% - 1.8PropertyOffenses 21.6% 22.4% 22.5% 22.3% 21.1% 22.3% 21.5% 22.2% 22.6% 24.4% 24.6% +20.0Murder 85.4% 85.2% 81.0% 90.6% 79.5% 81.8% 79.3% 82.5% 84.5% 86.5% 85.0% - 0.5ForcibleRape 62.4% 54.1% 58.6% 55.4% 62.6% 67.3% 70.2% 61.1% 63.3% 57.5% 61.8% - 1.0\C!IIRobbery 45.1% 31.2% 29.3% 31.4% 30.5% 32.8% 27.1% 30.7% 31.5% 31.5% 33.0% - 23.1AggravatedAssault 67.5% 66.1% 59.6% 64.0% 65.1% 74.6% 71.9% 72.2% 72.4% 71.9% 69.9% + 11.0Burglary 16.7% 15.6% 15.8% 16.8% 14.7% 15.7% 15.6% 15.7% 16.6% 17.0% 17.3% + 3.6Theft 22.9% 24.3% 24.3% 23.9% 23.6% 23.5% 23.3% 24.3% 24.6% 26.5% 26.8% +25.2Motor VehicleTheft 21.5% 22.2% 22.1% 23.1% 25.2% 25.8% 18.9% 18.6% 17.8% 21.6% 21.9% + 1.9Arson 30.2% 32.5% 36.3% 28.8% 30.5% 30.6% 25.3% 25.6% 26.6% 25.4% 24.8% - 15.41 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.

Law Enforcement Qfficers Killed <strong>and</strong> AssaultedThe following tables <strong>and</strong> graphs present statewide information on law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers killedor assaulted during <strong>1994</strong>. During <strong>1994</strong>, six Wisconsin law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers were killed whilein the performance <strong>of</strong> their duty, including four killed feloniously. The names, law enforcementagencies, <strong>and</strong> years <strong>of</strong> service <strong>of</strong> these six <strong>of</strong>ficers are shown on the dedication page in the front <strong>of</strong>this report.There were 769 reported assaults on police <strong>of</strong>ficers in <strong>1994</strong>, a 0.9 percent increase compared to the762 reported assaults in 1993. Qf the 769 reported assaults, 742 or 96.5 percent were cleared.Nearly 63 percent <strong>of</strong> these assaults occurred during the eight nighttime hours from 8 p.m. through4 a.m. Injuries resulted from 56.8 percent <strong>of</strong> <strong>1994</strong> assaults, a decrease compared to the 61 percent<strong>of</strong> 1993 assaults which resulted in an injury. About 93 percent <strong>of</strong> assaults involved personalweapons (h<strong>and</strong>s, feet or fists) rather than firearms, knives, or other dangerous weapons. Inaddition, this section shows both the type <strong>of</strong> assignment <strong>and</strong> type <strong>of</strong> activity when the assaultoccurred together with the number <strong>of</strong> assaults on law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers since 1987.Officers Assaulted by Time <strong>of</strong>D~12~2:002~4:004~6:006~8:008~ 10:00 1 O~ 12:00AM109127281521 27327PM3347779184 110442Total Assaults769OFFICERS ASSAULTED BY TIME OF DAY140~--~--~---r---r---r---T---T--~--~--~--~--~~120-J--+-'E 100~'" 80

Personal Injury by Type <strong>of</strong> Weapon - <strong>1994</strong>Firnann Knife Othcr P~!]Qnal Th.talN .%. N .%. N .%. N .%. N .%.Injury 9 1.2 1 0.1 23 3.0 443 57.6 476 61.9No Injury 8 1.0 4 0.5 8 1.0 273 35.5 293 38.1IDfAL 17 2.2 5 0.6 31 4.5 716 93.1 769 100.0Number <strong>of</strong> Assaults by Type <strong>of</strong> Assignment - <strong>1994</strong>Assignment Number PercentTwo-Person Vehicle 193 25.1One-Person VehicleAlone 70 9.1Assisted 381 49.5Total One-Person 451 58.6Detective or Special AssignmentAlone 4 0.5Assisted 27 3.5Total Detective or Special Assignment 31 4.0OtherAlone 21 2.7Assisted 11 2...5.Total Other 94 12.2IDfAL 769 99.9The percentage <strong>of</strong> total <strong>of</strong>ficers assaulted who were on detective or special assignment increasedfrom 0.9 percent in 1993 to 4.0 percent in <strong>1994</strong>.ASSAULT BY TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT97

Number <strong>of</strong> Assaults by Type <strong>of</strong> Activity - <strong>1994</strong>Activity Number PercentResponding to Disturbance Calls 264 34.3Burglaries in Progress or PursuingBurglary Suspects 3 0.4Robberies in Progress or PursuingRobbery Suspects 10 1.3Attempting other Arrests 148 19.2Civil Disorder 5 0.6H<strong>and</strong>ling, Transporting, Custody<strong>of</strong> Prisoners 135 17.6Investigating Suspicious Personsor Circumstances 64 8.3Ambush - No Warning 10 1.3Mentally Deranged Subject 31 4.0Traffic Pursuits <strong>and</strong> Stops 74 9.6All Other 25. 1:lTafAL 769 99.8The various activity percentages in <strong>1994</strong> were very similar to those <strong>of</strong> 1993.OFFICERS ASSAULTED - BY YEAR1200,-----~------~----_r----~~----~----~------~1000~----_+------+-----_+_] 800]~-< 600~1z400200o1990 1991Year: 1988 -<strong>1994</strong>1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong>The number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers assaulted in Wisconsin declined by 17.2 percent from 1988 (929 assaults)to <strong>1994</strong> (769 assaults). After increasing from 1988 through 1991, the number <strong>of</strong> assaults declinedsharply in 1992 <strong>and</strong> 1993, but increased slightly during <strong>1994</strong>.98

Index Offenses by County <strong>and</strong> Law Enforcement Agency - <strong>1994</strong>Table I. Number <strong>of</strong> Crime Index Offenses <strong>and</strong> Percent Chanee. 1993 - 1294Table 1 shows Index Offenses for 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong> <strong>and</strong> percent changes from 1993 to <strong>1994</strong> for eachreporting jurisdiction. The four violent Index Offenses are totaled to equal violent <strong>crime</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> thefour property Index Offenses are totaled to equal property <strong>crime</strong>s. The Crime Index is the sum <strong>of</strong>all eight <strong>of</strong>fenses.In Table 1 the number <strong>of</strong> months <strong>of</strong> data reported for each jurisdiction is listed. This information isvital to the interpretation <strong>of</strong> the table, since the data presented are the reported data at thejurisdiction level, even when fewer than 12 months <strong>of</strong> data were available. Twelve completemonths <strong>of</strong> data were reported by 324 <strong>of</strong> the 334 law enforcement agencies. Three agencies whichbegan submitting UCR data in <strong>1994</strong> reported less than twelve months <strong>of</strong> figures. Four otheragencies reported less than 12 months <strong>of</strong> figures <strong>and</strong> three agencies failed to report any UCR dataduring <strong>1994</strong> (Portage in Columbia County, Boscobel in Grant County, <strong>and</strong> Evansville in RockCounty).Data for a jurisdiction which reported for fewer than 12 months in <strong>1994</strong> cannot be directlycompared with that jurisdiction's 1993 data or with data for other jurisdictions. Thus, no percentchanges are shown for these jurisdictions. However, an approximate comparison can be madeusing an estimate <strong>of</strong> the 12 months total. This estimate can be calculated by multiplying theavailable data by a correction factor which is obtained by dividing 12 by the number <strong>of</strong> monthsreported. (For example if nine months <strong>of</strong> data are available for an agency, the data can be estimatedfor 12 months by multiplying the data by 12/9 or 1.33.) However, the accuracy <strong>of</strong> thisapproximation diminishes when only a few months <strong>of</strong> data·are available. It should be applied withgreat caution when less than six months <strong>of</strong> data are available. This method should also be appliedwith caution when the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses involved is small. For example, if jurisdiction A had 72thefts in nine months <strong>and</strong> prorated them to 96 (12/9 x 72 = 96) thefts for the year, whilejurisdiction B had three thefts in nine months <strong>and</strong> prorated them to four thefts for the year, theestimate for jurisdiction A would be more reliable because it had a higher number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses.The percent change in the number <strong>of</strong>Index Offenses reported from 1993 to <strong>1994</strong> is shown in Table1 for each jurisdiction for which it was possible to calculate the change. The percent change iscalculated using the formula:(Offenses in <strong>1994</strong>) - (Offenses in 1993) X 100 = Percent ChangeOffenses in 1993If the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses for 1993 was zero, no percent change was calculated since percentchange cannot be calculated from a zero base. In addition, as stated above, no percent change wascalculated for a jurisdiction unless 12 months <strong>of</strong> data were available for both 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>.Table 1 shows county totals for each <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>and</strong> percent change from 1993 to <strong>1994</strong>. For thosecounties in which not every jurisdiction reported 12 months <strong>of</strong> data for 1993 or <strong>1994</strong>, the countytotals shown are estimates. The estimated county totals were obtained by summing the estimatedannual totals for each jurisdiction within the county. These estimated annual totals were obtainedas described above, by multiplying the available data by a correction factor for jurisdictions withtwo months or more <strong>of</strong> 1993 or <strong>1994</strong> data. When estimates are used for county totals, the totalsare so labeled in Table 1 (e.g., the notation "(EST)" follows the total for Columbia County).99

In addition, there were five new UCR reporters during 1993. These are Pardeeville <strong>and</strong> Poynette.PDs (Columbia County), Princeton PD (Green Lake County), Independence PD (Trempeal~auCounty), <strong>and</strong> Walworth PD (Walworth County). Also, for each <strong>of</strong> these agencies. only <strong>1994</strong> dataare printed since comparable 1993 figures were not available.At the end <strong>of</strong> Table 1, statewide totals <strong>of</strong> reported <strong>of</strong>fenses in each category <strong>and</strong> estimates <strong>of</strong> theactual statewide totals are shown. The statewide estimates were obtained by summing the estimated<strong>of</strong>fenses for each jurisdiction.Table 2. Offense Rates per 100.000 PopUlation for Index Offenses. <strong>1994</strong>Table 2 presents <strong>of</strong>fense rates per 100,000 popUlation for Index Offenses for each jurisdictior...The populations shown in this table are estimates published by the Demographic Services (,·mter <strong>of</strong>the Wisconsin Department <strong>of</strong> Administration. The population shown for each county Sheriff'sOffice is the total population <strong>of</strong> the county minus the popUlations <strong>of</strong> any municipalities in thecounty for which UCR data were reported separately. The rates shown in Table 2 are derived bytaking the number <strong>of</strong> reported <strong>of</strong>fenses, shown in Table 1, dividing by the population <strong>of</strong> thejurisdiction, shown in Table 2, <strong>and</strong> multiplying by 100,000. These rates permit comparisonsamong jurisdictions <strong>of</strong> different sizes. Offense rates for agencies with no permanent residents(e.g., UW Campus agencies, State Patrol, or DNR) are not calculated.As discussed in connection with Table 1, 12 months <strong>of</strong> data were available for the vast majority <strong>of</strong>jurisdictions. Since <strong>of</strong>fense rates based on less than 12 months <strong>of</strong> data would be misleading, Table2 presents rates only for those jurisdictions which reported 12 months <strong>of</strong> data. Agencies with lessthan 12 months are noted by an asterisk. The countywide <strong>and</strong> statewide rates shown in Table 2 arebased on estimated numbers <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses when necessary, as described in connection with Table 1.It should be noted that <strong>of</strong>fenses per 100,000 presented in Table 2 do nrurepresent a projection <strong>of</strong><strong>crime</strong> levels in various locales. Rather, these <strong>of</strong>fense rates are used to enable comparisons <strong>of</strong>jurisdictions <strong>of</strong> varying size. However, two points should be kept in mind when analyzing the<strong>of</strong>fense rates in Table 2. First, <strong>of</strong>fense rates for jurisdictions with large numbers <strong>of</strong> temporaryresidents (Le., tourists), such as the Police Departments <strong>of</strong> Lake Delton, Minocqua, <strong>and</strong> WisconsinDells, are misleading. While all <strong>crime</strong>s are included in Index Offenses numbers, only permanentresidents are used to obtain <strong>of</strong>fense rates. Second, jurisdictions with a large proportion <strong>of</strong> nonresidential<strong>crime</strong> targets such as the Town <strong>of</strong> Madison <strong>of</strong>ten show inflated <strong>crime</strong> rates.Each year when Crime in 'Wisconsin is published many entities including news media, tourismagencies, <strong>and</strong> others with an interest in <strong>crime</strong> compile rankings <strong>of</strong> cities <strong>and</strong> counties based on theirCrime Index numbers. This simplistic <strong>and</strong> incomplete analysis <strong>of</strong>ten creates improper perceptionswhich adversely affect cities <strong>and</strong> counties along with their residents. Assessing criminality <strong>and</strong> lawenforcement's response from jurisdiction to jurisdiction must encompass many elements other thanthe number or rate <strong>of</strong> Index Crimes. The transie·nce <strong>of</strong> the population, its racial <strong>and</strong> ethnic makeup,its age <strong>and</strong> sex structure, education levels, <strong>and</strong> prevalent family structure are all key factors inassessing <strong>and</strong> better underst<strong>and</strong>ing the <strong>crime</strong> issue. Attitudes <strong>of</strong> the citizens toward <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> their<strong>crime</strong> reporting practices, especially concerning more minor <strong>of</strong>fenses, also have an impact on thevolume <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong>s known to the police. This report provides a.. statewide view <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong> contributedby state <strong>and</strong> local law enforcement agencies. Population size is the only correlate <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong> utilizedin this publication. While the other factors noted above are <strong>of</strong> equal concern, no attempt is made torelate them to the <strong>crime</strong> data presented. The reader is. therefore, cautioned against comparingstatistical data <strong>of</strong> individual reportinl;! units from cities, counties. or colleges <strong>and</strong> universities solelyon the basis <strong>of</strong> their population covera~.100

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Table 3. Total Clearance Rates for jndex Offenses. <strong>1994</strong>Table 3 presents total clearance rates by <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>and</strong> jurisdiction. In Table 3, the various clearancerates are the number <strong>of</strong> clearances, divided by the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses <strong>and</strong> mUltiplied by 100. Thatis, clearances are presented as a percentage <strong>of</strong> reported <strong>of</strong>fenses. Note that no clearance rate can becalculated for an <strong>of</strong>fense category if there are no <strong>1994</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses repor~\.id, even though clearancesmay be reported from prior years. When no <strong>of</strong>fenses have been reported, a blank appears in Table3. When a clearance rate <strong>of</strong> zero is shown it means that at least one <strong>of</strong>fense occurred, but that therewere no clearances. Also, clearance rates greater than 100 percent are possible (e.g., the forciblerape clearance rate <strong>of</strong> 200 percent for the Monroe County Sheriff's Office). This occurs when thereare clearances <strong>of</strong> certain <strong>of</strong>fenses which were reported as <strong>of</strong>fenses in earlier years.Since the clearance rate is the ratio <strong>of</strong> clearances to reported <strong>of</strong>fenses, it is not particularly sensitiveto the problems <strong>of</strong> missing data described above for Tables 1 <strong>and</strong> 2. It is reasonable to assume thatthis ratio would be fairly constant as long as the number <strong>of</strong> months <strong>of</strong> data available wasreasonably large. Thus. clearance rates have been presented in Table 3 for all jurisdictions forwhich six months or more <strong>of</strong> clearance data were present. There were four jurisdictions reportingfewer than six months <strong>of</strong> data which were excluded from the table. An asterisk (*) is printed nextto the name <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> these jurisdictions. Countywide <strong>and</strong> statewide rates shown in Table 3 arebased on estimated clearances <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses, calculated as described previously in connection with1able 1.Table 4. Property Stolen. Recoyered <strong>and</strong> Damaged by Arson. <strong>1994</strong>Table 4 shows the value <strong>of</strong> property stolen, recovered <strong>and</strong> damaged by arson for each county <strong>and</strong>law enforcement agency reporting VCR data. All values shown in Table 4 are reported data: no~stimates are performed on partial or missin~ figures. The property figures include property stolenor recovered during <strong>1994</strong>. In some instances, property recovered during <strong>1994</strong> was stolen in aprevious year.Prior to the 1988 Annual Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrests Report, Table 4 presented the percentage <strong>of</strong> totalclearances involving only juveniles. However, both because this measure minimized juvenileinvolvement in clearances <strong>and</strong> a relative lack <strong>of</strong> interest in these data, this table was replaced in the1988 VCR report. However, some juvenile clearance figures for individual agencies are availableupon request.101

,fIfITABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1mtf~,t, III ~I ~I ~ ~ t tf!:Y ;at11.1$ .. ~ £Iq ,l47 l47 ~ !47~ ~~~.:;; ~ .:;;'I! t(l ft ¥/~/llql ",/~,..I,gOS~(!j!'>"I! i;"I!1/ Iti! ~f!I R,.~ I.~ ~ ~~ ,,~ ~~ ..,f .. cf ...'1

TABLE I NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OfFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1~I;;IIoo1o34o64o1000,0210168196 -6.714 -12.58 0.0125542013675158.838.9-25.051o92o80.010011o2o100-1001o0.0200o33530.0394636 -7.741 -1D.968358683920.09.5713102042.953.8oo ----2---------3oo -1001o31o7839o1025.8-10025.016453231446-12.220.04 33.331 34.823552362912155420216-8.53.8-44.4-25.827321023 -14.89 200o -10017 70.07o3121o1-71.4-1000.0o2o -1005o45110.0-75.084o671 -15.5721 250921444851638-7.614.3-13.68124 -50.02 100I -50.0oo145046015 25.06 20.0059 28.300 -10051202434114451815400I0-11.8-10.0-37.517.30.0-1002476811964424250 1.287 27.9101 -15.1624 -3.12 0,05 25.01033760448336825621106765392341543647.1.7-12.51.472.03.27121162390I62 -12.729 38.119 18.8204 -14.622 10032490023122200-33.350.02001441oo -100o6132-50.0100431454 25.68 -42.911648123386.0-20.810136 -40.06 -53.8Io2o100o -10082-75.0183211 15.39379-15.1182855.62o-100oIo92I562o7-33.30.0-10040.04433II44 0.04 33.36 1007 -36.41223071104145 18.961 10393 31.069 -33.7IIo114o1327.32001o4o13001I001130000.0200-10074041311041-57.11750.00.08850623865 -26.137 -26.08 33.3193-17.4-62.52343863816466244 4.3339 -12.224 -36.815544-5.5-33.33115412024210130-22.640.0-1008.30401012000-50.0-100-------~---4----33~-----_r6-----f9---~8~8----17-S--~-3-f---:24~-----888-----806----~~2------62------58----:6~5------S------3----~40~O1 0 -100 4 2 -50.0 133 127 -4.5 198 212 7.1 18 28 55.6 2 3 50.00 0 0 3 IS 14 -6.7 74 91 23.0 4 12 200 I 0 -100--------I-----~--~10--0-------4------S_---2S~O-----i_f8--~'11----:4~-----27:r_---303----1-1.4------22------40----gI~8-----3------~----O~02 2 0.0 17 4 -76.5 148 109 -26.4 354 360 1.7 25 26 4.0 5 2 -60.00 0 0 2 7 5 -28.6 144 85 -41.0 4 4 0.0 0 00 1 11 22 100 7 7 0.0 52 64 23.1 4 2 -50.0 0 00 0 0 6 0 3 0 50 0 0 0 00 0 5 0 14 0 166 0 7 0 4 00 0 0 2 0 3 0 22 0 1 0 02 2 0.0 11 5 -54.5 32 37 15.6 348 270 -22.4 13 12 -7.7 0 1------~-----5----2S.()----~4----~S----~~---2-0!f----1-8:s_---:9~---~o64----Io4o-----~fZ_-----5~-----53-------~----~------S----~44~4103

tTABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 10114, CONTINUED41~R I II $- ~ ~t I I!!J' ;If..,1/ ...,~ti"'~~ ...1,471/' ,.,.~ jly~ ~o :.;p :.;p ~ ~4JqP ~I tp,~~ll"'$~ ~~ ~;P ~~ .. R q"'~ "'~ fI ... ~ .. ~ q(j'" '"l41 l41 &or., ~11/.,11j!'>If: i;1f: II i,.~ l.~ If R~ i,!

I I~ ~I 8i J~.. "',.. "'~. ·IBlE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 11194, CONTINUED,§ ,§~~ ~~....~t.?~&$§iA.. §i"- "'~ ~fd' .ill! f'I~~ c1 I ~'I'.$" I t~.$" il!tif I I , ~l ,4: ~"I R~" I~ '" ~I if'11,II' li1jla' I I l I .I

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1094, CONTINUEDFOND DU LAC COUNfYFOND DU LAC CO SO 12 12 495 428 -13.5 10 5 -50.0 485 423 -12.8 2 0 -100 1 1 0.0FOND DU LAC PD 12 12 2802 2182 -22.1 158 126 -20.3 2644 2056 -22.2 0 1 10 9 .10.0NORTI{FONDDULACPD 1212 177 118 -33.3 8 7 -12.5 169 111 -34.3 0 0 3 0 -100RIPONPD 12 12 340 292 -14.1 30 42 40.0 310 250 -19.4 0 1 2 2 0.0FOREST COUNfYFORFSl' CO SOCRANDONPD12 1212 12326101326 0.082 -18.87253-28.650.031999321 .679 -20.2o1o2oo -100oGRAN!' COUNTYGRANT CO SOBOSCOBEL POCUBA CITY PDLANCASTER PDPLA TTEVll.LE PDUW-PLATTEVll.LE12 1212 012 1212 1212 1212 1228212052114311104299 6.0063 21.2129 13.232S 5.591 -12.5201381422405620120.066.7-25.042.!,-50.026211949106297102275 5.0058 IS.4123 16.030S 3.790 -11.800000I000002010111 -50.000 -10002 1001 0.0GREEN COUNTYGREEN COSOBRODHEADPDMONROEPDNEW GLARUS PD12 1212 1212 1212 1217S6136559186 4.55S -9.S329 -9.938 -35.6849o12122-87.5-50.033.31705735659185 8.853 -7.0317 -11.036 -39.0oo1o1oo -100o4 300oFO~IfuIJ\cC()1l>1'AJ:---------------3-81"---302o---=2l>~8----io6---111o----:lZ~6---3608----2840---~i~3----"2-----2-----0~0----f6---12---~f5~0-G~(:()11YfA[-~i)------------------9-8f----996----1~3-----48----S-8----20~8----935-----938-----~3----0-----1-------------5----4-~iO~0-GR-~(x)1l>1'A[-----------------------66f----608----~i3-----ii----1-i---:19~0----642-----591----~7~9-----0-----0-------------2----4----ioo­GREEN LAKE COUNTYGREEN LAKE CO SOBERLIN POGREEN LAKE PDMARKESANPDPRINCETON PO12 1212 1212 1212 12o 121612392271o166, 3.1215 -10.046 10969 -2.86512II110o562143-58.3-45.510040.01492282161o161 8.1209 -8.344 109S5 ·9.862oo2o3 50.0IOWA COUNTYIOWA CO SODODGEVILLE PO12 1212 1214798122 ·17.0112 14.315o2·100·60.014693122 .16.4110 18.3ooo1oo -100IRON COUNTYIRON CO SOHURLEY PO12 1212 1214737104 ·29.3120 22476o2·100·66.714031104 ·25.7lIS 280ooo1o ·100G~1JGKE(:l51l>1'AJ:-----------------4-9-f---_S61---13~8-----34-----3-0---:11~8---.. 459-----531---15~7-----0-----0-------------i----3---S0~0-f6VfAc1i1l>1ri\[------------------------2-4-5----234----~~5------6-----"2----:66~7-----239-----232----~f.9----0-----0----'---------f----o---:loo­fi[6NiC6-f6TiGl------------------------1-84----224---"21~7-----r3------2----:84~6----171-----222----29~8-----0-----0-------:-----f----o---:loo­JACKSON COUNl'YJACKSON CO SO 12 12BLACK RIVER FALLS PD 1 2 12407203460 13.0182 -10.31002867-14.0250307201374 21.817S -12.9o0.00.0JEFFERSON COUNfYmFFERSON CO SO 12 12FORT ATKINSON PO 12 12mFFERSONPD 12 12LAKE MILLS PD 12 12PALMYRAPD 12 12WATERLOOPD 12 12WATERTOWN PD 12 125495672691216560831521 -5.1461 -18.7192 -28.6134 10.751 -21.581 35.0S65 4.1319I7422228604I034·9.7·33.3·100·42.9·75.0·10054.55185582681146158S09493 .4.8455 .18.5192 -28.4130 14.050 -18.081 39.7831 2.7001000100000500-100 300SJEFFERso~cCili)T~------------------f4-6:r---2305----~6~4--- --i6----7-3-----:3~9----2386----2232----~6~5----1-----1-----O~0----i3---20---53~8-JUNEAU COUNTYJUNEAU CO SO 12 12 196 364 85.7 31 S6 SO.6 165 308 86.7 0 0 0 0ELROYPD 12 12 59 67 13.6 1 5 400 58 62 6.9 0 0 0 1MAUSTONPD 12 12 lSI 137 -24.3 8 6 ·25.0 173 131 -24.3 0 0 0 1NEWUSBONPD 11 6 12 16 3 1 9 15 0 0 0 0~U(X)1l>1rAJ:~~ii------------------4-49----600----33~6-----43----6-9-----60~S-----406-----S31---30~8-----0-----0---- ---------O----Z--------7102001040.0·33.3100106

TABLE 1 NUMBER OFCRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1094, CONllNUEDI? i?~~ ~~ f(~ ~~~$'~~I§&1>.. ~ ~ J ~ $'~$ ~i /l;~,I I'~~ liifq$~Jl it '" ~....(j ".§' "'1' «'"'" ", I f lr§1 ~~l~~~ ~(Ij~ ~II I ~~ .. I .. iJ ~til Q,1ii~ I I i~ i~ ~#' II ~1 0 -100 6 4 -33.3 97 106 9.3 356 279 -21.6 31 38 22.6 1 0 -100II 12 9.1 137 104 -24.1 232 236 1.7 2302 1750 -24.0 91 55 -39.6 19 15 -21.10 0 5 7 40.0 19 20 5.3 143 91 -36.4 6 0 -100 1 U -1002 0 -100 26 39 50.0 38 24 -36.8 268 219 -18.3 4 7 75.0 0 0------~-~~I4.3----_r74----r5~--~:S__--3-8~--~-86-----~O----3069----233~---~i1]i----f3i-----fOo---:24~2---·-2~--~--~28.60 0 S 4 -20.0 139 129 -7.2 156 183 17.3 22 9 -59.1 2 0 -1000 0 2 3 50.0 20 12 -40.0 72 64 -11.1 6 3 -50.0 1 0 -100----0--0 ------------;;------.,----oT---Ts9----Ton----:If.Y--TI.g----24--7 -----g:r-----iS----ri---:sn------3-----0-:w0I 0 -100 17 22 29.4 70 64 -8.6 170 196 15.3 20 13 -35.0 2 2 0.00 0 I 0 30 0 86 0 3 0 0 00 0 2 5 ISO S 13 160 38 45 18.4 4 0 -100 2 0 -1000 0 8 6 -25.0 10 7 -30.0 93 113 21.5 2 3 50.0 1 0 -1000 0 13 18 38.5 24 16 -33.3 263 287 9.1 7 2 -71.4 3 3 0.00 0 1 0 -100 1 I 0.0 97 89 -8.2 2 0 -100 2 0 -100-----r---O--~10()---42-----5~--2tCi----1'Io---l:r7-----:93-----747-----78S-----S:1------38------2r---:4~i·----IO------S_---~0:0033000 -1002 ·33.307150I262-85.710020.04617671344 -4.37 -58.839 ·41.85 ·61.51133326944127 12.446 39.4268 • .429 ·34.186IS210 25.00 -1006 ·60.01 .50.03I50404133.3-100-20.01oo1oo·1001o·10091119o261143·77.8· 68.031 29.2o ·10010 ·16.74ll51971949oll2 .2.6164 .16.844 13144 ·10.25797o7 ·22.212 71.4oIoo2oIoo .100 0 0 45 38 .IS.6 96 77 ·19.8 5 6 20.0 0 1o 0 4 2 .50.0 6 4 ·33.3 83 103 24.1 2 1 ·50.0 2 2 0.0-------r-----0----~iO~----~-----Z__--;SO:0-----51------4-i---:I7.6-----179-----I80------:6-------i-------i-----~0------2------3----SO:o21o ·1001 0.054o1·100·75.074455 .25.713 22S57194S95·21.1400984 .55.610 25.0oo100 ·1000981845·14.340011020135 22.719 .5.018916922714220.1·16.08128 0.014 16.7-------r-----0----~00-----~-----89---~10:r-----13lJ----(5-4-----f[S-----3S8-----36~----3:1----2o_-----2i----10.0-----_o----4--------00401 1 0.0 25 19 ·24.0 132 115 .12.9 330 330 0.0 S3 44 .17.0 3 4 33.32 I ·50.0 7 4 .42.9 63 27 .57.1 482 414 .14.1 9 7 ·22.2 4 7 75.0I 0 ·100 0 0 22 8 .63.6 239 179 ·25.1 7 5 -28.6 0 0I 1 0.0 2 I ·50.0 12 17 41.7 98 III 13.3 4 2 ·50.0 0 00 0 4 1 ·75.0 3 1 .66.7 56 48 ·14.3 1 I 0.0 1 0 ·100I 0 -100 I 0 ·100 16 9 ·43.8 37 67 81.1 3 5 66.7 2 0 ·1009 6 .33.3 8 18 125 116 89 ·23.3 658 697 5.9 30 29 ·3.3 5 16 220------r5----·9---:40.0---~7-----43-----:g:5-----3-64------i6-6--··:2~9----1900----I846-----~f8-----fo7------9S---:13}-----15-----27----g0:00 2 31 54 74.2 80 131 63.8 73 145 98.6 12 30 ISO 0 20 0 I 4 300 3 7 133 55 49 .10.9 0 0 0 61 0 ·iOO 7 5 ·28.6 18 18 0.0 149 108 .27.5 6 5 .16.7 0 00 0 3 1 2 0 7 IS 0 0 0 0-----f-----2----10o------42----I5S--54:8----1-0-~-1-5-6----sr3-----285-----332----16:s------f8------35----94~4------0------8-------:107

--------------------------TABLE' NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OffENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 10114, CONTINUEDKENOSHA COUNTYKENOSHA COSO 12 12 1335 1254 -6.1 69 46 -33.3 1266 1208 -4.6 0 1 9 8 .11.1KENOSHA PD 12 12 4805 4342 -9.6 460 356 -22.6 4345 3986 ·8.3 8 4 -50.0 53 40 -24.5PLEASANTPRAJRffiPD 12 12 390 462 18.5 28 17 ·39.3 362 445 22.9 1 0 ·100 I 0 ·100SILVER LAKE PD 5 12 26 44 0 2 26 42 0 0 0 0TWINLAKESPD 12 12 171 207 21.1 6 10 66.7 165 197 19.4 0 0 2 0 ·100UW-PARKSlDE 12 12 114 90 .21.1 6 0 -100 108 90. -16.7 0 0 4 0 ·100KEWAUNEECOUNTYKEWAUNEE CO SOALGOMAPD1212121212671lOS86-16.721.1614311·50.0-21.41205710275·15.031.600001301-100-66.7KEWAUNEEPD 12 12 38 45 18.4 2 01.UXEMBURG PD 12 12 49 2 -95.9 2 0-100-100364745225.0-95.700000000LA CROSSE COUNTYLA CROSSE CO SOBANGORPDCAMPBELLPDHOLMENPDLA CROSSE PDONALASKAPDUW-LA CROSSEWEST SALEM PD12 1212 1212 1212 1212 1212 1212 1212 12236323311429287171168131955511230236131279835.2-84.466.7-1.83.2-14.39.521.04041538721077o4328717LAFA YETIE COUNTYLAFA YETIE CO SODARLINGTON PD12 1212 1211821101 ·14.428 33.3713192.5-100300-40.0-26.30.0-50.0·30.0·57.10.019628321092890710114711112024255110929956061269123.5- -11.727 35.0ooono6oo71115o3o191o2- -60.0o~6SfU\-C61N5f~(ES1)---------------68-7-7----639S1--~7~0I--:s69---43-[---:-24~3----630ia:---S96S_---~5~4----9-----S---~44i.4--~-~--~3O~-iCEvvA~c:61X)~------------------:f84-----238--~6.2:----i4----1'f---~I~~---26()---~24---~13~8----0-----0-------:-----4----I--~5~O-~-CR()ss1fco-foTJGC------------------4-25j--~352-----2~2----fo7---1-i7----I8:r---4i5-o----422!f---l~8----0-----0------------f6--~6----0~0-IJUfJi~-CX51X)fAJ.--------------------13~---i29----~7~2------8------4---:S0~o----i31-----i25----~4.6-----0-----0-------------5----2---~60.0-LANGLADE COUNTYLANGUDE CO SOANTIGOPD12 1212 12340472255 -25.0331 -29.9336204-39.4·33.3307466235 -23.5327 -29.8o1oo2o1 -50.0LINCOLN COUNTYLINCOLN CO SOMERRlLLPDTOMAHAWKPD12 1212121212261475136237 -9.2548 15.4115 ·15.41403631·57.1-66.7247475133231 -6.S545 14.7114 -14.30000000000101]Nc01}fCO-fOTJGC--------------------87-2----900----3~2-----f7----1-0---~I~2----8s5-----890----4~I----o-----o-------------0----1--------MANITOWOC COUNTYMANITOWOC CO so 12 12 435 435 0.0 18 31 72.2 417 404 -3.1 2 0 -100 3 6 100KlELPD \2 12 94 95 1.1 0 0 94 95 1.1 0 0 0 0MANITOWOC PO 12 12 1696 1456 -14.2 37 53 43.2 1659 1403 -15.4 1 1 0.0 8 15 87.51WO RIVERS PO 12 12 386 448 16.1 6 5 -16.7 380 443 16.6 0 0 0 0~~cx:-CX51BD~AJ:-----------------i6-il---2434----~6.8-----6r-----S-9---~5~9---2S50---~345----~8.0-----3-----i----~66~7----ff--~--~~MARATHON COUNTYMARATIIONCOSO 12 12 559 555 -.7 10 17 70.0 549 538 -2.0 1 1 0.0 1 1 0.0EVEREST METRO PD. 12 12 422 508 20.4 25 33 32.0 397 475 19.6 0 0 1 0 ·100MOSlNEBPD 12 12 145 119 ·17.9 8 11 37.5 137 108 ·21.2 0 0 1 0 -100ROTHSCHILOPO 12 12 253 208 -17.8 :3 2 -33.3 250 206 -17.6 0 0 0 0WAUSAUPD 12 12 )509 1760 16.6 19 42 121 1490 1718 15.3 0 1 6 0 -100MARINETIE COUNTYMARlNETTE CO SO 12 12 654 632 -3.4 6 11 83.3 648 621 -4.2 0 0 4 5 25.0MARlNETTEPO 12 12 512 465 -9.2 15 19 26.7 497 446 -10.3 0 0 6 9 50.0PESHTlGOPD 12 12 91 86 -5.S 0 0 91 86 -5.5 0 0 0 (IMARQUEITE COUNTYMARQUE"ITECOSO 12 12 322 256 ·20.5 14 14 0.0 308 242 .21.4 0 0 0 0MENOMlNEECOUNTYMENOMINEBCOSO 12 12 80 80 0.0 2 0 -100 78 80 2.6 0 0 0 0MENOMlNEETRffiALPD 12 12 187 144 -23.0 64 4 -93.8 123 140 13.8 0 0 2 2 0.0~RAT1f6NCS01XlfAL -----------------2-81Of--~so----9~y----(\S---1i05-----6I~5----2823----3045----7~9----1-----2-----rOO-----~--~---~88.9-~R~fE-CX51trfAL------------------[25f--~183----:s~9-----2f----3-0----42~9--~236----1i53----~6.7----o-----0-------:----fO--~4---4O~O-~RQtfir:FfiBc:dilOTI\L-------------------3-22----256---~20~s-----f4----14------0~0~--308-----242---~f[4----0-----0-------:-----0----0------:-~6~Ifco-lOT~-------------------2-6-f---_Z24---~f6.I-----66-----4----:93~9----201-----220----9~S-----0-----O-------:-----2----2----0~O-108

-------------------------------------------------------.------------------.----------------------------TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, HI94, CONTINUED§ §t 9:$,:,."r~orrf f~ ~q;; ! ! /Iq§i... §i...!P jlq"t.$' "r.$'I~J,q;; l6'1 R,~ Ii' " $~I '"'{? q"'a- I,f q'" I i q'" ....,:,.'" ...§i~Jjlq rYJ $; ~~ ~~ ,f: 1111 ,7~Iq !i)1!I~~"I qy fI rfif'll'"'orr ... .... ... C.i" ...9 9 0.0 51 28 -45.1 201 248 23.4 974 879 -9.8 78 76 -2.6 13 S -61.5129 125 -3.1 270 187 -30.7 859 913 6.3 3141 2745 -12.6 312 289 -7.4 33 39 18.24 7 75.0 22 10 -54.5 53 31 -41.5 292 391 33.9 17 23 35.3 0 00 0 0 2 3 8 23 33 0 1 0 01 1 0.0 3 9 200 37 42 13.5 121 146 20.7 7 9 28.6 0 00 0 2 0 -100 5 1 -80.0 101 88 -12.9 2 1 -50.0 0 0---143--i4Z---::7----34C-i36--::ii:2-1162---124-f----j:O--4684---4"2iiz-----:-s:6-----416---f9"9"---4.1--46--44----:;r.30 0 5 3 -40.0 42 45 7.1 70 54 -22.9 6 3 -50.0 2 0 -1000 0 11 10 -9.1 1 2 100 52 70 34.6 4 2 -50.0 0 1G 0 2 0 -100 5 7 40.0 29 38 31.0 0 0 2 0 -1000 0 2 0 -100 12 1 -91.7 35 1 -97.1 0 0 0 0--0-----r3--~:o_---~-----5-5---_:s.3-----1S-6---_r63----:-1~----1l0------S_--:s0~0----4------1----:-7-5:O0201 2 100 33 72 118 49 44 -10.2 126 187 48.4 19 8 -57.9 2 3 50.00 0 4 0 -100 3 4 33.3 21 1 -95.2 3 0 -100 1 0 -1000 2 1 2 100 5 11 120 24 37 54.2 3 2 -33.3 0 10 0 5 2 -60.0 19 21 10.5 86 82 -4.7 3 2 -33.3 1 4 30013 6 -53.8 18 13 -27.8 183 241 31.7 2625 2650 1.0 68 99 45.6 14 5 -64.31 3 200 5 3 -40.0 72 31 -56.9 631 560 -11.3 7 15 114 0 00 0 1 1 0.0 19 38 100 93 88 -5.4 1 0 -100 1 0 -1000 0 9 5 -44.4 9 8 -11.1 60 81 35.0 2 2 0.0 0 0------IS---1:3--:13.3--76---~S_-~---3I5!f--~-9g__--1[9----3666----36ii6------~5-----I~--li8----20~8----~9--- 13 -31.60000002-50.0 22 9 -59.1 68 77 13.2 19 8 -57.9 2 4 10010.0 3 1 -66.7 16 26 62.5 1 0 -100 0 03 -----i---3""3."3"-----z-S------10---:GO.O------S4---103--2T6"----iO----g--:6O'O---Z---4-----1000200-100332193-42.450.01379592 -32.856 -41.1162350130243-19.8-30.6819122850.047.40210-100oo1o14o3611-57.1-66.714238611 0 -22.548 26.34 -33.39442412210747910613.813.0-13.1101341318430.038.50.01o11o0.0-100003200922000.013025425028392.312.0-25.01221020448116 -4.94 -60.0172 -15.769 43.8-----5---Ilr_--T20--4z----56----33[~---3I8'1---~-6-r_----6.0---~Oll----1825-----:-9.2---1l46-----148-----1~4----252821358319231861153355-8.34.9-15.111.34229111545711828.6150-22.063.61062307120016.7-50.09 11 22.22 0 -100 6 15 150 106 117 10.4 415 382 -8.0 28 39 39.3 0 02 1 -50.0 22 32 45.4 46 57 23.9 341 391 14.7 9 22 144.4 1 5 4000 0 7 11 57.1 26 9 -65.4 105 97 -7.6 6 2 -66.7 0 00 1 3 1 -66.7 IS 4 -73.3 232 200 -13.8 3 2 -33.3 0 09 8 -11.1 4 33 725 210 218 3.8 1212 1413 16.6 62 83 33.9 6 4 -33.3------1~-1-0--:23]----42----9"2-----~---4-0-3--'10-S---~-2305---:z4ii3-----7~7----108----14g___:37~0-----~--9--__zs~61 1 0.0 1 5 400 341 332 -2.6 286 271 -5.2 17 13 -23.5 4 5 25.00 3 9 7 -22.2 38 40 5.3 448 394 -12.1 6 11 83.3 5 1 -80.00 0 0 0 8 10 25.0 78 73 -6.4 2 3 50.0 3 0 -100----1---4---30-0---10--12--2O'O-3IST---3!ii----:I:3---sH-----73ii----:-9~1----25------i7-----ii~0---12-----6----.:-S0.0o1413-7.19793 -4.1198136-31.31211-8.32lQOo12o -100250o2-100-96.0473531 -34.031 -11.430834610053.320.5153920080.0oo109

(jIf~k~...,4f(:j"tt I ~#'~I)~TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 199.;, CONTINUED47~...,$'I...,$~ ~ t I ; ;~l( ,,"tkl( flq l47 l47!r-,~&r-, ~Q,lI:Ji ~rff 1iI(j~I ~I llq ",I ",I ~,,0 ~O .... p .... ~f/~t: 1,""if R,.~ i;.~ !fr i~ I,l II II !Jlq ~l Q,/{f~!! ~~ ~.@ ... R ..& ..& Q, ...& ..& Q,(jI ~" "MILWAUKEE COUNrYMILWAUKEE CO SO 12 12 271 216 -20.3 16 6 .62.5 255 210 -17.6 0 0 1 2 100BAY1!IDEPD 12 12 68 64 -5.9 1 2 100 67 62 -7.5 0 0 1 0 -100BROWN DEER PD 12 12 495 480 -3.0 17 24 41.2 478 456 -4.6 0 0 1 3 200CUDAHYPD 12 12 701 689 -1.7 40 52 30.0 661 637 -3.6 0 0 4 3 -25.0roXPOINTPD 12 12 106 107 .Y 2 2 0.0 104 105 1.0 0 0 0 2FRANKUNPD 12 12 510 581 13.9 8 12 50.0 502 569 13.3 0 1 1 3 200GLENDALEPD 12 12 1053 1015 -3.6 54 38 .29.6 999 977 -2.2 0 1 3 3 0.0GREENDALEPD 12 12 716 767 7.1 11 12 9.1 705 755 7.1 1 0 -100 1 2 100GREENFIELD PD 12 12 1516 1373 -9.4 30 29 .3.3 1486 1344 -9.6 0 0 2 2 0.0HALES CORNERS PD 12 12 206 260 26.2 2 5 150 204 255 25.0 0 0 1 2 100MILWAUKEEPD 12 12 50944 51872 1.8 6014 6562 9.1 44930 45310 .8 157 139 -11.5 424 429 1.2OAKCREEKPD 12 12 908 800 -11.9 26 22 -15.4 882 778 -11.8 0 2 6 5 -16.7RIVER HILLS PD 12 12 24 36 50.0 0 0 24 36 50.0 0 0 0 0SHOREWOOD PD 12 12 588 679 15.5 22 24 9.1 566 655 15.7 1 0 -100 1 0 -100SOUTIlMILWAUKEEPD 12 12 884 80S -8.9 25 17 -32.0 859 788 .8.3 0 0 5 3 -40.0ST. FRANCIS PD 12 12 365 381 4.4 18 18 0.0 347 363 4.6 0 0 1 1 0.0UW·MILWAUKEE 12 12 330 478 44.8 2 6 200 328 472 43.9 0 0 0 1WAUWATOSAPD 12 12 2096 2152 2.7 79 120 51.9 2017 2032 .7 3 0 -100 5 10 100WEST ALLIS PD 12 12 2935 3131 6.7 146 144 -1.4 2789 2987 7.1 2 0 -100 8 7 -12.5WEST MILWAUKEE PD 12 12 329 388 17.9 16 28 75.0 313 360 15.0 0 0 3 1 -66.7WHITEFISH BAY PD 12 12 345 235 -31.9 5 6 20.0 340 229 -32.6 0 0 0 0WIS. STATE FAIR PARK 12 12 100 77 .23.0 7 4 -42.9 93 73 -21.5 0 0 0 0MONROE COUNTYMONROE CO SO 12 12 229 191 -16.6 10 9 -10.0 219 182 -16.9 0 0 3 2 -33.3SPARTAPD 12 12 346 366 5.8 12 20 66.7 334 346 3.6 0 0 4 7 75.0TOMAHPD 12 12 349 496 42.1 3 4 33.3 346 492 42.2 1) 0 0 1OCONTO COUNTYOCONTO COSO 12 12 168 403 139 2 24 1100 166 379 128 1 0 -100 0 0OCONTO FALLS PD 12 12 108 69 -36.1 9 4 -55.6 99 65 -34.3 0 0 1 0 -100OCONTOPD 12 12 78 149 91.0 0 0 78 149 91.0 0 0 0 0ONEIDA COUNTYONEIDA CO SO 12 12 529 489 -7.6 14 41 192 515 448 -13.0 O· 0 2 2 0.0MINOCQUAPD 12 12 351 381 8.5' 47 51 8.5 304 330 8.6 0 0 1 2 100RHINELANDER PD 12 12 474 488 3.0 14 8 .42.9 460 480 4.3 0 0 4 3 -25.0OUTAGAMIE COUNTYOUTAGAMIE CO SO 12 12 540 403 ·25.4 44 12 -72.7 496 391 -21.2 0 1 5 1 -80.0APPLETONPD 12 12 2716 2310 -14.9 45 45 0.0 2671 2265 -15.2 2 2 0.0 9 3 -66.7COMBINED LOCKS PD 12 12 28 12 -57.1 4 2 -50.0 24 10 -58.3 0 0 0 0GRAND CHUTE PD 12 12 863 870 ,8 31 15 -51.6 832 855 2.8 0 0 2 1 -50.0KAUKAUNAPD 12 12 328 331 .9 9 8 -11.1 319 323 1.3 0 0 0 1KlMBERLYPD 12 12 252 208 -17.5 36 2 -94.4 216 206 -4.6 0 0 0 1LrITLE CHUTE PD 12 7 263 154 9 5 254 149 0 0 0 1NUiVv~lnGEEC()lOTJ\L-----------------65490--66586----1~7---654f--713-3-----9~1--58949---59453-----~9--1-6-4---143i---~12~8--"4158--47sr---Z~4-~15NR()Efcx)-lOTI\L----------------------924---1053---1-4~0-----25----3-3----32~O----899----1020---1-3~5-----0-----0-------------j---TO---42~9-()t()lN1l)-c6-iQ~~--------------------3-5-4----621---75~~----'f-----2-8----1-5-4-----343-----593---7-2~9----1-----0----:100-----'----0---:100-O~i\cx)-lOTJG[-----"--------------1-3-5-4---1358-----~3-----j5---1-0-0----33~3---1279----1258----~~6----0-----0------------'7-----7----0~O-01JfJ\a~-66-il)T~I[EST)-------------4-9-90---4399---~f~8----'j8----9-3----:47~8---4812----4306---~fo~5-----2-----3----SO~0----f6----9---~4fa-OZAUKEE COUNTYOZAUKEE CO SO 12 12 220 195 -11.4 5 4 -20.0 215 191 -11.2 0 0 4 0 -100CEDARBURG PD 12 12 210 185 -11.9 4 1 -75.0 206 184 -10.7 0 0 2 0 -100GRAFTONPD 12 12 208 191 .8.2 4 10 150 204 181 -11.3 0 0 0 1MEQUONPD 12 12 267 184 -31.1 2 2 0.0 265 182 -31.3 0 0 0 1PORT WASHINGTON PD 12 12 378 344 -9.0 2 3 50.0 376 341 -9.3 0 0 0 0SAUKVILLE PD 12 12 128 129 .8 2 2 0.0 126 127 .8 0 0 0 0TIlIENSVILLEPD 12 12 45 66 46.7 0 5 45 61 35.6 0 0 0 0PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO SODURANDPD121212124763554417.0-30.24002-100 4363554227.9-33.300000000PEP~iC(511)'f7GC------------------------ffo-----99---~f~0------4-----2----:50~0----106------97----~~5-----cl----0-------------0----0--------PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO SO 12 12 282 382 35.5 8 10 25.0 274 372 35.8 1 3 200 1 0 -100PRESCOITPD 12 12 111 115 3.6 1 1 0.0 110 114 3.6 0 0 0 '0RIVER FALLS PD 12 12 70S 528 -25.1 12 16 33.3 693 512 -26.1 0 0 0 2O~tnCEE-c61Nj~~-------------------1"4-5-6---1294---~f~T-----i9----2-7-----42~f---1437----1267---~f~8----0-----0----- --------6----Z---~66.7-P[ERCE-c61R5f~---------------------I-o-98---102S----~6.6-----2[-----2-7-----28~6----1077-----998----~7~3----1-----3-----200-----f----2----[00-110

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1094, CONllNUED# #:;.~ :;.~tFI(-f """"9::$~ ~J ~ .?~I It ~W ~"" &"" llq p ""O~ ~I $~.s' ~.s'It!~Iq !iiI!!~ § tif ~ ~J~ ~A;I Ill: 1;1R,~ Ir/ ~i'j I I .t'a:' .I I .t' ...§i ....§i q.. ~ .. ~,I #1 ~~i!~ ~#' II I

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AtI0 PERCENT CHANGE, 19Q4, CONTINUEDPOLK COUNTYPOLK COSO 12 12 488 424 -13.1 14 12 -14.3 474 412 -13.1 0 I 3 2 -33.3AMERYPD 1212 122 116 -4.9 9 10 11.1 113 106 -6.2 0 0 I 0 -100CLEAR LAKE PD 12 12 37 8 -78.4 0 0 37 8 -78.4 0 0 0 0OSCEOLAPD 12 12 83 94 13.3 6 2 -66.7 77 92 19.5 0 0 2 0 -100ST CROIX FALLS PD 12 12 44 43 -2.3 I 0 -100 43 43 0.0 0 0 0 0PORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SO . 12 12 545 604 10.8 40 30 -25.0 505 574 13.7 2 0 -100 3 8 166PLOVERPD 12 12 185 215 16.2 II 4 -63.6 174 211 21.3 0 0 3 I -66.7STEVENS POINT PD 12 12 1432 1383 -3.4 52 45 -13.5 1380 1338 -3.0 I 0 -100 9 11 22.2PRICE COUNTYPRICE COSO 12 12 194 162 -16.5 14 5 -64.3 180 157 -12.8 I 0 -100 I I 0.0PARK FAllS PD 12 12 G5 87 33.8 2 2 0.0 63 85 34.9 0 0 0 0PHll.L1PS PD 12 12 65 63 -3.1 1 0 -100 64 63 -1.6 0 0 0 0RACINE COUNTYRACINE CO SO 12 12 796 731 -8.2 24 21 -12.5 772 710 -8.0 0 I 4 4 0.0BURLINGTONPD 12 12 450 387 -14.0 6 8 33.3 444 379 -14.6 0 0 I I 0.0BURLINGTON TOWN PD 12 12 140 143 2.1 4 2 -50.0 136 141 3.7 0 0 0 ICALEDONIA PD 12 12 425 440 3.5 II 18 63.6 414 422 1.9 0 1 I 3 200MT. PLEASANT PD 12 12 793 760 -4.2 46 36 -21.7 747 724 -3.1 1 0 -100 6 4 -33.3RACINEPD 12 12 6522 6736 3.3 704 750 6.5 5818 5986 2.9 8 17 112 18 23 27.8STURTEVANTPD 12 12 242 240 -.8 1 1 0.0 241 239 -.8 0 0 I 0 -100RICHLAND COUNTYRICHLAND CO SORICHLAND CENTER PD12 1212 12237182170 -28.3131 -28.06010367-40.0-30.0177172134 -24.3124 -27.9oo721 -85.72 0.0ROCK COUNTYROCK CO SOBELOITPDBELOIT TOWN PDCLINTONPDEDGERTONPDEVANSVILLE PDJANESVILLE PDMILTONPDTURTLE TOWN PD12 1212 1212 1212 1212 II3 012 1212 1212 1259122322895716525384612061587 -.72175 -2.6298 3.161 7.014003174 -17.5111 -7.542 -31.185127902141135072126130IS0141140-15.3-.844.424.8180506210528057144213733liS61515 1.82049285-2.71.861 7.012503033 -18.897 -15.742 -31.1000000000I30000200311I00I23I0IS 4008 -27.3100.00018 -21.700-100Ro15K-C-6To1fAJC(ESf)------------74-6f--6706-~f~I---ff6---"3-88----~~2---708S---6318---~fo~8----0---6----------.ff---43-----­RUSK COUNTYRUSK CO SOLADYSMITH PD12 1212 12181211270 49.2151 -28.4435345-20.90.0138206236 71.0146 -29.1oo3o2 -33.33ST. CROIX CowryST. CROIX CO SOHUDSONPDNEW RICHMOND PDSOMERSETPD12 1212 1212 1212 1242844725952508 18.7399 -10.7263641.523.1IS7I41762I13.3-14.3100-75.041344025848491 18.9393 -10.7261 1.263 31.3I000I0000.020I34 1001I 0.00 -100ST~CR()Ifl(-co-f6TJG[------------------11-86'---1234---4~O---if-----2-6----:3~7----11s9----1208----4~'2---"""i-----l-----O~O-----6'---6--~O_SAUl( COUNTYSAUKCOSO 12 12 216 445 106 I 28 2700 215 417 94.0 0 0 0 4BARABOOPD 12 12 491 382 -22.2 10 14 40.0 481 368 -23.5 0 0 1 0 -100LAKE DEl.TON PD 12 12 187 173 -7.5 1 2 100 186 171 -8.1 0 0 0 0REEDSBURG PD 12 12 327 360 10.1 3 3 0.0 324 357 10.2 0 0 3 I -66.7SAUK-PRAIRIE PD 12 12 ISO 197 31.3 3 0 -100 147 197 34.0 0 0 0 0SPRING GREEN PD 12 12 43 116 169 I 0 -100 42 116 176 0 0 0 0ro1.KCOTO'i'Ai----------------Tf.f---"6'iis---:-11.5---fo--2',f---":2O:-ij--744---66T--:TC'2----o----T-----:-----6'----z-:-6-6--:7-roRTAGECO-r<strong>of</strong>xr---------2T6'2-2202--C9---i03--~f9---:23:r20S9----2TIY---TT---r--o---:TIio-fs-zo--"3"3""3-R]\~NEICO-f6T]\L:----------------93-6'8---9437--~7---T9~--8-3-6'-----5~0----8S72----8601----~3---9----19-----ffT---"3-r---36--16~I­SAtnKc:cr-TOTA~------------------~41~--T673--~""3----f9---4-7-----1-4-f---T39S----1626--f6~6-----0-----0-------:----.f--S---2S~-SAWYER COUNTYSAWYER CO SOHAYWARDPD12 1212 11358ISS50 I 39.91479112216144349144479 37.2131oIoIo9 8001112

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1!194, CONTINUED§ §:,.'" :,.'"t I~ ~I 81" ~~ &A.. &A.. t"1';$1 ..;$I ~ ~f1/ I/ ~J --, fI I Id' ... ~ ",WI.; II2 1 -50.0 9 8 -11.1 264 232 -12.1 180 136 -24.4 27 32 18.5 3 12 3000 1 8 9 12.5 15 19 26.7 89 81 -9.0 8 5 -37.5 1 I 0.00 0 0 0 17 1 -94.1 17 7 -58.8 3 0 -100 0 02 0 -100 2 2 0.0 17 17 0.0 56 67 19.6 4 8 100 0 01 0 -100 0 0 7 2 -71.4 36 37 2.8 0 4 0 0-----5--f---60.0---1-9---19-0-;"O---:ffo---2Tf--:rs.T---37S-----3"zS----:f3-:r-----42-----49----r6.'7---r---1-3--2253 0 -100 32 22 -31.3 109 118 8.3 35B 386 7.8 38 70 84.2 0 0o 1 8 2 -75.0 19 26 36.8 147 175 19.0 6 10 66.7 2 0 -100o 5 42 29 -31.0 157 177 12.7 1182 1125 -4.8 31 31 0.0 10 5 -50.0----3---6--l'iio---!i2----S"3-.:3T4--T8s--321-12.6----1687-16s6----::T--7s---Tll-48:-0---12.----s--:-ss:3"1oo -100o112142o-63.60.0-100637652 -17.52 -71.41 -83.31065658948161-11.344.65.27o102142.94o1o-75.0103152232509 -10.02 -33.30 -1004 -20.012375-45.515.401023517353075110203351-30.0150-66.710017.6-5.1126523177148123832117 -7.147 -9.637 19.483 7.8130 -12.21401 8.819 -40.6--3~To2-9:s-390--379--4T"""""iT5T--18:l-4-4.6-6141-S9:rO---:r.8-----62S----r33"--I1."3--TI--64--Z3.1606372952965594014199537302953135423968213-11.4- 0 53 35 -34.0 41 31 -24.4 121 91 -24.8 13 11 -15.40 0 8 5 -37.5 6 8 33.3 157 109 -30.6 7 3 -57.1-----0--(f------~1----40---~4~----4-i-----3~--:r7.0---278---200----~~1---_:ZO-----T~-:30.07.241 -50.04 100---5--25.05702000260{l27060002000-60.00.0200-23.17746602136440544560150101140-29.9- 23.9266 -1.148 -50.011 83.3II0533 -21.84 -50.07 -22.235216881705011717288810251330165422747109023608935-6.3-2.033.5-6.0-18.3-12.7-31.4331321111101435132 -3.0121 -8.35 -54.53 20050119 -16.84 -20.00 -100416300020008850002100100- 12219 -45.78416013411459.5-28.8131011 -15.412 20.0o1oI0.0o1oo2o100126o1123110.0-50.00.01066116913156151123.6-8.2-6.322.2267349233343183202284519.1-8.3-2.132.437299541 10.817 -41.418 1007 40.031o1o-66.7-100100000241100100091031.22101I0011.10.0-100-10048532031431024030281810112-24.550.0-9.73502331624061642851413729630914031816710482.7-23.9-14.611.618.4181419282219 375151-21.1-50.011 37.59 3501 -50.0130000040031-10033.3----1--~--700----14----~----f42----1-5-9---2-2~-43.-4 ---1195----r33"4----11-:~-----37-----5g----Sr:-4------4-----S---fo0o 1 8 12 50.0 93 195 109 221 258 16.7 34 26 -23.5 1 0 -1002 0 8 15 9 8 129 117 6 6 0 0------2--1---:so~----r6---:z8----75:O---1-0-2----2-04--~OO----350-----3"8~---lo-:3------40-----:r3"-_:t7:-5-----1-----o----:1oo113

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 19!14, CONTINUEDSHAWANO COUNfYSHAWANO CO SOSHAWANOPD12 1212 125595095735222.52.622332445.533.3537506541518.72.4o1o1o2 100oSHEBOYGAN COUNfYSHEBOYGAN CO SOKOHLERPDPL YMOlITH PDSHEBOYGAN FAllS PDSHEBOYGAN PD12 1212 1212 1212 1212 12800352742132864600372941902600- 0.0140241160-57.100-100-1009 -18.2sfiifuovciANCOTOTAL---------4Ts6--372T-::-fiT--l 2"5--10-7---14.4 --4ii61---361'4-::-n:0----T----I--O:O--31--1-5 -::-fC6TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR COSOMEDFORDPD12 1212 121861901881971.13.73418-66.7100183186187 2.2189' 1.6o1o-100o1oTREMPEALEAU COUNTYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIAPDELEVAPDINDEPENDENCE POSTRUM POWHITEHALL PO12 1212 1212 120 S12 1212 12118754017598960551338-24.6-20.025.0-23.5-35.622001030000050.0-100-1001167340165986 -25.960 -17.85 25.051338-18.8-35.6000000000000100000000000-100VERNON COUNTYVERNON CO SOHILLSBOROVIROQUAPDWESTBYPD12 1212 1212 12o 1214318104o138 -3.561 238180 73.153212o6o5200-100-10014117102o132 -6.461 2581804876.5oo1o2 100oVILAS COUNTYVILAS COSOEAGLE RIVER PD12 1212 12542106399 -26.490 -15.137345521.666.7505103354 -29.985 -17.50000803 -62.50WALWORTH COUNfYWALWORTH CO SOBLOOMFIELD PD12012125220513121-1.7 250192-24.0 4970494119-.6 I000-100 8010125.0OELAVANPO 12 12 334 316 -5.4 5 10 100 329 306 -7.0 0 1 1 1 0.0DELAVAN TOWN PD 12 12 90 122 35.6 2 9 350 88 113 28.4 0 0 1 0 -100EASTTROYPD 12 12 150 167 11.3 5 6 20.0 145 161 11.0 0 0 0 0EAST TROY TOWN PD 12 12 61 65 6.6 0 2 61 63 3.3 0 0 0 0ELKHORN PO 12 12 259 216 -16.6 6 3 -50.0 253 213 -15.8 0 0 1 2 100LAKE GENEVA PO 12 12 427 401 -6.1 23 25 8.7 404 376 -6.9 0 1 0 IUW-WHITEWATER 12 12 196 179 -8.7 4 3 -25.0 192 176 -8.3 0 0 2 2 0.0WALWORTH PO 0 8 0 25 0 1 0 24 0 0 0 1WHITEWATER PD 12 12 376 363 -3.5 19 13 -31.6 357 350 -2.0 0 0 8 3 -62.5WILLIAMS BAY PO 12 12 49 69 40.8 0 1 49 68 38.8 Il 0 0 0WASHBURN COUNfY1.9 2-50.0 0WASHBURN CO SOSPooNERPD121212123711303786533120300-10036812736665-.5-48.80030200-100W ASHINGfON COUNTYWASHINGTON CO SO 12 12 757 817 7.9 23 32 39.1 734 785 6.9 0 0 4 2 -50.0GERMANTOWN PD 12 12 431 463 7.4 10 6 -40.0 421 457 8.6 0 0 4 I -75.0HARTFOROPD 12 12 433 384 -11.3 8 6 -25.0 425 378 -11.1 0 0 I 1 0.0JACKSONPD 12 12 89 94 5.6 4 II 175 85 83 -2.4 0 0 I 0 -100KEW ASKL'M PD 12 12 70 87 24.3 2 5 150 68 82 20.6 0 0 1 2 100SLINGERPD 12 12 145 163 12.4 0 2 145 161 11.0 0 0 0 IWESTBENDPD 12 12 1274 1260 -1.1 35 29 -17.1 1239 1231 -.6 0 1 6 I -83.3~~Uco-i1)TAL~-------2-7-3-----211'--::-f~s----5--3----:40~O----26S-----214--::-f~~---o-----O-----------~--o_-:100-V]LAS-C61N5fAJe-----------------6-4:s--489---::-i4.S----40---S(f--:25~----60S---439---::-f7:g---0-----o------··------g----3--::-62:5-vvAJeVV6RTH-CCliQT~-OBS1)----------:f4-64--2S70----4:3----S9----9-f----6~7---237S----247S---4:2----1----2----rOo----fl---22----4:g-VV!\SHEltfRN-651N5T~----~--------50-f----443-----f[--6----I5----1-f--1-0-0--49S----43~-::-j"'i9---0-----2:------------f----3---S0:O-vvAsfiiNCi1N5NCOr<strong>of</strong>AL--------·------3T§'§'---326S-----ir----S2----9f----rr~o-·--3111'---3171'--T:9-----0-----T----------T7---g--::-5T9-114

f ~TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME iNDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 10114, CONllNUED$ $.:;.'" .:;.'"!l! ~ ~~~ Jt 9;0$! ~I $Iq §" ~ llq il ji ~~$ $~~ ~ttfY.$' ,f .:5 , £~ !iI~~ idY~ ~ II IiIliI .I (( "',.-I~ ~rr((Ii)I I i ....:;.Ii),I II J~l I ~I...i.$t... "'kiIf if(j... ... 1/1 0 ·100 20 29 45.0 173 114 ·34.1 345 398 15.4 15 29 93.3 4 0 ·1002 3 50.0 1 1 0.0 29 25 ·13.8 459 475 3.5 18 18 0.0 0 0--------3-----3-----o:O------2I-----3o----42~---20-i----13i9----:3f.2-----804-----g7j-----8~6------33------4r----42~4------4------0__--·1001 3 200 19 16 ·15.8 175 108 .38.3 559 433 ·22.5 25 28 12.0 7 6 ·14.31 0 ·100 1 0 ·100 10 5 .50.0 23 30 30.4 0 2 0 00 1 1 4 300 19 33 73.7 250 249 .,4 2 7 250 0 00 0 8 8 0.0 15 9 ·40.0 179 166 .7.3 7 4 ·42.9 0 322 18 .18.2 40 41 2.5 309 306 ·1.0 2368 2141 ·9.6 91 52 ·42.9 22 32 45.52 0 ·100 1 0 ·100 70 75 7.1 102 102 0.0 9 10 11.1 2 0 ·1000 1 3 7 133 29 27 ·6.9 148 155 4.7 9 7 ·22.2 0 0-------r----l---:sO:o------~------r__~----9-9----11oi-----3:0-----250-----257------2~8------18------1r----:5~6------Z------0----:1oo0 0 1 3 200 38 21 ·44.7 69 S4 ·21.7 9 11 22.2 0 00 0 2 0 ·100 8 10 25.0 64 46 ·28.1 1 4 300 0 00 0 0 0 1 2 100 3 3 0.0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 00 0 1 0 ·100 7 0 ·100 8 12 50.0 1 1 0.0 0 00 0 0 0 9 8 ·11.1 47 28 ·40.4 2 2 0.0 1 0 ·100-------0__---0--------------4 -----3---.:25~----6-3-----43i---:3f.7----i9T----B3----:-19.9-----T3---~-18----3S~5---1------ii----:TOo0 0 1 4 300 46 47 2.2 89 80 ·10.1 4 3 ·25.0 2 2 0.00 0 1 0 ·100 1 4 300 14 56 300 2 1 ·50.0 0 02 0 ·100 0 0 16 30 87.5 83 141 69.9 2 8 300 1 1 0.00 0 0 5 0 17 0 29 0 2 0 00 0 29 42 44.8 213 144 ·32.4 259 186 ·28.2 29 24 ·17.2 4 0 ·1000 1 3 4 33.3 12 12 0.0 82 69 ·15.9 9 4 ·55.6 0 0-------o-----[-------------32-~-----43~8---;r2-S__--1-S-6--:30~-----341-----255----:-f5~2---:f8------fg_--:26~3------4-----_o_---:1000 2 16 7 ·56.3 117 112 ·4.3 334 341 2.1 42 41 ·2.4 4 0 ·1000 0 0 1 0 34 0 80 0 5 0 00 2 4 6 50.0 29 16 ·44.8 284 277 ·2.5 16 13 ·18.8 0 0I 5 400 0 4 20 16 ·20.0 56 88 57.1 10 9 ·10.0 2 0 -1002 1 -50.0 3 5 66.7 19 30 57.9 123 123 0.0 3 7 133 0 10 0 0 2 20 18 ·10.0 39 43 10.3 2 2 0.0 0 01 1 0.0 4 0 ·100 39 36 .7.7 197 170 ·13.7 13 5 ·61.5 4 2 ·50.01 1 0.0 22 22 0.0 12 25 108 380 343 ·9.7 12 8 ·33.3 0 00 1 2 0 ·100 17 19 11.8 169 146 .13.6 2 3 50.0 4 8 1000 0 0 0 0 4 0 20 0 0 0 02 2 0.0 9 8 -11.1 39 39 0.0 305 296 -3.0 10 12 20.0 3 3 0.00 1 0 0 8 16 100 35 49 40.0 6 3 ·50.0 0 0-----r----[~-128-----601----5S__---:s~3---~-fo----3-6-7-----14:7---1922----I986----3~j-----116-----108----:6~9----17-----r~---:-17~60 0 2 7 250 193 211 9.3 142 138 .2.8 30 17 -43.3 3 0 -100I 0 ·100 1 0 -100 21 9 -57.1 101 52 ·48.5 5 4 ·20.0 0 0-------r-----O----:-l00------~------7-----T33---;rl'1-----2-io-----f~-----243-----r90----:-i[8------3S_-----fr---:40~0-----j------o----:Ioo1 1 0.0 18 29 61.1 189 230 21.7 494 510 3.2 42 30 -28.6 9 IS 66.75 4 ·20.0 1 1 0.0 34 58 70.6 368 382 3.8 9 12 33.3 10 5 ·50.01 2 100 6 3 ·50.0 37 32 .13.5 374 338 ·9.6 14 8 ·42.9 0 00 2 3 9 200 9 8 ·11.1 72 66 ·8.3 4 9 125 0 00 I 1 2 100 5 7 40.0 59 71 20.3 4 4 0.0 0 00 1 0 0 15 24 60.0 127 134 5.5 3 1 -66.7 0 21 6 500 28 21 -25.0 91 102 12.1 1095 1086 ·.8 44 32 ·27.3 9 11 22.2-----s--[7-112-----5~-·--155---14~0----311o----4I5f----2[3----2589----2587------~r_----120----96---:20~O-----28----3~-~~9115

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 111M, CONnNUEDWAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SO 12 12BROOKFIELD PD 12 12BROOKFIELD TOWN PD 12 12BUTLER PD 12 12CHENEQUA PD 12 12DELAFIELD PD 12 12ELMGROVEPD 12 12HAR1LAND PD 12 12MENOMONEE FALLS PD 12 12MUKWONAGO PD 12 12MUSKEGO PD 12 12NEW BERLIN PD 12 12OCONOMOWOC PD 12 12OCONOMOWOC TOWN PD 12 12PEWAUKEEPD 12 12PEWAUKEETOWNPD 12 12SUMMITPD 12 12WAUKESHAPD 12 121149 1203 4.7 89 781485 1457 ·1.9 66 39212 172 ·18.9 9 9122 132 8.2 11 97 7 0.0 o 0145 144 ·.7 I I102 141 38.2 3 1178 319 79.2 o 6850 842 ·.9 26 24186 192 3.2 4 8251 224 ·10.8 6 4847 618 ·27.0 41 30355 389 9.6 20 20169 167 ·1.2 3 2233 252 8.2 3 27207 202 ·2.4 11 1661 83 36.1 I 12081 1875 ·9.9 84 100·12.4 1060·40.9 14190.0 203·18.2 11170.0 144·66.7 99178·7.7 824100 182.33.3 245·26.8 8060.0 335.33.3 166800 23045.5 1960.0 6019.0 19971125 6.11418 •. 1163 ·19.7123 10.87 0.0143 •. 7140 41.4313 75.8818 •. 7184 1.1220 ·10.2588 ·27.0369 10.1165 •. 6225 ·2.2186 .5.182 36.71775 ·11.1ooIooo1oIoIooI0.00.05 5 0.02 2 0.0I0000o II 3 200o 31 I 0.02 3 50.0o 02 0 ·100o I2 I ·50.01 0 ·1009 14 55.6WAUK@"iIA-CO TOTAL---------f64o---G;i1'9----:-i"6----j"7g--375---::-g--S262--- 8044 ---:-f6-·--2----'3-S(iT-rs-n---40.0-WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SOCUNTONVIU.EPDNEW LONDON PDWAUPACAPD12 1212 1212 1212 12589303376273564276-·22.1-8.162932II334683.313.833.~200583274373271553 ·5.1243 ·11.3289 ·22.5245 -9.6Ioo·100 I21o524000.01o0.0WAUPACA CO TOffi------------i541-1'384---:-ro_:Z----40--S4--35.'0-1S0i----13'3o--:rr:;:r-r---(j----:Tiio--4S-100-WAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA CO SO 12 12 506 485 -4.2 4 3 -25.0 502 482 -4.0 2 2 0.0 oWA:USHARA C6mfAL--------------506-48S---:;iT---4---3---:-2S~0----S(j2-482--:::r.O-'2---2---0:0--0--I-----­WINNEBAGO COUNTYW1NNEBAGOCOSO 12 12 546 499 ·8.6 8 22 175 538 477 .11.3 0 I 3 5 66.7MENASHAPD 12 12 727 621 ·14.6 7 12 71.4 720 609 .15.4 0 1 3 2 ·33.3MENASHATOWNPD 12 12 418 304 ·27.3 4 2 -50.0 414 302 -27.1 0 0 0 0NF.ENAHPD 12 12 858 1022 19.1 43 43 0.0 81S 979 20.1 0 I 2 0 ·100OMROPD 12 12 120 130 8.3 3 2 ·33.3 117 128 9.4 0 0 0 1OSHKOSHPD 12 12 3314 3162 -4.6 88 79 ·10.2 3226 3083 -4.4 5 0 ·100 19 11 ·42.1UW-OSHKOSH 12 12 160 175 9.4 I 3 200 159 172 8.2 0 0 I 2 100W1NNECONNEPD 12 12 86 71 -17.4 0 I 86 70 ·18.6 0 0 0 0Vij~A(K)C()-rcnrAL---------------6-2-f9---5984----:-3_:9----fS4---164-----6~S--6(j75---S820----=4_:Z---S---3---:-40.0----fS_--z1---:-25-:0WOOD COUNTYWOOD CO SO 12 12 567 489 ·13.8 14 1 ·12.9 553 488 .1l.S 0 0 7 0 ·100MARSHFIELD PD 12 12 804 643 -20.0 30 22 ·26.7 774 621 -19.8 0 0 I I 0.0WISCONSIN RAPIDS PD 12 12 1072 1044 -2.6 49 47 -4.1 1023 997 -2.5 I 0 -100 I 6 500W601)-co-iXYrAL ------------------244S---2176---:-f~9---~3----7-0---:Z4~7---Z'350----Z1(j6--:-iO_:4---1--o--:liiii---9---~---:-2:t1iDNR·LAW. ENF. BUR.WIS. STATE PATROL12 1212 12167·93.83 -57.1 7 30.0·57.1ISoo ·100oooooooooST~1ifiOTAL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORTED 205306 200744 ·2.2 13290 13704 3.1 192016 187040 ·2.6 222 227 2.3 1256 1190 ·5.2FSI1MATED 205428 201337 ·2.0 13303 13725 3.2 192125 187612 -2.3 222 227 2.3 1259 1194 ·5.2116

ITABLE 1 NUMBER OF CRIME INDEX OFFENSES AND PERCENT CHANGE, 1 D04. CON'TlNUED$ I?~ J,.:,.~ .:,.~f~ ~I r! h I~&A.. 1111 I ~ 1,,,,~.s'.i' .i'I I~ I! II ,; I~ l .I~ II I Iq If I~... ~ .. i;' ~ II"'~'",i.:r~$ &;$I'... ~ ... ~ I;..i'" 111"17... ...2 4 100 82 69 .15.9 211 219 3.8 763 825 8.1 79 79 0.0 7 2 -71.411 11 0.0 53 26 -50.9 207 149 -28.0 1142 1181 3.4 70 82 17.1 0 60 1 9 7 -22.2 39 19 -51.3 139 128 .7.9 25 16 -36.0 0 00 0 11 9 -18.2 23 24 4.3 81 90 11.1 7 9 28.6 0 00 0 0 0 1 1 0.0 6 6 0.0 0 0 0 00 1 1 0 -100 18 25 38.9 122 115 -5.7 4 3 .25.0 0 01 0 -100 2 1 -50.0 29 31 6.9 69 105 57 .. 2 1 3 200 0 10 1 0 4 45 74 64.4 125 231 84.8 4 5 25.0 4 3 -25.05 8 60.0 19 12 -36.8 149 128 -14.1 599 628 4.8 70 61 -12.9 6 1 -83.31 1 0.0 3 4 33.3 26 27 3.8 149 148 ·.7 7 9 28.6 0 00 1 5 2 -60.0 56 48 -14.3 178 166 .6.7 10 5 -50.0 1 1 0.04 0 -100 35 26 -25.7 200 105 -47.5 548 437 -20.3 29 28 -3.4 29 18 -37.95 5 0.0 15 15 0.0 36 14 -61.1 273 339 24.2 25 16 -36.0 1 0 -1000 0 1 2 100 30 28 -6.7 131 126 -3.8 5 10 100 0 12 0 -100 1 26 2500 24 25 4.2 200 191 -4.5 6 9 50.0 0 01 0 -100 8 15 87.5 23 24 4.3 161 154 -4.3 12 8 -33.3 0 00 0 0 1 15 8 -46.7 44 69 56.8 0 5 1 0 -10019 14 -26.3 55 71 29.1 254 255 .4 1618 1400 -13.5 108 103 -4.6 17 17 0.0-----:sr----4-i---:7~-----300----i9o_-~~~-~3-815--~-i"04-___:r3}----6348---~339-----~T-----4~----4Sr---~~4-----66-----So----~i4~20 0 4 6 50.0 209 183 -12.4 347 342 -1.4 27 28 3.7 0 03 1 -66.7 24 30 25.0 33 41 24.2 236 191 .19.1 4 6 50.0 1 5 4000 1 2 2 0.0 24 23 -4.2 338 259 -23.4 10 5 -50.0 1 2 1002 0 -100 0 6 39 34 -12.8 216 201 -6.9 16 10 -37.5 0 0-------S__---2--~---3O_-~----46.7--~-0-5------2-81l----:7~----1137----~9~---~rf.7------s7-----1f9----:14~0-----_Z------7--- 2500 0 2 0 -100 166 162 -2.4 302 299 -1.0 27 15 .44.4 7 6 -14.3-------O-----0-------~------2-----()----:foo----1-6-6----1-6i"----:2A-----302-----299-----~[o_-----27------1S---:44~4------7------6----~4~4 6 50.0 1 10 900 151 03 -11.9 354 308 -13.0 31 33 6.5 2 3 50.00 0 4 9 125 77 70 -9.1 628 521 -17.0 14 18 28.6 1 0 -1002 2 0.0 2 0 -100 81 58 -28.4 310 229 -26.1 20 12 -40.0 3 3 0.06 1 -83.3 35 41 17.1 104 132 26.9 665 814 22.4 42 32 -23.8 4 1 -75.00 0 3 1 -66.7 12 8 .33.3 102 118 15.7 3 2 -33.3 0 07 15 114 57 53 -7.0 479 430 -10.2 2625 2537 -3.4 112 107 -4.5 10 9 -10.00 0 0 1 3 4 33.3 152 158 3.9 2 3 50.0 2 7 2500 0 0 1 13 12 -7.7 72 55 -23.6 1 3 200 0 0-------1 9---i"4--26.3-----T02--1T6--13~7----9-iO-----f4i----:_r~----490i!---4740-----~3A----22S__---2ro_---:6.f---_ZY----23------;CS2 0 -100 5 1 -80.0 142 142 0.0 376 309 .17.8 32 35 9.4 3 2 -33.31 0 -100 28 21 -25.0 99 90 -9.1 656 514 -21.6 17 14 -17.6 2 3 50.02 2 0.0 45 39 -13.3 137 152 10.9 868 802 .7.6 16 41 156 2 2 0.0-------s-----i"--.60]------78-----6r----~21.8----:37-f------384------[6----1900----f62S----~f4~s------6s------90---~~S-----7------7-----0.00 0 0.0 0 -100 1.4 0 -100 0 0 0 00 0 7 3 .57.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-----------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5712 5732 .4 6100 6555 7.4 33375 32675 -2.1 138909 134582 -3.1 18354 18275 .,4 1378 1508 9.45712 5732 .4 6110 6572 7.6 33393 32764 -1.9 139400 135045 .2.8 18354 18292 ·.3 1378 1511 9.6117

TABLE 2 OfFENSE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION FOR INDEX OFFENSES,ll1114ItI /41ADAMS COUNTYADAMS COSOADAMSPDROMBTOWNPDADAMSCffRATE--1307217441997168132693 68.8 2624 0.0 15.3 7.6 45.9 1499 1040 69 15.35447 229.4 5218 0.0 0.0 0.0 229.4 803 4300 115 0.01152 0.0 1152 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 401 751 0 0.0-z-f9'S-----rr.y---27 is---O'O----Tf.9---s-:9----s"9-:r-f297"---f3«---6r-"li_:_9"-ASI-D..AND COUNTYASHLAND CO SOASHLANDPD772587111566529277.780.4148952120. CO RA~----- 16436----n4-1---f9.T--3-462---0:0-12.2----T8""}---48:'1--4'68--2m---Ts-3 -12_:_;:­BARRON COUNTYBARRON COSOBARRONPDCHETEKPDRICELAKEPD284333133196780981498226612203445147.73\.90.0172.913512234122032720.\.90.00.0137.20.00.0123.550619220338375617241017266781287o2107.03\.90.012.3BAYFIELD COUNTYBA YFlElD CO SOBAYFIELDPDWASHBURNPD11262678230914653835268544.4147.543.31421368726420.,00.00, COUNTYBROWN COSOASHWAUBENON PDDEPEREPDGREENBAYPDPill.ASKI PDUW-GREENBAY686691721417871100146252602152536830384770190084.5232.4106.3511.239.6206851352932425918610. \,792.922.447.90.07.334. COUNTYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVIPD1112125601690210927.078.1166420310.,00.0BURNETT COUNTYBURNETT CO SO 13552 2376 29.5 2347 7.4 7.4 0.0 14.8 1557 583 207 0.0CALUMET COUNTYCALUMET CO SOBRILUONPDCHll..TONPDNEW HOLSTEIN PD15933286832843315134923363045262450.269.70.0211.212992266304524136.\,227613918321191021272832208188o309025."4T631---f922-- 136.9--1-71!5--0:0-----i6.-8--2-:4"--·ITi:'1--444"---f213---1rs---n'­BiR:CivvNC(5FU\i1i------------z06426------3798-----30S~2-----34"93-----2:4------36]----33-:9-----2-3-2.0-----S18-----2802:-----154---18_:_9"­BiUFFIUJ5-c:c5-RJ\TE-------------f368~-----1769------36.S-----1732------o.o------o.o-----o-:O-----3-6-:s-----4S3-----ff7'1-----ss----14_:_6-Blf~-c6-RJ\TE---------------f3552-------2376------i9.S---2347-----~.4-------~4---__o-:o----14_:s_---f55'1----ss3-----207--_o_:_0-c7G~~~-RATE----------------254"00-----~846------66:9-----1780-----3.9-------0.0-----3-:9-----s~I-----240----1«9-------fI----T9_:_f­C}llPPEW A COUNTYCHIPPEWA CO SO 30668 1102 13.0 1089 0.0 0.0 3.3 9.8 212 796 78 3.3CmPPEWAFALLSPD 12864 3218 116.6 3102 0.0 7.8 23.3 85.5 288 2635 163 15.5CORNELLPD 1543 2074 0.0 2074 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 518 1555 0 0.0HALUEPD 4577 4173 87.4 4086 0.0 0.0 0.0 87.4 415 3386 284 O.CSTANLEY PD 2041 2352 49.0 2303 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 147 2156 0 0.0cHiPffiWX-C6-RJ\TE------------Sl69r----1979---- 46.4 --my-----O'O------T.9-----7-:7-----36-:ii-----Hr---1559------ffz-"--Ts-CLARK COUNTYCLARK CO SONElUSVlLLEPD2934227081295443134.1110.8126143216. COUNTYCOLUMBIA CO SOCOLUMBUSPDLODIPDPARDEEVII.rn PDPORTAGEPDPOYNETIEPDWISCONSIN DELLS PD2533642142397180788381772240919972326404732651361635,S94.91001.3332.0332.11962223130452933132847.\,


TABLE 2 OFFENSE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION FOR INDEX OFFENSES, 19\14, CONTINUEDl$ I(, I?/' t'I ~~ ~~ I.~ gy(j t !if.$'~/·"" ~ ... ~I :il &1g 0s IStS ;,:,'f & ~l'.pI' I Ii §j::..~ ..~I(J~0!f: q,Q;il'~ ~ti~:PIt!FORE.!.'T COUNTYFOREST CO so 6859 4753 7;'..9 4680 14.6 0.0 0.0 58.3 1881 2668 131 0.0CRANDON PO 2017 4065 148.7 3917 0.0 0,0 0.0 148,7 595 3173 149 0.0GRANT COUNTYGRANT CO SO 30545 979 78.6 900 3,3 3.3 0.0 72.0 210 642 43 6.5BOSCOBEL PO 2748CUBA CITY PO 2034 3097 245.8 2852 0.0 0.0 0.0 245.8 639 2212 0 0.0LANCASTER PO 4228 3051 141.9 2909 0.0 0.0 0,0 141.9 166 2673 71 0.0PLATIEVll..l.E PO 9930 3303 201.4 3102 0.0 20.1 0.0 181.3 161 2890 20 30.2UW.PLATIEVILLE 0GREEN COUNTYGREEN CO SO 15194 1224 6.6 1218 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 290 836 66 26.3BROOHEADPO 3171 1734 63.1 1671 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1 221 1451 0 0.0MONROEPD 10356 3177 115.9 3061 0,0 38.6 19.3 57.9 377 2588 58 38.6NEW GLARUS PO 1955 1944 102.3 1841 0.0 0.0 0.0 102.3 256 1483 51 51.2IGREEN LAKE COUNTYGREEN LAKE CO SO 9519 1744 52.5 1691 0.0 31.5 0.0 21.0 441 1177 74 0.0BERLIN PO 5403 3979 111.0 3868 0.0 0.0 0.0 111.0 574 3035 222 37.0GREEN LAKE PO 1085 4240 184.3 4055 0.0 0.0 92.2 92,2 0 4055 0 0.0MARKESAN PO 1509 4573 927.8 3645 0.0 0.0 0.0 927.8 663 2916 0 66.3PRINCETON PO 1466 4434 204.6 4229 0.0 0.0 0.0 204.6 273 3888 68 0.0IOWA COUNTYIOWA CO SODOOGEVIU.EPO16736411272927240.048.67292675FOR~TroRAfE-----------8S76------4S'97-----90J----4'507----TD-------O:O----0_:0----Y8_:9----rsS9-----27ii3-----m----(j:-0-G1UGNT-65-FlATE:--------------494SS-----201'3---fff~----1896------2:O-------gJ-----0_:0---~-07_:T-----257-----r5S6------~----1O:_f­o-RIfENc:ClR)lfE-----------------306~----~98"2------SSA-----19"27------O:O------f3.0-----"6_:S-----'3-5_:9-----3T0-----r532------:5S----29:-3-OFUfEN1JGKEc:ORATE-------------Ts9S2-----29SS-----fsii:O-----2797------0:O------fS,g-----S_:3----137_:0-----45ii-----2:2:ls------rOS----I'5:-ii-f6wAcolfA"TE-----------------2:os4g-,·-----'i1"2"2-------§","6----111"'3------0,0-----0:0----0_:0------9_:6-----20T------863------34-14:4- COUNTYIRON CO SOHURLEY PO44281797234966780,0111.3234965660. COUNTYJACKSON CO SOBLACK RIVER FALLS PO13370355334415122643.2197,0279749257.528.17.528.10.00.0628,3140.7101053S169839976039429.90.0JEFFERSON COUNTYJEFFERSON CO SO 28961FORT ATKINSON PO 10530JEFFERSON PO 6283LAKE MILLS PD 43.22PALMYRA PO 1661WA1ERLOOPO 2797WATERTO\'1N PO 20011179943783056310030702896432396.757.00,092,560.20.0169.917024321305630083010289641533.50.00.00,,,,638.,866,50.00.00,00.080.0JUNEAU COUNTYJUNEAU CO SO 15859ELROY PO 1558MAUSTON PO 3546NEW USBON PO 1499229543003864353.1320.9169.2194239793694JACiCS-diN-(X5-RlifE----------------r6923-------3794----!f493-----j244-----f~8------f~8 .. ----0_:0----S-25_:9-----9To-----2Tso------r30----23:-6-JiiNEAUCORATE(ES'ff------"-----2:2462-------267r---30f,r---2364------0,lf------g.9-----1C9-----:m_:4-----69S-----r47S------r56----3'5:-6-KENOSHA COUNTYKENOSHA CO SO 31688 3957 145.2 3812 3.2 25.2 28.4 88.4 783 2774 240 15.8KENOSHAPD 84394 5145 421.8 4723 4.7 47.4 148.1 221.6 1082 3253 342 46.2PLEASANT PRAlRlE PO 12845 3597 132.3 3464 0,0 0.0 54.5 77.9 241 3044 179 0.0SILVER LAKE PO 1947 2260 102.7 2157 0.0 0.0 0.0 102.7 411 1695 51 0.0TWIN LAKF.s PO 4575 4525 218.6 4306 0,0 0.0 21.9 196.7 918 3191 197 0.0UW.PARKSIDE

TABLE 2 OFFENSE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION FOR INDEX OFFENSES, 1904, CONTINUEDl I J!"~ j .lti ~~ "-41 I.fl ,$:.v"$'r-J/}'lIJ9.~ t!if~",$~tFII t l/ I~ Jit! ,f12l' ~!f. ~~~ll l ... ~I"$r:; S~ 0q&

TABLE ~ OFFENSE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION FOR INDEX OFFENSES, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDl" $ ~Iq ~ttl,:,.'f"... ..~41I~"41 $41 ~ !tolqII ... ~I $~ (j ~.s'&1 lil... 0 i:f~!Pt 0'1ijII t r§I ~t;'f ~ i/~

TABLE 2 OFFENSE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION FOR INDEX OFFENSES, 1004, CONTINUEDlt!R~~ lq ~Itf .#,fJ ",fJ $,fJ 9{:.~" !t'lqf !~!p'l ,,~I$r-> R:P(:f",$~~ Rcyl II l II t .~ Jill ~"$f:i Rt #!f.


TABLE 2 OFFENSE RATES PEn 100,000 POPULATION FOR INDEX OFF£NSES, ll1V4, CONTINUEDl ~ J!.§,!f ~ ~4i "'4i l4i 97... ~ ...(j f~.$' ~'"I~It .f~~ IO'lii l/ I cr~~J:'I l ... ~I $~S,s ... 0# ~! 0~'"WAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SO 74546 1614 104.6 1509 0.0 6.7 5.4 92.6 294 1107 106 2.7BRooKFJELDPD 36234 4021 107.6 3913 0.0 5.5 30.4 71.8 411 3259 226 16.6BROOKFIELD TOWN PD 5346 3217 168.4 3049 0.0 18.7 18.7 130.9 355 2394 299 0.0BtnLERPD 2063 6398 436.3 5962 0.0 0.0 0.0 436.3 1163 4363 436 0.0CHENEQUAPD 610 1148 0.0 1148 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 164 984 0 0.0DELAFIELD PD 5899 2441 17.0 2424 0.0 0.0 17.0 0.0 424 1949 51 0.0EI..MGROVEPD 6258 2253 16.0 2237 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.0 495 1678 48 16.0HAR1LANDPD 7416 4302 80.9 4221 0.0 13.5 13.5 53.9 998 3115 67 40.5MENOMONEEFALI..S PD 27703 3039 86.6 2953 3.6 10.8 28.9 43.3 462 2267 220 3.6MUKWONAGO PD 5335 3599 150.0 3449 0.0 56.2 18.7 75.0 506 2774 169 0.0MUSKEGOPD 19022 1178 21.0 1157 0.0 5.3 5.3 10.5 252 873 26 5.3NEWBERI..lNPD 34929 1769 85.9 1683 2.9 8.6 0.0 74.4 301 1251 80 51.5OCONOMOWOC PD 11405 3411 175.4 3235 0.0 0.0 43.8 131.5 123 2972 140 0.0OCONOMOWOCTOWNPD 7545 2213 26.5 2187 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.5 371 1670 133 13.3PEWAUKEEPD 5875 4289 459.6 3830 0.0 17.0 0.0 442.6 426 3251 153 0.0PEWAUKEE TOWN PD 10539 1917 151.8 1765 0.0 9.5 0.0 142.3 228 1461 76 0.0SUMMITPD 4234 1960 23.6 1937 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.6 189 1630 118 0.0WAUKESHAPD 58428 3209 171.2 3038 1.7 24.0 24.0 121.5 436 2396 176 29.1WAuKEsHA-CO RATii-------323387 -----26oY--Tf6.0----2487-----o:9----To.8----i4~r---8(f7----372---1960-139--15.5WAUPACA COUNI'YWAUPACA CO SO 32910 1714 33.4 1680 0.0 15.2 0.0 18.2 556 1039 85 0.0CLINTONVllLE PD 4516 6112 730.7 5381 0.0 44.3 22.1 664.3 908 4229 133 110.7NEW LONDON PD 6812 4301 58.7 4243 0.0 14.7 14.7 29.4 338 3802 73 29.4WAUPACAPD 5204 4823 115.3 4708 0.0 0.0 0.0 115.3 653 3862 192 0.0WAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA co so 19912 2436 15.1 2421 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 814 1502 75 30.1WXfiSHARACO RATE--------f99T2--2436----T5J.---242T-iO.o-----s.o---o.o-----o~0----814--- 1502 ------71--3(j·TWINNEBAGO COUNTYWINNEBAGO CO SO 29330 1701 75.0 1626 3.4 17.0 20.5 34.1 453 1050 113 10.2MENASHAPD 15238 4075 78.8 3997 6.6 13.1 0.0 59.1 459 3419 118 0.0MENASHA TOWN PD 14656 2074 13.6 2061 0.0 0.0 13.6 0.0 396 1563 82 20.5NEENAHPD 23598 4331 182.2 4149 4.2 0.0 4.2 173.7 559 3449 136 4.2OMROPD 2927 4441 68.3 4373 0.0 34.2 0.0 34.2 273 4031 68 0.0OSHKOSHPD 57389 5510 137.7 5372 0.0 19.2 26.1 92.4 749 4421 186 15.7UW-OSHKOSH 0WINNECONNE PD 2164 3281 46.2 3235 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.2 555 2542 139 0.0W~ACR)CORATE -----14530~----4ll!1---Tf2:9----~OO5-----f.l----~5--16~5--~9~8----58~---3262------r45---T~WooDCOUNTYWOOD CO SO 37813 1293 2.6 1291 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 376 817 93 5.3MARSHFIEI..D PD 19793 3249 111.2 3137 0.0 5.1 0.0 106.1 455 2597 71 15.2WISCONSIN RAPIDS PD 18582 5618 252.9 5365 0.0 32.3 10.8 209.9 818 4316 221 10.8WAUPACA CO RATIi-----··--49442----z?99--T09:2----2690-----0:0--16.2--4-:O--89~-0 --568--2008-99---14-:2-WOODC()-~'f.B------------------76T88------28~----9f.91---2764-----0:0---~--__:i~6-----8-0~T----504-----2T33---1T8----~-:2-IIDNR-I..AW. ENF. BUR. 0'\VIS. STATE PATROl.. 0Agency reported <strong>of</strong>fense data for fewer than 12 months.125

TABLE:I RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, <strong>1994</strong>I $,$ ~$~! }11 ~11 /.41 .... y'"!~R"l",yl l

·-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------TABLE 3 RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDif tJ $~ ~ ; ~t~$~:,."l'" $r-.."Y'I!l:P(f",,$~.$'l I I .::- ~~l1ft!' JiJ gII ~ ~ff0qJ. "l'~i'li"I!... ~ ,,~~O~J'SJ!i ~! R!.

TABLE 3 RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED!FOREST COUNTYFOREST CO SO 24.5 80.0 23.7 100 75.0 24.0 21.3 66.7CRANDON PO 40.2 100 38.0 100 50.0 34.4 66.7F61Uf§1'c(fRA1lf---------------------i777------sf.5------26.5------100-------~---------:----l!~7------i6.1------i4.7------66.7-------:--GRANT COUNTYGRANT CO SO 24.1 95.8 17.8 100 .0 100 17.2 12.8 84.6 100BOSCOBEL POCUBA ClTY PO 19.0 60.0 15.5 60.0 .0 20.0LANCASTER PO 23.3 100 19.5 100 14.3 19.5 33.3PLA TI'EVilLE PO 38.1 60.0 36.7 50.0 61.1 25.0 36.9 100UW·PLA TI'EVilLE 9.9 100 8.9 100 100 7.933.3GiR~-CO-RJ\TE:---------------------ij~------SO.4------i3.8------100-----S~---------------si.4------f6.8------if.1------f7~8----60:0-­GREEN COUNTYGREEN CO SOBROOHEAOPOMONROEPDNEW GLARUS PO9.754.537.457.910050.066.71009.254.736.355.625.0 50.010050.01001004.528.615.41008.758.739.651.740. LAKE COUNTYGREEN LAKE CO SOBERUNPOGREEN LAKE POMARKESAN POPRINCETON PO13.939.513.044.946.210010010010066.711.'s"47.410041.7.0100100GiR1f~IJGKE(55~iE-----------------3~1------96.7------if.5--------------100------100------96.1------f9.5------if.l-----iSo.o-----foo-­IOWA COUNTYIOWA COSODODGEVilLE PO2.537.5 1002.536.4 1002.625.02.636.9.0100.0.0IOV{Ac:dlRJ\iE------------------------f~1------100------f~5-------------------------------~O------~~8------ii1------~3I-----:0-­IRON COUNTYIRON COSOHURLEY PO28.842.5 50.028.842.4 100 .040.038.515.640.025.070.0IRONICOIRATE------------------------36.1------S0.0------36.0-----------------------100-------~0------39.7------3i1------5f.1---------­JACKSON COUNTYJACKSON CO SOBLACK RIVER FALLS PO42.630.884.985.732.928.6100100.010085.780.037.010.530.027.550.064.325.0JEFFERSON COUNTYllFFERSON CO SOFORT ATKINSON POllFFERSONPOLAKE MILLS POPALMYRA POWATERLOO POWATERTOWN PO18.428.943.832.156.927.247.435.750.050.010088.217.428.643.831.556.027.245.7100.0100.0100.010010083.347.425.010010083.39.625.950.017.6100ILl29.215.828.542.S33.356.326.946.843.242.980.'fE-------------------3S.4------63.0------34.5------100----:s:s~O------ff.8------6i.8------f9.9------3~4------54~8---~8:f--JUNEAU COUNTYJUNEAU CO SO 9.6 35.7 4.9 100 33.3 5.3 2.8 13.3 .0ELROY PO 55.2 100 51.6 100 100 57.1 44.9 100MAUSTONPD 35.8 100 32.8 100 100 16.7 33.3 80.0NEW USBON PD 68.8 100 66.7 100 66.7~UCXJ~)\i1f~i)-----------------ii.1------4f.8------f~8--------~-----100------loo------44.6-------~o------i[7------i?~9----75:0--KENOSHA COUNTYKENOSHA CO SO 22.2 84.8 19.8 .0 87.5 66.7 92.9 16.5 19.0 36.8 60.0KENOSHA POPLEASANT PRAlRlE PO38.056.971.676.534.956.2100 77.5 51.242.983.4IDa19.161.341.255.824.956.541.0SILVER LAKE PO 20.5 100 16.7 lOa 37.5 12.1 .0TWIN LAKES PO 32.4 60.0 31.0 IDa 55.6 11.9 35.6 44.4UW·PARKSIDE .1' 7.8 7.8 .0 8.0 .0~6SH)\CO-RATE--------------------3~5------ff.1------3i.8------S0.0-----f9.1------sil------S4.3------f~5------36.9------i9.31---43:2--KEWAUNEE COUNTYKEWAUNEE CO SOALGOMA POKEWAUNEEPDLUXEMBURGPD39.048.817.8.010063.637.346.717.8.010010060. 100128

TABLE:I RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, 11194, CONTINUEDt§:!:) ~# ~$t! ~4J "4J j4J ; :..~"I~~f ,,~I $~al IR~ll$''!i .. ~ ! ~~ ~JJti R$ ~t Q.~t.iffIt(1 tIT.$'TI t !i~ qj ~LA CROSSE COUNTYLA CROSSE CO SO 45.1 96.1 28.9 133 50.0 95.8 27.3 27.3 50.0 100BANGORPD 40.0 40.0 50.0 .0CAMPBELLPD 20.0 25.0 19.6 .0 50.0 .0 27.0 .0 .0HOIMENPD 33.0 100 31.2 100 100 9.5 35.4 50.0 50.0LA CROSSE PD 33.8 89.3 33.3 88.9 100 84.6 26.1 33.7 3&.4 60.0ONAlASKA PD 65.6 85.7 65.3 .0 100 100 9.7 67.9 86.7UW·LA CROSSE 6.3 .0 6.3 .0 13.2 3.4WEST SALEM PD 45.9 100 41.8 100 100 50.0 39.5 100LA CROS-SE CO RAm--------38.4 --§"IT---36.8---------§"3":s---76]---92.9--2i]----38.0---4".f.y--61-:5"LAFA YETIE COUNTYLAFA YE1TE CO SODARLINGTON PD22.828.666.710021.425.950.0100100.0.019.526.962.525.0LAFAYETIE CORATELANGLADE COUNTYLANGLADE CO SOANTIGOPD18.S47.770.075.014.547.4100.068.410010.916.113.848.650.0100.0f.ANGLADEccfRATE-----------3"n----70.-S--3"3:6------TO"o-------.O--------:-----7i.Y----fi."8-----36.s-----8s-:O---~­LINCOLN COUNTYLINCOLN CO SOMERRlLLPDTOMAlIAWKPD11.425.7lS.383.31001009.525.317.510010083.310010012.731.350.03.723.614.230.855.675.0.0ITNCoLNca RATEMANITOWOC COUNTYMANITOWOC CO SOKIELPDMANIToWOC PD"!WO RIVERS PD30.638.935.926.887.166.010026.23S.934.826.0.066.773.333.310092.075.010022.425.09.921.722.137.238.323.751.980.036.683,333.342.9100MARATHON COUNTYMARATIION CO SOEVEREST METRO PDMOSINEEPDROTHSCHILD PDWAUSAUPD2.028.140.366.832.723.597.010050.059.51.323.434.367.032.0.0100MARAllioFfc:ORATE----------i9J.------6"93------i7.y----so:o----rOO------4"O:O-----7i."8------T"9-----3"oX-----rr."8---ss-:(;-­MARINETTE COUNTYMAR1NCTfE CO SOMARlNETffi PDPESHTIGOPD18.430.337.272.747.417.429.637.2MARQUEITE COUNTYMARQUETfE CO SO 2S.9 85.7 25.6 100 S4.6 26.9 19.1 100 .0MAR

TABLE 3 RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES,l994, CONTINUEDIfIJ! i!4J !.4J ~'".:,.Y!.~r,; $~~I j~R'l ,,~I ",J'if~.s'&J'J",s ~,f(:j ~$ p~ lI.~! ~ ~,!lq" ~!t'lq,,0 (tII !§~ $'Y 0 :t ~ Y~ 'li ~ .:;;t!MILWAUKEE COUNTYMlLWAUKEE CO SO 17.1 83.3 15.2 100 75.0 14.3 28.6BAYSIDE PO 20.3 100 17.7 100 100 28.6 11.9 33.3BROWN DEER PO 49.2 70.8 48.0 100 22.2 100 I !.l 52.3 38.9CUDAHY PO 25.7 57.7 23.1 33.3 42.9 65.7 15.6 24.8 17.8 50.0FOX POINT PO 14.0 50.0 13.3 50.0 10.0 14.0 .0FRANKLIN PO 20.5 83.3 19.2 100 100 .0 85.7 8.3 22.9 15.9 .0GLENDALE PO 43.8 44.7 43.8 100 100 27.6 100 19.4 48.6 10.5GREENDALEPD 74.3 25.0 75.1 50.0 33.3 14.3 26.9 78.1 40.0GREENFIELD PO 27.1 41.4 26.8 50.0 25.0 85.7 7.9 31.7 18.6 .0HALES CORNERS PD 16.9 40.0 16.5 50.0 .0 100 15.0 16.7 17.6MILWAUKEE PO 16.4 40.2 13.0 87.8 57.8 30.7 52.3 17.5 12.1 11.6 12.8OAK CREEK PO 26.6 45.5 26.1 .0 60.0 33.3 50.0 7.6 29.3 17.1 33.3RIVER J-UUS PO 25.0 25.0 40.0 20.7 50.0SHOREWOOD PO 1l.8 29.2 11.1 26.7 33.3 17.9 9.0 28.6SOUTH MlLWAUKEEPD 42.9 58.8 42.5 66.7 57.1 57.1 25.4 46.9 43.8 12.5ST. FRANCIS PO 33.1 55.6 32.0 .0 14.3 90.0 21.1 33.6 22.7 100UW·MJLWAtlKBE 18.4 100 17.4 100 100 100 16.0 17.4 25.0 .0WAUWATOSA PO 25.7 35.8 25.1 40.0 30.3 57.1 7.5 29.6 15.1 15.4WESTAWSPD 26.6 34.0 26.3 .0 28.2 43.9 9.4 32.1 14.1 20.6WEST Mn..WAUKEEPD 29.1 57.1 26.9 100 8.3 93.3 8.2 35.5 5.2 50.0WIlITEASH BAY PD 20.4 33.3 20.1 .0 100 40.9 18.5 .0WIS. STATE FAlR PARK 22.1 75.0 19.2 .0 100 33.3 19.1 .0NUL~AlfifEEC()Ri\1nE-----------------19~------40.6------f7~()-----86.7-----s7.4------3o.6-----:53.4------[6.6------18.7------[f.1----13~--MONROE COUNTYMONROE CO SO 35.6 III 31.9 200 100 83.3 35.7 22.9 76.9 33.3SPARTAPD 37.4 100 33.8 100 100 14.0 35.7 50.0 100TOMAH PO 26.0 125 25.2 100 100 22.5 25.1 38.S>1f6NR()Ec:c)Ri\1nE--------------------3f~------lo6------i9.3--------------12G------loo------94~------i5]-----:f8.6------S3.5----71~4--OCONTO COUNTYOCONTO CO SO 1.5 8.3 1.1 .0 9.1 1.8 .0 .0OCONTO FAUS PD 26.1 100 21.5 100 15.4 19.1 60.0OCONTO PO 6.0 6.0 .0 3.7 400()C()NTO-CO-RATE----------------------S.3------i[4-------4.6------------------------~O------i3]-------i.4-------4~4------i5~91---------ONEIDA COUNTYONEIDA CO SOMINOCQUA PORHINELANDER PO27.232.840.868.368.687.523.427.340.010050.066.7 10066.769.410023.85.215.718.130.241.762.150.081.866.7100ClNlUI>AC()FU\1n[------------ ·--------33~------jO.O------30:8--------~----7[4------100------68.9------18.9------3i.5------63.0----71~4-­OUTAGAMlE COUNTYOUTAGAMlE CO SO 33.0 66.7 32.0 100 200 50.0 50.0 33.6 30.4 54.5APPLETON PD 32.4 84.4 31.3 150 100 58.3 89.3 14.4 33.5 46.6 41.7COMBINED LOCKS PDGRAND CHUTE PO41.752.510060.030.052.4 .0 50.0/0070.0.028.842.953.7 85.7KAUKAUNA PO 27.2 75.0 26.0 100.0 83.3 16.1 26.9 33.3KIMBERLY PO 45.2 50.0 45.1 .0 100 5.6 48.9UI'ILECHU'rnPD 18.2 80.0 16.1 100 75.0 28.1 12.5 25.0 .0o1frj\G~-CO-RATE-(EST)-------------3~------7S.3-----:r4.3------133-----7f.8------si.6------7~O------19J------36.4------sf.4----19~--OZAtlKBEC"OUNTYOZAUKEE CO SO 24.6 75.0 23.6 50.0 100 30.2 20.7 66.7CEDARBURG PO 23.2 100 22.8 100 13.3 23.2 100GRAFf ON PO 6.8.0 7.2 .0 .0.0 7.8 .0 .0MEQUON PO 20.7 50.0 20.3 .0 100 45.8 16.3 18.2PORTWASHlNGTONPD 27.9 100 27.3 100 19.2 28.1 50.0 12.5SAUKVll.LEPD 45.7 100 44.9 100 35.7 43.0 100TIIIENSVll.LE PO 33.3 20.0 34.4 20.0 .0 36.5 50.0OZi\UKEs-ccnfATE--------------------i4.Y-----40.Y-----iO---------·-------.O------SO.O------43.r----i6T----:fB------4f.4----lo~o--PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO SODURANDPD40.045.5 10040.042.9 10035.728.625.050.010020.0PEPfNc:ORi\fE-----------------------42.4i-----loo------4[1--------------------------------loo------33.3------37~1------7[4---------­PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO soPRESCOTIPDRIVER FAUS PO13.417.426.910010056.311.016.726.010050.0.010011610053.810.528.67.78.611.625.527.342.973.3130

TABLE 3 RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, 1!n4, CONTINUEDIIPOLK COUNTYPOLK CO SOAMERYPDCLEAR LAKE PDOSCEOLAPDsr CROIX FAllS PDPOLK CORAW----17.517.275.022.327.910080. 10010010010077.850.013.4.010011.850.011.811.171.423.924.331.360.'PORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SO33.9 93.3 30.887.595.5 36.4 23.8 60.0PLOVERPD43.3 75.0 42.7100 100 50.0 38.5 40.6 90.0STEVENS POINT PD31.7 66.7 30.636.4 80.0 75.9 13.6 33.4 25.8 20.0roRTAGiHxHATE------------3"D-----ii.'2--3"f.s----------6"D:o-----S3.y-----s3".0------f(0----3f.0----53.2--2!i:'ii-­PRICE COUNTYPRICE CO SOPARK FAllS PDPIll.LIPSPD24.743.763.510010022.342.463.510010010017.350.010023.440.762.340.0100100.0RACINE COUNfYRACINE COSO24.1 61.9 23.0 100 75.0 33.3 85.7 22.2 20.3 50.0 50.0BURUNGTONPD30.5 75.0 29.6100 50.0 80.0 14.9 28.5 63.6 62.5BURLINGTON TOWN PD10.5 100 9.2100100 2.7 7.4 71.4 .0CALEDONIA PD22.5 77.8 20.1 100 66.7 25.0 100 13.3 20.1 52.4 .0Mr. PLEASANT PD38.0 88.9 35.5175 50.0 95.0 23.8 38.6 33.3 .0RACINEPD26.6 51.6 23.4 58.8 52.2 40.5 63.6 11.0 28.4 19.6 22.0STURTEVANT PD58.8 .0 59.0.0 21.1 62.4 66.7 .0RACINECORATE------------fi.s-----5'4--:3---fs,Y-----6"3".T----if.2,------40.y-----6"6".S------ff.s------f9.0------ff.8-----2"6.6-­RICHLAND COUNTYRICHLAND CO SORICHLAND CENTER PD46.551.997.210032.849.2.010010010048.437.519.847.790.910010075.0ROCK COUNTYROCK CO SOBELOITPDBELOIT TOWN PDCLINTONPDEDGERTONPDEVANSVIllEPDJANESVILLE PDMll..TONPDTURTLE TOWN PD29.629.622.121.325.726.836.914.394.455.66l.S33166.785.720.(\28.020.421.324.825.029.914.3.0100100ROCk-co'RA'fE(ESff-------------fi."3-----6"7.y-----Z4."9------s:f.y----SiT-----44."9-----7"B:s-----T4T----f6.'3------36.'3----24.4-­RUSK COUNTYRUSK CO SO30.0 73.5 23.7100 100 71.0 16.5 27.6 36.4LADYSMITH PD27.S 60.0 26.733.3100 26.3 24.6 41.7 100FUJSJ(C-ORAiiB-------------------Z9.2-----i[s------f4."9--------------6"O.0------loo------ji7------iS."2------f6."2------39.1-----foosr.CROIX COUNTYST. CROIX CO SO 15.2 52.9 13.8 100 50.0 50.0 13.7 12.6 24.4 .0HUDSONPD 23.3 33.3 23.2 100.0 33.3 3.6 27.2 11.8NEWRICHMONDPD 41.8 100 41.4 100 100 26.7 37.3 105SOMERSETPD 43.8 200 41.3 200 9.1 46.7 57.1sr~RoiXC(fRATil-------------fS'O---S7.Y-----f4.Y-----loo-----6"6".Y------.0------SS.r----ffY-----f5."6------4'2-:'2-----:0--SAUKCOUNfYSAUKCOSO 31.7 85.7 28.1 100 50.0 86.4 35.3 25.7 26.3BARABOOPD 32.7 50.0 32.1 25.0 60.0 15.0 32.4 73.325.0LAKEDELTONPD 14.5 50.0 14.0 .0 100 36.7 9.3 .0REEDSBURG PD 30.8 66.7 30.5 100.0 100 10.7 32.1 36.4SAUK·PRAlRffiPD 25.9 25.9 33.3 22.8 55.6 66.7SPRING GREEN PD 33.6 33.6 30.0 32.7 100 100SAlfiCc:o'RAiiB-----------------f9.4I----if3------fs.2--------~-----loo------fs.0------j9.4------f8]------z7-:"2------4ii.4----50:0-86.7.010044.410042.950. COUNTYSAWYER CO SOHAYWARD PD31.946.963.662.530.545.055.6.0100 66.766.723.612.532.647.061.550.0SAWYER-CCfRATIf(ESi}--------------f6".'6------6'4-:T-----f4.'2--------.----SO.o-----lhlJ------6"7."9------ff.S------f3-:T-----s[5------:0--131

TABLE 3 RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDI~c, ':c, iii....., c~ t~ $'~tit(j0""1 .1,1 ... rfl~if'

-----------------TABLE 3 RATES OF TOTAL CLEARANCES FOR INDEX OFFENSES, 1904, CONTINUEDI tJ~$~;~$::.."rl..$~",$ Ji~... J~I ! g ~p!~;f; '-;f; f~III £1(J ~.$'tR~l.J!i~R~J',-~I'ItS Ii R$ .f!

TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED AND DAMAGED BY ARSON, 1004ADAMS COUNTYADAMS COSO 12 259145 66415 150300ADAMSPD 12 46413 13652 0ROMETOWNPD 12 12613 1250 0Alf~-co-iX5T~-REPOR11fr)------------------------------------:r18-17-1-------------------------81317-------------------------'50300---ASHLAND COUNTYASHLAND CO SOASlll.AND PD121210457716152626545683401000172AS1f~-co-iX5T~-R~R1lib-----------------------------------Z-6-6-10:r-------------------------94885---------------------------~172--­BARRON COUNTYBARRON CO SOBARRON PDCHETEKPDRICELAKEPD121212123354035351615001141841B]\RR6NCO·foT~REP01fi1il)-----------------------------------54-5-7-61------------------------248608--------------------------,9725--­BAYFIELD COUNTYBAYFIELDCOS~ 12 80737 19227 0BAYFIELDPD 12 34236 12453 0WASHBURNPD 12 12767 4505 1000B]\YIffiE1Jb-c5D'T6T]\CR~-FfilU5----------------------------------1-27-7-4-0-------------------------36185---------------------------1000---BROWN COUNTYBROWN CO SO 12 1065386 361703 275000ASHWAUBENON PD 12 508929 230349 2400DEPEREPD 12 304111 98189 11550GREEN BAY PD 12 2259159 833192 689850PULASKIPD 12 25920 16809 0UW.GREEN BAY 12 32122 8544 0BR-,----------------------------------41-9-5-6i7------------------------1548786-------------------------978800--­121881316201849492319725oBUFFALO COUNTYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVlPD121212997416544581311142005Eilffijf)\[Q-cI5TfAJC-RIfioR11U)-------------------------------------Z73-660------------------------136780------------------------------0---COLUMBIA COUNI'YCOLUMBIA CO SO 12COLUMBUSPD 12LODlPD 12PARDEEVILLEPD 12PORTAGEPD 035347521180280714328POYNETl'EPD 7 8252 3585 0WISCONSIN DELLS PD 12 259255 116158 10c(fC~1fU\c61f6T~REPOFlTE[)---------------------------------67456-[------------------------207505--------------------------'2sio---48241234099374183765136001018646348500o14904o12500o134

. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED ANO DAMAGED BY ARSON, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~I ~ ~~r!fo,Q;'~"J o,Q;'1

TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED AND DAMAGED BY ARSON, 111M, CONTINUEDIf(j~~Si fj$ ~ ~r:7I~ it'til I., ..'!: ~~~~l Jol. LAKE PO 12 11606 3457 0TWIN LAKES PO 12 100882 37094 0UW·PARKSIDE 12 19895 1334 0'KENosflA-C(rf6T~REP5ii.TED-------------------------------"S0809f---------------------189289S------------------------T90366--­KEWAUNEBCOUNTYKEWAUNEE COSO 12 116631 46418 0ALGOMA PO 12 29011 22753 100KEWAUNEE PO 12 11762 1357 0LUXEMBURG PO 12 1300 0 0KE\VA~EEcl5T()1ri\LR1fPORfiil)-------------------------------1-5-87-0,,-------------------------70528----------------------------100---1364900250000016741o520o

TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED AND DAMAGED BY ARSON, 11lG4, CONTINUEDI ~ ~$ p~i}tf p$~ $$~~~I~o ~~O'J&8~~I.fl·...,~JCi itq,t;q,t:t!

TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED AND DAMAGED BY ARSON, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDl $"~qr$$ §' i'l;tfIii ~$,l~~~~~,,"rJ~ q,tj ~c3"J q,Q!: r$i 0 q,~ol...'f'Jit 0't ~ TOlrAJ.IREPORTEfi------------------------------69-2-6-91-if----------------------26218655------------------------5642776--­MONROE COUNTY~ONROECOSOSPARTAPDTO~PD121212204152123203210423865907213511317630041570o~ONR(fE())-TCl~REP'c)Ff~-----------------------------------53777-8------------------------i7f901--------------------------41870--­OCONfO COUNTYOCONTO CO SO12422371143780OCONfO FAllS PD124590829306OCONfOPD124476616817o()C(fNnl)-C6-fOTAJ.REP(iji11fi)-----------------------------------51-3-04-S------------------------[89905------------------------------0--­ONEIDA COUNTYONEIOACOSOWNOCQUAPDRlUNELANDER PD1212122261161344481826341327597294666190o16186oOUTAGAMIE COUNTYOUTAGAMIE CO SOAPPLEl'ON PDCO~B1NEO LOCKS PDGRAND CHUTE PDKAUKAUNA POKMBERLYPDUITLE CHUTE PO121212121212742226582237512455515413115862305556579650113299163203588342205817517254600241300001000OZAUKEE COUNTYOZAUKEE CO SOCEDARBURG PDGRAFTON PO~UONPOPORT WASHINGTON POSAUKVlLLEPOTIlIENSVILLE PO1212121212121217087752705608853191061088274455788641306004509268181503813314328044364640010001006500o~(ij(EE-661n5fAJ:-FfEP6R1lfi)------------------------------------84-5-5-98------------------------509959--------------------------10165--­PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO soDURANOPO121244687451283542526257oPEP~c:61R)1rJ\L1Ufp-6Rfill)---------------------------------------89-815--------------------------61682------------------------------0--­PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO so12475485166929PRP..sCOITPO127921617561RIVER FAllS PD121171095433oPUERCE-Co'D5fAJ:-RlEiPORTEIl-------------------------------------67181-0-------------------------[899:25---------------------------·---0---138

TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED AND DAMAGED BY ARSON, 1904, CONTINUED~~ ~IJ$~ ~ $~~ o p~~9.':;;~#;t!?8 ?fq~ q q~ q Qt-f~f J


TABLE 4 PROPERTY STOLEN, RECOVERED AND DAMAGED BY ARSON, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDl ~ ~!Jtft g ,~ '" Iff 8- !~l~rtj ~dfl q,47/ii°8 ~Qil'q,471 J...,~Jc:; ilq,~Q~~ 47 ;§ t:l:~ ;§~WAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SO 12 1101281 487398 51000BRooKFlELDPD 12 885643 248859 15100BROOKFIELD TOWN PD 12 263597 106873 0BUTLERPD 12 168478 5471 0CHENEQUAPD 12 12732 0 0DELAFIELD PD 12 45288 4847 0EL.\l. GROVE PD 12 85516 21391 0HARTI.AND PD 12 136449 40446 400MENOMONEE FALLS PD 12 716369 182618 150000MUKWONAGO PD 12 109448 30319 0MUSKEGOPD 12 311573 19125 500NEW BERLIN PD 12 436047 167441 10400OCONOMOWOC PD 12 292601 90581 0OCONOMOWOC TOWN PD 12 261101 90148 0PEWAUKEEPD 12 290165 219825 0PEWAUKEETOWNPD 12 184067 67267 0SUMMITPD 12 87744 64609 0WAUKESHAPD 12 1241026 618869 1019677WADwTii\-comi'ALREPORTEo --------------------6-{ifCis------------------2466087--------------------1247(;77-­WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SOCLINTONVILLE PDNEW LONDON PDWAUPACAPD121212122989017333894691155203WAUPI\-~c:CI~Cii'AJC-REP(lIRTE[)----------------------------(52-iC3-3--------------------2i4330-------------------------4S0~­71244460923189375101o10003500oWAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA CO SO12 28496146493 41100WINNEBAGO COUNTYWINNEBAGO CO SOMENASHAPDMENASHA TOWN PDNEENAHPDOMROPDOSHKOSHPDUW-OSHKOSHWINNECONNE PD12 51265312 16279512 26032512 40481812 3266412 1:\4778112 3273112 36922175306 4033009 0170682 310300175376 150012155 0556513 13200010004 5'.56250 0~~EEiJ\()b_c:()-T01f~~~R1ill)------------------------27-9-0-6-8f------------------1139295-------------------------444365--­WOOD COUNTYWOOD CO SOMARSHFIELD PDWISCONSIN RAPIDS PD12121235451316179831758022563456947140699156001158900DNR-LA W. ENF. BUR.WIS. STATE PATROL1212oooooo141

.----------------------------------------------------Arrests by County <strong>and</strong> Law Enforcement Agency - <strong>1994</strong>Tables 5 through 8 present data on adults <strong>and</strong> juveniles arrested by Wisconsin law enforcementagencies during <strong>1994</strong>, The tables present the total number <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong>, the total number <strong>of</strong> Part I <strong>and</strong>Part IT <strong>arrests</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> for each Part I <strong>and</strong> Part II <strong>of</strong>fense separately, for eachreporting agency. Information on adults is presented in Tables 5 <strong>and</strong> 7, information on juveniles inTables 6 <strong>and</strong> 8.As indicated in the introduction to this report, data are not available for all 12 months <strong>of</strong> <strong>1994</strong> forevery reporting agency. In the following tables, as in Tables 1 through 4, the number <strong>of</strong> months <strong>of</strong>data available for each reporting agency is listed. Although only the known data are presented foreach jurisdiction, an estimated yearly total can be calculated for any jurisdiction with less than 12months <strong>of</strong> data reported. The estimated totals can be calculated by multiplying the number in thetable by a correction factor which can be obtained by dividing 12 by the number <strong>of</strong> months <strong>of</strong> datareported. (Thus, if 11 months <strong>of</strong> data are presented for an agency, for example, the agency'sfigures should be multiplied by 12/11, or 1.09). As is the case in other tables, the more months <strong>of</strong>data reported, the more accurate will be the yearly estimates. Estimates based on a small number <strong>of</strong>months <strong>of</strong> reported data should be interpreted cautiously. This estimation procedure should also beapplied with caution when the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> is small.The following tables show, for each county, county total <strong>arrests</strong> for each <strong>of</strong>fense. For thosecounties in which not every jurisdiction reported 12 months <strong>of</strong> data for <strong>1994</strong>, the county totalsshown are estimates. These estimates were obtained as in Table 1, by calculating <strong>and</strong> summing theestimated annual total for each jurisdiction within the county. As in the previous table. whenestimates are used for county totals, the notation "(ESTt follows the "County Total" label.At the end <strong>of</strong> each table there are statewide totals <strong>of</strong> the reported <strong>arrests</strong> in each category <strong>and</strong>estimates <strong>of</strong> the actual statewide totals. The estimated totals were obtained by calculating theestimated yearly totals, as described above, for each reporting agency with less than 12 months <strong>of</strong>data <strong>and</strong> summing the estimates for these agencies <strong>and</strong> the reported figures for the other agencies.These tables also contain popUlation figures for each jurisdiction. Tables 5 <strong>and</strong> 7 contain adultpopulation figures. Tables 6 <strong>and</strong> 8 contain juvenile population figures. These adult <strong>and</strong> juvenilefigures were derived from the Department <strong>of</strong> Administration (DOA) population estimates, QfficialPnpulation Estimates for <strong>1994</strong>, using adult <strong>and</strong> juvenile population proportions provided in the1990 census. The population figures presented for county sheriffs' <strong>of</strong>fices are the countypopulations minus the populations <strong>of</strong> any municipalities in the county for which VCR data arereported separately. These figures can be used to calculate arrest rates for any <strong>of</strong> the jurisdictionsin the State. The population <strong>of</strong> those jurisdictions which span two or more county borders areassigned to the county in which the majority <strong>of</strong> the population resides. Arrest rates are calculatedby dividing the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> by the relevant population <strong>and</strong> mUltiplying the result by 100.000.This rate per 100,000 is comparable across jurisdictions <strong>of</strong> varying sizes.143

TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>...l" ~ ",l$ ~$~~~~ q,T~~§i '" ::,.'?""e' ,,~,p{j 'I Ii.t!it t .?~J' I ,,~I~I ~I "O~ 1f?~1 ,.,01~ J'~g ~! .?I~#I~~ If ~ J..,Y'I "Y' r:;-r;if R~~if l"" i~ q;""I~R 3'"$(3 .?~ADAMS COUNfYADAMS COSO 10432 12 306 20 0 0 1 1 8 2 6 2 0 286ADAMSPD 1392 12 150 11 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 0 0 139ROME TOWN PD 1594 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A1>AMSC6Ifcrr~---------------r34f8------------4-6-0-----3-f----0---0------I-------I-------9-------3------rs-------[-----0---------429-­..ASHLAND COUNfYASHLAND CO SOASHLANDPD5678640312122266841561o 0o 0o1o434844831o211623As~-65-iX)tAL-------------ri08r-------------9-fo-----7t5-----0---0------I-------0-------j------f2------si-------4-----0---------834-­BARRON COUNfYBARRON CO SOBARRON POCHETEKPDRlCELAKE PD207852291143859201212121291389641787172611 2o 0o 0o 0o3o1o20o1028o227162429o4o826724356BAYFIELD COUNfYBAYFIELD CO SOBAYFIELD POWASHBURN PO83795051718121212208693336460 00 00 000110018109236122000001726527B7r~CX)-iX)1~------------r0602------------31-0-----4-6----0---0------I-------I------f9------f4-------9-------2-----0---------264--BROWN COUNfYBROWN COSO 50060 12 1327 206 0 0 5 2 35 28 120 16 0 1121ASHWAUBENON PD 12550 12 714 169 0 0 4 2 6 9 142 6 0 545DEPEREPD 13028 12 478 68 0 0 2 2 6 8 47 3 0 410GREEN BAY PD 73007 12 6281 852 4 1 0 27 114 53 621 24 8 5429PULASKIPD 1842 12 31 7 0 0 0 0 I 1 3 2 0 24UW·GREENBAY 0 12 54 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 50BRlOlN}fC'clTo'rlGC-------------rso48j-----------g-885----1-3-06----4---1-----11-----~3-----f62------99-----93j------Sr-----8--------7-Sj9-­BUFFALO COUNfYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVIPD81861885121234639419o 0o 0B~AJ[oc:crrClfA[-------------roojr------------3-85------5-0-----o---0------I-------0-------8------f6------2i-------3- ----0---------33S-­BURNETI COUNfYBURNETr co so 10327 12 243 44 o 0 o o 22 13 6 2 199BtfFt~c:01rCli'lGC-------------r03ij-------------24-3------4-4-----0---0------0-------0-----:22------f3-------6-------r-----2---------r99-­CALUMET COUNfYCALUMET CO SOBRll.LIONPDCHILTONPDNEW HOLSTEIN PD11201201723092331121212123086910510619131291 000o 0cALUMi'ITc6-foT~------------T78S8-------·---·---5-88------5T---f----0------I-------0-------j------fo-----"3r-----T-----(j---------sE-­CHIPPEWA COUNfYCIIIPPEWA CO SO 2229612 285 30 00 0 0 20 2 6 2 0 255CHIPPEWAFALLSPD 9353 12 790 78 0 0 0 2 6 12 54 3 1 712CORNELL PD 1122 1 2 123 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 114HALLIEPD 3328 12 229 66 0 0 0 0 5 5 54 2 0 163STANLEYPD 1484 12 108 15 0 0 0 0 2 0 12 I 0 93cffippE~~c:01~fA[------------37S83-----------1-S-35----1-9-8----0---0------0-------2------33------f9-----r3S-------8-----1--------r33j--CLARK COUNfYCLARK CO SO 20657 12 425 22 0 0 2 3 5 8 2 403NEILLSVlLLEPD 1907 12 48 6 0 0 0 0 0 I 5 0 0 42C1J\RR-c:OTClfA[---------------iis64-------------4"73-------2-f----r'----0------o-------2-------3-------6------r3-------2-----1---------4-4S--COLUMBIA COUNfYCOLUMBlA CO SO 18774 12 768 22 0 0 0 3 1 9 8 I 0 746COLUMBUSPD 3123 12 140 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 132LODIPD 1777 12 99 26 0 0 1 1 15 4 4 1 0 73PARDEEVILLEPD 1339 12 63 5 0 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 0 58PORTAGE PD 6549 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0POYNE'ITEPD 1314 7 26 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 21WISCONSINDELLSPD 1786 12 504 36 0 0 0 0 2 10 22 2 0 468cO~~B1A-c6-Tl5tAL-(EST)-------34662------------2-0-66----1-5-0-----0----0-----1-------4------35------25------7'7-------7------1--------r916--IooIooo5361o1513o7o184912482Io1oo30530289569397144

TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION. <strong>1994</strong>. CONTINUED...~ ~~......lt~"l ~$$ it I~;::,."r... ~ lI.~r!Ji ~ f ~I t ~$'§ ,,~rl ... ~I~#I ,,~I ... ~l $&l~ R ($I;' /1~ 6':01" t !... O~ !~I ... 04TA[----------------19414------------7-fs----I-o-f----0---0------3-------0-------1------30------S4-------7-----7---------626--DOUGLAS COUN1YDOUGLAS CO SO 11080 12 123 17 0 0 0 3 4 6 0 4 0 106SUPERIOR PD 20372 12 1636 172 0 1 4 1 4 13 139 9 1 1464UW SUPERIOR PD 0 12 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65D()\Jo[AS-Q5-iOfAjl-------------fI452-----------I-sf4----I-S9----0---I------4-------4-------8------19-----lf9------lf-----I--------16f5--DUNNCOUN1YDUNN CO SO 17510 12 585 42 0 0 0 0 7 9 21 4 1 543MENOMONIE PO 10564 12 1069 98 0 0 0 0 1 17 71 8 1 971UW·STOUT 0 12 265 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 262[)~-c:oiX>TA[----------------28074-----------1-9-19----14-3----0---0------0-------0-------8------26------95------12-----2--------1776--EAU CLAIRE COUN1YEAD CLAIRE CO SO 18339 12 1094 43 0 0 0 0 4 10 26 3 0 1051ALTOONA PO 4744 12 352 13 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 3 0 339EAU CLAIRE PD 43913 12 4469 469 0 0 4 2 49 32 369< 9 4 4000UW·EAU CLAIRE 0 12 211 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 207EJ\1j--CLAIRE-c6-iOfAjl-----------66996------------61:26-----5-2-9----0---0------4-------2------56------44-----404------15-----4--------S597--FLORENCECOUN1YFLORENCE CO SO 3526 12 65 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 61Fi15R-~CE-CX)1XYfA[-------------3526-------------6-5-------4-----0---0------1-------0-------0-------0-------1-------2-----0----------61--FOND DU LAC COUN1YFOND DU LAC CO SO 28183 12 1010 120 0 0 0 1 50 22 24 16 7 890FOND DU LAC PO 29017 12 2813 393 1 0 0 7 117 27 232 6 3 2420NORTH FOND DU LAC PO 3243 12 205 7 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 198RIPON PO 5419 12 454 61 0 0 1 0 25 11 24 0 0 393145

TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED...,l ......... ,lj ... ...i7 ~~ S' ~ q~q"l: ~.f IqIi ~""CJ" t;'" ~t ~S'~~ ~~ ~ I-,"Ii/ 1..;1ii !15"c?cl f ~.,,,~1f t O~.?!R Y i

---------------------------------------------l~cr;l!loS'll...TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDiCTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~... l .l'!/;'Iqt ... ~'I... ....# ~§ S' ~~~ Iq .::,.'r... 'I.'r.,lff:!?rJ ~ ~oS'jIi ... f p~ ~ '1.'1' '

TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDMll.WAUKEE COUNTYMILWAUKEE CO SOBAYSIDEPDBROWN DEER PDCUDAHYPDFOXPOINTPDFRANKLINPDGLENDALE PDGREENDALEPDGREENFIELD PDHM.ES CORNERS PDMll.WAUKEEPDOAK CREEK PDRIVER HILLS PDSHOREWOOD PDSOUTH MILWAUKEE PDST. FRANCIS PDUW·Mll.WAUKEEWAUWATOSA PDWESTAWSPDWEST MILWAUKEE PDWHITEFISH BAY PDWIS. STATE FAIR PARKo35389164137695284I RI38103961110625772571346064516093120510339155126823o3618646394311410395o1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121225376463396898806847868127431967607100595302741310380591382951620722539 0 09 0 0175 0 0104 0 012 0 0121 I 0382 I 0336 0 0294 0 025 0 013181 258 13197 0 04 0 065 0 054 0 093 0 065 0 0390 0 0667 0 085 0 I15 0 07 0 0NfilVVAI~~la~Ec(fTOTi\C---------709SB6----------8'122-f--16-32-0---260--1-4----269-----913----1478-----926---11448-----9fs----7-2------iS790i-­MONROE COUNTYMONROE CO SOSPARTAPDTOMAHPD15402 125607 125635 12482423761356471o 0o 0o 0~(5NR(fECX)-f6T7GC-------------i6644-----------16-6-6----170-----0---0-----11-------4------15------30------99------10-----1--------1496-­OCONTO COUNTYOCONTOCOBOOCONTO FALLS PDOCONTOPD17768193933361212125414899851012o 0o 0o 0CK:6Nni)-c6'f6f~--------------i3043-------------6-8g----1-0-7-----0---0------0-------0-------5------36------63-------f-----0---------58[-­ONEIDA COUNTYONEIDA CO SOM1NOCQUAPDRHINELANDER PD16606284058731212121024361669642594o 0o 0o 0O~I\CX)-11Yfi\C--------------i53[9------------2-054-----18-f----0----0------0-------6------13------23-----133-------g-----0--------187[-­OtITAGAMIE COUNTYOtITAGAMIE co soAPPLETONPDCOMBINED LOCKS PDGRAND CHUTE PDKAUKAUNAPDK1MBERLYPD1JITLE CHUTE PD306364889116001149388834029704112121212121277753586991204373290231563502244287434I 22 00000o 0OlJri\G~fE-65-il)fAL-~------[[2S73-----------67-2-4-----81-f----3----2------3------14------67------93-----604------f[-----1--------5912-­OZAUKEE COUNTYOZAUKEE co so 13763 12 465 16 0 0 0 1 3 7 3 2 0 449CEDARBURG PD 7566 12 306 27 0 0 0 0 0 3 23 1 0 279GRAFI'ONPD 6954 12 271 37 0 0 I 0 3 1 32 0 0 234MEQUON PD 14925 12 23 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 21 6 0 191PORT WASHINGTON PD 7109 12 514 39 0 0 0 0 9 3 26 1 0 475SAUKYlLLEPD 2875 12 152 15 0 0 0 0 2 0 11 2 0 13711 lIENSYILLE PD 2442 12 85 11· 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 0 74o~ifiCEE-c61N5fAL-------------55634------------20-24-----1-85-----0---0------1-------1------21------27-----123------1i-----0--------1839--PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO soDURANDPD374114491212554337o 0o 0PEP~c:611)1r~-----------------5[90-------------9-g-----1-o----0---0------0-------0-------2-------3-------f-------f-----(f--------Ifs--IoI5I33Io12482ooo3o55IooI2oo1ooII1o11o11o8592o3o111211Io1o3o3o338o21oo251o6o52I71130565o448242312o34IIo5o283721o85232o2o336181168o796o16222144152o154II341117152623I54220o3103160861099326322259208805119438488260340579621246415246893616811328512221749103o3I10o5286938296o4o17133Io424o126o238o71oIo2oo683oIoo1oooo1oo2498S5458864866854655329802945442680891237687217315201316243119221844735969045638879603365757193236979603452161975236PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO SOPRESCO'IT PDRIVER FALLS PD1547425337966121212569169861686541 Io 0o 01o2Io1152822o6153341213o501163807148

TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTlNUEDIPOLKCOUNTYPOLK CO SOAMERY POCLEAR LAKE PDOSCEOLA POST CROIX FALLS PO202462010688160412201212121212103078S1087648o431000o 0poiJK--cX)-iN5T~----------------25768-----------1-2-f8------7-9----0---1------0-------0------19------21------29-------7-----i--------[[4~­oo136o19oo2o242o125o1I2o9667051044PORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SOPLOVER POSTEVENS POn-t-r PO23383707417638121212883333115612929174o 0o 01 03o2oI2631123211133515130712o1754304982P01f,:AGEC;01'T01'A[----------------fff79------------SS-6----1-f5----5---0------3-------1------47------i4------56------'1-----0---------43[--ST. CROIX COUNTYST. CROIX CO SO 26185 12 410 41 I 0 0 0 13 14 10 3 0 369HUDSONPD 4810 12 548 52 0 0 I 0 0 0 48 3 0 496NEW RICHMOND PO 3840 12 172 33 0 0 1 0 1 3 25 3 0 139SOMERSETPD 840 12 946 17 0 0 I 0 0 0 16 0 0 929SAUKCOUNTYSAUK CO SO 17620 12 1033 86 0 1 2 1 2 23 56 0 1 947BARABOO PO 7101 12 439 62 0 0 0 1 3 6 50 2 0 377LAKE DELTON PD 1192 12 238 18 0 0 0 0 1 5 12 0 0 220REEDSBURG PD 4676 12 469 20 0 0 0 0 1 0 19 0 0 449SAUK·PRAIRm PD 4267 12 261 15 0 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 2 246SPRING GREEN PD 1009 12 88 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 79SAtft«5b~(),:AL----------------35S65------------i5-i8------21-0----5--··I------2-------2-------7------36----i:57-------2-----3--------231S--SAWYER COUNTYSAWYER CO SOHAYWARD PD9575145312114203152137o 0o 0o13o4710272o399278149

TABLE 5 NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, 19!14, CONTINUED~...l... l ,17i ~$~~ S' q,"I"tf ~ q, Co ~~... '" l"l",:;~ ~Iif 9{t J l~ I ... ~I~~S' S' ~. ~l ... ~I' tr,;:i; ~~~"1".1 ~~ t~I .il ... Of~t?~1 ~ "1"$ ~ ~ ~I ~I" & "'l to:; '< ,f 'IiSHAWANO COUNTYSHAWANO CO SO 22046 12 1001 106 0 0 0 0 50 11 41 4 0 895SHAWANOPD 5705 12 477 106 0 0 0 0 3 10 91 2 0 371sforV{~o-c:61X>TAJC-----------:z~fs[-----------14-7-8-----21-f----o---o------0-------0------S3------2Y-----[32-------6-----0--------[266--SHEBOYGAN COUNTYSHEBOYGAN CO SOKOIil.ERPDPLYMOUTII PDSHEBOYGAN FALLS PDSHEBOYGAN PD3073414045228443937103121212121287345263143291662o1283320000o 0SfUEBi5YG~Ci51i)1fAL-----------j8908-----------4-2-4-0-----4-f4-----0---0-----I1------10------S8------28-----313------1[----~-------:r826-­7oo4o1o910o12255o3o2039o56263o2o91o2811452511352584TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR COSOMEDFORDPD10443305312124211742322o 0o 061o6742711o1o398152TREMPEALEAU COUNTYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIAPDELEVAPDINDEPENDENCE PDSTRUMPDWHITEHALLPD1437916313707957161142121212512122353301193712100040 00 00 00 00 00 0TR~~UICCliUT~~----1903S------------326------1-7-----0---0------0-------0-------0-------S------f4-------0~----0---------309--VERNON COUNTYVERNON COSO 13735 12 481 29 0 0 0 0 2 6 1 S 3 0 452HD..LSBORO 964 12 30 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 28VIROQUAPD 2930 12 205 24 0 0 0 0 0 5 17 2 0 181WESTBYPD 1386 12 28 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 260000000000000000000000312100010000000000022332011933VILAS COUNTYVll.AS CO SO 13306 12 768 11 0 0 0 5 3 0 757EAGLE RIVER PD 1118 12 143 12 0 0 0 0 3 0 9 0 0 131VlLASl:01X>TAL----------------14424------------911------1-3----0----0------I-------0-------4-------Y------14-------3-----0---------888--WALWORTH COUNTYWALWORTH CO SO 23240 12 1611 41 0 0 2 1 4 11 13 9 1 1570BLOOMFIELDPD 3119 12 138 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 132DELAVANPD 4873 12 499 41 1 0 0 0 2 3 34 1 0 458DELAVAN TOWN PD 3318 12 398 14 0 0 0 0 2 3 7 2 0 384EASTTROYPD 2209 12 160 23 0 0 0 0 4 5 13 1 0 137EAST TROY TOWN PD 2894 12 48 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 46ELKHORNPD 4633 12 340 18 0 0 0 0 1 3 13 1 0 322LAKE GENEVA PD 4724 12 611 93 0 0 0 0 15 0 78 0 0 S18UW.WHITEWATER 0 12 325 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 319WALWORTH PO 1281 8 82 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 73WHITEWATER PD 98.~9 12 1456 66 0 0 0 0 2 10 53 1 0 1390WIl..LlAMS BA Y PD 1657 12 71 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 68VVAJCVV6RTff65-115TAL-~------6[80f-----------S7-83-----3-f7-----Y---0------Z-------l------Si------S7----:ffs------lg-----2--------S~-WASHBURN COUNTYWASHBtJRN CO SOSPOONERPD8821 1219011231513633270 00000016012511214000282109vvXSf(BlfRN-co1riDtAL-----------Icf2z------------4-51------6-0----0---0------0-------1-------6------[7------32-------4-----0---------39[--WASI [!NGTON COUNTYW ASII!NGTON CO SO 31916 12 819 53 0 0 0 1 6 13 28 5 0 766GERMANTOWN PD 11181 12 404 103 0 0 1 3 3 15 81 0 0 30[HARTFORD PD 6357 12 548 51 0 0 I 0 2 3 39 6 0 497JACKSON PD 2563 12 123 8 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 115KEWASKUMPD 2106 12 220 9 0 0 0 0 0 .1 7 1 0 211SLINGER PO 2229 12 265 20 0 0 2 0 0 7 9 2 0 245WESTBENDPD 19544 12 1984 168 0 0 0 2 0 9 143 12 2 1816VVXSfiiNGTClNCi51i)1fAJ:---------fs896-----------

TABLE S NUMBER OF ADULT ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, lDD4, Cotmtt:JEDl :,."r i?A. .lI~~'ltl 1/ I $' R~J' I"'~~ ~,fj~'1~#I I "r! I <strong>of</strong>l RI... ~ i!WAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SO 54195 12 651 186 1 0 1 3 84 17 64 16 0 465BROOKFIELD PD 26343 12 1058 358 1 0 0 9 16 19 306 3 4 700BROOKFIELD TOWN PO 3887 12 135 37 0 0 0 1 4 2 27 2 1 98BUTLERPD 1500 12 192 23 0 0 1 0 5 5 11 1 0 169CHENEQUAPO 444 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11OELAFIELDPO 4289 12 102 25 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 3 0 77ELM GROVE PO 4550 12 197 48 0 0 0 0 0 2 46 0 0 149HAR1l..AND PD 5392 12 260 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 2 245MENOMONEE FALLS PO 20141 12 880 146 2 0 I 4 30 5 94 6 4 734MUKWONAGOPD 3879 12 283 29 0 0 3 1 2 8 15 0 0 254MUSKEGOPD 13829 12 833 50 0 0 1 0 0 11 31 6 1 783NEW BERLIN PD 25394 12 1506 109 1 0 3 0 25 20 50 9 1 1397OCONOMOWOC PO 8292 12 580 68 0 0 0 1 8 0 55 4 0 512OCONOMOWOC TOWN PD 5486 12 304 24 0 0 0 0 1 2 20 1 0 280PEWAUKEEPD 4272 12 251 27 0 0 0 0 11 1 15 0 0 224PEWAUKEE TOWN PO 7662 12 350 55 0 0 0 0 3 10 40 2 0 295SUMMITPD 3079 12 259 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 2S2WAUKESHAPD 42478 12 4037 404 0 1 9 7 31 SS 272 27 2 3633WAuKESHA CO roTAL"----23ffii-------TI889-C6Tf---5 --T--io--26--Z2I-- 159 T<strong>of</strong>f---81 15 10278WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SO 24156 12 1406 274 0 0 8 0 1 73 178 12 2 1132CllNfONVIll.E PO 3315 12 276 58 0 0 5 0 18 3 32 0 0 218NEW LONDON PO 5001 12 401 39 0 0 0 0 1 (; 31 1 0 362WAUPACAPD 3820 12 92 9 0 0 0 0 (; 2 1 0 0 83WAUPACACOTOTAL-------36292--2Tr5-~O---o-o---B---O-26--8/i-----i4i---f3----2-----1795--WAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA CO SO 15134 12 256 42 0 0 2 10 22 5 214WAUSHARA CO 'fO'f"AL""-----ITi34------256 ---4"i---0-l----l-----0---2----1O---225 214WINNEBAGO COUNTYWINNEBAGO CO SO 22174 12 736 76 1 0 1 1 18 18 28 7 2 660MENASHA PO 11520 12 661 88 1 0 1 0 5 6 71 4 0 573MENASHA TOWN PO 11080 12 554 47 0 0 0 3 0 12 29 2 1 507NEENAH PO 17841 12 1027 129 1 0 0 3 24 13 78 10 0 898OMROPD 2213 12 78 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 73OSHKOSH PO 43387 12 2724 396 1 0 5 6 24 25 318 12 5 2328UW-OSHKOSH 0 12 313 16 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 0 0 297WINNECONNE PO 1636 12 82 10 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 0 0 72WiNNEnAOOC"(YroTAL---109851-------61Ts---767-----/i---o----"7------B-----ff"----79-----S-ir---3S--g------.f4os-WooOCOUNTYWooO CO SO 27453 12 936 64 1 0 1 0 1 22 36 3 0 872MARSHFIELD PD 14370 12 913 137 0 0 24 0 10 17 83 3 0 776WISCONSIN RAPIDS PO 13491 12 988 162 0 0 0 0 19 16 122 4 1 826wooIfco TOT~- --------SS31.j--------if3-7---T63--1---0----2S------0-----3"o-----SS-----2.ff-----To------l------z.f7.j-DNR-LAW. ENF. BUR. 0 12 18606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18606WIS. STATE PATROL 0 12 3085 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3085ST~TE-iXjf~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORTED 3725001 286999 36024 326 41 553 1330 4075 3111 24553 1837 198 250975FSl1MATED 3725001 287807 36153 326 41 555 1330 4094 3140 24627 1841 199 251654--------------------------------..,-------------_.......-----------..------------------------------------------151

TABLE S NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>• ~.,q,'tlI? ~$~ .... ~~~Ii .... ~ .... ~'" .... ~I~~I I" ~I § .? iJ'I ~$I.:.; .?I R~~ if Ci 'tV q;ADAMS COUNfYADAMS COSO 2640 12 11 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 1ADAMSPD 352 12 158 39 0 0 0 0 4 2 25 8 0 119 34ROMETOWNPD 403 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0AD~1C6'fcrr~--------------f395----------170-----~41-----0----~----0-----IO------4------2------25------10----()-----lli~-----35-­ASIU.AND COUNfYASHLAND CO SO 2047 12 59 17 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 2 42 31ASill.ANDPD 2308 12 663 126 0 0 0 I 0 13 99 12 1 537 119ASm:::i\NricororAC------435S--------7Zy---l'43----o-0--0----1-0---Z6---100------13-----f------579----150--BARRON COUNfYBARRON CO SO 7648 12 202 56 0 () I 0 5 24 21 2 3 146 58BARRON PD 842 12 88 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 8 2 55 24CHETEKPD 529 12 16 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 II 0RlCELAKEPD 2178 12 297 114 0 0 0 0 3 4 95 9 3 183 59BflIRkI5N'COT(YfAJ[-------------rff97--------~03-----208-----o_--_o------1------0------g----Z-g--144------19-----g------f95-----0fr--I'"~§BA YFlELD COUNfYBA YFlELD CO SOBAYHELDPDWASHBURNPD2883173591121212134408755544oooo4o40224912022oo79354334132BROWN COUNfYBROWN CO SOASHWAUBENON PDDEPEREPDGREENBAYPDPULASKIPDUW·GREENBAY186094664484327139684012121212121260148533740252312185244102111>511I000300000002000004018001003140039S2010501123228S9859110107!410100106500416241235292012111437348141326I!:R()~C()TOlr!\L---------------55939---------5483----1648-----f----O------2-----22---i7-17(f---128o-----13z----r2--f835----~85-­BUFFALO COUNTYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVIPD29356751212869312oooo1o1011911ooSS7321BUFFJGL~c:61NJT)JC--------------36rO-----------95------33-----0----O------0------0----r----l-[-----2()------I-----0------(fZ------3S-­BURNETf COUNfYBURNEIT CO SO 3225 12 209 115 o o o o 6 SI 21 35 2 94 32CALUMEr COUNfYCALUMEI' CO SOBRJLLlONPDOIll..TONPDNEW HOLSTEIN PD4732 12851 12975 12984 12176702187143183214ooCHIPPEWA COUNfYCHIPPEWA CO SOCHlPPEW A FALLS PDCORNELLPDHALllEPDSTANLEYPD8372 12 33511 12 1017421 12 671249 12 69557 12 572121165525ooBlfR~-c:61R5fAJC--------------3i25----------Z09-----11s-----0-----0------0------0------6----S-[-----21------35-----i------!l4------3~­~~UET-c6-i1)TJGL--------------75~Z----------533i----l07-----0---0------0------0------6----13------78-------8-----i------428----1l5~­(jfipPEw~c:6T(jf}GC------------r4rfO---------1213-----219-----0---_0------0------[------3----1-4-----174------27-----0------994-----24~­oooo1o1o5o3o1021oo482o2416317288851258oo25o2oo2o1335218657189651143241108715o194181317CLARK COUNfYCLARK CO SONEILLSVILLEPDCOLUMBIA COUNfYCOLUMBIA CO SOCOLUMBUSPDLODIPDPARDEEVILLEPDPORTAGEPDPOYNETIEPDWISCONSIN DELLS PD8685801656210916204682289458623121212121212071210163207731163S03719140183232960742o0000000o00000o10000o0000003253150000I 01 7001000171183196062214Z700000"121o10000006145175708729030149151483303710Ie57(j)~~B1A-c:c5-itYfAJL-0ES1)-------rirrf----------843-----159-----0----o------I------0-----r5-----2-S-----9S------Z1-----~-----684-----284--152

4iI"...~~TABLE 6 NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDt ,,~~~$~J' 4i ttf ,,"""qI~#I/!? JI,:j it~..,. "qft ~4i~~i:":~1C;,,0 (j"";; ~ ,,"" "T' !iJ ! eli R $..,. q ~

TABLE 6 NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BY JURISDfI:TlON, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDl~~ ~~ cl J.,.O(j IJ.,.~I~!

TABLE 6 NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED41.... $t .l~ ~~~$ t4I§~!"- ... or41...,'S I:? Ji.;s ~ ~4II'~/~


- ----------------------lTABLE 6 NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED(q.... ~~I'$~ ~ ~I (q ~$ f ..#:or"."r... t$- tl..., ,,'"~(q~~",0 iJ'Q,{:?~/~ ;~ ~"'1J';;; 9tTAL-------------16202---------145S-----442-----0----1------5------3------5-----5-3----352------23-----0-----1016-----2~-PRICE COUNTYPRICE CO SO 2827 12 52 17 0 0 0 0 4 11 1 0 35 4PARK FALLS PD 789 12 129 20 0 0 0 0 1 18 0 0 109 69PlULUPSPD 419 12 81 16 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 0 65 10PRIc:EC5b--i'c)~-----------------4035----------262------53-----0----o------o------0------3------5------4j--------Z-----o------209------83--RACINE COUNTYRACINE CO SO 9302 12 682 !24 0 0 0 2 0 17 74 24 7 558 116BURLINGTONPD 2576 12 549 80 0 0 1 1 0 5 67 4 2 469 213BURLINGTON TOWN PD 1686 12 102 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 95 39CALEDONIA PD 6067 12 685 78 0 0 0 0 2 21 40 15 0 607 220Mr. PLEASANT PD 5915 12 406 177 0 0 0 0 2 18 129 28 0 229 30RACINEPD 23768 12 2848 859 4 0 0 54 127 68 519 86 1 1989 540Sl1JRTEV ANT PD 1283 12 146 28 0 0 0 0 1 0 27 0 0 118 66RA(j}fifcCfil)TA:C--------------SOS97---------541S----1353-----4----·0------I-----57----132---1-3-0----s62-----151'---10-----4065----1224-­RICHLAND COUNTYRICHLAND CO SORICHLAND CENTER PD330613441212581522155oooo3222144524o237971524ROCK COUNTYROCK CO SOBELOITPDBELOIT TOWN PDCLINTONPDEDGERTONPDEVANSVILLEPDJANESVlLLEPDMILTONPDTURTLE TOWN PD79559722186051211769181483812716691212121211012121272226332423112102522120147745036528055420400000100000000000300000000070000300953004027023446040341328303245200473111144260040100100G0100645218320626930196810010329609327400502303RO(](c:c)T01rAL-~)-----------3892~--------6415----1176-----I----0------3-----fo-----7S---11-5----S67-----103-----2-----5239----1556--RUSK COUNTYRUSK CO SO 3003 12 159 57 0 0 0 4 14 30 4 4 102 28LADYSMlTII. PD 1068 12 83 31 0 0 0 1 2 3 23 1 1 52 14~USI(C()T01fJGC-----------------407f----------24?------S8-----0----0------0------2------6----1-7------53-------5-----5------154------42--sr. CROIX COUNTYST. CROIX CO SO 11221 12 124 41 0 0 1 0 0 20 10 10 0 83 31IIUDSONPD 2061 12 272 59 0 0 0 0 3 6 50 0 0 213 57NEW RICHMOND PD 1645 12 241 93 0 0 0 0 0 3 75 15 0 148 77SOMERSETPD 360 12 150 11 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 1 0 139 103ST~CRClrJ(lCo-il)TIGC---·---------IS287----------7S7-----204--~--0----0------1------0------3-----311----143------26-----0------583-----268--SAUKCOUNTYSAUKCOSO 6583 12 428 121 0 0 0 0 0 48 64 9 0 307 124BARABOOPD 2653 12 326 65 0 0 0 0 2 9 49 3 2 261 54LAKE DELTON PD 445 12 53 14 0 0 0 0 1 7 5 1 0 39 26REEDSBURG PD 1747 12 357 120 0 0 0 0 0 5 106 9 0 237 154SAUK·PRAIRffi PD 1593 12 225 36 0 0 0 0 0 1 29 6 0 189 76SPRING GREEN PD 376 12 80 21 0 0 0 0 0 3 15 1 2 59 13SAtnCC()T01ri\~---------------13397---------1469-----377-----0-----0------0------0------3----7-3-----26S------29-----4-----1092-----447-­SAWYER COUNTYSAWYER COSO 317412 126 370 0 0 1 10 24 0 89 45HAYWARDPD 481 11 219 68 0 0 1 0 13 0 52 2 0 151 25SAVVYER-CClf6T~(EST)---------3655----------364-----111-----0----0------2------0-----15----1-0------s1-------3-----0------253------72--157

TABLE 6 NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BV JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDIq ..l ~/1q LP...~$'~~ ...,$" ~ ~ J... Otl:J I$l Iq~ S.f f ... ~q, .,tfr'j~ ~.r~lLP~~ Slii~ I ... ~ ".~~ ... Y'$ $i5¥ tt fI G'.,~ R t ~~ ....,YJ(j 'Sf ~lti Rf R~ !~$' ,pIf~~ ~ ~ .§Iey<strong>of</strong>if0RitSHAWANO COUNTYSHAWANO COSO 7907 12 381 78 0 0 0 0 15 IS 33 15 0 303 55SHAWANOPD 2046 12 398 175 0 0 0 I 2 4 160 6 2 223 112Slurvv~oc:oT15fA[-------------9953----------779-----253-----0-----0------0------I-----lj----j-9----193------21-----Z------526-----16j--SHEBOYGAN COUNTYSHEBOYGAN CO SOKOHLERPDPLYMOUTHPDSHEBOYGANFALLSPDSHEBOYGANPD10967501186515831324012 51912 712 30412 34712 267889o8144589oooIsHEB-OYG~C15TC)T7GC----------Z8f56--------~855-----803-----0----j-----10-----fo-----s----6-3-----679------12----o-----305Z----118f-­6o42oo84o21217o933458o7133517IoI371o36430722330320898578494913TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR COSOMEDFORDPD434812711212112137635ooooI312424o6o106102SO36TREMPEALEAU COUNTYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIAPDELEVAPDINDEPENDENCE PDSTRUMPDWlIrffi~1ALL PD5051573130279. 251400121212512125600742II0061200000000000000000000000000000000000I0I0061010000I0000004500I30150001VERNON COUNTYVERNON CO SOHILLSBOROVlROQUAPDWESTBYPD5131359109451712121212851916773996816000000000000000000203I385494III60000761099573655124VILAS COUNTYVILAS CO so 3730 12 336 80 0 0 0 2 II 33 27 7 0 256 80EAGLE RIVER PD 313 12 23 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 11 4VEifNON-c6-il5TAL---------------jf<strong>of</strong>----------344-----102-----0-----0------0------0------0------6------74------22-----0------Z42-----fl~-VILAs-co1N5fA[-----------------4043----------359------92-----0-----0------0------2-----lf----3-3------39-------7-----0------Z6j------8~-WALWORTH COUNTYWALWORTH CO SO 7459 12 331 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 10 1 304 179BLOOMFIElll PD 1001 12 42 17 0 0 0 0 1 7 7 2 0 25 11DELAVANPD 1564 12 430 69 0 0 0 0 2 2 61 4 0 361 66DEI..AV AN TOWN PD 1064 12 172 33 0 0 0 5 0 12 14 2 0 139 57EASTTROYPD 708 17. 214 47 0 0 0 0 2 20 17 8 0 167 17EAST TROY TOWN PD 928 12 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 17ELKHORNPD 1486 12 266 67 0 . 0 0 3 0 10 49 5 0 199 43LAKE GENEVA PD 1516 12 350 92 0 0 0 0 2 0 90 0 0 258 72UW·WlIITEWATER 0 12 29 2 0 C 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 27 20WALWORTHPD 410 8 ",36 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 25 10WHITEWATER PD 3164 12 '362 64 0 0 0 0 I 6 52 5 0 298 72Wll.LJAMS BAY PD 531 12 110 IS 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 1 0 95 39vvA[vvoR1ii-c6-foTA~(ESi)------f9S3f---------2396-----450-----0----0------0------s------8----6-6-----329------38-----I-----1946-----609--WASHBURN COUNTYWASHBURN CO SO 2909 12 88 23 0 0 0 0 0 4 15 4 0 65 1SPOONERPD 626 12 85 25 0 0 0 0 0 I 19 5 0 60 17VVASfllllJIRN-CO-foTAL------------f535----------·i73------4g-----0----0------0------0------0-----S------34-------9-----0------12S------IS--WASHINGTON COUNTYWASIllNGTON CO SO 12288 12 812 114 0 0 0 2 2 17 65 19 9 698 275GERMANTOWN PD 4305 12 387 99 0 0 0 5 0 II 65 6 12 288 94HARTFORDPD 2447 12 355 60 1 0 0 0 2 7 47 3 0 295 70JACKSON PD 986 l.2 214 37 0 0 0 4 2 I 25 5 0 177 81KEWASKUMPD 810 12 131 10 0 0 0 () 0 0 9 I 0 121 22SLINGERPD 857 12 277 38 0 0 I 0 0 II 26 0 0 239 28WESTBENDPD 7525 12 1495 387 0 0 0 7 I 35 329 II 4 1108 352VV~SIUNGTCfNCX)TOTI\L---------z92fB---------3671-----74S-----1----0------1-----fS------j----g-f----S6/i-----45----Z5----:2926-----922--158

TABLE 6 NUMBER OF JUVENILE ARRESTS BY JURISDICTION, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED,f '" ",t! tfTS.f tf " ~$~q,"~....q,"!.... :.,".... .,~0,. fJ itgj 81 .,",.~.:,.'iiI,,':i~ ~'"I'~/# .... Y'I It ,;r ~ ....if t .... Y'I .... Y'I~~I S~ ~ .....J'I C3 "S g ~I .... 0,r .?,r ~ ;f ~~.... °1 .?IOJ"WAUKESHA COUNfYWAUKESHA CO SO 20351 12 783 105 0 0 2 1 16 40 35 8 3 678 568BROOKHELDPD 9891 12 512 196 1 0 0 2 0 9 180 4 0 316 84BROOKAELD TOWN PD 1459 12 72 19 0 0 0 0 2 0 15 2 0 53 19BUTI.ERPD 563 12 124 29 0 0 0 0 2 6 16 5 0 95 26CHENEQUAPD 166 12 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0DELAHELDPD 1610 12 41 20 0 0 0 4 0 3 13 0 0 21 10ELMGROVEPD 1708 12 51 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 41 17HARTLANDPD 2024 12 290 68 0 0 0 0 2 14 45 4 3 222 127MENOMONEEFAUS PD 7562 12 766 117 0 0 0 1 14 6 79 12 5 649 255MUKWONAGO PD 1456 12 293 40 0 0 0 0 0 5 30. 4 1 253 33MUSKEGOPD 5193 12 365 51 0 0 0 0 1 13 36 1 0 314 53NEW BERLIN PD 9535 12 930 126 0 0 0 0 5 7 98 13 3 804 294OCONOMOWOC PD 3113 12 669 94 0 0 1 4 6 0 70 13 0 575 214OCONOMOWOC TOWN PD 2059 12 118 26 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 0 0 92 62PEWAUKEEPD 1603 12 160 45 0 0 1 0 2 16 24 2 0 115 52PEWAUKEE TOWN PD 2877 12 136 33 0 0 0 0 0 5 27 1 0 103 51SUMMITPD 1155 12 94 13 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 1 0 81 24WAUKESHAPD 15950 12 3259 376 0 0 0 3 23 35 280 34 1 2883 1533vvAlij(ES1{A-co1"CifAI:----------88275---------g6~--~368-----r__--0------4-----Is-----j4---1-6-0----994-----i04----16-----ji9r----j422--WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SO 8754 12 217 42 0 0 0 0 1 19 13 9 0 175 155CUNfONVII.LE PD 1201 12 692 166 0 0 0 0 12 10 132 4 8 526 113NEW LONDON PD 1811 12 449 82 0 0 0 0 1 10 69 2 0 367 143WAUPACAPD 1384 12 254 52 0 0 0 0 0 1 51 0 0 202 79VVADpAc:A--c:CiT()fiGC--~--------_r3150_--------1612-----342-----0----0------0------0-----14----4-0----263------13-----8-----1270----'190--WAUSIIARA COUNTYWAUSHARA co so 4778 12 223 41 0 0 0 0 0 18 21 0 2 182 30vvADSlU\RA-c6-f6T~---------~ffg_---------223------41-----o_----0------0------0------0-----18-----21-------0-----2------182------30_-,. #WINNEBAGO COUNfYWINNEBAGO CO SO 7156 12 241 62 0 0 0 1 6 21 18 15 1 179 72MENASHAPD 3718 12 550 156 0 0 2 0 14 25 104 11 0 394 130MENASHA TOWN PD 3576 12 306 54 0 0 0 0 0 15 32 5 2 252 109NEENAHPD 5757 12 1118 333 0 0 0 0 20 43 245 22 3 785 272OMROPD 714 12 61 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1 (j 38 7OSIIKOSHPD 14002 12 1883 456 0 0 1 8 6 47 350 35 9 1427 311UW-OSILKOSH 0 12 27 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 19 7WINNECONNE PD 528 12 42 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 36 1~~~(j-6C()T01f~---------3545r---------42211---1098-----0----0------3------~----47---1-5-3-----781------90----15-----3130-----909--WOOD COUNTYWOOD CO SO 10360 12 290 79 0 0 1 0 1 31 32 13 1 211 67MARSllFIELD PD 5423 12 533 158 0 0 4 0 0 22 124 2 6 375 130WISCONSIN RAPIDS PD 5091 12 868 30B 0 0 0 2 15 29 237 18 7 560 224vv6on-Co'fOTIGC--------------:z0874---------1691-----S4S-----0----O------3------2-----16-----8-f----393------33----14-----1146-----421--DNR-LAW. ENF. BUR. 0 12 1795 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179'5 0WIS. STATE PATROL 0 1?- 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0STATE-fOTAL----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORTED 1336450 135343 32510 93 10 132 927 1511 3618 22604 3204 411 102833 32802ES1lMA11ID 1336450 135767 32651 93 10 133 927 1521 3662 22687 3206 412 103116 32917---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------159

TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART. 10 DRUG ARRESTS, 11M14ADAMS COUNTYADAMS COSO 10432 12 286 25 0 0 0 0 12 7 0 3 0 0 88 86 45ADAMSPD 1392 12 139 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 36 49 23ROMETOWNPD 1594 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ADAMS coTOi'Al---------T34T8-----429--2"6---o--0--o---0--n.----g--0--3"----o-----o------l'2r---T3s-6"8-ASHLAND COUNTYASID..AND CO so 5678 12 211 31 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 1 0 35 17 104ASID..ANDPD 6403 12 623 55 3 3 0 8 17 4 0 2 0 0 77 136 188ASHI..AND CO faTAL 12081 -----834----8'6"""--3--T-{j---g--20-6---0----3--T---0----nZ--1S3- 292-BAYFIELD COUNTYBAYFIELD CO SOBAYFIELDPDWASHBURNPD8379 12505 121718 1217265271233o1o3 11 0o 0o31oo 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 034o652313202621262BROWN COUNTYBROWN CO SOASHWAUBENON PDDEPEREPDGREEN BAY PDPULASKIPDUW-GREEN BAY50060 1212550 1213028 1273007 121842 120 121121545410542924507646353680011271350067 018 09 035 00 00 05102200lOS34332000022 08 03 077 00 00 017 018 08 0133 51 00 0BARRON COUNTYBARRaNCO SO 20785 12 826 55 10 34 0 3 27 16 0 33 0 43 124 130 291BARRON PD 2291 12 72 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 17 33 7OIETEKPD 1438 12 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0RICELAKEPD 5920 12 356 26 3 21 1 0 32 3 0 9 0 0 48 158 24iWfRON cO-'roj'AL------- 30434---125S----gy--f3--Tf--l----T---"63---:z0-0----42---0---4,------189----322---322-BR()~-CO~7UC-------150487-----757S1----S25--~4-~-f~--0---2-g--372---rIO--0---r77---S--~-_gg1----1470---_r97g-21413400626525714150178919710991417811850163011BURNETr COUNTYBURNE'IT co so10327 12 1996 2 4 0 34 2 0 2 0 o 36 11 125CALUMETCOUNTYCALUMET CO SOBRILUONPDCHILTONPDNEW HOLSI'EIN PD11201 12 2892017 12 562309 12 932331 12 9722 3 3 0 03 0 3 0 23 0 2 0 03 0 5 0 010 4 0 1 0 1 71 29 671 0 0 3 0 0 4 25 21 1 0 0 0 0 16 19 191 2 0 3 0 0 15 36 6BUFFALO COUNTYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVIPD8186188512123053042213700020300060005011715302264BIiFFJUJ5-CX51XYfAJe-----------10071---------335-------"6-----f---3-7---0----2------2-----3--0-----6---0----s-----132-----32------30-~~lECIiXYr~-----------1785g_-------S35----31----f---1-3--0----2--13----7---0----7--0-----1------10"6------109----94-CHIPPEWA COUNTYCHIPPEWA CO SO 22296 12 255 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 5 0 1 157 53 21CHIPPEWA FALLS PD 9353 12 712 34 3 4 1 4 19 7 0 14 0 2 93 133 281CORNELLPD 1122 12 114 5 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 8 25 27 26I-W.J...lEPD 3328 12 163 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 57 49 4SfANLEYPD 1484 12 93 5 1 10 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 2 32 14 2ClllPPEvtAc:61XYfA[-----------37583--------1337------so-----j---1-4----r-----5-----31----r4----0----22----0---141-----3"64-----27"6-----33~CLARK COUNTYCLARK COSONEIllSVILLE PD20657190712124034241021171000013170101400015113517576794cIJ\RKiCl51XYfAJe--------------2:z564---------44S------41-----f---1-g---0----0----14-----7---1----r4----0----1"6-----1s2-------63------g3-COLUMBIA COUNTYCOLUMBIA CO SO 18774 12 746 90 0 0 0 2 14 11 0 10 0 1 288 117 128COLUMBUSPD 3123 12 132 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 36 30 2SLODIPD 1777 12 73 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 10 36PARDEEVILLEPD 1339 12 58 6 0 13 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 4PORTAGEPD 6549 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0POYNE'ITEPD 1314 7 21 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 9WISCONSIN DEU.S PD 1786 12 468 15 7 54 1 3 6 4 0 4 0 14 53 94 91160

l~TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART." DRUG ARRESTS, 10G4t?()o!Ihi~p,,# I if~ I~V'~l J;t!J JJl l /1 II~It II 1'.9I ~ I~'Iifc:;r!"tt~~JCi ~ff J:,iff ""J o""~,f,§1 tf.p .p !/ OVJIfov~J...~ ~ J'~ tll?~4rJf Ii>c:;OJ:lADAMS t.OUNTYADAMS CO so 16 1 0 1 0 0 15 0 10 0 5 4ADAMSPD 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 23ROMETOWNPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A1:lMJscoT6TAi.----------~-Z2----1----0-----1----0------o-----2I----o----T6"-----o - -·---5-----31"ASHLAND COUNTYASHLAND co so 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 16ASHLANDPD 19 4 1 3 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 111ASHLAND dFfOTAL ------------W----4------1----3-----0 ---O---lr----O----rr------O----o---Tf'f­t?BA YHELD COUNTYBA YFlELD CO SOBAYFlELDPDWASHBURNPD112o61oo61ooo51oo51ooo3323BROWN COUNTYBROWN CO SOASHWAUBENON PDDEPEREPDGREENBAYPDPULASKIPDUW-GREENBAY11915113420692138700070025082138430BUFFALO COUNTYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVIPD1514oo4oBURNETf COUNTYBURNETf CO SO 4 o o o o o 4 o 4 o o oCALUMIIT COUNTYCALUMET CO SOBRILLlONPDCHILTONPDNEW H0LSTEIN PD1311194o3o3o1o3oCHIPPEWA COUNTYCHIPPEWA CO SOCHIPPEWA FALLS PDCORNELLPDHALLIEPDSl'ANLBYPD924618oo6o1ooo1o1o300200oo, 0oo5o0000ooo2723272061119189918617o11001900o2o11o00251061017189415611o1220ooo2o401001oo4oo6o27910313463563957465122117o9392521CLARK COUNTYCLARK CO SONEIllSVIllE PD41ooooo411o211oo1810COLUMBIA COUNTYCOLUMBIA CO SOCOLUMBUSPDLODIPDPARDEEVIllE PDPORl'AGEPDPOYNETI'EPDWISCONSIN DELLS PD35012027700040000Q30000BARRON COUNTYBARRON CO SO 49 26 5 15 6 0 23 0 18 3 2 11BARRON PD 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5CHETEKPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0RICELAKEPD 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 27EiAJ(RONco-itYfJGC-----------------SS----:zS------;s-------I7----6"----o_------27------0-------fZ-----f-----f------43-BFlCiVV~IC()T()i'AJ:----------------493-----Is~-----32----__r46-------S-------0-----3Io----:fo-----:rSr----rS-------S---rr96-B~AJ:6-c:61fcrrAJC--------------16----~------o_----4-------0------O------f~----o------rf-------O--------r_----~f­Eitf~co1XYf~-------------4------0--------0-----o_-----0------0~----4-------0-------~------O------O---------O­~~IECi'D5TAi.-----------------34----7-------3-------4-------0------o-------27-------Z------fs-------o-------o-------rf5-clfiPPEvvA-c:Cl11Yr~--------------S7------~------0------2--------S-------0-------SO-------f-------f6------r-----TO------[4s­(X)~lAiC61NJTAJC-QESI)----------6S------7-------4-------3-------0-------0------S8-------6-----49------:r--------r------24j-000000028012002730201220102620010005039920195161

TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONnNUEDlI;.. "~/,{7~ ~q,'" ~ ~g$~l !~; ; $'1 ~l~ Ij~~ $$' $' .§ if'R--;,.~ ,f "q,q;; ::,.'" q,'I:' 0 CO 0 0f C( "

TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED,f#'#'t?()o8;r;," ~ l~QtC ~ ,p lrt II I~~Ii Q~~.......~ tt' ... '1 i~ ~ii.... $"1 ~~rtaItt' l~~ ...J'tt' o ,:;1iI.::,r'l" iii,.? itt' .."",11 ,,00' rf,ptl ~~"'~~ 0",'1 ~~ ~i' o",~ q,0 "'q tl ".J'lr~l ~~ "'1!ii l,,~~ ., ., .,CRAWFORD COUNTYCRAWFORD CO SO 7 4 0 4 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 6PRAIRIE DU CHIEN I'D 27 17 0 16 I 0 10 0 10 0 0 S3CRj\\v~RD-c61n5TAL-----------------34------2T--------O-------io--------l-------o-------13-------0-------13-------0--------0--------59-DANECOUNTYDANE COSO 317 62 52 9 I 0 255 211 35 3 6 0BElLEVIllE I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4BLACK EARTIl I'D I 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3CROSS PLAINS I'D 9 I 0 I 0 0 8 I 7 0 0 2DANE I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6DEFOREST I'D 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 17FITCHBURG I'D SS 2 2 0 0 0 S3 7 4S I 0 13MADISONI'D 360 192 147 45 0 0 168 104 62 I I 47MADISON TOWN I'D 28 3 3 0 0 0 25 7 18 0 0 5MAPLE BLUFF I'D 4 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0MAZOMANIE I'D 20 I I 0 0 0 19 0 17 0 2 15MC FARLAND I'D 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 I 3 0 0 6MIDDLEroN I'D 47 3 1 2 0 0 44 3 28 0 13 47MONONAI'D 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 7 0 I IMOUNT HOREB I'D 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16OREGON I'D 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 36SHOREWOOD lULLS I'D I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 13STOUGIITON I'D 32 I 0 I 0 0 31 5 21 0 5 48SUN PRAIRIE I'D S7 5 0 5 0 0 52 2 50 0 0 67UW-MADISON 99 I 0 1 0 0 98 2 92 2 2 408VERONAI'D 5 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 10WAUNAKEEI'D 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 I 0, 0 9WISCONSIN CAPITOL PO 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 15 0 1 7OANEc-ot01rAI--------------------lo74-----i77------20S-------6S--------1-------0------797-----344------415-------7-------31-------780-DODGE COUNTYDODGE CO SO 77 22 9 12 1 0 55 6 48 I 0 0BEAVER DAM I'D 34 I 0 I 0 0 33 2 31 0 0 97FOX LAKE I'D 3 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 14HORICON I'D 6 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 21JUNEAUI'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3MA YVlI.LE I'D 10 I 0 I 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 36WAUPUN I'D 12 1 0 I 0 0 11 0 11 0 0 54OClDGE-C011YrAL--------------------14Z------is-------1T-------16----,.---I-------0------114-------g------105-------1--------0-------225-DOUGLAS COUNTYDOUGLAS COSOSUPERIOR I'DUW SUPERIOR I'D3110II7oo1oI5oDUNNCOUNTYDUNN COSO52 1913 5 I 33 o 294 81MENOMONIE I'D49 121237 I 2214 215UW-STOlJr4 I o I o o 3 o 3 o o 197ouN'N-c6Y<strong>of</strong>AL---------------------loY-----32--------0'-------26----·'·· -5-- -----r-------73------T------s4'-------o------Ts-------f§rEAU CLAIRE COUNTYEAU CLAIRE CO SO50 8 I 742 I 392 290ALTOONAI'D13 o o o o o 131341EAU CLAIRE I'D137 137 4 131 1 1 oo813UW-EAU CLAIRE13 o o o o o 13 o 13 o o 129iiAticlAi'R'ifeo-fo'l'AL----------------'21Y----r4s-------':5------r3S--------r-------r-'------6S------T-------6S------0--------'2-----Tf73FI.ORENCE COUNTYFLORENCE CO SO 8 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0DOOR COUNTYDOOR COSO 28 3 1 I 0 I 25 2 23 0 0 49S'I1JRGEON BA Y I'D 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 42W ASIIINOTON ISLAND I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0DidioR-coTcrrAL----------------------3S-------3--------r--------r--------0-------r-------32-------2-------30-------0--------0--------91-IX)UGiAs-eo~f6tAL------------------114-------g--------r--------6--------r-------0------ro(,-------3------101-------2--------0-------231-Fi<strong>of</strong>ENeirco1r<strong>of</strong>AL----------------~--8-------o-~------0--------0--------0--'-----0--------8'-------1--------5-------o--------f---------o-FOND DU LAC COUNTYFOND DU LAC CO SO 64 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 64 0 0 264FOND DU LAC I'D 113 8 7 0 0 1 105 0 103 2 0 389NORTH FONDDU LAC I'D 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 32RIPON PO 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 0 136FONDDITO'cCCl'j'OTAL-'-------------'2(i3-------g--------:;--------0--------o,-------r------195--. ----o-----T§r------i--------o-------gfr-oIoo2103Io3o298Io2ooo18546163

TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II '" DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDFOREST COUNTYFOREST CO SOCRANDONPD5008 121473 1234771o3o3 01 0128 03 04 0o 07I671582201483GRANT COUNTYGRANT CO SOBOSCOBELPDCUBA CITY PDLANCASTERPDPLA'ITEVlll.E PDUW-PLATrEVlll.E22726 122045 01514 123146 127388 120 1289903781783719100024060003013 00 00 00 091 232 02001180I110314 00 01 00 03 00 026 00 00 02 04 00 0GREEN COUNTYGREEN COSOBRODIlEADPDMONROEI'DNEW GLARUS PO11183 122334 127623 121439 123551164051262116294o4oo 03 016 019 012o1oI733 0o 03 0o 02 0o 04 02 03200030o7Io1860996928628442613601634204868IS98243040I8639571214113IRON COUNTYIRON COSOHURLEYPD3490 121417 12131184510Io3 01 0o2151 02 01 0o 0o28222262IS13JEFFERSON COUNTYJEFFERSON CO SO 21634 12 845 52 4 30 0 7 22 31 0 10 2 9 198 128 100FORT ATKINSON PO 7866 12 428 34 6 11 2 I 11 4 0 I 0 I 95 82 120JEFFERSON I'D 4694 12 548 4 73 300 0 0 14 1 0 6 0 3 43 57 26LAKE MILLS I'D 3229 12 216 3 3 38 0 0 6 5 0 5 0 2 23 28 40PALMYRAI'D 1241 12 131 2 I 39 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 20 4 40WATERLOOI'D 2090 12 29 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 II 2WATERTOWN PO 14949 12 252 87 16 37 4 3 32 II 2 II 0 0 0 0 23JUNEAU COUNTYJUNEAU CO SO 11673 12 533 24 I 56 2 24 14 6 0 14 0 18 107 69 125ELROYPD 1147 12 127 13 0 33 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 1 14 17 41MAUSTONI'D 2610 12 121 15 0 6 0 0 6 1 0 I 0 0 22 36 17NEW LISBON PO 1104 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 0KENOSHA COUNTYKENOSJ IA CO SO 22879 12 2364 192 2 58 0 5 31 26 3 17 0 36 240 287 1184KENOSHAI'D 60933 12 6122 907 20 337 0 12 97 89 2 67 0 113 360 571 3080PLEASANI' PRAJRll PD 9275 12 835 37 I 61 0 3 2S 27 0 18 0 13 57 153 376SILVER LAKEPD 1406 12 122 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 6 15 77TWIN LAKES PO 3304 12 318 39 8 5 0 0 6 2 0 4 0 I 33 49 141UW-PARKSIDE 0 12 53 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 8Ci~-cl51XlTAL-0ES11-----------3681g--------1996-----11s----i8--1-22--23----4-----i3----20---0----32---0----36------iS7-----~S2-----38S­GItEEN(5b~ol~AC---------------2is7g--------1002------70-----4---3-8---0----4-----11-----6---0-----8---0-----S------ls4------ios-----223-GREEN LAKE COUNTYGREEN LAKE CO SO 71ll 12 421 44 07 6 0 5 0 15 120 35 132BERLINPD4037 12 356 107 010 7 0 8 054 90 113GREEN LAKE PO811 12 9 o o o 0o0 o 0o 6 IMARKESANPD1128 12 44 7 3 4 0 o 20 1 0 o 6 19 2PRINCETON I'D1096 12 78 1 o o 1 2 o o 0 o 0 3 36 13 3GREENI.Ai('Eco'i'OTAL-----------14T83---------"9os------ir---j---W---I----Y----n-·---n----o---H----0----18------iI6------T6Y----251-IOWA COUNTYlOWACOSO12017 12 447 o 3 1 0 1 4 3 0 o 0 10 70 104 238DODGEVILLE I'D2953 12 101 3 o o 0 o 5 o 0 1 0 o 18 39 2fOWACOTO"'fAC----------------T4970---------S4S-------"3----Y---T---0----T-----"9---·--5----0-----1----0----TO--------8S-------m-----240-JACKSON COUNTYJACKSON CO SO9854 12 284 14 2 16 1 24 0 9 0 2 94 7 123BLACK RIVER FALLS I'D 2619 12 179 16 1 7 0 0 8 7 0 1 0 0 31 36 20JACKS-ONitI5TOTA[--------------12473---------463------30-----j----23---1----2------"9----11---0----10---0-----i------lis-------43-----143-JfiFFERS01~rCO-T6TIGC------------SS703--------i449-----184---i64--4-56----6---1-2----S7----53---2----54----2----1s------387------310-----351-ru~1J(i)-Tol~C~i)-----------16534---------79S------s2-----i---9-5---2---24-----25-----7---0·----1'9---0----19------149------128-----183-~6sfU\-c61~6TAL--------------97797--------9814----1181----ji--465----0---2-0---1s9---144---5---107----0---166------698-----10s1----4866-KEWAUNEE COUNTYKEWAUNEE CO SO 8586 12 219 18 1 27 0 0 2 3 0 6 0 12 51 30 30ALGOMAI'D 2467 12 172 5 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 2 18 38 47KEWAUNEEI'D 2036 12 94 5 0 3 0 0 2 I 0 2 0 1 19 22 13LUXEMBURG PD 901 12 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 13 2 0KEWAtiNfiii'c-oroTAC-----------13990---------sTr----ir--· -1-"· -3T--o-----0------g-----;j - '-'0·-----9 ----:----B------lor-----"9i------§o-164

l~f'"TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~~~~ ~(J0,f ~l& J~1& It 1&~ Q'IC i;; o,t'lQi;;l ~~f,fJ li?~IO",'i" q,0J 0q,0~Iq,0 "'q, !l "Vtf QI 'i" i~ ~ ,,'i" f~ ;:;1 ~'I"v v",.~ ,,00' ",'i"j O",'i"~ 0;B~f "'~~1P'l "'"~6 j~ J'~ ~!o?il /1 Ii'FORESf COUNTYFOREST CO SO 19 5 0 5 0 0 14 0 11 0 3 0CRANDON PD 4 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 18GRANT COUNTYGRANT co so 36 9 0 9 0 0 27 0 27 0 0 45BOSCOBELPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0CUBACITYPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9LANCASTER PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 27PLATIEVILlB PD 15 3 0 3 0 0 12 I 10 0 I 270UW-PLA TIEVILlB 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 44GREEN COUNTYGREEN COSOBRODHEAD PDMONROEPDNEW GLARUS PDFOR-~Co-T6TJGC--------------------23-------7--------ij--------7--------ij-------ij-------16-------0-------13-------0--------3--------18-GR-Al?r-66TClfAL-~----------------S3------12--------0-------12--------0-------0-------41-------1-------39-------0--------1-------405-18 551313991 oo11o 319 336 o 5I 493 o o o o o 3 1 2 o o 31GR-liENc:OT01rAL---------------------31-------g--------0--------g--------ij-------0-------23-------1-------i1-------0-------1--------210-IOWA COUNTYIOWA COSODOOOEVILLE PDGREEN LAKE COUNTYGREEN LAKE CO SO 18 4 0 4 0 0 14 I 13 0 0 75BERLIN PD 10 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 9 0 1 47GREEN LAKE PD 2 I 0 I 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0MARKESAN PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PRINCETON PD 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 15GR-liENIJGKE

TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDLA CROSSE COUNTYLA CROSSE CO SOBANGOR POCAMPBEu'POHOlMEN POLA CROSSE POONALASKA POUWoLA CROSSEWEST SALEM PO<strong>of</strong>J.-cRcisSEccff6'i'AT, ~.LANGLADE COUNTYLANGLADECO soANnGOPO860! 126354 12234556o 010 2231oo3147 02 04 013 0o76076579518244LINCOLN COUNTYI.INCOLN CO SOMERRlu'POTOMAIIA WK PO10548 127570 122479 124763524148 020 00 0110MANITOWOC COUNTYMANITOWOC CO SO 24231 12 1649 24 3 28 0 9 45 16 1 19 0 13 325 188 353KlELPO 2203 12 64 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 25 14 9MANITOWOC PO 24757 12 2772 31 8 128 0 5 95 32 0 25 0 71 523 744 732TWO RIVERS PO 9699 12 493 44 3 60 0 2 22 9 1 1 1 47 0 168 83MARINE'ITE COUNTYMARINE'rm CO SOMARINE'l°m POPESI lTIGO PO19358 128714 122372 12661571896627735o003 026 06 010051o850101217 00 00 012 03 02 07 06 00 011 03 0o 0MARQIlEITE COUNTYMARQUETI'E CO so 9797 12 164 10 o 0 o 7 5 0 9 4 2 4S 45 1990381I7786152071572269821516781022764227912228MENOMINEE COUNTYMENOMINEE CO so (j 12 32 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 3 0MENOMINEE TRIDAI. PO 2376 12 1617 232 0 I 0 3 3 11 0 I 0 222 156 182 65716836 12 613 59 0 4 0 2 23 6 0 10 0 0 168 67 86819 12 16 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 1 13480 12 107 9 0 0 I 1 0 2 0 I 0 1 23 21 332927 12 64 13 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 6 17 1938931 12 3656 318 7 70 0 30 120 44 0 40 0 5 349 967 105910130 12 523 27 4 2 0 I 9 3 0 4 0 0 256 30 990 12 36 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 62927 12 84 7 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 I 1 I 19 16 15---------76050--------5099-----434----[2---7-6---f---3-5---155----59---0----5S---1-----7------830-----1127----r3fs-LAFA YhTfE COUNTYLAFA YE'ITE CO SO9744 12 253 17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 34 30 135OARLINGTONPO1607 12 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 8 0lJ\FJ\yEfTE(551Xj1:AJ:------------11351---------3o8------17-----0----1----0----0------0-----0----0-----0----0-----6-------51-------38-----13S-f~(:c)~C{)T01rAJ[--------------20597---------869------68----()-----2----0----1-----13-----7---0----f3---0----12------178------166-----2~-~vv6c-661X)T~-----------60S90--------4978-----101----[4---21-8---0----16---163----5S----2----45---1---131------873-----1114----1177-MARATHON COUNTYMARATHON CO SO43097 12 582 48 0 o 0 3 2 14 0 5 0 10 219 174 47EVEREST METRO PO9558 12 839 16 6 8 0 I o 5 0 2 0 3 185 267 239MOSINEE PO2886 12 155 o 0 o 0 o 70 2 037 35 IIROTIlSCIIII.D PO3736 12 129 9 4 3 0 I I o 0 3 0 o 42 21 13WAUSAU PO27785 12 777 116 20 2 0 3 28 7 0 9 0 4 131 147 195MARAl1TI5N-66TIb'fAJe------------S7062--------2482-----189----jo---1-3---0----8-----38----26---0----2f---0----17------614------644-----505-~R~1FE-661(ffA[------------30444------·-1321-----1oo-----8---3-5---0-----6----23----f7----0----f4----0----10------386------104-----429-~lQlfifffBc{)f6T~------------9797---------164------10-----[----0----0-----0------7-----5---0-----9---4-----2-------45-------45------19-~6~EOO-T6T~-------------2j76--------1649-----235----:r----I----0----3------j----f2---0-----f---0---226------172------185-----657-166


TABLE7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~~Iii ~ ~ '"l~ ~ §,17 $I'1.'1'Ii ........~I t)$ '"'" q$~ t ~ ! !fJ # "'I1f()'I' IJ... '1' ~ ... O'l 0" ¢~ , 4,'1'4:'"... O,f t .. J ~ ~ ~ Il! Q~§ ~ ~ "/0•'"~"I 11'l"0/ "l $'$' $' ~ ~ ,p ~ ~ 9t ~'I'..,tf~f ~9' :r X t.P t( i "qtC :,.'1' ~ qtC CO~ (> 0Mll..W AUKEE COUNTYMD..WAUKEE CO SO 0 12 2498 14 1 431 0 0 9 589 0 36 0 1 512 233 137BAYSIDEPD 3538 12 55 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 22 12 12BROWN DEER PD 9164 12 458 20 22 29 0 2 8 18 0 2 0 12 79 37 180CUDAHYPD 13769 12 864 109 1 15 1 0 13 20 0 4 2 1 277 184 110FOXPOINTPD 5284 12 86 2 0 5 0 0 5 I 0 0 0 0 19 14 4FRANKLINPD 18138 12 685 88 9 69 0 3 32 24 0 8 0 9 124 45 168GLENDALEPD 10396 12 465 17 9 14 0 16 7 21 4 1 0 0 110 39 108GREENDALE PD 11106 12 532 42 28 IS 3 II 12 22 0 1 0 I 75 118 146GREENFIELD PD 25772 12 980 84 34 74 2 16 25 13 0 4 0 1 208 245 137HALES CORNERS PD 5713 12 294 24 3 47 0 I 0 7 0 0 0 3 66 28 81MlLWAUKEEPD 460645 12 54426 9633 167 719 0 163 2851 22811596 322 114 1877 3235 13805 11427OAK CREEK PD 16093 12 808 12 5 14 2 6 28 25 10 2 0 4 ISO 193 141RIVER HILLS PD 1205 12 91 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 39 0 40SHOREWOOD PD 10339 12 237 14 0 0 0 4 3 I 0 I 0 0 55 52 79SOUTH MlLWAUKEEPD 15512 12 687 70 1 9 0 0 22 8 0 2 0 12 72 III 314ST. FRANCIS PD 6823 12 217 55 7 12 0 0 6 2 0 1 1 5 42 23 39UW-Mll..WAUKEE 0 12 315 4 1 1 0 I 12 5 0 4 0 0 10 72 91WAUWATOSA PD 36186 12 201 43 14 40 2 19 15 17 0 1 0 0 0 5 17WEST ALLIS PD 46394 12 3162 261 1 102 1 8 107 61 0 39 0 28 296 772 1093WEST MD..WAUKEE PD 3114 12 431 18 6 201 2 5 5 5 0 2 4 2 66 56 37WHITEFISH BAY PD 10395 12 192 10 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 20 15 117WIS. STATE FAIR PARK 0 12 218 1 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 3 0 4 1 54 47MONROE COUNTYMONROE CO SO 15402 12 447 66 0 7 I 1 9 9 0 6 0 25 61 80 105SPARTAPD 5607 12 359 25 3 11 0 0 15 8 0 5 2 7 47 114 74TOMAHPD 5635 12 690 32 7 12 0 0 7 6 0 4 0 3 143 110 224MD..VVX~C()TOT7GC----------709586-------67902---10522---32r-1-80-0--13---25-9--3163--3127161-0--434-1-2-1-1960-----5478----16113---r4525-~6NR()1fCO-TOT7GC--------------26644--------1496-----123----r0---3-0---1----1-----31----23---0----15----2----35------2S1------304-----403-OCONTO COUNTYOCONTO co so 17768 12 456 0 19 25 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 101 113 181OCONTO FALLS PD 1939 12 38 8 I 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 0OCONTOPD 3336 12 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 3 32 0ONEIDA COUNTYONEIDA CO SO 16606 12 960 43 5 3 0 2 9 25 0 22 0 4 150 89 389MlNOCQUAPD 2840 12 336 8 5 3 0 1 7 5 0 3 0 2 44 49 122IUUNELANDER PD 5873 12 575 59 7 10 0 3 1 5 0 8 0 3 69 68 266OUTAGAMIE COUNTYOUTAGAMIE CO so 30636 12 719 27 12 12 0 0 14 12 0 12 0 13 118 105 255APPLIrrONPD 48891 12 3236 219 37 46 20 5 48 24 0 37 0 40 618 585 933COMBINED LOCKS PD 1600 12 97 4 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 7GRAND CHUTE PD 11493 12 960 50 35 28 0 5 23 5 0 11 0 9 128 166 317KAUKAUNAPD 8883 12 345 3 1 14 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 39 18 46 77KIMBERLYPD 4029 12 216 0 5 3 0 0 7 I 0 1 0 12 31 40 64UITLE CIIUTE PD 7041 7 197 5 0 1 0 0 6 1 0 9 0 0 62 26 0~()NTO-C6-f6tl(L---------------23043---------S81-------S----20----2-5----0----0------6-----0---0-----r----0-----l ------112------1S4-----181-6~I\CO-TOT7GC---------------25319--------1871-----110----r7---1-6---0----6-----17----35----0----33---0-----9------263------206-----777-otnfi\a-~C6-i1JTI(L-~------112573--------S912-----311----90--1-0)---20---1-0---103----48----0---82---0---113-----1102-----1011----r653-PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO SO 3741 12 52 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 27 7 10DURANDPD 1449 12 36 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 3 16OZAUKEE COUNTYOZAUKEE CO so 13763 12 449 15 2 2 0 0 4 I 0 12 0 0 124 42 225CEDARBURG PD 7566 12 279 9 0 23 0 0 1 2 0 4 0 1 73 28 50GRAFfONPD 6954 12 234 15 0 19 0 1 8 3 0 3 0 0 33 17 97MEQUONPD 14925 12 191 12 6 3 0 4 5 8 0 2 0 0 106 28 4PORT WASI!lNGTON PD 7109 12 475 14 I 130 0 0 2 3 0 II 0 0 67 70 96SAUKVILLEPD 2875 12 137 20 8 3 0 3 3 4 0 2 0 5 10 17 26TIUENSVILLEPD 2442 12 74 1 1 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 10 12o25\inCEE-c51r6fAJC--------------55634--------1839------s6----r8--1-81---0----9-----23----21---0----34---0-----6------433------212-----510-PEP~c:Ci11j1rAJC------------------5190----------88-------3-----6----0----0----0------1-----1---0-----1---0-----s-------31-------10------26-PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO SO 15474 12 501 55 10 16 0 3 2 4 0 2 1 219 67 94PRESCOTIPD 2533 12 163 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 28 30 14RIVER FALLS PD 7966 12 807 16 1 140 0 2 11 3 0 9 0 71 129 34P1ERCE-c51r6fXL----------------25973--------1471------74----rr--1-56---0-----5-----15-----7----0----11----1----3------318------226-----142-168

---------------------------------------------------------------------lTABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~tf ~0(7",0~ § & ~~# cr~ l& f,& ~~1&~rfJ ... ~ fi~Q~~~rfJ if ~'"l'~~!-.o$1~~R'l.. .."" Ii; ° j~ IrfJ I~~~I '1 .,

TABLE 1 NUMBER OF ADULT PART 1/ & DRUG ARRESTS, 1004, CONTINUEDPORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SO 23383 12 754 17 4 13 0 4 17 II 0 20 0 24 145 76 295PLOYERPD 7074 12 304 1 0 7 0 I 4 4 0 I 0 4 127 51 55STEVENS POINT PO 17638 12 982 165 10 92 3 8 43 3 0 10 0 2 135 118 131PRICE COUNTYPRICE CO SOPARK FALLS PDPIULUPSPD8347 122332 121238 12205106S985oo2o 02 03 02o5222 02 01 02 02 0I 011434227382214712ISRACINE COUNTYRACINE CO SOBURLINGroNPDBURLINGroN TOWN PDCALEDONIA PDMT. PLEASANT PDRACINE POS'IURTEVANT PO24040 126660 124360 1215682 1215288 1261422 123317 129764451804~55083311296~5291052110337917001827029 072 0II 03 05 I 0335 I0 04I0362141814132214143414 04 05 017 020 0203 155 08 09 00 04 07 083 49I 0380147294220593496. 712617615913422112915435829057541148785798RICIILAND COUNTYRICm.AND co soRICHLAND CENTER PO9217 123749 12266167415143 0o 0Io5II4 0 II 0I 0 3 0II42236272516350ROCK COUNTYROCK CO soBELOITPDBELOIT TOWN POCLINTONPDEDGERTONPDEVANSVILLEPDJANESVILLEPDMILTON POTURTLE TOWN PD21294 1226021 124980 121372 123148 112460 039715 123405 121792 1223445855673461250339414344702635404032603227210025I047 018 00 04 014 00 0257 37 0I 022902I0800247829200927222 0 15 048 I 55 712 0 3 01 0 0 0I 0 0 00 0 0 048 2 51 03 0 I 00 0 0 09549I1008502760531218035967I302697132133408251410112641123675240928210ST. CROIX COUNTYST. CROIX CO SO 26185 12 369 7 8 32 0 3 0 6 I I"9 7 76 86HUDSONPD 4810 12 496 21 4 17 0 3 14 10 0 2 0 0 131 72 93NEW RICHMOND PD 3840 12 139 15 5 9 0 0 6 2 0 3 0 0 24 20 14SOMERSETPD 840 12 929 4 3 30 I 0 10 2 0 3 0 I 55 82 26POLKCOUNTYPOLK CO SO 20246 12 966 62 3 20 0 2 6 12 0 10 0 41 426 120 186AMERYPD 2010 12 70 4 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 30 6 14CLEAR LAKE PD 688 12 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0OSCEOLAPD 1604 12 104 2 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 1 42 11 2ST CROIX FALLS PD 1220 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0P51JfCO-lOTJGC-----------------25768--------1149------68-----4----2-0---0----2-----10----Y7---0----10---0----42------503------131'----202-PClR1r!\OEiOO11lfAJe--------------4S095--------2040-----183----14--1-1i---j---1-3----~4----18----0----jl---0----30------407------245-----4S;)­RACl~CO-T6Ti\C--------------Y30769--------6211-----642----53--5-0-1---1---3-9---228---26S--1-5---IY2--4-9----65------817-----1119----1557-RUSK COUNTYRUSK CO SO8247 12 336 2 4 4 3 2 8 8 0 6 395 102 40LADYSMITII PD2932 12 95 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 020 33 0RlJ1fK:CClT01fIGC-----------------YY179---------431-------2----10----4----j-----2-----12-----S----0----7---3-----2------115------135------40-ST~CRClIx-co-f6TJGC-------------35675--------1933------47----20---s-8---1----6-----30----20---1-----9---0----10------217------250-----219-SAWYER COUNTYSAWYER COSOHAYWARDPD9575145312II3992782523020200 057630004000215568343110191SAUKCOUNTYSAUKCOSO 17620 12 947 84 7 17 I 2 40 II 0 6 0 24 179 137 131BARABOO PD 7101 12 377 21 I 2 0 0 9 5 0 I 0 6 55 98 107LAKE DELTON PD 1192 12 220 22 I 0 0 1 10 3 0 I 0 1 63 39 34REEDSBURG PO 4676 12 449 27 2 205 0 0 2 1 0 8 0 0 36 73 36SAUK·PRAIRIE PD 4267 12 246 I 2 0 0 0 5 2 0 I 0 16 33 57 40SPRING GREEN PD 1009 12 79 0 2 50 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 0 3 17Si\tfi(C-OT01r!\[-----------------3586S--------231S-----1s5----15---27-4'---1----3-----66----22---0----18---0----49------366------407-----365-S~VVYER-C5-f6fAl-CES1)----------ff028---------700------50-----f-----2----0----1-----13-----9---0-----4---0-----2------229-------68-----200-170

lTABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART 11 & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~~ ~,,0 ~0f~~ ,~~~ ~Ji~ ~ ~~~I l~tf Q,§' ~~,,~ ~# l~ ~,,~ f!~~R~(j "i:: ~tf/h~l II ~,,'q" 'q" ~o;.!it

TABLE7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDSHEBOYGAN COUNTYSHEBOYGAN CO SOKOHLERPDPL YMOUTII PDSHEBOYGANFALLSPDSHEBOYGAN PD30734 121404 125228 124439 1237103 1281145251135258461o3II624 10 0000o 28 000014 208 25oo732o637234 0o 0o 02 021 02 0o 07 0I 041 I5oo151991027183601742932583281245140597TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR COSOMEDFORDPD10443 123053 123981524o146 013 02o724 09 0o 0o 06011781926296621TREMPEALEAU COUNTYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIAPDELEVAPDINDEPENDENCE PDSTRUMPDW1lITE1lALL PD14379 121631 12370 12795 5716 121142 12223320119330301010000010 00 00 00 00 01 00000000000040 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 0010001125120015666001016110051VILAS COUNTYVILAS COSOEAGLE RIVER PD13306 121118 127571317510o21 02 03o724 0 o 02 0 o 04130065761224211WALWORTH COUNTYWALWORTII CO SOBLOOMFIELD PODELAVANPDDELAVAN TOWN POEASTTROYPDEAST TROY TOWN PDELKHORNI'DLAKE GENEVA I'DUW-WIlITEWATERWALWORTII POW1-UTEW A TER PDWD..LIAMS BAY I'D23240 123119 124873 123318 122209 122894 124633 124724 120 121281 89859 121657 121570132458384137463225183197313906811563723341362962361240702014I08021 14 0120 09 011 00 054 235 11 0I 0254 00 01000002I00IO'22419030913I134020 0 39 03 0 4 07 0 3 03 0 2 00 0 3 00 0 0 02 0 8 09 0 7 03 0 3 01 0 2 010 0 10 00 0 0 021 2o3 0SHAWANO COUNTYSHAWANO CO SOSlLAWANOPD22046570512128953711376315732157802242387922051136020sHJ[VfJ\Nio-c:01R)TA[-------------277s1--------1266------3s-----9---2-2----2-----[----47----15----2-----4----2----2/;-----479------31s------80-SHEBl5yG~C()11)1r~----------78908--------3826-----137----r8---24-6---2---1-[---113----57---0----51---1----20------614----~126-----793-~EAIiQ\(j60-T6T~~-----T9033---------309-------6-----r----l--·--0----0------4-----1---0-----1---0-----2------143-------98-------g­VERNON COUNTYVERNON CO SO13735 12 452 42 2 5 08 3 0 6 0 1 68 36 247HILLSBORO964 12 28 2o 0o 1 0 o 0 o 4 3 6VIROQUAPD2930 12 181 1212 020 1 0 2 32 26 59WESTBY PD1386 12 26 6 o o 0 o o o 0 o 0 o 5 4 8VEIfNON-c6-fotAJ:--------------T90Ts---------687------62:---:z---1-7----0----0-----10-----4----0-----7---0-----3------109-------69-----320-VVA[VV6RTfrc6-i15TAJ:~D-------6T807--------5456-----33S----i7--511----4----5----107----59---0----82---0----36------814------892-----872-WASHBURN COUNTYWASHBURN CO SOSPOONER I'D882119011212282109513012I0020065I00000000673776171044VVASUBl1RH-6Q-i15tAL------------T0722---------391------1s-----r-----3----0-----2------6-----6---0-----0---0-----0------104-------93-----108-WAS~UNGTON COUNTYWASJUNGTON CO so 31916 12 766 35 4 3 0 5 17 12 0 12 5 4 164 165 170GERMANTOWN PD 11181 12 301 30 4 6 0 0 8 13 0 I 0 0 72 89 23HARTFORDI'D 6357 12 497 34 3 33 0 I 11 5 () 3 0 14 69 100 146JACKSON PO 2563 12 115 2 0 7 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 15 28 25 10KEWASKUMI'D 2106 12 211 4 0 71 0 2 2 3 0 I 0 2 6 56 39SLINGERI'D 2229 12 245 4 1 8 0 I 8 1 0 1 0 22 12 50 116WESTBENDPD 19544 12 1816 30 11 636 4 3 36 23 0 11 0 2 218 482 110VVASfUNG11)NCX>TCii'lGC----------j5896--------3951-----139----if--7-6-4---4---1-[----85----63---0----29---5----59------S69------967-----614-42307000I00I0311434912324153864529821616324954817965224331418310484114810823I12341001329172

TASLE7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED.?J>~ Q'C ~ fr! ~&~tfJ ,,~ Q~frl ~I /rl,f~~() V' J>~l &~~i&ty Q~tfJ ,,~ ~I l"V V jtfJfftfJ §...,~~f "'~~ ~i'Q.0J,,~ ~,,0 $1 8"jtfJ ~tfJ /JJ"Os~1il /1 ~l jp,. OJ0i' ~"';;' ",V0.p'1.° "''I. 'l "S1&SHAWANO COUNTYSHAWANO CO SO 29 I 0 0 I 0 28 I 26 I 0 123SIIAWANOPD 13 2 0 2 0 0 II 0 II 0 0 55sliA\V~o-651R5~------------------42-------5--------0--------2--------1-------0-------59-------1-------37-------1--------0-------[7g-TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR COSOMEDFORD PO371298oI97oo284oI283oo10732TREMPEALEAU COUNTYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIA POELEVA POINDEPENDENCE POSTRUM POWHITEIIALL PO30200230000I00000000000I0000000000000302001320000022I00I33I00003000000'I0000VERNON COUNTYVERNON COSOHILLSBOROVIROQUA POWESTBY PO23I3o12oIo10oIooIII3oo10I3oo1o11II323VILAS COUNTYVILAS cosoEAGLE RIVER PO44149o4o5ooo3514oI3513ooI10WALWORTI-I COUNTYWALWORTI1 CO SOBLOOMFIELD PODELAVAN PODELA V AN TOWN POEAST TROY POEAST TROY TOWN POELKHORN POLAKE GENEVA POUW·W!m'EWATERWALWOR'I1l POWlm'EWATERPDWILUAMS BAY PO207191347371629440623000130000409000100000301200003000010SHEBOYGAN COUNTYSHEBOYGAN CO SO 56 17 3 13 I 0 39 I 36 I I 148KOHLER PO 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 6PLYMOUTII PO 18 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 10 2 6 18SHEBOYGAN FALLS PO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35SHEBOYGAN PO 94 29 I 28 0 0 65 7 55 0 3 258SIUUfOVOI\N1XflffiJe---------------171------46--------4-------4T--------1-------0------125-------8------101-------3-------[3-------465-T~EALEI\tJco-fOT~~----------37-------I--------0--------f--·-----0-------0-------36-------2-------27-------4--------3---------7-V1fRNON-66-foT~-------------------27------12--------I-------10--------1-------0-------15-------0-------14-------0--------1--------57-VVALvvoRT1f66-iX)TIGl-0ES11-----------37S------5T-------fj-------16----'----0-------2------344------10------3If-------0-------23------[334-WASHBURN COUNTYWASHBURN CO SOSPOONER PO2163000300000186001860000023VVASliBtfRN-c01fOTIGl-----------------27-------j--------0--------5--------0-------0-------24----··--0-------24-------0--------0--------23-WASWNGTOK COUNTYWASI UNGTON co so 91 43 13 26 2 2 48 9 37 2 0 79GERMANTOWN PO 24 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 7 0 17 31HARTFORD PO 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 14 0 0 63JACKSON PO 18 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 18 0 0 1KEWASKUM PO 3 I 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 22SLINGER PO 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 18WEST BEND PO 46 0 0 0 0 0 46 1 39 6 0 2r ...vvAsiiTNo'j'ONCOTOTfiJe--------------21io------H--- ----13---··--2'7·--·····--i------T-----f56'----Tf-- ··--Ti:O-------8------Tr------4Ig-000000000000200000000000184191334371629436660000040000017319133415162943660000000000005000001800000178964481613S68022719599IS173

TABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED~ ~ :t ~~;I: ~lfJ p S '-' # '-' ~.§ If#';If ... ;? '-'tfl ~ ... '-' ,!Y~t ~ " iii '" ~I .l~~~~ ;s';s' 'I ..... Iii.. " ...., $~ 1.9 10'9.'

,,~~'/~KTABLE 7 NUMBER OF ADULT PART •• DRUG ARRESTS, llM14, CONllNUEDl I ! ~ l1/ 47i'#~§~~ j,l~ .. 1'$ 1'47 I/~" I I# l~Al Il /,;16!fJ /;.1 ~$'JYIIhi co o,J co "J.. ...II,,OJ' ~;; OJ' ~ ~ 0,1 01WAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SO 11 11 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11BROOKFIELDPD 55 2 0 2 0 0 53 3 41 3 6 140BROOKFIELD TOWN PD 19 3 0 3 0 0 16 0 16 0 0 1BUIl.ERPD 5 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 4 0 0 10CHENEQUAPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0DELAFIElD PD 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8ELMGROVEPD 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 10 1 0 22HAR1l.AND PD 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 15 34MENOMONEE FAllS PD 69 0 0 0 0 0 69 0 0 9 60 182MUKWONAGO PD 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 1 16 0 0 20MUSKEGOPD 19 2 1 1 0 0 17 0 17 0 0 93NEW BERLIN PD 118 1 0 0 1 0 117 7 107 3 0 270OCONOMOWOC PD 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 4 0 9 51OCONOMOWOCTOWNPD 16 1 0 1 0 0 15 4 11 0 0 36PEWAUKEEPD 19 2 2 0 0 0 17 3 14 0 0 21PEWAUKEETOWNPD 51 8 0 8 0 0 43 2 40 1 0 32SUMMITPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32WAUKESHAPD 250 4 1 3 0 0 246 15 224 6 1 486VVX-~IU\(X)--it)TAJ.----------------689------3S--------g------_Y8--------f-------8------6S4------f6------so4------iS-------9[----~9-WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SO 32 10 5 5 0 0 22 2 19 1 0 7CLINTONVlLLEPD 12 1 0 1 0 0 11 0 10 0 1 28NEW LONDON PD 21 1 1 0 0 0 20 1 19 0 0 69WAUPACAPD 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0WAUPACA CO TOTAL-----------'6--6 -----f3----6--------7------0-----o------5'3-----f-------48-----T-------1-----'"'['64WAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA co so 22 4 0 4 0 0 18 2 10 0 6 2WINNEBAGO COUNTYWINNEBAGO CO SO 19 2 0 1 0 1 17 2 15 0 0 63MENASHAPD 9 2 0 2 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 77MENASHA TOWN PD 17 2 0 2 0 0 15 1 14 0 0 66NEENAHPD 46 0 0 0 0 0 46 2 43 1 0 90OMROPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOSHKOSHPD 128 11 1 10 0 0 117 3 113 1 0 46SUW-OSHKOSH 35 0 0 0 0 ('< 35 0 3S 0 0 ISSWINNECONNE PD 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 13WlNNEBAOOCOrorAL--------------256"---Tl-------_y----rs------0---7:39-------g------ii§'--------2------0------9f4WOODCOUNTYWOOD CO SO 78 6 3 3 0 0 72 3 67 0 2 116MARSHFIELD PD 67 14 0 14 0 0 53 3 37 12 1 117WISCONSIN RAPIDS PD 39 9 6 I 2 0 30 4 26 0 0 105VV(M)DI5D-i1Yf7G[--------------------T8~----2~-------9------_y8--------2-------0-------fss------[o-----Tfo------f2---------f-------ff8DNR-LAW. ENF. BUR.WIS. STATE PATROLooooooooooooooooooooooo280ST~TE-ib~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORTED 13711 3853 1516 1626 78 633 9858 1742 7185 138 793 24508FSJ.1MATED 13724 3853 1516 1626 78 633 9871 1742 7198 138 793 24576175

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART. a. DRUG ARRESTS, 11»4ADAMS COUNTYADAMS CO SOADAMSPDROMETOWNPD2640 12352 12403 1291191o1oo 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0oo 011o00AI>~C01X5T)lL ---------------339S----------r19-------1-----iO----0----iO-----o------o----yI----0----~---0-----O-----3------S3-------[S-­1 01 0o 0o12o1511213oASHLAND COUNTYASHLAND CO SOASHLANDPD20472308121242537o32o 03 0o 0o 5o19o 010 0o 02 0o11497192BARRON COUWVBARRON CO SOBARRON PDCHETEKPDRlCELAKBPD76488425292178121212121465511183104202 10 06 00 00 10 20 00 0233196 01 00 08 07 00 00 02 01000010061408331606BAJfRON-C01XJT~-------------fff9r----------39S------16------8---1-----0--~-----~-IS---0-----9----0----_r-----[-----[03-------43--BAYFIELD COUNTYBAYFIELD CO SO 2883 12 79 3 1 0 0 0 16 0 0 7 0 0 2 5 11BAYFIELDPD 173 12 35 7 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2WASHBURNPD 591 12 43 4 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3BROWNCOUWYBROWN CO SO 18609 12 416 5 1 6 0 2 51 8 0 8 0 0 1 58 120ASHWAUBENON PD 4664 12 241 14 5 13 0 2 13 3 0 7 0 0 1 43 64DEPERBPD 4843 12 235 9 0 1 0 2 49 12 0 0 0 0 0 75 37GREEN BAY PD 27139 12 2920 170 4 2 0 22 148 89 0 34 0 0 7 366 634PULASKIPD 684 12 12 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3UW-GREENBAY 0 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4BRClWNCX)1l)TJ\L---------------SS939---------383S-----200-----rO---2-3----iO---2-9----26~-~-0----SO---0-----O-----~---S4S------862--BUfFALO COUWYBUfFALO CO SO 2935 12 55 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 4MONDOVlPD 675 12 7 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0B~AJ)oCOTCYf~-------------36fo-----------62-----__o------r----0-----0----0-----13-----0---0-----0----0-----o-----f-------8--------~BURNETI COUNTYBURNETT CO SO3225 1294 17 o 0 o 0II 2 0 o o o 12 12CJlLUMET COUNTYCJlLUMET CO SOBRll.UONPDOULTONPDNEW HOLSTEIN PD4732 12851 12975 12984 12133 3 0 0 0 052 0 0 0 0 11186 3 0 0 0 057 2 0 2 0 I34 4 0 4 0 0 0 11 3411 4 0 0 0 0 0 15 I46 2 0 2 0 2 1 27 12I 1 0 0 0 I 0 24 9~~-co-iXYfAjl--------------7542--------~28-------8------0---2-----0--1-f----92----rI---0-----6---0-----3-----[------f7-------56--CHIPPEWA COUNTYCHIPPEWA CO SO 8372 12 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0CHIPPEWA PJlLLS PD 3511 12 896 23 5 5 0 9 22 14 0 15 0 0 2 185 415CORNEllPD 421 12 51 3 2 I 0 0 9 1 0 1 0 0 1 12 3HAU.lEPD 1249 12 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0STANLEYPD 557 12 32 4 0 3 0 I 0 I 0 3 0 0 0 1 2CHIPPEW~C:~T(Yr)lL----------[4Tfo----------994------30-------r---9-----o--1(f----31----r6---0----~--(f---_o-----4-----[98------420-­CLARK COUNTYCLARK CO SONElll.SVIU..E PD86858011212614557oo 0o 02214 0o 0o 03 0o2161351COLUMBIA COUNTYCOLUMBIA CO SOCOLUMBUSPDLODlPDPARDEEVlLLEPDPORTAGEPDPOYNETI'EPDWISCONSIN DElLS PD65621091620468228945862312l21212071217570872903014911I0301060020020002000(X)L~~-co'fi)fiG[(ES1)-------f2ffr---------~84------49------S----5-----0----2-----56----20----0-----7----0-----1----[s-----[[8------[[~-0 00 00 20 00 00 00 034170655 01 02 02 00 00 07 04 00 00 00 00 01 01 00001000511003921153024454122100121176

----------------------------------------"IIBI..E 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART. II DRUG ARRESTS, 10004!# ~ !# R~ ~ ~ ~I ~p, I~b I ~,!iq~ ~ qor.., ~nJt F.l q~+I~ ~ t} t} 1;1§".1.1 "'~;! /;' ~~#I "'~! !."'~ 1$ $8 ,,-, p,,,,o # I t} t} ~~" ~ IJ$ ~p J~ OJ ff "J 0., ~I cf~ ~ ~~ o~ ",0 t;" ;;)J c/j'ItADAMS COUNTYADAMS coso 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1ADAMSPD 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 34 10 23 1ROMETOWNPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ADAMs COTO'l'AL----------9----o---0---0---0----0'----9 ---O-----'1---O--"2-----Y5------1 0----2Y-----2BARRON COUNTYBARRON CO SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 7 0 51BARRON PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 4 7 13CHETEKPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0RICELAKBPD 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 59 29 11 19BARRON co-ro'fAL-----------'6---0---0--0--0------0-----r--O-----6-----O-o-----T;n----;rO----n---SrBAYFIFLD COUNTYBAYFIELD CO SOBAYFIELDPDWASHBURNPDo11o1oo1ooo1ooo1ooo341323119o123o11BROWN COUNI'YBROWN CO SOASHWAUBENON PDDEPEREPDGREEN BAY PDPULASKIPDUW-GREENBAY1332310012224001002001122200000000000000110270000000000027000100• 00100000143734814132613558433190681344052002168900BR()~C()T01fiU:------------------~9-----20---_:l----1-7---0------O------i9----0---27------r----1-----1-6-S5-----S'61----432--~BUFFALO COUNTYBUFFALO CO SOMONDOVIPDo1oooooo1oo1oo321311o1oBURNErI' COUNTYBURNErI' CO SO 7 o o o 6 o 4 o 2 32 2 4 26Blf~-C61XYf~----------------~-------r-----o---l----0-----0--------6----0----4------O---1-----3-2------Z------~---2~CALUMEr COUNTYCALUMEr CO SOBRIWONPDCHlLTONPDNEW HOLSTEIN PD2o411oo1ooo1o41o1o41oo411087153091711o6541115oCHIPPEWA COUNTYCHIPPEWA CO SOCHIPPEWA FALLS PDCORNELLPDHAWEPDSTANLEYPD0701001000000000000001000000000601000000060000000000010019418131705579160810000581141ASHLAND COUNTYASHLAND CO SO22231 25 o 6,ASHLANDPD5 o o o o o 5 o 5 o o 119 67 34 18ASHLANDcoY6TAL ----------'7-----0---0---o---o----o-------j----o---7'-----o--o------lTo-----n-----34---24-B~AJJ5

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II '" DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDCRAWFORD COUNTYCRAWFORD CO SOPRAIRIE DU CIUEN PD287215911212o160o10o 0 o 0o 0 o 0cFG\~ClR5-co1fi5TAJ~-----------4463----------160-------10------o---0-----o---0-----1s-----j----0-----4---(f----o-----0------44-------3)--­DANECOUNTYDANE CO SOBEU.EVlllE PDBLACK EARTII PDCROSS PLAINS PDDANEPDDEFORES'l'POFITCHBURG POMADISONPDMADISON TOWN PDMAPLE BLUFF PDMAZOMANIE PDMC FARLAND PDMIODlEfON PDMONONAPDMOUNT HOREB PDOREGONPDSHOREWOOD Hll.LS PDSTOUGlrroN PDSUN PRAIRIE POUW-MADISONVERONA POWAUNAKEE POWISCONSIN CAPITOL PO16823 12 713379 12 22315 12 I635 12 9153 12 31372 12 3533954 12 18646225 12 15441532 12 74315 12 0332 12 411320 12 2093434 12 3541991 12 1311077 12 1001305 12 60387 12 272310 12 2673957 12 650o 12 721383 12 3371611 12 154o 12 101o131926915o1I2913Io21664227o3 03 00Io 01 0I 025 II000o 03 30o 60o 06 03 5o 02 0o 0o 4o 4o 00000614200022000072I0o 0o15o 03 0o 04 064 22 I 9 0I 2 0 0 0 00 0 0 0o 0 0 0 09 8 0 0 013 3 0 5 074 59 0 40 31 3 o 0 0 0 012 0 0 0 03 3 0 I 022 4 0 5 0IS 5 0 2 063000I 0 0 I 0o 0 0 0 021 3 0 0 059 14 0 6 04 3 0 0 025 7 0 0 0I 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0O~C-OT01rj\L----------------908fo---------5317-----482-----47--3-0-----0--4-0----329---fj9---1----71---3----18----f3-----684-----[4[S-­DODGECOUNTYDODGE CO SO10151 12 5 4 o 00 o0 o Qo IBEAVER DAM PD3847 12 483 12 2 90 50 a 053 247FOX LAKE PD364 12 II o00 o o 0 o 0I 1HORlCONPD1019 12 211 1000 10 1 0 2 024 74JUNEAUPD582 12 13 I00 o 1 0 o 05 1MAYVll.LEPO1201 12 147 I o 02 32 2 0 1 0o 20 59WAUPUN PD2460 12 645 7 I 0 o 3 56 5 0 4 0 o I 412 18OClOGE-C01:0fJGC----------------f9624---------151s------3S------j---9-----0---5----103-----9---0----15---0-----0-----[-----5[S------40r-­DOOR COUNTYDOOR COSO3996 12 194 900 24 1 0 3 02 7 33STURGEON BAY PD 2314 12 157 24I7 25 8 0 3 0I 3S 19WASHINGTON ISLAND PD 160 12 o o o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o o oD

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDCRAWFORD COUNTYCRAWFORD CO SOPRAIRIE DU ClIIEN PDo4ooooDANE COUNTYDANE CO SOBEIl.EVlllE PDnLACK EARTIl PDCROSS PLAINS PDDANI;PDDEl'ORESTPDFTI'CHBURG PDMADISONPDMADISON TOWN PDMAPLE BLUFF PDMAZOMANIE I'DMC FARLAND I'DMIDDl.lITON I'DMONONAI'DMOUNT HOREB I'DOREGON I'DSHOREWOOD lULLS 1'DSTOUGI ITON I'DSUN PRAIRIE I'DUW-MADISONVERONAI'DWAUNAKEEPDWISCONSIN CAPITOL PO20ooIoII5754oooo20Io16Ioo4ooDODGE COUNTYDODGE CO SOBEA VER DAM PDFOX LAKE I'DHORICON I'DJUNEAUI'DMA YVJ!l.E I'DWAUPUN I'Do91o38oooooooo420oo1o115553oo91o38oo43 17001011o 5o 349 6ooo3o9o3oooooIoooooo5o4724613I32·1081047444o138890527130o22155o324431o11830165257425S392110o11241251240oIo24o 2315 3o I0o 036 2823 788 7354 0CFU\VVf{)RD-CO'fi5TA~-----------------4-------0-----0-----0-----o------o-------11----0-----4------0----0-------47------22-------1-----24-0o0oo0IIo 09 oo99o 3823 718 4414 o 13I 599 207 oo7 I 6294 9I IIo0o 3011 147725 338 0222o 2114 09981 6415 712 oo121217843 8014 11131339o 010 II998256 55551004 o o o o o 4 o 4 o o 2 o o 2riANEco'i'cffAI---------------------214------2s----i'f----TC----0------0------186---Tf--126------0-----Y----T8TC----347.-----259---1220-DClDaE-col~cYfAL---------------------21-------0-----0------0-----o------0-------if----3----f2------C----s------398---·-185-----118-----95-DOOR COUNTYDOOR COSOSTURGEON BAY I'DWASI UNGTON ISLAND I'DDOUGLAS COUNTYDOUGLAS CO SOSUPERIORPDUW SUPERIOR PD4 422 o70 14 2 548 1I7229 116 1132 o o o o o 2 o o o 2 2 o oDClUOI.ASccf'i'6'i'i\l-------------------n-------s-----o-·---T----0-- '--y-----··-ij---·1J-----9------o----1J------yo-C----T3"i-----Ti5-----SrDUNN COUNTYDUNN CO SO 16 I 0 I 0 0 15 0 12 0 3 57 57 0 0MENOMONIEI'D II 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 5 0 6 108 54 36 18UW·STOlJl' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0o72o26466o1012oo12o578EAU CLAIRE COUNTYEAU CLAIRE CO SOALTOONAI'DEAU CLAIRE PDUW·EAU CLAIRE14 II13132 ooo 2247 47416 oo2 o o o o o 2 o 2IlAuctxiRifcc);f6'ri\l-----------------'6r----4'ii-----0-----.j 2'-"'-0-"" .-(;---- -T7'-----o----i 'Ioo1031056375102372193o52I68413oFLORENCE COUNTYFLORENCE CO SO o o o o o o oo4oo433 I 2112 89 2 2133331 31o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oDCloiCccFrO'fAL-----------------------'6-------(j-----O-----0-----0--·----0----' ---6----·1-----g------0------o-----14Y----no-------2-----21-DUN1;;rc6YcYfAC---------------------2"~,_------f-----6------T----o------O-------i6-----o----i'i------O----g------WO-----U6------3'6-----rs-~clR11NcE-66Tl5TAL-------------------l-------o-----0-----0-----0------0---"----j----1J-----6-----o'----1--------4-------O-------O-----~­FOND DU LAC COUNTYFOND DU LAC CO SO I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 99 99 0 0FOND DU LAC]'D 14 0 0 - 0 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 332 178 0 154NOR'I1I FOND DU LAC I'D 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 I 36 13 21 2RIPON I'D 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 52 19 0 33FciNi5'DuIAccl5'i'cffAI---------------2'.r------o-----o------0-----5"--- '-0 -_._. --'g---."ci"-"2,j' .---'0" "'-y------5T!i----3o'9------2r---rS9-179

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART 11& OflliG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDFOREST COUNTYFOREST CO SOCRANDON PD1851544121215344332 03 0o 4o 034127 0o 03 01 0o1o205282GRANfCOUNTYGRANT CO SOBOSCOBEL PDCUBACITYPDLANCASTER PDPlA TIEVIllE PDUW·PlA TIEVIllE781970352010822542017.0121212121110188636761000700 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 013 10 0804131900 00 00 03 08 00 02 00 00 09 03 00 000000090010021011141510300011230Gi~C:ClT()~C-(EST)----------fi666----------626------1o------I---l----13---1-----45----1---o----4---o-----o----fo----:[fo-------7~-­GREEN COUNT"GREEN COSOBRODHEADPDMONROEPDNEW GlARUS PD40118372733516121212128446161721o83000o 2012o 0o3122o 0o 03 01 01 0o 01 01 0o7o1453172253523GiR:~CXlT01fAJ[----------------8097----------363----~2:-----0----2-----0---3-----17-----4----0-----5---0-----0-----7------:57-------85-­GREEN LAKE COUNTYGREEN lAKE CO SOBERUNPDGREEN LAKE POMARKESANPDPRINCETON PO2408136627438137012121212121512101024202o1110 10 60 0o 0 01 0 o 118232371 011 01 02 0o 0Gi~--LAJCEC()T01fAJ[-----------4799----------415-------5------I---0-----0---8-----53----15---0-----7---0-----1-----i------74-----~-­IOWACOliNTYIOWA CO SODODGEYU.IE PO471911591212123732752 1 o 31 0 o 012210 02 0f

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDFOREST COUNTYFOREST CO SOCRANDONI'D7oooooo7oo7ooo45172816o17IGRANT COUNTYGRANT CO SOBOSCOBELI'DCUBA CITYI'DLANCASTER I'DPLATTEVD..LEPDUW-PLATI"EVD..LEI003000000000GREEN CowryGREEN CO SOBRODHEAD I'DMONROEI'DNEW GLARUS I'DoIIoIoooIooIOWACOUNTYIOWA CO SODODGEVD..LEPDoIoooo000ooI033oIoI000ooI0003oIo10000oo000oo3903351383393268328412403165033723401952208560o2o4o7IS0II32027289312IRONCOUNTYIRON COSOHURLEYI'DoIoo1ooIoo1ooo41304125o3o2GIfAi{f-CX5TClfAL-~-----------------7-------0-----0-----0-----0------0--------r----(j----7------0----0------2-2!f----07------64----:58-GIf~c:Ci1~1fAL----------------------2-------r-----0-----l-----0------0--------1----0-----1------0----0------171-----119-------6----~6-GREEN LAKE COUNTYGREEN LAKE CO SOooo80 6515BERLINI'D22231 30 o IGREEN LAKE I'D44MARKESANI'DI o IPRINCETON I'Do o o o o o o o o o o 2 2 o oCfFfEENlJGKE(5b-,XfflGC-----------------2-------0-----0-----0-----0------0--------i----0-----2------0----0------11-8-----97-------s-----r6-fc)~Ac-CiTo1fAL-----------------------I-------O-----O-----O-----0------0--------I----0-----r------0----0-------4-9------27------~-----r5-JACKSON COUNTYJACKSON CO SOI0I 01 0 0 0 0 0BLACK RIVER FALLS I'D2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 27 21 2 4JACKSClN-c:CiTCll'AL--------------------3-------0-----0------0----0------0---------3----0-----0------1-----2-------27------21-------2------4-JEFFERSON COUNTYJEI:rnRSON CO SO IS 5 2 3 0 10 0 10 0 0 144 21 0 123FORT ATKINSON PD 19 0 0 0 19 9 0 10 124 21 82 21JEFFERSON PO 8 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 6 44 12 13 19LAKEMIUSPD 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 42 14 22 6PALMYRAI'D 8 2 2 0 6 6 27 10 8 9W A l"ERLOO I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 5WATERTOWN PO 24 1 0 1 0 0 23 0 21 0 2 0 0 0 01Ef.f.ERs5r~rco-T5TIGC-----------------76------ro-----i-----8-----0------0------156----0----54------0---1-2------39-0------78-----129----r8~JUNEAU COUNTYJUNEAU CO SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 49 0 0ELROYI'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 7 6MAUSTONPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 10 0 INEW LISBON I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4 S I1{.ENOSHA COUNTYKENOSIIA CO SO 39 II )0 0 0 I 28 2 25 I 0 IS2 33 9S 24KENOSHA I'D 76 7 2 I I 3 69 12 56 1 0 639 97 527 15PLEASANT PRAIRIE I'D 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 112 13 81 18SILVER LAKE I'D 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 29 3 18 8TWIN LAKES I'D 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 57 15 33 9UW-PARKSIDE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1K:E1fosfO\-c5-f<strong>of</strong>AL------------------136------rS----li-----1-----r------4------118---1-4---102------2-----0------99-2-----163-----754-----75-KEWAUNEE COUNTYKEWAUNEE CO SOALGOMAI'DKEWAUNEEI'DLUXEMBURG I'DIoooooo1ooIooo36776527S655o9211ot 81

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDLA CROSSE COUNTYLA CROSSE CO SO 5552 12 275 16 0 3 0 0 23 5 0 5 0 0 5 32 29BANGOR PD 270 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0CAMPBELLPD 1147 12 129 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 9HOLMENPD 965 12 163 7 0 0 0 3 15 2 0 5 0 0 1 39 60LA CROSSE PD 12838 12 1758 103 2 8 0 26 92 47 2 32 0 0 0 385 532ONALASKAPD 3340 12 371 14 5 0 0 4 104 6 0 0 0 0 3 63 120UW.LA CROSSE 0 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0WEST SALEM PD 964 12 69 11 0 0 0 I 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 II 23[A-cRossl,-co-foTIGC-----------ZS076---------2770-----1s3------7--1-1----0--4-2----241----64----2---43----0-----0----[0-----54f------77f--LAFA YETfE COUNTYLAFA YE'ITE CO so 3940 12 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0DARLINGTONPD 649 12 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6lJGr.J\~

TABLE B NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDLA CROSSE COUNTYLA CROSSE CO SOBANGORPDCAMPBELLPDHOLMEN I'DLA CROSSE I'DONALASKAPDUW-LA CROSSEWEST SALEM I'D7o27275o1oo1ooo1ooo7o27265o160272050o 1LACRo-ss:Ifco~ro~~L:----------------~9-------1-----0-----1-----0------0-------48----0----41------6----1------83-2----364-----Z55----2~LANGLADE COUNTYLANGLADE co soANTIGO I'D452oo2ooo25o24oo6oo11oo150194245024711343153129o19151623414396312oIo2303o9o19I74911010o489MANITOWOC COUNTYMANrrOWOC CO SO 32 7 0 7 0 0 25 1 10 0 14 85 84 I 0KIELI'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 6 4 0MANrrOWOC I'D 31 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 15 0 16 336 101 174 61TWO RIVERS I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 56 0 0MARATI ION COUNTYtvtARATIION CO SOEVEREST METRO I'DMOSINEEI'DROTIISCI!ILD I'DWAUSAU I'D94o221Ioo3oIo3oMARINm1" COUNTYMARINE11'E co SOMARIl\'Erm I'DI'ESlrnGOpD9IIooooMARQum'm COUNTYMARQUE11'E co so • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0LAFA YETIE COUNTYLAFA YETrE CO SOI1153 23 I 29DARLINGTON PDo o o o o o o o o o o 13 12 o IiJGFi\Y1frfE

TABLE e NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDMil..WAUKEE COUNfYMil.. WAUKEE CO SOBAYSIDEPDBROWN DEER PDCUDAHYPDFOXPOINTPDFRANKLlNPDGLENDALEPDGREENDALE PDGREENFIELD PDHALES CORNERS PDMil..WAUKEEPDOAKCREEKPDRIVER HILLS PDSHOREWOOD PDSOUTII Mll.WAUKEEPDST. FRANCIS PDUW,Mil..WAUKEEWAUWATOSA PDWEST Al.I..IS PDWESTMD..WAUKEEPDWHrl'EFiSH BAY PDWIS. STATE FAIR PARKo1295335450401934664038054065943520911686515891441378556792497o132481698511393805o12121212121212121212121212121212121212121212144371224134436523323939168159503597115262155301771493569649o66502198834o142610o718934278o8I00o 02 2o I2 0o 03 0o 46 04 4100I0o 0o 0Io1372 01o0000I3025o 10I 0040500III231302o 017814125241520161496526o5811245138991483007 019 05 025 08 06 08 08 0634 1610o002 011 011 0o 018 062 02 05o008 0o 03 03 0o 03 0o 01 08 0o 0145 38o 0o 01 0o 0o 0o 02 017 0o 0o 0o 0oo335oo1o31o52I145o1522oo1ooII485138763159748010609160o2564325140981291461781287S3405416206728341932461013892910MONROE COUNfYMONROE CO SOSPARTA PDTOMAHPD6383232323341212121194032735816o 02 42 0o 1o 0o 01259134 04 010 0~NR(fECCITOTIGC-------------ffo40----------795------29------4---4-----0---,-----g4----r8----0-----5---0----------[-----0I5------[fo-­OCONTO COUNTYOCONTO CO SOOCONTO FALLS PDOCONTOPD64066991202121212291273732oo 0 o 0o 0 o 0o 0 o 0cx:(5~-c6-f6TAJL---------------8307----------193-------5----"-0---0-----0---0-----24-----7---0-----r---0-----0-----0------28'-------[6-­ONEIDA COUNfYONEIDA CO SOMlNOCQUAPDRIUNELANDER PD50728671793121212140249286o2013o 0Io00o~J\--cX)T6TIGC---------------f732----------67S------33------r---0-----0----8----26----19----6"----7---0-----0-----[------9j------26'7-­OUTAGAMIE COUNfY8 842 51COMBINED LOCKS PD 631 12 67 1 I 0 0 0 4 2 0 I 0 0 0 28 13OUTAGAMIE CO SOAPPLETONPD1209219296121222425097990130801068107200011144441883S58GRANDCIIUTEPD 4536 12 240 6 6 7 0 4 15 I 0 0 0 0 2 33 92KAUKAUNA PD 3505 12 344 2 0 7 0 0 2 4 0 7 0 6 5 82 151KlMBERLYPD 1590 12 258 0 I I 0 0 18 3 1 2 0 0 0 66 132LnTLECHUTEPD 2779 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 27 0otTfAG~-C6-f6TAJL-0ESl)------444f9---------374S-----115-----21---23-----r--'0----159----(,7---3----(,9---0-----g----[4-----f[j-----f029--OZAUKEE COUNfYOZAUKEE CO SO5090 12 66 1 o 00 16 4 0 2 06 10 7CEDARBURG PD2798 12 212 12 1 0I 15 2 001 7 76GRAFTONPD2571 12 108 o30 20 o 01 10 68MEQUONPD5519 12 37 620 7 o 0 2 0 o 2 5 oPORT WASIUNGTON PD 2629 12 730 801 29 19 0 6 0 I o 280 243SAUKVILLEPD1062 12 122 701 12 4 0 3 0 o 1 15 2011 UENSVIllE PD903 12 36 o o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 1 1 10 13oZi\uREircoroi'AI-------------i0572---------TI'n---'--34------r---Y"---0---y----gT---Z9----0----r3----0-----2---Tf-----H'j------,f2j-­PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO SO 1433 12 65 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 7DURAND PD 555 12 52 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 12PEP~c-6T01FAL-----------------f988----------117-------0------0---0-----0---0-----17-----0---0-----0---0-----1-----[-------5-------[9--o 1o 3o 4I23o51477 0o 0o 01II7o2 01200o 01 0o 04 0o 03 0o1oooo1ooo1764748119651404270588714087140PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO SOPRESC01T PDRIVER FALLS PD557891328711212123278261o6o 0o 0o 15o 0o 1o 0o415o 0o 0I 0o 0o 0I 0oo2o2044o1104184

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II 01< DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDMILWAUKEE COUNTYMILWAUKEE CO SOBAYSIDE POBROWN DEER POCUDAHY POFOX POINT POFRANKLIN POGLENDALE POGREENDALE POGREENFlELD PDHALES CORNERS POMILWAUKEE PDOAK CREEK PORIVER HILLS POSHOREWOOD POSOtrrn MlLWAUKEE POST. FRANCIS POUW·MILWAUKEEWAUWATOSA POWESTALUSPDWEST MILWAUKEE POWnrfEFiSH BAY POWIS. STATE FAIR PARK71712413111716468916o884118352335 2o 01 0o 0o 0o 0000o 0405 2251 0o 0o 0o 01 01 Io 05 3o 0o 0o 02oIo74oooIoIooo2ooo1061o2I612413111716428415o883o183023320660o 132 91413o 482 202800o 8I 2o 02 161 27I I3o 3oIoo1oo1o64o32oo7o8oo1o3975413717158735616510344420222559621245952426113644401725151465634557213102231214218o 31 27 4317 71o 073 6040 1839 331 694 02810 28960 85o 08 449 010 SO5 51 0114 3605 15o 52 1MONROE COUNTYMONROE CO soSPARTA POTOMAH POo1122o2ooo2ooOCONTO COWrYOCONTO COSOOCONTO FALLS POOCONTOPDoooooONEIDA COwryONEIDA COSOMINOCQUA PORIIINELANDERPDo31OUTAGAMIE COUNTYOUTAGAMIE co SOAPPLETON POCOMBINED LOCKS POGRAND CHUTE I'DKAUKAUNA POKIMflERLYPDUI1LE C1 lUTE PO562o413133o6o1ooo4O·ooooo2o1oo922oo47556o413123ooo912oo25549041212o 3ooo2oo10oo7o1o4617876283275711391770652122539672241251229453391822o169oS314o26241123oo61o 6262 6483 1016 1o 261o20o1ffAa~-co-i15TAL-~-----------lo2-------j-----0-----4-----0------f-------95----0----87------0----g-----14-07-----432-----282----693"OZAUKEE COUNTYOZAUKEE CO SOCEDARBURG POGRAFTON POMEQUON POPORT W ASIIINGTON PDSAUKVILLE PO11 UENS Vill.E PO717o6651o4o11ooo1o1oo3o1o~vvAtnaEEC5D'fOT7\L---------------879-----419---ffl----7-8----3----loj------460---g-9---337------f---3-2-----51-82-----823----3276---1083-~ONRClEC()'fcn~-------------------33-------2-----0------2-----0------0-------f1----0----21------0---1-0------30-0----~II-----_Zs----164-Oc:ONTo-cB'foTIGl---------------------O-------O-----O-----0-----0------0--------0----0--·"--6------0----0------11-2------38------67------j­3 3380 7377 3o 55 19108 1 o o oo o 2 63 556o}fifll)i\cClTOT7GC--------------------lg-------j-----0-----4-----0------3---"'---11----0-----j------2-----2-----"\-9-8----147------28-----23-O~inUEE-C01i5f1GC-------------------42-------6-----0------2-----4------0-------f6----0----28------2----6------3-2-5-----148------49----128-PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 33 0 12DURAND PO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 18 0 11PEPiNc:OTC)yA:c-----------------------O-------O-----O-----r---O------O-- ------0----0-----6-----'-0----0-------y.r-----'51"------0-----23-o713o6541o713o521o2oo6o13802471375410o5014o58188o48o37o13262742362PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE COSOPRESCOTT PORIVER FALLS POo12oooooo12oo12oo325171o2945o222632o185

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDPOLKCOUNTYPOLK COSOAMERY POCLEAR LAKE POOSCEOLA POST CROIX FAllS PO7834 12 263 41 14 3 4 18 27 20 0 13 047 2777 12 60 3 3 01 o 2 0 I 013 4266 12 4 1 o 00 2 o 00o620 12 394 04 2 2 002471 12 o o o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o o oPbIJ(C()TOTIGC-----------------996S----------366------4s-----Z1---3-----4--2-3----31----z4----0----14---0-----0-----0------60--------8-­PORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SOPLOVERPDSTEVENS POINT PO78772383594212121222117362262632 3 o 1o 0 o 24 9 o 72218211 02 05 016 05 015 0Pbir.f)\(JE-CX51rCifAJ:-------------f62oz---------1016------71------6--1-2-----0--1-0----61-----s---0----36---0-----1-----9-----156-----~-56-­o1o4414328855911266PRICE COUNTYPRICE CO SOPARK FALLS POPHILUPSPO28277894191212123510965oo 0o 0o 0o 3o 2o 04351 0o 0o 0I 0o 0o 0o11o782382427RACINE COUNTYRACINE COSOBURUNmONPOBURLlNmON TOWN POCALEDONIA POMT. PLEASANT PORACINEPDSTURTEVANTPD930225761686606759152376812831212121212121255846995607229198911869294183523904 00 2I 00 012 021 140 00 I0 00 00 40 I0 220 34422165816125I13 09 02 012 016 0163 05 019 25 00 04 07 087 540 0RJ\CI~co-foTJ\L--------------50597---------406S-----394-----38--1-6----0--3-1---282---Z20---0---1Z2--1-6----10-----6-----867------656-­01000000221001016784915436389289884231326723913RIClfLAND COUNTYRICHLAND CO SORICHLAND CENTER PD33061344121237974111 0o 0o 0o 05102 05 02 0I 0oo1o18824ROCK COUNTYROCK CO SO7955 12 645 24 I 2 0 3 44 8 0 8 0 4 4 95 105BELOIT PO9722 12 2183 102 I 10 I 23 75 29 0 43 4 1 0 404 811BELOIT TOWN PO1860 12 206 IS 0 I 0 8 9 3 0 3 0 0 0 51 76CUNTONPD512 12 26 I 0 0 0 0 5 I 0 0 0 0 0 10 0EDGERTON PO1176 11 93 I 1 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 27 20EVANSVIU.EPO918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0JANESVILLE PO14838 12 1968 138 9 13 0 17 127 48 0 31 0 0 3 466 578MILTONPD1271 12 100 0 I 0 0 I 12 3 0 0 0 0 4 23 25TURTLETOWN PO669 12 10 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1Rbl5Ke:(51i)1fAL(EST)-----------389Zr---------S239-----281-----r3--2-7-----r--1-3----275----93---0----S5---4-----5----lf----1080-----1618--RUSK COUNTYRUSK CO SO 3003 12 102 2 0 3 0 I 17 I 0 3 0 0 2 25 18LADYSMI1l1 PD 1068 12 52 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 0 2 0 0 0 23 0RlIS](e:(5T07fAC-----------------407r----------15

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDPOLK COUNTYPOLK COSOAMERYPDCLEAR LAKE PDOSCEOLAPDST CROIX FALLS PD86o5o3Ioo3IooPORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SOPLOVERPDSTEVENS POINf PD6o8o2ooo2oo55o5o6o6oo55o3o6o6ooo2oo6627I20o58100138506120o56319142oo7o1219o26247PRICE COUNTYPRICE CO SOPARK FALLS PDPHlLLIPSPD62oIooIooo52oIo42ooo469104404o142o154RACINE COUNTYRACINE CO SOBURLINGTON PDBURLINGTON TOWN PDCALEDONIA PDMT. PLEASANl' PDRACINEI'DSTURTEVANT I'D2390599525100460I00050400030000000010003801880594920000I60177058412000001I0002011621339220305406635561245I36108115719124295041400851042PCltJfcCfTOTGC----------------------19-------4-----0-----4-----0------0-------15----0----r3------0----2------114------77-------6-----3y­PClR1:AGEC551N5fAI-------------------14-------2-----0-----0-----2------0-------12----0----r2------0----0----··-29-6-----178------~----rrl­R7\c~(jJ~roTIGC-------------------143------s2-----6-----7-----0-----39-------91----7----80------0----4-----1-2-24-----)95-----928----101-RICHLAND COUNTYRICIILAND CO SORICI ILAND CENTER PDo3oooooo3oo3oo1524310o1214ROCK COUNTYROCK COSOBELOITI'DBELOIT TOWN PDCLINfONPDEDGERTONPDEVANSVILLE I'DJANESVILLEI'DMILTON I'DTURTLE TOWN I'D1870822036102I20006000000100II00040010000100ROCKCX>T01:AL(EST)----------------137------I)-----I-----7-- r --2------1------fi6---17----9,S------i--·-1-2----~55-6-----414-----252----890-RUSK COUNTYRUSK CO SO 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 28 22 5LADYSMrnl PD 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 14 II 0 3RtlS-KCX>1'cl1:AL-----------------------3-------0-----0------0-----0------0--------3----0-----r------0----2-------4-2------33-------)------8-010000001669622030I0I1500001001542622028000I0000I000II000001032960932740050230313586031701541610237001400019428632490348142ST. CROIX COUNTYST. CROIX CO SOIlUDSONPDNEW RICIIMOND PDSOMERSET I'D39423oIoooIooo38423o 3o 8o 2o 23oo2o315777103301940103o13837oSAUK COUNTYSAUKCOSO20 1 0 119 0 19 0 0 124 123 0 1BARABOO I'D33 7 0 7 0 0 262654 46 8 0LAKE DELTON I'D0 0000 026 10 0 16REEDSBURG I'D2 000 2 0 2 0 0 154 58 23 73SAUK-PRAIRIE PD9008 0 8 076 37 9 30SPRING GREEN PDI I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 5 0 8SAUKCOTo';fAC---------------------'6r----ro-----o----To----0---- -0-------5' 5'----0----5,S'-----0' ---0------'i'4Y----279-----40----m­SAWYER COUNTYSAWYER COSOHAYWARD PD99ooooo99o69o3o452542ISo310187

TABLE a NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDSHA VV ANO COUNTYSHAVVANO CO SOSllAVVANO I'D790720461212303223416SHlI\V{A-~6c:61rClfAL-------------99S3----------S26------2:ci-----2----2-----ij--1-3-----54-----4---0-----7---0----13-----7-----[68-------59-­SHEBOYGAN COUNTYSHEBOYGAN CO SO 10967 12 430 25 I I I 5 56 21 0 3 0 I 5 135 79KOHLERI'D501 12 7 o o 00 o o 0 o 0 ao oPLYMOUTIIPD1865 12 223 9 3 I0 8 2 0 3 039 63SHEBOYGAN FALLS I'D 1583 12 303 16 o I0 13 2 0 o 0o 47 128SHEBOYGAN I'D13240 12 2089 22 6 I o 25 107 41 0 43 0 o 13 411 468sHIU3ClvolGicClT01rAL----------281S6---------30S2------72-----rij---4-----r--3-0---184----66---0----49----0-----I----[8-----632------738-­o 13o 042122 02 02 05 013o5210563554TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR CO SOMEDFORD I'D434812711212106102oo 0 o 03 0 o 127I 0o 0o15422543244TREMPEALEAU COUNTYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIAI'DELEVAPDINDEPENDENCE I'DSTRUM I'D\VI1ITEllALL PD5051573130279251400121212512124500I300000040 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 02 0 0 0I000080 00 00 00 00 05 00000020000000000I0000I0000I610000VERNON COUNTYVERNON CO SOl-ULLSBOROVIROQUAI'D\VESTBY 1'D513135910945171212121276109957524I0 0 0 00 0 0 02 0 0 I0 0 0 020IIIII 00 04 00 000000000000020I016013IS103126VE~6N-c6-f6~--------------'fIOi----------242------12------2----0-----ij---I-----24-----5---0-----ij---0-----0-----3------44-------31--VlLASCOUNTYVILAS CO SO 3730 12 256 31 0 0 0 0 28 2 0 2 0 0 31 69EAGLE RIVER I'D 313 12 II 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0VTICASc:61rcrrAL-----------------4043----------267------34------ij---0-----ij---0-----31-----2---0-----2---0-----0-----2------31-------69--VVALVVORTH COUNTYVVALVVORTH co so 7459 12 304 5 0 I 0 0 13 6 0 I 0 0 6 19 4SBLOOMFIELD I'D 1001 12 25 0 0 0 0 0 7 I 0 3 0 0 0 2 IDELAVANI'D 1564 12 361 21 4 I 0 I 41 5 0 13 0 0 0 106 94DELAVAN TOW PD 1064 12 139 16 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 4 I 9 44EASTTROYPD 708 12 167 25 0 0 0 0 16 2 0 4 0 0 3 24 75EAST TROY TOVVN PD 928 12 33 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 3ELKIIORNPD 1486 12 199 16 I 23 0 0 14 9 0 3 0 0 0 27 56LAKE GENEVA PD 1516 12 258 14 3 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 91 62UVV-VVI UTEVV A TER 0 12 27 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0VVALVVORTII PD 410 8 25 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0\VIUTEVVATER PD 3164 12 298 6 3 5 0 0 32 4 C 9 0 0 0 83 70\VILUA\1S BAY I'D 531 12 95 13 0 3 0 I 5 I 0 I 0 0 0 IS 14VVALvvoRTf[c6-f6T~(ES11------19831---------1946-----119-----rr--3-3----ij----2----139----36---0----34---0-----4----[0-----401------464-­VVASHBURN COUNTYVVASllBURN co soSPOONERPD290962612126560481 0o 0o 0o 0o29 01 01 02 0oo21823252VVAS1UNGTON COUNTYVV ASIUNGTON CO SO 12288 12 698 6 I 2 0 4 74 12 0 6 0 0 I 157 136OERMANTOVVN I'D4305 12 288 19 4 0 0 2 4 16 0 1 0 0 I 66 7SHARTFORDI'D2447 12 295 8 2 1 0 3 25 1 0 0 0 0 4 128 48JACKSON PD986 12 177 4 0 0 0 0 14 4 0 1 0 2 0 38 32KEVV ASKUM I'D810 12 121 3 2 2 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 24 57SLINGERI'D857 12 239 3 0 1 0 0 9 9 0 1 0 6 0 69 112\VEST BEND I'D7525 12 1108 8 3 5 1 9 96 21 0 6 0 0 2 280 295VVA§IUNGTClNCClT01'AL---------292IS---------2926------51-----12--1-1----1--19----225----63---0----17---0-----8-----8-----762-----7:5S--188

TABLE 0 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUED/ISHAWANO COUNTYSHAWANO CO SOSHAWANOPD55ooooSl~~oc:01fCifAL-------------------TO-------o-----o-----o-----o------o-------10----0----0------0----0------167------7-9------73-----[5-o55o55oo551124930o7369TAYLOR COUNTYTAYLOR COSOMEDFORDPD61ooooo61o61oo5036412211723TREMPEALEAU COUNfYTREMPEALEAU CO SOARCADIAPDELEVAPDINDEPENDENCE PDSTRUMPDWHITEHAll. PD000001000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000001000000000000150001150000000000000001VERNON COUNTYVERNON COSOJULLSBOROVIROQUAPDWESTBY PD4000100000001000000000003000000030000000000036551241714910205192218SHEBOYGAN COUNTYSllEBOYGAN CO SO 12 1 0 0 1 0 11 0 11 0 0 85 85 0 0KOHLER PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0PLYMOUTII PD 11 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 7 2 1 84 12 46 26SllEBOYGANFALLSPD 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 94 20 37 37SllEBOYGAN PD 39 11 1 10 0 0 28 0 24 0 4 913 153 307 453sfUITfoVClJlNCX>1i)7fAJ:----------------64------13-----I----l-0----2------0-------51----0----44------2----5-----11-8-3-----277-----390----516-\fE-R}f6NI55-fcrr~---------------------4-------I-----o-----l-----0------0--------3----0-----5------0----0------11-6------68-------7----~-VILAS COUNTYVMS COSO 12 1 0 1 0 0 11 0 11 0 0 80 35 2 43EAGLE RIVER I'D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0VjLAs-C61fCifAJe----------------------i2-------f-----o-----l-----0------0-------1'----0----'1------0----0-------84------39-------2-----43-WALWOR'll! COUNTYWALWORTH CO SO 29 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 27 0 2 179 119 0 60BLOOMFlELD PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 0DELAVANPD 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 3 0 66 34 31 1DELAVAN TOWN I'D 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 57 22 35 0EASTTROYPD 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 17 12 5 0EASTTROYTOWNPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 11 6 0ELKHORN PD 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 1 43 35 8 0LAKE GENEVAI'D 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 72 41 31 0UW· WI mnw A TER 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 20 20 0 0WALWORTHPD 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 10 9 0 1WHITEWATER PD 14 8 I 2 5 0 6 1 5 0 0 72 45 20 7WIll.IAMS BAY PD 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 39 9 17 13WASHBURN COUNTYWASHBURN CO SO 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 1 0 0SPOONERPD 3 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 17 16 0WAsmfuRr;rc5-i;-Cit~------------------9------T----o------o----T·· ---0----_· ---8----0-- ---6------2----0-------118------16-------0------2-WAS111NGTON COUNI'YW AS111NGTON co SO 24 11 4 7 0 0 13 0 13 0 0 275 72 25 178GERMANTOWN I'D 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 94 23 14 57HARTFORDPD 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 1 70 28 41 1JACKSON PD 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 81 5 0 76KEWASKUMPD 5 5 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 9 3 10SUNGERPD 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 28 14 3 11WESTBENDPD 30 2 0 0 2 0 28 1 23 4 0 352 143 88 121189

---------------------TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENilE PART II & DRUG ARRESTS, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDWAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SOBRooKFlELD PDBROOKFIELD TOWN PDBtITLERPDOIENEQUAPDDFLAFIELD PDELMGROVEPDHARTLANDPDMENOMONEE FALLS PDMUKWONAGO PDMUSKEGOPDNEW BERLIN PDOCONOMOWOC PDOCONOMOWOCTOWNPDPEWAUKEEPDPEWAUKEE TOWN PDSUMMITPDWAUKESHAPD20351 12 678 1 3 11 34 9 0 17 0o 23 129891 12 316 3 o 02 70 3 08 46 1361459 12 531 13 1 o 0 o 0 o3 16563 12 9533 29 I 0 2 0 113 6166 12 2o 00 o00 o2 o1610 12 21 o 1 30 2 o 00 1 o o 41708 12 41 4 1 10 o 5 0 o 02 5 32024 12 222 80II 11 12 0 4 0 o 1 31 57562 12 649 4040 20 20 0 4 0 24 1 67 1841456 12 253 4 o 01 7 8 0 2 0o 33 1575193 12 314 2 2 01 16 2 0 1 02 25 1989535 12 804 10 1 23 52 22 0 14 23 103 2673113 12 575 6 5 30 25 3 0 5 0112 2002059 12 92 o10 o o 0 1 0o 3 251603 12 115 202 6 7 002 17 132677 12 103 110 17 2 0 o 09 71155 12 81 4 o 00 11 3 0 2 0 o o o 3715950 12 2883 59 2 3 o 10 60 22 0 19 0 1 6 203 895VVAUlCBSHAc:61RJrAL-----------SS27S---------7297-----1os-----16--i-9----0--7-7---29S---116----0----74----2----27----fs-----69S-----ff6S-­WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SOCL1NfONVILLE PDNEW LONDON PDWAUPACAPD8754 121201 121811 121384 12175526367202o39oo 0o 32 02 00130o 0IS5424IIo 06 06 0o 01 01 03 0o 0o3oo11o11367532215210978WAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA CO SO4778 12182o6 0VV"USH!\R~C6-iX)T~------------4778----------1s2-------0------6----0-----0---0-----86-----2---0-----6---0-----0-----f------fi-------f2-­WINNEBAGO COUNTYWINNEBAGO CO SOMENASHAPDMENASHA TOWN PDNEENAHPDOMROPDOSHKOSHPDUW-OSHKOSHWlNNECONNE PD715637183576575771414002o52812121212121212121793942527853814271936742IIIo103o2o 01 0o 03 1o 07 6o 0o 0o 0322130190o 0862732382297o2 0o 03 44 021 0o 027 0o 02 06 0340011300o 024 0o 01 0~~cX5C()11)1fAJ.----------:lS45r---------3130-----229-----I'---7-----0--3-9---243----57---4----46----0-----5----35-----499------95S-­WOOD COUNTYWOOD CO SO 10360 12 211 8 1 1 0 4 20 3 0 15 0 0 0 29 46MARSHFlELDPD 5423 12 375 20 11 3 0 4 10 6 0 6 0 0 2 63 108WISCONSIN RAPIDS PD 5091 12 560 19 2 3 0 8 45 13 0 0 0 1 1 61 172VVQO[)CO-ToTAJ:---------------io874---------1146---··--47-----14---7-----0--1-6----75----22----0----2'---0-----1-----3-----f5~-----3i6--oo311oo4253o21o2238714774142333192226130581641555726DNR·LA W. ENF. BUR.WIS. STATE PATROLoo12 179512 39ooo 0o 0o 0o 0ooo 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 39oo1795oSTATE-iOT~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORTED 1336450 102833 5805 516 452 26 868 7301 2720 31 1411 103 505 445 21530 25222FSl1MATED 1336450 103116 5816 518 455 26 868 7328 2727 31 1412 103 505 454 21601 25253190

TABLE 8 NUMBER OF JUVENILE PART. & MUG ARRESTS, 1004, CONTINUEDt~~ J8~I;§'~ I a>;§'l,/ Q~ ~'" rf" #'D~~ it Q~ ~~ 1,1 '""~lh' ct1"'Of ~ 11 11 ~'I ;.1 ,,~;! ~~~sr..? if.9 .9 .I~ ;/, fi'j ,,0" '"I I ~IJ I ,,0 t;'Of !~o,.,'Ofl!l0 ",'Of cZ 0, J' ,00; I~ J.:iO~ctl,,'OfJ C3 ,,00- ,pI cf,p ,p~,p 0- p~'OfWAUKESHA COUNTYWAUKESHA CO SO 9 1 0 1 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 568 0 0 568BRooKFIELDPD 27 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 24 0 3 84 77 7 0BROOKFIELD TOWN PD 9 5 0 5 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 19 2 1 16BUTLERPD 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 11 0 0 26 11 10 5CHENEQUAPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0DElAFIELD PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 7 0 3EL\i GROVE PD 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 17 7 9 1HARTLANDPD 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 127 37 74 16MENOMONEE FALLS PD 30 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 255 125 112 18MUKWONAGO PD 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 33 14 8 11MUSKEGOPD 12 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 4 2 0 53 28 17 8NEWBERUNPD 31 1 0 1 0 0 30 0 29 0 1 294 108 53 133OCONOMOWOC PD 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 214 30 177 7OCONOMOWOC TOWN PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 11 0 51PEWAUKEEPD 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 12 1 1 52 11 38 3PEWAUKEE TOWN PD 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 51 27 0 24SUMMITPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 11 0 13WAUKESHAPD 70 4 0 2 2 0 66 1 65 0 0 1533 240 596 697vv~thcEs-fU\co1XlfAJ.-----------------253i-----I~----O----I-S----~----~-----236----1---IS5-----:3---47-----34-2-2-----746----1102---1574-WAUSHARA COUNTYWAUSHARA CO SO 7 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 4 30 22 0WAUPACA COUNTYWAUPACA CO SO 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 IS5CLINI'ONVllLE PD 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 1 113 47 36 30NEW LONDON PD 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 143 54 77 12WAUPACAPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 8 66 5WAUPACA co'ffi'fAi:---------------ro-------y----0'----I-----(j------o--------9----o-----s---O'----1 ---4-90--109----17'9----202-vv~us1L(RJ\-c:c5-iXYrAJ.--------------7-------I---O-----l-----(j------o_-------6----0----:z------0----4------"'3-0----"""22-------o------S-WINNEBAGO COUNTYWINNEBAGO CO SO 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 72 15 0 57MENASHAPD 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 4 0 0 130 53 1 76MENASHA TOWN PD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 48 12 49NEENAHPD 27 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 26 1 0 272 62 42 168OMROPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 0 2OSHKOSHPD 41 2 0 1 0 1 39 1 38 0 0 311 176 0 135UW·OSHKOSH 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 7 7 0 0WINNECONNE PD 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 0VV~BACJI5I5b--TCnrAL---------------88-------2-----0-----1-----0"'-----f-------86----3----S2------f----0------910-9-----3~----"'SS----4~WooDCOUNTYWOOD COSOMARSHFlELD PDWISCONSIN RAPIDS PD171211o15oo5oo1o17116o 171o96oo1o6713022443397221556933683DNR·LAW. ENF. BUR.WIS. STATE PATROLooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSTA1iB-TCrr~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORTED 3096 742 278 270 27 167 2354 194 1899 36 225 32802 10707 10154 11941ESTIMATED 3102 742 278 270 27 167 2360 194 1905 36 225 32917 10768 10180 11969191

Table 9: Number <strong>of</strong> Full-Time Law EnforcementEmployees in Wisconsin as <strong>of</strong> 31 October, <strong>1994</strong>The figures in this table come from a yearly survey conducted each fall by the Federal <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong>Investigation. For every reporting agency, the table shows the number <strong>of</strong> full-time sworn lawenforcement employees (male <strong>and</strong> female), the number <strong>of</strong> civilian employees (male <strong>and</strong> female),<strong>and</strong> the total number <strong>of</strong> employees. In addition, the table lists the total population for eachjurisdiction, together with both the number <strong>of</strong> law enforcement employees <strong>and</strong> the total number <strong>of</strong>employees per 1,000 popUlation. It should be noted that figures for the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers per1,000 population are absent for some agencies since no permanent resident population is assigned(e.g., UW Campus Security Agencies, DNR, State Patrol).National averages for law enforcement agencies per 1000 residents in 1993 are reported asfollows: *Sworn: 2.3Civilian: MTotal: 3.1In terms <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin averages, there were 2.3 sworn <strong>of</strong>ficers per 1000 residents, 0.7 civiliansper 1000 residents, <strong>and</strong> 3.0 total employees per 1000 residents. These figures are very similar tothose <strong>of</strong> previous years.>I< Source: u.S. Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>, Federal <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> Investigation, (1993), Crime in the United States, pg 288.193

TABLE II FULL TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES, 11194t$ I,f~t t t ~0!qlj .tIf ~ ! Iql.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE II FULL nNE LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES, 1l1li4, CONTINUEDt t t47£iIf If If 0(jt eR~# ~;:.If ~Ii;!

TABLE II FULL TIME LAW ENr-oRCEMENT EMPLOYEES, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDI I~ tt'~ 1fi0III Ir!#!

--------~---------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE II FULL TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES, llX14, CONTINUEDIft I If~1iI~,f?t t t ~~If ~1

TABLE II FULL TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES, <strong>1994</strong>, CONTINUEDt t t47~.s- If !~;j J;. °9:rq;jI" tI

TABLE II FULL TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES,l!1!14, CONTINUEDIIt I$~~~~~ &0t t ttf1~~ 1iI~ ~~'''I$ &O~ III&~ ~&O~ ~~ iii~III$.$ j;$.$ ,,$$ q,~ ;yp::J 111/~~ ...,;f~~ j'~i ~~i S'H! 1119~ ,,'" ~"t~ ,,~ ,,""...,"'~"'i>""~Ci 44 "t~",,,,~,,,,S& S&S'~"'q,0~'$f,,~.$'"""'(to "0 (j 44cJ'0iii~ ..ONEIDA COUNTYONEIDA COSO 21678 26 0 26 1.2 7 13 20 46 2.1MINOCQUAPD 3707 9 1 10 2.7 0 6 6 16 4.3RHINELANDER PD 7666 19 0 19 2.5 3 6 9 28 3.7ONEIDA CO TOTAL 33051 54 55 10 25 35 90OUTAGAMIE COUNTYOUTAGAMIE CO SO 42728 62 7 69 1.6 50 64 114 183 4.3APPLETONPD 68187 84 10 94 1.4 0 24 24 118 1.7COMBINED LOCKS PD 2231 4 0 4 1.8 0 0 0 4 1.8GRAND CHUTE PD 16029 15 1 16 1.0 0 3 3 19 1.2KAUKAUNA PD 12388 20 0 20 1.6 0 1 1 21 1.7KIMBERLYPD 5619 8 1 9 1.6 0 1 1 10 1.8LITTLE CHUTE PD 9820 13 1 14 1.4 0 2 2 16 1.6OUTAGAMIE CO TOTAL 157002 206 20 226 50 95 145 371OZAUKEE COUNTYOZAUKEE CO SO 18853 62 4 66 3.5 4 16 20 86 4.6CEDARBURG PD 10364 18 0 18 1.7 3 5 8 26 2.5GRAFfONPD 9525 18 0 18 1.9 0 6 6 24 2.5MEQUONPD 20444 36 1 37 1.8 1 7 8 4S 2.2PORT WASHINGTON PD 9738 17 1 18 1.8 0 5 5 23 2.4SAUKVILLE PD 3937 7 0 7 1.8 0 1 1 8 2.0THIENSVILLE PD 3345 7 0 7 2.1 0 1 1 8 2.4OZAUKEE CO TOTAL 76206 165 6 171 8 41 49 220PEPIN COUNTYPEPIN CO SO 5174 9 0 9 1.7 0 0 0 9 1.7DURANDPD 2004 3 1 4 2.0 0 0 0 4 2.0PEPIN CO TOTAL 1178 12 13 0 0 0 13PIERCE COUNTYPIERCE CO SO 21052 28 11 39 1.9 0 1 1 40 1.9PRESCOTTPD 3446 6 0 6 1.7 0 1 1 7 2.0RIVER FALLS PD 10837 16 2 18 1.7 0 3 3 21 1.9PIERCE CO TOTAL 35335 50 13 63 0 5 5 68POLK COUNTYPOLK COSO 28080 23 7 30 1.1 0 3 3 33 1.2AMERYPD 2787 5 1 6 2.2 0 1 1 7 2.5CLEAR LAKE PD 954 1 0 1 1.0 0 0 0 1 1.0OSCEOLAPD 2224 3 0 3 1.3 0 0 0 3 1.3STCROIXFALLSPD 1691 2 1 3 1.8 0 0 0 3 1.8POLK CO TOTAL 35736 34 9 43 0 4 4 47PORTAGE COUNTYPORTAGE CO SO 31260 39 1 40 1.3 11 21 32 72 2.3PLOVERPD 9457 11 0 11 1.2 0 1 1 12 1.3STEVENS POINT PD 23580 39 3 42 1.8 0 1l 11 53 2.2PORTAGE CO TOTAL 64297 89 4 93 11 33 44 137PRICE COUNTYPRICE CO SO 11174 18 1 19 1.7 1 2 3 22 2.0PARKFALLSPD 3121 7 0 7 2.2 0 1 1 8 2.6PI-IILLIPSPD 1657 5 0 5 3.0 0 0 0 5 3.0PRICE CO TOTAL 15952 30 31 3 4 35RACINE COUNTYRACINE CO SO 33342 161 17 178 5.3 15 52 67 245 7.3BURLINGTON PD 9236 22 0 22 2.4 1 5 6 28 3.0BURLINGTON TOWN PD 6046 7 0 7 1.2 0 0 0 7 1.2CALEDONIA PD 21749 21 4 25 1.1 0 6 6 31 1.4MT. PLEASANT PD 21203 22 1 23 1.1 0 8 8 31 1.5RACINEPD 85190 193 10 203 2.4 8 26 34 237 2.8STURTEVANT PD 4600 8 1 9 2.0 0 2 2 11 2.4RACINE CO TOTAL 181366 434 33 467 24 99 123 590199~




-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADULT: A person 18 years <strong>of</strong> age or older.Appendix IGlossaryARREST: Taking into physical or other legal custody for commission <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fense in the localreporting jurisdiction. An arrest has occurred when a law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficer detains a personwith the intention <strong>of</strong> seeking charges against them for a specific <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>and</strong> a record is made <strong>of</strong> thedetention (see p. 60, Unifonn Crime Reporting H<strong>and</strong>book). Arrests for all criminal <strong>of</strong>fenses arescored. Arrests for ordinance violations are included. Arrests for traffic <strong>of</strong>fenses, with theexception <strong>of</strong> driving under the influence <strong>of</strong> intoxicants, are not scored. Included are those personsreleased without having been fonnally charged. (See Juvenile Arrest.)ARREST RA 1E: The number <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong> for a particular <strong>of</strong>fense, or group <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses, per100,000 population. The fonnula is:Number <strong>of</strong> Arrests X 100,000PopulationArrest rates per population unit are employed to remove the effects <strong>of</strong> differing sizes <strong>of</strong> lawenforcement service areas, pennitting the examination <strong>of</strong> arrest on an equalized population basis."Per 100,000 population" is generally utilized to preclude rates for infrequently occurring <strong>arrests</strong>from being expressed as very small numbers.CLEARANCE: An <strong>of</strong>fense is cleared, or solved for <strong>crime</strong> reporting purposes, when at least oneperson is arrested, charged with commission <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>and</strong> turned over to the court forprosecution. Provision is also made for clearance in certain "exceptional" situations (see p. 42,Unifonn Crime Reporting H<strong>and</strong>book.)CLEARANCE RATE (TOTAL): The number <strong>of</strong> clearances divided by the total number <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>fenses, expressed as a percent. The fonnula is:Number <strong>of</strong> Clearances X 100%Number <strong>of</strong> OffensesOffenses are reported as they become known to law enforcement agencies. Clearances are scoredas they are made. Therefore, it is possible for the clearance rate to exceed 100 percent for a timeperiod. Both cle~ances by arrest <strong>and</strong> exceptional clearances are included.CRIME FACTORS: Historically, the causes <strong>and</strong> origins <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong> have been the subjects <strong>of</strong>investigation by many disciplines. No definitive conclusions have yet been reached; many factorsaffect the volume <strong>and</strong> type <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong> that occurs from place to place. Caution should, therefore, beexercised in comparing statistical data <strong>of</strong> individual communities or counties solely on the basis <strong>of</strong>their populations.More appropriate use can be made <strong>of</strong> the statistics by relating the experience <strong>of</strong> a particular area togroup averages, or by employing a ranking procedure, <strong>and</strong> encompassing both <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> othersocioeconomic infonnation.CRIME INDEX: The total <strong>of</strong> eight serious <strong>of</strong>fenses used as an indicator <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong>. Crime Index<strong>of</strong>fenses are murder <strong>and</strong> nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault,burglary, theft, motOr vehicle theft <strong>and</strong> arson. The first four <strong>of</strong> these are referred to as violent<strong>crime</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> the latter four as property <strong>crime</strong>s. Definitions <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> these <strong>of</strong>fenses are given in thesection "Statewide Index Offenses <strong>and</strong> Arrests".203

nJVENILE: A person 17 years <strong>of</strong> age or younger.nJVENILE ARREST: For purposes <strong>of</strong>Unifonn Crime Reporting, a juvenile should be countedas "arrested" when the circumstances are such that if he or she were an adult, an arrest would betallied (see Unifonn Crime Reporting Manual, p. 60). When a law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficer places ajuvenile in custody for a specific <strong>of</strong>fense, including status <strong>of</strong>fenses, an "arrest" is scored. Lawenforcement contacts with juveniles where no <strong>of</strong>fense has been committed are not scored as<strong>arrests</strong>. Juveniles taken into custody for their own protection, such as in neglect cases, are notscored as being arrested if they have not committed an <strong>of</strong>fense. (See Arrest)Under Wisconsin Law s. 48.19 (3), juveniles "taken into custody" to investigate an allegedviolation are not considered "arrested". However, the UCR Program uses the tenn "arrest" forboth adults <strong>and</strong> juveniles to describe apprehension. This report, based upon UCR data, also usesthe tenn "arrest" in this latter sense.nJVENILE CRIME: The only measure <strong>of</strong> juvenile <strong>crime</strong> available through Unifonn CrimeReporting is the number <strong>of</strong> juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> (number, rate, <strong>and</strong> percentage <strong>of</strong> total <strong>arrests</strong>).OFFENSE RATE: The number <strong>of</strong> known <strong>of</strong>fenses per 100,000 population. The fonnula is:Number <strong>of</strong> Offenses. X 100,000PopulationOffense rates per population unit are employed to remove the effect <strong>of</strong> differing sizes <strong>of</strong> lawenforcement service areas, pennitting the examination <strong>of</strong> reported <strong>crime</strong> on an equalized populationbasis. "Per 100,000 population" is generally utilized to preclude the rates for infrequentlyoccurring <strong>of</strong>fenses from being expressed as very small numbers.More specific <strong>crime</strong> or victimization rate measures may also be utilized, such as residentialburglaries per 100,000 residences, motor vehicle thefts per 100,000 registered vehicles, or forciblerapes per 100,000 females in typically victimized age groups.PART I OFFENSES: The eight index <strong>crime</strong>s plus manslaughter by negligence.PART II OFFENSES: All <strong>crime</strong> categories not already designated as Part I, excluding all trafficviolations except Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated.PERCENT CHANGE: The fonnula is:value in Current Period - value in Base Period X 100%Value in Base PeriodPQPULATION: Totals as well as juvenile <strong>and</strong> adult subtotals are based on Official PopUlationEstimateS for <strong>1994</strong>, Demographic Services Center, Wisconsin Department <strong>of</strong> Administration.STATUS OFFENSES: Offenses which are only <strong>of</strong>fenses when they are committed by a juvenile.For purposes <strong>of</strong> the Wisconsin UCR Program, status <strong>of</strong>fenses consist <strong>of</strong> curfew violations,runaways, <strong>and</strong> liquor law violations.204

Appendix IIThe Use <strong>of</strong> VCR Statistic[ by Local Al:enciesA. INTRODUCTIONThe graphs <strong>and</strong> tables which follow illustrate some <strong>of</strong> the potential uses <strong>of</strong> the VCR report. Theexamples in this report are drawn from special reports done for individual agencies during the pastyear. These special reports usually summarize VCR data for two to five years <strong>and</strong> are generallyused for budgetary purposes or are included in the annual report <strong>of</strong> a law enforcement agency.The various tables in the second half <strong>of</strong> the annual report contain various <strong>crime</strong>/arrest figures for allreporting jurisdictions together with statewide figures. In addition, <strong>of</strong>fense rate figures for violent<strong>crime</strong> (page 21 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1994</strong> Annual VCR Report) <strong>and</strong> property <strong>crime</strong> (page 27) allow lawenforcement agencies to compare their <strong>crime</strong> rates with agencies <strong>of</strong> similar size throughoutWisconsin.Several points should be noted with regard to the use <strong>of</strong> VCR figures --1 - Crime <strong>and</strong> arrest figures from past years can be obtained from earlier VCR reports or bycontacting Tom Eversen at the Wisconsin V{;R Program in Madison (608) 266-7644. Thesefigures are available as far back as 1970. Howe;ver, specific <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> arrest details may not beconsistent for each year.2 - Numbers <strong>and</strong> percentage changes can vary widely over time either due to the relatively smallnumbers involved (e.g., murder or arson) or changes in state statutes (e.g., increase in the legaldrinking age).3 - Care should be taken when comparing the figures <strong>of</strong> one agency to those <strong>of</strong>another. For example, a large number <strong>of</strong> tourists (Lake Delton or Wisconsin Dells) can inflate the<strong>crime</strong> rate. Also, individual agency policies or increased enforcement <strong>of</strong> certain local ordinances(e.g, curfew laws) may affect the number <strong>of</strong> <strong>arrests</strong>.Note: The jurisdiction tables from the <strong>1994</strong> Annual VCR Report are capitalized in bold (e.g.,TABLE 1).14 QFFENSES REPORTEllTABLE 1 in the <strong>1994</strong> Annual Report (pages 102 to 117) can be used to obtain two years <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong>figures. Numbers from earlier years can be obtained from previous VCR reports.Example 1 - Crime Totals (2 years)Table A compares the number <strong>of</strong> Part I <strong>crime</strong>s reported to the Appleton Police Departmentduring 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>.205

------------------- ~-----Table A: Index Crimes RlWOrted in Appleton. 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>1994</strong>Index Offense l221 ~ Percent Chan~eVIOLENT CRIME 45 44 -2.2Murder 2 2Forcible Rape 9 4 -55.6Robbery 11 12 +9.1Aggravated Assault 23 26 +13.0PROPERTY CRIME 2,671 2,265 -15.2Burglary 372 305 -18.0Theft 2,187 1,890 -13.6Motor Vehicle Theft 87 58 -33.3Arson 25 12 -52.0TOTAL CRIME 2,716 2,309 -15.0Total reported Index <strong>crime</strong> decreased by fifteen percent in <strong>1994</strong>, largely due tomajor creases in each <strong>of</strong> the Property <strong>crime</strong>s.Example 2 - Crime Totals (5 years)Table B shows the number <strong>of</strong> Index <strong>of</strong>fenses (also known as Part I <strong>crime</strong>s) reported to theBaraboo Police Department from 1990 through <strong>1994</strong>. Again, figures for years prior to <strong>1994</strong>can be obtained either from earlier editions <strong>of</strong> the Annual Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrest Report or by contactingthe Wisconsin VCR Program.Table B: Index Offenses in Baraboo, 1990 - <strong>1994</strong>Percent ChangeOffense 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> 1990 to <strong>1994</strong>VIOLENT CRIME 12 25 15 10 14 +16.7Murder 0 0 0 0 0Forcible Rape 0 2 0 1 0Robbery 0 1 0 0 4*Aggravated Assault 12 22 15 9 10 -16.7PROPERTY CRIME 434 436 543 481 367 -15.4Burglary 49 40 60 53 39 -20.4Theft 372 362 463 406 309 -16.9Motor Vehicle Theft 31 31 17 19 15 -51.6Arson 0 3 3 3 4*TOTAL 446 461 558 491 381 -14.6* Percent increase cannot be calculated when the base year (1990) figure is zero.Total Index <strong>crime</strong> decreased by 14.6 percent during the five year period, largelydue to decreases in burglary, motor vehicle theft, <strong>and</strong> theft. While violent <strong>crime</strong>increased by 16.7 percent during the five year period, reported property <strong>crime</strong>decreased by 15.4 percent.The large percentage changes in various <strong>of</strong>fense categories underscore the need to present bothpercent figures <strong>and</strong> actual numbers. For example, the 16.9% decrease in theft over the five yearperiod may be more significant than the 16.7% increase in Violent <strong>crime</strong> during the same period.206

C. QFFENSE RATESTABLE 2 in the <strong>1994</strong> Annm>] Report (pages 118 to 125) is used in order to obtain the <strong>of</strong>fense rateper 100,000 residents for an agency. Crime rates per 100,000 are used to permit the comparison<strong>of</strong> jurisdictions with different population levels. Figures for categories <strong>of</strong> jurisdictions <strong>of</strong> similarsize can be seen on pages 21 (Violent Crime) <strong>and</strong> page 27 (Property Crime) <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1994</strong> AnnualReport.Example 1 - Offense Rates Molent Crime)Graph 1 presents <strong>of</strong>fense rates per 100' ,000 population for violent Index <strong>of</strong>fenses. Rates arepresented for the Beaver Dam Police Department <strong>and</strong> for all Wisconsin cities between 10,000<strong>and</strong> 24,999 residents for purposes <strong>of</strong> comparison.Graph 1: Violent Offense Rates3OO~------~------r-----~~----~-------'§2oo8......&150til(\)~@ 100050• BeaverDamr:l!1 Cities Between~ 10,000 <strong>and</strong> 25,00001990 1991 1992Yea:t1993 <strong>1994</strong>While the violent <strong>of</strong>fense rates in Beaver Dam were less than the average <strong>of</strong>other cities in Wisconsin <strong>of</strong> similar size in 1990, they have been greater thanthose <strong>of</strong> similar cities since 1991.Example 2 - Offense Rates (Property Crime)Graph 2 presents similar information on property <strong>crime</strong> <strong>of</strong>fense rates for the Cedarburg PoliceDepartment <strong>and</strong> include the average rates for cities <strong>of</strong> comparable size. Again, figures areshown for each <strong>of</strong> the past five years.207

Graph 2: Property Offenses Rates4500~------~------r-----~~----~-------,4000-+--!!l~ 3500-+--"0~ 3000+--§ 2500-+-­§ 2000 -+---t:;~::HI-==~1500@1000• CedarburgCities BetweenIiliI 10,000 <strong>and</strong>24,9991990 1991 1992Year1993 <strong>1994</strong>Property <strong>of</strong>fense rates in Cedarburg have been much less than the average ratesin cities <strong>of</strong> similar size in Wisconsin.D. CLEARANCESTABLE 3 (pages 126 to 133) in the <strong>1994</strong> Annual Report shows clearance rates for individualjurisdictions. It should be noted that clearance rates are usually lower in Sheriffs Offices than inPolice Departments because <strong>of</strong> the relative isolation <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the <strong>crime</strong> targets in more ruralareas.Example 1 - Clearance RatesInformation in Table C shows the clearance rates for the Stoughton Police Department forTotal Index, Violent Index, <strong>and</strong> Property Index <strong>crime</strong>s for the past five years. Statewide clearancerates for <strong>1994</strong> are included for purposes <strong>of</strong> comparison.Table C: Clearance Rates, 1990 - <strong>1994</strong>Offense Cate~o~ 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> State - <strong>1994</strong>Violent Index 92.9 100.0 95.0 100.0 70.6 56.0Property Index 30.1 27.1 31.3 31.0 28.7 26.0Total Index 33.1 29.5 34.7 33.3 30.0 28.0Stoughton clearance rates have been greater than Statewide clearance rates duringthe past five years.E. PROPERTY LOST AND RECOYEREDTABLE 4 (pages 134 to 141) in the <strong>1994</strong> Annual Report shows the total value <strong>of</strong> property stolen<strong>and</strong> recovered for each jurisdiction together with the total value <strong>of</strong> property lost in arson cases.More detailed information on the various types <strong>of</strong> property can be obtained from the State VCRProgram. The percentage <strong>of</strong> property recovered <strong>of</strong>ten depends upon the type <strong>of</strong> property stolen.For example, certain property such as motor vehicles are much more likely to be recovered than'either jewelry or currency.208

EXample 1 - PrQPCIlY Stolen <strong>and</strong> RecoveredTable D shows the value <strong>of</strong> property stolen <strong>and</strong> recovered for the Eau Claire CountySheriff's Office during <strong>1994</strong>. As noted above, this more detailed property information can beobtained from the State VCR Program.Table D: Property Stolen <strong>and</strong> RecoveredPro~rtl!: Type Ammmt StQl~n AmQUnl B~~Q~d. Per~~nt RecQyeredMotor Vehicles $ 107,650 $ 90,568 84.1Televisions, Stereos 19,553 7,060 36.1Currency, Notes 13,631 180 1.3Fireanns 8,623 515 6.0Jewelry, Precious Metals 8,305 2,040 24.6Office Equipment 6,316 400 6.3Clothing <strong>and</strong> Furs 4,080 1,845 45.2Livestock 3,600 0 0.0Consumable Goods 2,398 29 1.2Household Goods 1,405 545 38.8All Other Property 50,682 22,579 44.6Total Property $226,243 $125,761 55.6The percentage <strong>of</strong> property recovered in <strong>1994</strong> (55.6 %) is much greater than boththe 1993 Eau Claire County Sheriff's recovery rate <strong>of</strong> 38.3% <strong>and</strong> the' estimated<strong>1994</strong> Statewide recovery rate <strong>of</strong> 38 %.F, ARRESTSAdult <strong>arrests</strong> are shown in TABLE 5 (pages 144 to 151) <strong>and</strong> TABLE 7 (pages 160 to 175) <strong>of</strong>the <strong>1994</strong> Annual Report. Juvenile arrest figures are shown in TABLE 6 (pages 152 to 159) <strong>and</strong>TABLE 8 (pages 176 to 191) <strong>of</strong> the 1993 Annual Report. TABLES 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 present arresttotals for all Part I Crimes (eight Index <strong>crime</strong>s plus negligent manslaughter) in addition to thenumber <strong>of</strong> total <strong>arrests</strong> <strong>and</strong> Part IT <strong>arrests</strong>. TABLES 7 <strong>and</strong> 8 present arrest totals for each Part IT<strong>of</strong>fense together with more detailed totals on drug-related <strong>arrests</strong>.Example 1 - Adult Arrests (1 year)Graph 1 shows the number <strong>of</strong> adults arrested in <strong>1994</strong> by the Altoona Police Department forthe most common <strong>of</strong>fense categories.209

All OtherWeapon LawsTheft~ Family Offensesbt)B V<strong>and</strong>alisma~ Drug Laws.£(5 Simple AssaultLiquor LawsDis. ConductOMVWI.- "7 _71213Graph 1: Adult Arrests - <strong>1994</strong>1-1. 171176I • I • I • Ir -r' I -r I T '-IT'ITo 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Number <strong>of</strong> ArrestsTotal adult <strong>arrests</strong> increased by 15 percent from 306 in 1993 to 352 during <strong>1994</strong>.Although <strong>arrests</strong> decreased for liquor law violations (60 to 41) <strong>and</strong> OMVWI (97 to 82), there wereincreases in <strong>arrests</strong> for simple assault (27 to 37), disorderly conduct (41 to 71), <strong>and</strong> "all other"<strong>of</strong>fenses (19 to 61). The thirteen drug <strong>arrests</strong> each involved possession <strong>of</strong> marijuana.Example 2 - Juvenile Arrests (5 years)Graph 3 shows the total number <strong>of</strong> iuvenile <strong>arrests</strong> made by the Neenah Police Departmentfrom 1990 through <strong>1994</strong>.1200Graph 3: Total Juvenile Arrests1000E'l"-' 800~'CS 600.....i Z400200019901991 1992Year1993 <strong>1994</strong>The total number <strong>of</strong> juvenile <strong>arrests</strong> increased by 59 percent from 1990 to <strong>1994</strong>.There were increases in the number <strong>of</strong> juveniles arrested for v<strong>and</strong>alism (25 to 82), theft (92 to245), burglary (16 to 43), simple assault (19 to 111). disorderly conduct (38 to 74), <strong>and</strong> "all other"<strong>of</strong>fenses (37 to 164).210

G. INDIVIDUAL CRIME ANALYSISLaw enforcement agencies occasionally request other information on specific UCR <strong>of</strong>fensecategories. The following table shows the number <strong>of</strong> Violent Index <strong>crime</strong>s reported to theMadison Police Department from 1990 to <strong>1994</strong>. The figures have been converted into <strong>crime</strong>sper day <strong>and</strong> the likelihood <strong>of</strong> being a victim.CITY OF MADISONViolent <strong>and</strong> Property Crime, 1990 - <strong>1994</strong>1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong>Population 190,766 192,859 194,591 196,053 198,392VIOLENT CRIMENumber 596 770 713 631 626Rate per 100,000 312.4 399.2 366.4 321.8 315.5Number per Day 1.6 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.7Likelihood <strong>of</strong> beinga victim during the yearOne chance in - 320 250 273 311 317H. SUMMARYThese pages have presented examples <strong>of</strong> how figures from the Annual UCR Report can be used byindividual agencies. Additional possibilities for analysis include more detailed breakdowns <strong>of</strong>burglary <strong>and</strong> theft targets, weapon usage in violent <strong>crime</strong>, drug arrest details (see TABLES 7 <strong>and</strong>8), <strong>and</strong> law enforcement strength (see TABLE 9 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1994</strong> Annual Report). In addition. arrestrates (both adult <strong>and</strong> juvenile) can be obtained in the same way that <strong>of</strong>fense rates are calculated inTABLE 2. Instructions for obtaining arrest <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fense rates are presented in Appendix I(Glossary) <strong>of</strong> this report.Also, the State UCR Program can provide graphical presentation <strong>of</strong> <strong>crime</strong> <strong>and</strong> arrest figures if anindividual agency lacks the capability. In addition. various <strong>crime</strong> figures can be presented on eithera county-wide or regional basis.211

APPENDIX III: HATE CRIMEThe State <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin has collected basic information on "Hate Crime" since 1991. Collection <strong>of</strong>these incidents was m<strong>and</strong>ated by the U.S. Congress with implementation given to the P.B.I. <strong>and</strong>respective State UCR Programs. However, this is the fIrst year that summary statistics on Hate Crimehave been presented in Wi.sconsin's annual Crime <strong>and</strong> Arrest Report.Only <strong>crime</strong>s reported to law enforcement agencies are included in these Hate Crime statistics. Also, itshould be noted that about half <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin law enforcement agencies submitted Hate Crime formsduring <strong>1994</strong>.Summary <strong>1994</strong> statistics on the 39 reported Hate <strong>crime</strong>s are as follows:Type <strong>of</strong> Offense: Intimidation = 17, Simple Assault = 11, Aggravated Assault = 4V<strong>and</strong>alism = 4, Murder = 1, Burglary = 1, Theft = 1Location <strong>of</strong> Offense: Residence = 11, Street/Highway = 9, School = 8Restaurant = 3, All Other = 8Bias Motivation: Racial = 29 (Anti-white - 8, Anti-black - 12, Anti-Asian - 5,Anti-multi racial group - 4)Ethnicity = 1 (Hispanic)Religious = 3 (Jewish)Sexual = 6 (Male homosexual - 4, Female homosexual - 2)Number <strong>of</strong> Victims: One = 31, Two = 7, Three = 1The <strong>1994</strong> figures are quite similar to those <strong>of</strong> previous years in terms <strong>of</strong> the proportions <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fensetype, location, <strong>and</strong> bias motivation.Hate Crime summary statistics for previous years are as follows:1991 - Total <strong>of</strong> 41 Offense Type (Simple assault - 12, Intimidation - 12, V<strong>and</strong>alism - 10)Location (Street - 10, Residence - 9, Bar - 7)Bias Motivation (Racial - 22, Ethnic - 10, Sexual - 7)1992 - Total <strong>of</strong> 68 Offense Type (Simple Assault - 32, Intimidation - 18, Aggravated Assault - 12)Location (Street - 28, Residence - 11, School- 9)Bias Motivation (Racial- 45, Sexual- 18)1993 - Total <strong>of</strong> 20 Offense Type (Simple Assault - 4, Intimidation - 5, V<strong>and</strong>alism - 9)Location (Street - 7, Residence -5)Bias Motivation (Racial- 9, Ethnic - 4, Sexual- 4)212

APPENDIX IV: INCIDENT - BASED DATA EXAMPLESAs noted in the introduction to this report, several Wisconsin agencies have been certified forIncident-Based Reporting (IBR). The submission <strong>of</strong> IDR data permits the analysis <strong>of</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong> dataelements which cannot be studied in the older summary-based UCR Program. For example, IBR dataincludes information on victims, location <strong>and</strong> time <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses, weapon use, type <strong>of</strong> injury, <strong>and</strong> moredetailed data on property <strong>and</strong> illegal drugs.The data presented in this appendix are drawn from various Wisconsin agencies which have submittedIDR data since 1989. The figures have been combined over all submitting agencies <strong>and</strong> represent<strong>crime</strong> data from 1989 through <strong>1994</strong>.Graph 1 shows the time <strong>of</strong> day when robberies were committed. The day is divided into consecutivethree hour segments (e.g., "0 - 3" equals midnight to 2:59 a.m., "3 - 6" represents 3:00 a.m. to 5:59am, <strong>and</strong> so on).GRAPH 1: ROBBERY - TIME OF DAY80~----~------'-----~------~----~------r------r------~70~----~~----~-----+------+-------+-6O~------~------r-----~---------+------~~i50~------~------r-----~-------+------~~ 40~------~------+-----~-------+oI-

Graphs 2 <strong>and</strong> 3 show the amount <strong>of</strong> property stolen in burglaries <strong>and</strong> thefts. The most commonproperty categories are shown in each graph.GRAPH 2: BURGLARY BY TYPE OF PROPERTY LOSSe4)Q..All Other PropertyFireann"·Office EquipmentBicycles~ Computer (Hardware/S<strong>of</strong>tware)......oMoneyAutomobilesRadiosrrV s/VCRsToolsJewelry, Precious MetalsAmount StolenGRAPH 3: LARCENY BY TYPE OF PROPERTYAll Other PropertyBicyclesToolsRadiosrrVs/VCRsPurses/W aBetsClothes/FursMoneyJewelry/Precious MetalsVehicle Parts/AccessoriesAutomobilesAmount Stolen214

Graph 4 shows the location <strong>of</strong> reported larcenies.GRAPH 4: LOCATION OF LARCENYAll Other LocationsHighway/StreetService/Gas StationGrocery/SupennarketSchoolSpecialty StoreVictim's VehicleParking Lot/GarageDepartment/Discount StoreVictim's ResidenceNumber <strong>of</strong> LarceniesGraph 5 shows the time <strong>of</strong> day <strong>of</strong> the theft. Again, the day is divided into consecutive three hoursegments.GRAPH 5: THEFT - BY TIME OF DAY900~----~------'-----~------T-----~----~~----~----~800~-----+------r-----~-----+----~~700-+------r----~------r_----+_~ 600~------~----~------~------~¢::(\.)P500~----~---~-----+----~'ClI-

Graph 6 shows the type <strong>of</strong> weapon used in incidents <strong>of</strong> weapon law violations.GRAPH 6: WEAPON TYPE IN WEAPON VIOLATIONSAll OtherBlunt ObjectFireannRifleShotgunH<strong>and</strong>gunKnife/Cutting Instrumento 20 40 60 80 100 120Number <strong>of</strong> IncidentsIn terms <strong>of</strong> weapon category, knives <strong>and</strong> firearms dominated, accounting for 89.5 percent <strong>of</strong> allincidents. The 268 incidents included six cases in which multiple weapons were involved - four witha firearm/knife combinations, one with two firearms, <strong>and</strong> one with a knife/personal weaponcombination.216--_._-- ---

~---------------------APPENDIX V: ARRESTSThe next six tables present statewide figures for various arrest categories.The first two tables show <strong>1994</strong> adult <strong>and</strong> juvenile <strong>arrests</strong>. All age categories are shown,subdivided by sex <strong>and</strong> arrest category. No~e that the state totals in these listings may differ fromthe corresponding totals shown in Tables 5 through 8. This is because data in these two tablesrepresent nax>rted data, not estimated figures.The last four tables show ten year trends in <strong>arrests</strong> <strong>of</strong> adults <strong>and</strong> juveniles. Arrest figures areshown for all Part I <strong>crime</strong>s <strong>and</strong> selected Part II <strong>crime</strong>s. These tables show estimated <strong>arrests</strong> foreach year.217

<strong>1994</strong> Adult Arrests byOffense <strong>and</strong> Arrestee AgeOlTense sex 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-29 3()'34 35-39 4()'44 45·49 5()'54 55-59 6()'64 over 65 TolalsMurder M 42 43 24 17 23 19 17 37 31 15 9 7 7 2 2 0 295Murder F 3 2 4 0 0 4 2 7 2 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 31Negligent Manslaughter M 2 2 4 3 2 5 1 4 5 3 5 0 0 2 0 1 39Negligent Manslaughter F 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2Forcible Rape M 37 38 27 23 34 26 21 112 80 63 41 24 10 7 6 4 553RobbcIy M 140 107 94 89 77 65 52 253 147 96 46 25 4 3 0 2 1200Robbery F 7 7 12 5 4 9 8 20 27 15 9 4 1 1 1 0 130Aggravated Assault M 268 218 156 180 155 162 158 606 509 398 249 156 64 30 20 32 3361Aggravated Assault F 34 36 32 30 27 35 31 159 138 103 51 25 1 4 1 1 714BUIglary M 537 382 218 173 124 154 110 412 394 229 86 44 22 2 5 5 2897Burglary F 36 25 21 15 9 5 8 32 25 19 13 2 4 0 0 0 214Theft M 1818 1301 849 740 607 611 647 2347 2567 1858 1182 702 369 198 177 432 16405Theft F 637 516 422 354 386 289 328 1364 1288 887 507 352 217 158 110 334 8149Motor V chicle Theft M 332 185 110 117 66 97 61 257 222 121 50 25 13 5 1 2 1664Motor V chicle Theft F 19 19 8 7 13 8 10 39 29 14 7 0 0 0 0 0 173Other Assaults M 708 731 722 776 838 852 839 3689 3567 2514 1405 698 340 138 79 71 17967Other Assaults F 154 176 166 196 168 203 179 774 719 446 227 105 51 15 10 15 3604Arsoo M 10 20 12 9 5 1 11 20 23 26 7 4 4 1 2 1 156Arsoo F 5 2 3 1 3 3 3 6 8 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 42Forgety M 94 106 71 53 51 54 48 165 145 88 68 39 7 9 30 5 1033Forgety F 60 41 41 69 33 40 39 116 103 77 36 17 3 2 0 1 678Fraud M 223 331 272 264 269 309 230 905 756 519 320 198 89 48 28 19 4780Fraud F 161 262 260 279 254 231 226 919 814 543 245 143 61 21 23 26 4468Embezzlement M 8 1 4 4 2 7 2 12 9 7 9 4 1 3 3 0 76Embezzlement F 2 6 4 8 3 3 2 15 8 8 2 7 3 0 0 1 72Stolen Property M 119 94 55 51 36 40 28 106 67 56 30 15 7 5 0 1 710Stolen Property F 14 8 10 6 3 6 5 18 21 5 4 4 2 1 0 2 109V<strong>and</strong>alism M 677 522 365 316 293 321 296 1081 844 522 297 122 57 28 19 16 5776V<strong>and</strong>alism F 71 55 50 61 56 54 62 204 182 122 51 34 6 6 4 3 1021Weapoos M 367 302 266 238 194 211 180 ,755 644 481 256 168 96 62 31 44 4295Weapoos F 39 43 36 37 39 45 50 194 164 133 65 43 29 9 7 6 939Prostitution M 16 12 13 19 25 23 31 134 134 86 66 38 23 3 5 12 640Prostitution F 22 8 22 25 7 45 43 283 337 196 29 12 1 0 0 0 1030Sex Offenses M 196 164 125 102 88 94 91 355 370 262 191 139 60 43 34 43 2357Sex Offenses F 15 9 5 4 6 8 13 15 32 7 0 5 0 0 1 1 121Total Drug Violations M 1261 1072 806 703 638 571 593 1959 1853 1294 625 225 65 30 11 15 11721Total Drug Violations F 156 128 108 65 83 101 98 397 404 249 117 60 15 6 2 1 1990Drug Sales Subtotal M 324 275 241 213 202 183 172 521 484 365 209 82 27 10 3 8 3319Drug Sales Subtotal F 26 33 30 20 25 29 21 90 116 78 32 21 7 4 2 0 534Opium/Cocaine Sales M 119 92 99 77 84 69 81 211 163 127 73 31 11 5 1 4 1247Opium/Cocainc Sales F 7 15 14 13 11 IS 12 45 55 46 16 12 3 3 2 0 269Marijuana Sales M 123 108 91 82 76 74 57 214 238 187 108 44 12 5 1 2 1422Marijuana Sales F 16 14 11 5 8 11 9 33 52 22 14 6 3 0 0 0 204Synthetic Narcotic Sales M 4 6 2 4 3 3 1 6 15 11 4 3 0 0 0 0 62Synthetic Narcotic Sales F 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 16Other Drug Sales M 78 69 49 50 39 37 33 90 68 40 24 4 4 0 1 2 588Other Drug Sales F 3 4 3 1 6 3 0 9 7 6 0 2 0 1 0 0 45Drug Possession Subtotal M 934 798 565 490 436 388 421 1441 1369 929 416 143 38 ·20 8 7 8403Drug POll session Subtotal F 133 94 78 45 58 72 77 304 288 171 85 39 8 2 0 1 1455Opium/Cocaine Possession M 68 72 43 67 53 59 53 255 309 231 133 40 12 7 4 2 1408Opium/Cocaine Possessioo F 4 8 9 9 9 13 12 90 97 51 22 6 2 1 0 1 334Marijuana Possession M 745 657 467 376 348 305 333 1074 934 620 241 92 22 12 4 4 6234Marijuana Possessic;n F 107 69 58 31 43 50 59 183 165 100 52 28 6 0 0 0 951Synthetic Narcotica Possession M 8 10 8 9 2 4 10 23 22 7 7 1 0 0 0 0 111Synthetic Narcotica Possession F 4 2 0 0 0 1 2 5 5 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 27Other Drug Posscssioo M 113 59 47 38 33 20 25 89 104 71 35 10 4 1 0 1 650Other Drug Possession F 18 15 11 5 6 8 4 26 21 16 9 3 0 1 0 0 143Gambling Total M 20 25 17 11 17 9 6 16 22 14 10 13 16 8 2 1 207Gambling Total F 5 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 4 2 3 2 3 2 1 0 30Numbers. Lottcry M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2Numbers, Lottery F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3All Other Gambling M 20 25 17 11 17 9 6 16 21 14 10 12 16 8 2 1 205All Other Gambling F 5 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 0 0 27Family Offenses M 109 105 124 130 138 122 145 660 738 574 339 168 68 29 17 11 3477Family Offenses F 40 31 36 42 31 60 40 212 305 237 90 47 15 11 3 7 1207Driving While Intoxicated M 439 554 640 1014 1131 1175 1147 5146 5434 4393 2965 1899 1090 685 404 463 28579Driving While Intoxicated F 91 92 140 174 193 172 226 1146 1283 970 609 327 191 78 57 51 5800Liquor Laws M 4739 5125 4020 599 446 323 316 807 610 459 337 220 159 107 55 86 18408Liquor Laws F 1826 1687 1312 133 81 61 61 255 236 176 112 65 41 15 16 23 6100Drunkenness M 53 43 38 3 0 7 5 26 29 26 25 11 4 6 4 1 281Drunkenness F 18 11 7 0 1 1 1 9 11 8 5 1 2 0 0 2 77Disonlerly Conduct M 2599 2001 1705 1953 1832 1780 1530 6370 6021 4434 2400 1316 634 337 213 217 35342Disonlerly Conduct F 589 486 413 439 449 457 399 1766 1807 1114 568 278 146 77 35 32 9055Vagrancy M 58 9 4 1 0 2 0 5 5 4 7 1 2 0 0 1 99Vagrancy F 19 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 30All Other (Except Traffic) M 4593 3965 3278 3183 3012 3038 2768 11357 10769 7557 4858 2940 1698 1093 721 873 65703All Other (Except Traffic) F 770 766 589 604 549 584 534 2428 2277 1716 1025 558 274 169 117 150 13110Suspicion M 13 7 2 5 4 7 2 7 8 10 4 4 1 1 0 0 75Suspicion F 3 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12Total Arrests 24275 21886 17725 13332 12507 12511 11704 47989 46230 33164 19666 11302 5982 3460 2257 3014 286966218

---------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<strong>1994</strong> Juvenile Arrests byOffense <strong>and</strong> Arrestee AgeOlTense sex underl0 lo.t% 1l-14 15 16 17 TolalMurder M 0 1 11 17 2i 38 89Munier .F 0 0 2 2 0 0 4Negligent Maru:lallghtcr M 0 2 2 0 2 4 10Forcible Rape M 2 14 34 24 ZI 31 132RobbeJy M 12 82 190 167 198 171 820Robbery F 0 8 46 24 18 11 107Aggravated Asaault M 24 107 316 2S4 243 Zl2 1216Aggravated Assault F 6 16 84 64 68 57 295Burglary M 95 332 889 714 583 614 3WBurgIit)' F 26 31 137 75 72 SO 391Theft M 631 25S4 5256 ZlOI 2494 2348 15984Theft F 152 880 2362 1141 1094 991 6620Motos" Vehicle Theft M 7 101 663 686 625 514 2596Motos" Vehicle Theft F 1 29 206 164 132 76 608Other Assaults M 107 490 1223 736 801 842 4199Other Assaults F 11 155 579 313 295 253 1606Arson M 56 96 123 48 28 18 369Arson F 3 8 20 8 3 0 42Forgery M 2 7 30 55 110 120 324Forgery F 2 4 29 28 70 59 192Fraud M 18 14 32 36 62 108 ZlOFraud F 38 3 29 26 32 54 182Embezzlement M 3 3 0 0 4 4 14Embezzlement F 2 2 1 1 2 4 12Stolen Property M 7 83 214 152 143 163 762Stolen Property F 1 11 17 26 25 26 106V<strong>and</strong>alism M 477 1024 1829 1053 1075 964 6422V<strong>and</strong>alism F 47 129 283 151 145 124 879Weapons M 54 237 703 488 489 4116 2457Weapons F 2 28 96 45 52 40 263Prostitution M 0 0 3 2 9 4 18Prostitution F 0 0 1 2 4 6 13ScotOffmscs M 59 174 375 198 176 212 1194SexOffmscs F 4 28 85 52 ZI 21 217Total Drug Vio14tions M 4 47 373 480 729 1015 2648Total Drug Violations F 0 8 84 99 130 128 449Drug Sales Subtotal M 0 11 105 128 194 221 659Drug Sales Subtotal F 0 2 18 18 20 26 84OpiumJCocaine Sales M 0 2 42 53 69 89 25SOpiumJCocaine SulCI! F 0 1 3 4 6 9 23Marijuana Sales M 0 5 41 4S 70 70 231Marijuana Sales F 0 0 8 10 10 12 40Synthetic Narcotic Salcs M 0 1 2 2 11 5 21Synthetic Narcotic Sales F 0 0 2 1 1 2 6Other Drug Sales M 0 3 20 28 44 57 152Other Dlug Sales F 0 1 5 3 3 3 15Drug l'oslleMion Subtotal M 4 36 268 353 535 796 1992Drug Pc«scssion Subtotal F 0 6 66 80 110 100 362OpiumJCocaine PO!SeSSion M 0 3 28 30 57 60 178OpiumJCocaine Possession F 0 1 1 1 8 5 16Marijuana Possession M 2 31 206 286 432 646 1603Marijuana POS!ICS3ion F 0 3 S6 68 89 80 296Synthetic Narcotics Possession M 0 0 11 2 5 10 28Synthetic Narcotics Possession F 0 0 3 3 0 2 8Other Drug Possession M 2 2 23 35 41 80 183Other Drug Possession F 0 2 6 8 13 13 42Gambling Total M 0 3 20 22 25 14 84Gambling Total F 0 0 2 Ii 6 S 19Bookmaking M. 0 0 0 0 1 1 2Numbm, LoUCty M 0 0 2 0 0 0 2All Other Gambling M 0 3 18 22 24 13 80All Other Gambling F 0 0 2 6 6 5 19Family Offc\1SC3 M 13 20 65 54 63 63 Zl8Family Offcn3CS F 7 17 1I6 50 34 33 2ZlDriving While Intoxlcat.e.i M 11 1 10 17 77 22S 341Driving While Intoxicated F 2 0 4 8 38 52 104Liquor Laws M 15 48 599 1020 1956 3184 6822Liquor Laws F 16 52 565 746 1060 1446 3885Drunkenncss M 0 1 5 13 28 41 88Drunkenness F 0 0 4 11 19 22 56Disorderly Conduct M 261 1500 4810 3073 3391 3Z19 16314Disorderly Conduct F 52 400 1815 1064 1062 823 5216Vagrsncy M 0 0 4 12 4 2 22All Other (Except Traffic) M Zl6 928 3649 3732 4751 5051 18387All Other (Except Traffic) F 116 Zl8 1713 1490 1639 1293 6529Suspicion M 3 14 24 33 22 24 120Suspicion F 0 6 7 2 4 3 22Curfew Violations M 13 215 1571 1732 2008 1372 6911Curfew Violations F 14 113 938 834 817 5Z1 3243Rumways M 75 341 1611 1362 1455 899 5743RUMways F 21 312 2165 1553 1335 812 6198TotalArrcsts Zl48 10957 35994 26866 29783 28998 135346219

ADULT ARRESTS FOR INDEX CRIMES, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeTotal IndexOffenses 27,783 28,919 30,384 33,341 32,655 35,334 34,524 37,125 35,592 36,616 36,112 + 30.0ViolentOffenses 3,952 3,953 4,767 5,487 5,163 6,137 5,903 5,837 5,892 5,669 6,305 + 59.5PropertyOffenses 23,831 24,966 25,617 27,854 27,492 29,197 28,621 31,288 29,700 30,947 29,807 + 25.1Murder 118 154 164 241 161 285 304 375 355 403 326 + 176.3ForcibleRape 330 369 466 601 472 523 502 557 573 554 555 + 68.2NN=Robbery1,052 887 835 910 929 957 1,306 1,398 1,551 1,424 1,330 + 26.4AggravatedAssault 2,452 2,543 3,302 3,735 3,601 4,372 3,791 3,507 3,413 3,288 4,094 + 67.0Burglary 3,236 3,344 3,288 3,208 3,038 3,380 3,263 3,551 3,339 3,295 3,140 - 3.0Theft 19,452 20,590 20,994 23,213 22,870 23,729 23,360 25,815 24,620 25,769 24,627 + 26.6Motor VehicleTheft 994 889 1,158 1,283 1,398 1,883 1,826 1,773 1,568 1,701 1,841 + 85.2Arson 149 143 177 150 186 205 172 149 173 182 199 + 33.61 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.

-------------------------------------------------------------r--------__.----------------------------------------------------ADULT ARRESTS - PART 2 CRIlViES, STATE OF \VISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeSimpleAssault 5,093 5,524 9,270 12,330 13,218 21,581 21,986 21,769 21,622 22,714 21,651 + 325.1weaponLaws 3,819 3,685 3,899 4,210 4,610 5,066 4,684 4,814 5,072 5,658 5,240 + 37.2DrugLaws 8,205 7,816 6,131 6,542 7,573. 8,708 8,533 8,566 10,283 10,884 13,724 + 67.3OMVWI 37,078 37,712 ~ 39,493 36,318 33,729 33,618 35,277 35,888 35,070 35,080 34,572 -6.8LiquocLaws 8,962 11,979 13,310 18,930 26,201 29,830 29,937 27,305 24,178 23,017 24,576 + 174.2NNFrnud 4,145 4,689 4,858 5,186 6,850 7,108 8,351 10,154 9,355 10,090 9,275 + 123.8..V<strong>and</strong>alism 4,917 5,173 5,021 5,875 5,886 6,171 6,803 6,663 6,452 6,890 6,823 + 38.8FamilyOffenses 1,097 1,165 1,342 1,524 1,693 2,390 3,305 4,020 4,389 4,210 4,686 + 327.2DisorderlyConduct 26,010 24,924 ;26,005 29,754 30,443 38,438 39,392 43,255 43,706 46,050 44,579 + 71.4Total Part 2Arrests 158,403 161,945 171,218 188,447 203,315 226,321 233,463 240,433 239,150 246,447 251,654 + 58.9TotalArrests 186,186 190,864 201,603 221,788 235,970 261,655 . 267,987 277,558 274,742 283,063 287,807 + 54.61 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.

~~--~~--~~--~~~~~~--~~~~~-JUVENILE ARRESTS FOR INDEX CRIMES, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeTotal IndexOffenses 26,447 27,086 26,407 25,412 25,065 27,422 28,680 30,400 31,716 31,622 32,641 + 23.4ViolentOffenses 1,432 1,493 1,419 1,305 1,151 1,431 1,689 2,003 2,228 2,307 2,674 + 86.7PropertyOffenses 25,015 25,593 24,988 24,107 23,914 25,991 26,991 28,397 29,488 29,315 29,967 + 19.8..Murder 21 20 21 30 14 45 68 66 94 118 93 + 342.8wNwForcibleRape 93 135 106 127 121 137 133 167 126 132 133 + 43.0Robbery 715 667 538 401 407 434 622 883 889 876 927 + 29.6Aggravated1tbAssault 603 671 754 747 609 816 866 887 1,119 1,181 1,521 + 152.2Bmglary 3,976 4,251 3,775 3,683 3,435 3,362 3,304 3,584 3,769 3,661 3,662 -7.9Theft 19,109 19,413 19,104 18,235 17,996 19,256 20,303 21,162 22,014 22,024 22,687 + 18.7Motor VehicleTheft 1,659 1,650 1,827 1,947 2,182 3,078 3,076 3,338 3,354 3,262 3,206 + 93.2Arson 271 279 282 242 301 295 308 313 351 368 412 + 52.01 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.

.......................................... --.... --.... --------------~--------... ----~------~,----------------------------------------,----------------------------JUVENILE ARRESTS - PART 2 CRIMES, STATE OF WISCONSIN 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> 1 1984-<strong>1994</strong>Offense 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 <strong>1994</strong> % ChangeSimpleAssault 2,341 2,592 2,829 2,428 2,915 3,653 4,360 4,646 4,885 5,366 5,816 + 148.4\\eaponLaws 1,632 1,678 1,544 1,399 1,315 1,515 1,549 1,993 2,421 2,623 2,727 + 67.1DrugLaws 1,994 1,840 1,288 1,203 1,277 1,397 911 952 1,172 1,830 3,102 + 55.6NNV<strong>and</strong>alism 5,037 4,727 4,935 4,882 5,065 5,258 5,489 5,649 6,620 6,767 7,328 + 45.5DisorderlyConduct 7,983 8,745 9,907 10,034 10,382 12,009 12,808 13,902 15,657 17,907 21,601 + 170.6UqlO'~ Laws 11,403 12,202 14,076 13,654 12,786 12,367 12,723 11,843 9,904 9,998 10,768 - 5.9CurfewLaws 5,789 5,861 6,366 5,180 5,688 5,383 6,124 6,566 6,448 7,132 10,180 + 75.8Runaways 9,124 9,542 8,895 9,250 9,028 9,797 10,411 10,062 11,325 12,792 11,969 + 31.2ThlalStatus 26,315 27,005 29,337 28,083 21,502 27,547 29,258 28,469 27,677 29,922 32,917 + 25.1Total Part2 Arrests 00,903 62.956 65,529 62,686 63,891 66,089 70,941 74,381 80,709 90,231 103,116 + 69.3Total Arrests 87,349 89,687 91,940 88,103 88,959 93,516 99,627 104,791 112,432 121,857 135,767 + 55.41 Figures for 1984 - <strong>1994</strong> are estimates; see text for further details.


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