Himachal Pradesh - Helpage India Programme

Himachal Pradesh - Helpage India Programme

Himachal Pradesh - Helpage India Programme


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2012NEWSLETTERFOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBERIn the month of September, 2012 HelpAge <strong>India</strong> <strong>Himachal</strong> Elder’s Helpline, PhysiotherapyCenters, SaGP, School Action for Value Education (SAVE activities), MEU- DST Solan,Short Stay Home, and Leh centre have done lots of activities. In this issue of newsletter, allthese activities are summarized in a way to give brief information about the works ofHelpAge <strong>India</strong>.Praveen Singh, Helpline CounselorHelpAge <strong>India</strong>, <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>19/30/2012

In the month of September 2012 HelpAge <strong>India</strong> Shimla Elder’s Helpline, Physiotherapy Centers, SaGP,School Action for Value Education (SAVE activities), MEU- DST Solan, Short Stay Home, and Lehcentre have done following activities:-ELDER’S HELPLINESHIMLA1800-180-1253 (Toll Free) Enabling elders to fight for their rights. Rehabilitation at Old Age Homes. For serious cases of harassment and minorcrimes, police intervention and legal proceedingsarranged. Advocacy and awareness building to help eldersfight against crime and violence. Counseling:-Trauma, Individual and Family. Active & Reflective Listening: Sharing concerns oflonely older persons with difficulties.A helpline is an emergency phone servicewhich links services and resources to olderpersons in need of care and protection. It hasproved to be a very effective tool in empowermentof the poor & needy. The HelpAge <strong>India</strong> helplineaims to respond to calls from older persons indistress, offering immediate assistance and linkingthem to resources for solution of their problems onlong term basis.Objectives:-To provide social, economical, legal and financialcounseling to senior citizens as and whenrequired.The services & activities of Shimla EldersHelpline:- HelpAge <strong>India</strong> Special Ambulance services toelders through Shimla Sanatorium Hospital. Special discounts on treatment for Senior Citizensat various Private/charitable clinics and hospitalsin Shimla. Special rebates on medicines for Senior Citizens atvarious chemists stores. Providing Ambulance services to senior citizens atsubsidised rates in collaboration with local NGO’sand hospital. Rendering all possible timely support tothe elders who are harassed and are in distress. All efforts for reconciliation and reunion.In the month of September, 2012 Shimla Elder’sHelpline has received total 31 calls with differentproblems and enquiry about different informationthrough our Helpline. Out of these calls we receivedmost of the calls regarding information about ShelterAssistance, Legal Assistance, Health services andPhysiotherapy service by HelpAge <strong>India</strong> in <strong>Himachal</strong><strong>Pradesh</strong>.Helpline Case StudyOm Prakash Joshi aged 80years. Besically he is from Jammu andKasmir. He ran from his home forbecoming an actor in the film industrywhen he was 10 year old. ButSituation forced him to work for his2

ead and butter and then he settledShimla city of <strong>Himachal</strong> Praddesh. Hewas residing in Tutti Kandi for past65yrs. He is living alone their as hehas no one to take care for him andnot having anyone to call as family. Heworked as a pujaari inn a tample nearbusstand, constructed by his own. Inthese days, He living in a rain shalternear Boileuganj Barrier. Counsellorwent to the spot and made an enquiry.We collected information about himand write a letter to the Director ofSocial welfare Board for providing aplace for him at nearest Old Agehome.But when we approached himfor medical test for the purpose of hisshifting into the oldage home he wasnot found their and ran to anotherplace.Physio Care in<strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>pain, shoulder pain and other musculoskeletal conditions,paralysis and other neurological conditions which arecommon in geriatrics can be managed by physiotherapy.However, proper knowledge and awareness related diseasesor degenerative diseases may minimize the time ofoccurrence and elderly can live a meaningful and happy life.Awareness and proper knowledge may also minimize thedisability and dependency of the elderly.HelpAge <strong>India</strong> Physiotherapy ServicesAgeing is a universal phenomenon and a natural biologicalprocess of life cycle. Old age is not a disease, but a little careand caution will prevent or delay many disabilities. Withproper care everyone can enjoy long, healthy ageing.The aim and objectives of the HelpAge <strong>India</strong> Physiotherapycare project is to provide preventive health care and tomaintain the fitness level in a healthy individual, Treatdiseased or disadvantaged individual (e.g. paralytic patient)and Treat conditions that cause disability (muscular skeletaldiseases back pain arthritis, etc.)Our vision is to rehabilitate senior citizen to near normalcondition and motivate them to lead an independent andmeaningful life.Physiotherapy Case Studies in themonth of September, 2012Physiotherapy Case Studies ASH Centre NewShimlaCase Study ASH Centre New ShimlaPhysiotherapy is the treatment with physical modalitieslike heat, cold, mille ampere electric current and withtherapeutic exercises for physical wellbeing. Physiotherapycare is fundamental to ageing care. The physiologicalchanges result in reduction of muscle power and tone,reduced range in motion and bone density. Symptomsinclude general weakness, faulty body postures, anddecrease in cardiopulmonary endurance and reducedexercise tolerance. Apart from these, conditions like back3Name : Mr. P.C NegiAge/Sex : 58/FDiagnosis: Post stoke hemiplegic

Short Stay HomeHeritage building built in 1932 andrenovated in 2011 by HelpAge <strong>India</strong>Mr P.C Negi, 58 years of age, a resident of Sec-4,New Shimla. came to the ASH physio centreon wheel chair and unable to do activity ofdaily living since 2 months.On observation, patient is unable to speechand not getting any movement whilecommanding him. On examination, spasticright limbs with full passive range of motion.Sensation is normal and reflexes arediminished. He is giving history ofhypertension and sugar. There is no history offall and traumatic injury related to theproblem.As per sign and symptoms our aim is to reducespasticity, increase strength of muscle and toimprove activities of daily living.Physiotherapy treatment:Muscle stimulationMuscle strengthens exercise.Passive ROMDaily activity training etc.After completion of few session, we plan astrengthening home exercises which should beregularly followed by patient. Now patient isable to stand up with sport and better thanearlier. Patient sending his blessing to HelpAge <strong>India</strong> for providing physiotherapyprogramme to his home town.4Features5 bed rooms with attached bathroom, drawing room,dining hall, Kitchen available.Parking.Assistive devices like wheel chair, combophysiotherapy unit, library and recreation facilitiesavailable.Open Lawn.Care Taker.Age friendly environment inside the campus.Cottage captured in camera!ASH Physio Centre Donation ( September, 2012) Rs 3780/-Collection Short Stay Home =2000/-

Visits by the External GuestsOn 10 th Sep. 2012 Mr. Chris Roles, Director, AgeInternational, UK and Mr. Mark Gorman, Director,Strategic Development, HelpAge International,Mrs. Madhu Mehta Madaan and Mr. Avinash Dutta(Country Head <strong>Programme</strong>s) visited Sponsor aGrandparents Program project site at Kunihar,Solan. Director Society for development andEnvironment Protection (DEEP) and about 250elderly beneficiaries were there to welcome thehonorable guest’s. The goods and other items madeby the elderly displayed in the exhibition.They met with the secretaries of 34 Elder’s SelfHelp Groups (ESHG’s) and discussed about theproject activities, functioning of groups, benefits ofproject activities and especially the problems facedby the elderlies. A special DHAAM (A traditionalreception of the guests) were offered to the guest’s.Mark Gorman, Christopher Roles and HelpAge<strong>India</strong> Personal, appreciated the progress of thegroups and the exhibition made by the groups.On 14September 2012, a team of four persons ledby Mr. Krishana Help Age Utrakhand visited thestate office Shimla for the purpose of visiting theMEU-DST Project at Solan. Three members of theteam were from ONGC Dehradun. The team hasbeen explained about the management of the MEUand its operations in the field.5

MEU -DST Pilot Project SolanIn the month of September New Project Officer Mr. Desh RajBansal joined the MEU-DST pilot project at Solan and MissGeetanjali student of Indira Gandhi National Open University,joined the project for internship purpose. During the month ofSeptember - 2012, MEU-DST Pilot Project Solan, organised variousactivities despite regularly visit to its all five locationsi.e. Salogra, Dharot, Deothi, Barog and Ochhghat. Inthe entire month 554 patients have been treated inthese 5 sites for various diseases whereas 289 patientswere newly registered out of the total. Site wise patient detail isas under:Sr. Site Male Female Total1 Salogra 48 96 1442 Dharot 36 37 733 Deothi 50 71 1214 Barog 41 63 1045 Ochhghat 65 47 1126. Total 240 314 554554 numbers of patients have been providedmedicine at the nominal charges.257 patients have been undergone the lab test forvarious diagnosis i.e. Blood Sugar, Hb. Urine testand Rh factor.As the table depicts that267 tests have beenconducted on 257 patients.Out of which 146 patientwere from the age group of19-55 years. 21 patientswere from the age group of55-59 years. 75 tests havebeen conducted on 61patients from the age groupof 60 and above. Zeropatient of the age group of0-4 attended the MEUduring the site visit. 106Male and 151 femalepatient attended the lab forvarious tests in mobile eldercare unit at five sites.AgeAge wise details of patients availed lab facilities of MEUNewPatientM F MOld PatientBloodSugarUrineTestHemoglobin(Hb)RhFactorGrand TotalTotalNoofPatientsTotalno ofTest5-18 8 21 0 0 0 29 0 29 2919-1045 84 75490 1 46 3 146 14055-36 11 15920 0 3 0 21 2360-Abo 33 16 658 0 14 3 61 75ve6Total92 132 14 191681 92 257 2676

Pictorial Presentation of the activities carried out Under Mobile Elder Care Unit during the month onregular fixed sitesDuring the month 20 visits have been made to regular fixed sites and each site have been visited 5 times andduring the MEU visit to these site Rs. 18040 have been collected in account of various charges of MEU. The sitewise collection detail is as under.Sr. SiteSection wise details of amount received from the sitesRegistration Pharmacy Laboratory Physiotherapy Total1 Salogra 450 3140 690 460 47402 Dharot 190 1870 50 200 23103 Deothi 440 2650 560 740 43904 Barog 320 2230 650 220 34205 Ochhghat 230 2340 210 400 3180Total 1630 12230 2160 2020 18040Health Camps:-To keeping in view the spread of awareness about MEU and the community participation in the programmes,three health camps were organized during the month of September at various three locations i.e. Top Ki Bair &Kalhog in distt Solan and Sarhan in distt. Sirmour. A Brief summary of camps is as under: -Sr. N. Place of the camp OPD Total Lab. Service Total Physiotherapy TotalM F M F M F1 Top Ki Bair 67 88 155 16 32 48 8 10 182 Sarhan 120 120 240 36 34 70 14 25 393 Kalhog 150 156 306 17 24 41 7 10 17Total 337 364 701 69 90 159 29 45 74The above camps had been organized with the support & co-operation of PRIs, Senior citizen forum, Old AgeHelp Line Society and schools. The camp wise report is given separate in next pages.7

Disease profile report of the patients attended MEU atregular/fixed sites and Health CampsSNName of DiseasesMonth-Sept-2012TotalMale Female %1 Hypertension 65 63 128 10.10%2 Cataract 0 0 03Chronic Obstructive AirwayDiseases 0 0 04 Osteoarthritis 242 315 557 43.96%5 Coronary Artery Diseases 0 0 06 Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 0 0 07 Diabetes Mellitus 11 17 28 2.21%8 Dyspepsia 100 146 246 19.42%9 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 0 0 010 Depression 0 0 011 Deafness 0 0 012 Dementia 0 0 013 Cerebro Vascular Diseases 0 0 014 Anxiety 0 2 2 0.16%15 Hernia 0 0 016 Parkinsons Diseases 0 0 017 Tuberculosis 0 0 018 Chlolethiasis 0 0 019 Piles 0 0 020 Peripheral Neruopathy 0 0 021 Skin 3 2 5 0.39%22 Any Other 145 156 301 23.76%Total 566 701 1267This table reveals that 1267 diagnosis has been made for various communicable and non communicablediseases. The most of the patients are suffering with Osteoarthritis 44%, Osteoarthritis 19%, hypertension 10%,more than 2% account for diabetes Mellitus and 24% patients have been treated for other diseases i.e. cold andetc. The table shows that the male & female are more or less equally suffering with the hypertension; morefemales are suffering with Osteoarthritis, diabetes Mellitus and anxiety comparatively male.External Visitors:1. Dated on 9-9-2012 a team (Mr. Christopher David & his collogue es ) and Mrs. Madhu Mehta Madaan)from Help Age International (U.K.) visited the project site. Mr. Avinash Dutta (Country Head <strong>Programme</strong>s& Emergencies) was leading the team. The team has been welcomed by the State Head (HP) Help Age8

<strong>India</strong> Dr. Rajesh Kumar and senior citizen forum Solan at Physiotherapy centre Solan. The Team heldinteraction with 40 senior citizens and appreciated the efforts of Help Age and MEU-DST Solan.Thereafter the team visited the health camp site at village Top Ki Baid, There they have beenwelcomed by the Punchayt Representatives and MEU-DST team. After having an overview andrefreshment the team thanked everyone at there and wished all the best to the entire team of the MEU-DST.2. Dated on 14-9-2012 a team of four persons led by Mr. Krishana Help Age Utrakhand visited the MEU-DST Project Solan. Three members of the team were from ONGC Dehradun. The team has beenexplained about the management of the MEU and its operations in the field.The team visited Ochhghat site and observed &experienced the activities.A Pictorial Presentation of the Health Camp is given below for a live experience,Welcome of Visitors Mr.Avinash Dutta (Country Head <strong>Programme</strong>s & Emergencies) Mr. Christopher David(Help Age International) and Mrs. Madhu Mehta Madaan by PRI Members & MEU-DST team.9

Meetings, Functions and LecturesOn the day 07 th Sep. 2012 HelpAge <strong>India</strong>, <strong>Himachal</strong> organize a Senior Citizen Association Meet on <strong>Himachal</strong><strong>Pradesh</strong> Maintenance and Welfare of Parent’s and Senior Citizen Act, 2007 at Age care service hub, lionsbuilding new shimla <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>.Total Number of participants were near about 50, came from different Senior Citizen Associations, residentwelfare association and from senior citizen forum and from pensioner association forum. On this day, HelpAge<strong>India</strong> also distributes the Bare act, copies of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parent’s and Senior Citizen Act,2007.As per programme schedule, Mr. Lal Chand Chauhan, Deputy-Director, SC, OBC & Minority Affairs, put his viewon <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> Maintenance and Welfare of Parent’s and Senior Citizen Act, 2007. He also elaborate thepoints to the audience that how his act beneficial for them and how they use it if they are not well maintainedby their children. After that Mr. Jeeva Nand, President of the Senior Citizen Pensioner’s Association, <strong>Himachal</strong><strong>Pradesh</strong> and also the president of new shimla welfare Association discussed in detailed the provisions of the Actand problems faced by the people in the implementation of this particular act. After that, Senior citizen enjoyedthe lunch at the Agecare Service Hub (ASH) Centre, in New Shimla. In the end, Praveen Singh, ASHCoordinator/Helpline Counsellor, Present the vote of thanks to all the participants for giving their valuable timeand keen attention. At last, around 3:00pm all departure to their own homes with some new ideas and hopes asdiscussed by the various key note speakers so that senior citizen can make their life productive and meaningful.On the day 26 th Sep. 2012 HelpAge <strong>India</strong>, <strong>Himachal</strong> organize a lecture on Alzheimer & Dementia at State Office,Bamloe, Shimla <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>.Total Number of participants were 20, came from different Senior CitizenAssociations. Dr. S.R. Mazta, Head, IGMC, Shimla, <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> put his view on Alzheimer and Dementia. Heemphasis more on the care giving role of the family members of the persons who are suffering from this disease,which is very common in old age. He also elaborates the audience that it is very necessary to indulged in10

different activities in the old age to make himself/herself busy. Further, Dr. Mazta revealed the facts that studiesshow peoples are less prone to this disease, who remained herself/himself busy in mental exercises.After that Dr. Sudhir Sharma, Neurologist, IGMC, Shimla <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> also places his view on the Alzheimerand Dementia. In his lecture, he discussed the causes and harmful effects of this disease on the life of humanbeing. Further, he adds that there is no particular medicine meant for the prevention of this disease. Dr. SudhirSharma Elaborates to the audience that the people suffering from this disease forget all the things due todamage of Hippocampus which stores all the information in the mind. In this disease people don’t rememberanything even he forgets how to speak and behave. In the end, Praveen Singh, ASH Coordinator/HelplineCounselor, present the vote of thanks to all the participants for giving their valuable time and keen attention.After that, senior citizen enjoyed the refreshment in the state office Shimla. At last, around 3:00pm all departureto their own homes with some new ideas and hopes as discussed by the various key note speakers so that seniorcitizen can make their life productive and meaningful and also do something for the peoples who are sufferingfrom this disease.INAUGURATION OF SPITUK-LEH FITNESS WELLNESS & AGE CARE CENTREOn 23 rd September 2012 HelpAge <strong>India</strong> Fitness Welness & Age Care Centre was inugurated by His Excellency BakulaRinpoche at Spituk. H.E. Bakula Rinpoche who is 7 years old considred as one of the most powerful Rinpoche in Budhiustcommunity after His Holliness Dalai Lama. He is the 20 th reincarnation of Bakual Rinpoche. Leh Airport is named in hisname is “Bakula Rinpoche Airport Leh” After puja ceremony in ladhikhi tradition, the programme started withblessings and chanting mantara by Rinpoche and local monks.11

On this occasion Spituk Numberdar, Sarpanch and local community from surrounding villages were present. NumberdarMr. Tsering Mutup thanked <strong>Helpage</strong> <strong>India</strong> for providing such facility in his village. He said that more than 2000 peoplewould get benefit from this centre. There is no as such age care Facility in surrounding villages. He said that localcommunity would use this facility as much as possible and especially in winter when people do have any work to do wellwould use this centre for our recreation activities and other social ceremonies. Physiotherapy centre would help us to get ridoff from chronic and common diseases like arthritis, backache, cervical, nee pain etc. There is no such facility in spituk andsurrounding villages.Numberdar and local community also ensured that they would run and manage themselves this unit after March 2013.12

SAVE Activities in the month of September, 2012SFR and SAVE - Monthly Report for Sep 2012Region : North <strong>Himachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>School FundraisingSAVE Activity InitiatedName ofExecutivesCumulativeCollectionTargetforthemonthCollection forthemonthCollection inPipelineNo.ofschoolsCoveredNo.ofstudentsCoveredPledge/Song/MessageVECFormationWebsiteRegistrationRavishBhardwaj304955 150,00058,087.00600,000.0016 450015 0 0Any remarkableAchievement :Challenges / Difficultiesfaced if any :Cumulative no ofSchools/Students16 4500 15 0 0in some of the rural areas of HP people are not aware about HelpAge <strong>India</strong> andits activities.13

State Head, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, During Assembly Talk in IPS School and Rigjun School at Leh.“State Head, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, During Assembly Talk in SOS, TVS and LPS School at Leh.14

HelpAge <strong>India</strong> <strong>Himachal</strong> Ki Kahani, News Ki Jubani,”15

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